The first spell recorded in the textbook is the Wand Lighting Spell!

As the simplest kind of luminous spell, the Wand Lighting Spell can make the wand head emit light, allowing people to see things clearly in the dark. You need to concentrate when using this spell, otherwise the wand may be ignited, causing irreversible damage

【You have learned the wand lighting spell, you are proficient in arcane magic, understand the core concept of the lighting spell, and have made upgrades】

【Your Lighting spell is upgraded to Dancing Lights spell.】

【Dancing Light Spell: You can light a little light at the tip of your wand, illuminating a range of up to 30 meters. You can control this little light to fly anywhere within a certain range.

Levin took out his wand, turned off the light, and began to cast the spell according to his understanding.

"Fluorescent light flashes!"

Instantly, the tip of the magic wand emits a pure white light, flickering

"Yes, the difficulty of casting is almost the same as the original version, and the cost is similar. The upgrade does not affect the number of magic rings."Levin took out a notebook and wrote down

"It looks much brighter than in the movies, and can completely replace incandescent lamps."

He thought, slightly adjusted the output of magic power, and the light dimmed instantly, from incandescent lamp to flashlight, and from flashlight to firefly.

Now it has the flavor of the movie.

But it's not enough.

"Next, let's test the new ability."

As his mind changed, the light actually left the staff and spun around Levin, like a flying firefly.

Under Levin's control, the flight trajectory of the firefly became more and more complicated, first a simple 0, then an 8, and finally even used the trajectory to draw Levin's signature.

"It's not difficult to control, and it can even be simply set to auto-surround."

He thought about it, dimmed the brightness of the small light ball, opened the window, and controlled the light ball to fly out of the window.

The orphanage is located in a remote area, and there are not many people outside, so no one noticed the abnormality on the second floor of the orphanage.

Even if someone accidentally saw it, since Levin dimmed the light ball very much, they would probably mistake it for a firefly.

"Then, fly, let me see how far you can fly."

Levin stood at the window, watching the light ball go away.

5 meters,

10 meters,

15 meters, and finally, after flying about 20 meters away, the light ball finally went out due to lack of energy.

"Well, if you use it for the first time, it can only fly 20 meters away from the wand, but if you practice more, you may be able to fly farther."

"In short, this [Dancing Lights], without increasing the difficulty of casting, is far superior to the original [Illumination] in terms of functionality and controllability.】"

"The first spell he invented was a huge success"

"I am indeed a genius!"

Next, Levin continued to practice and test the [Dancing Lights].

After using it dozens of times, Levin had mastered the [Dancing Lights] completely, and could even fly 30 meters as far as he could.

But at the same time, he felt that the magic power in his body was empty.

That's all for today.

He was able to invent the [Dancing Lights] on the first day, which was a great harvest.

With infinite expectations for magic, Levin fell asleep tiredly.

Early the next morning, Levin said goodbye to the reluctant dean and boarded the bus to London.

As an area adjacent to London, Surrey is not far from London.

After only an hour's ride, Levin arrived at the door of the Leaky Cauldron.

Even in the early morning, it was still so dim here that Levin, who had just learned the [Dancing Lights], wanted to practice the [Dancing Lights] dozens of times here.

In addition to magic itself, the alchemy and magic item manufacturing industries in the Harry Potter world are also not systematic.

The manufacture of magic items is essentially to fix the magic on the items by inlaying magic gems, engraving magic patterns, etc.

In the Harry Potter world, knowledge in this area is also very Scattered and messy, not all spells can be constant, and the methods and costs of constant spells are also different, which is particularly troublesome to learn.

But in the system of arcane magic, as long as it is magic, it can basically be constant.

And the cost of constant is basically only related to magic rings.

The cost of constant high-level spells is very high, and a constant 0-level dancing light spell can be done by a wizard who has received some relevant training.

As for the Harry Potter world, [Wand Lighting] cannot be constant, and the only related magic item is"Gublai Fairy Fire".

It is a kind of enchanted flame that can burn forever. Due to the high difficulty of casting, few wizards can make it.

But in terms of lighting effects...

Dancing Lights is a cold light source, and fairy fire is fire after all. Who can stand the smoke and fire?

Especially indoors.

If you can learn to make magic items and make magic lamps by constant [Dancing Lights], you will definitely make a lot of money.

In just a moment, Levin had a series of money-making plans in his mind.

But now he is just a freshman, and it is too early to make money from this.

When he came to the counter, the bar owner immediately recognized him

"Oh, you are the freshman yesterday, what is your name? Levin... Green, right?" Tom was impressed by this yellow-skinned handsome boy.

"Yes, Mr. Tom, just call me Levin." Levin nodded and said politely,"Mr. Tom, it's like this, I need to live here until the school starts, but I'm not well off financially. Can I ask how much the cheapest room here is?"

"By the way, if it's convenient... do you need a part-time waiter?"

"Um...I haven't considered the waiter issue yet...Oh no, but……"

Looking at the boy's old clothes and pitiful expression, Tom suddenly felt that he had committed a heinous crime by rejecting him, so he tried desperately to find a way to make up for it:

"Oh, I got it! There's a relatively empty utility room in my pub, you can live there - no, you don't have to pay, you just need to help me clean up after get off work or before work every day, and I can provide you with a large bacon sandwich for breakfast in the morning, what do you think?"

"Thank you so much, Mr. Tom, you are indeed a gentleman."

Levin immediately praised sweetly.

After all, for wizards, cleaning is too easy, just move the wand, this workload is not a part-time job at all, but Tom is helping him.

【[Charm Human] It's really useful.

Combined with his natural high charm, most people will have a good initial favorability when they meet him for the first time.

Then, as long as he is sweet, he can do anything he wants.

The utility room is not big. It is almost full after putting down a mattress and a table, but Levin can't ask for more at this time.

After packing his luggage, Levin changed into a second-hand wizard robe and came to the backyard with his wand.

Imitating Professor McGonagall, Levin knocked on the brick lightly, stepped into the archway, and walked into Diagon Alley.

After solving the accommodation problem, it's time to consider working.

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