How can a young wizard who has not yet entered school find a good job in Diagon Alley?

First of all, rule out Gringotts.

Of course, with the logic level of wizards in this world,

Levin's math skills in his previous life as a science and engineering man can beat more than 95% of wizards in seconds.

This level is more than enough to be an accountant or cashier in Gringotts.

However, this also requires the goblins in Gringotts to believe.

Secondly, shops like Partridge's Cauldron Shop and Quidditch Boutique are not suitable.

The goods in these shops are all large items, either crucibles or flying brooms. The work inside is physical work at first glance, and he has no way to do it with his small arms and legs.

After doing the elimination process, there are many shops to choose from: the pharmacy that sells various materials and potions, the Eeyore Owl Shop that sells owls, the Flourish and Blotts Bookstore where I bought second-hand books before, the Florin Fosco Ice Cream Shop that is most popular among young wizards, the Madam Malkin Robe Shop that customizes school uniforms, and the Diagon Alley Stationery Store that sells various stationery...

Among them, the first choice is of course Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, because you can read books for free.

Of course, the above is just Levin's unilateral choice.

The reality is that he chose the store, but the store did not choose him!

They said he was too young and not old enough to work!

Wow, are you wizards so law-abiding?

Obviously, the social level is equivalent to that of Muggles 100 years ago, so why not apply the rules of the Great Yin Empire 100 years ago in recruiting workers?

Levin's job search journey fell into a deep dilemma until he came to the Magical Creatures Store.

At this time, there was a large circle of people surrounding the door of the Magical Creatures Store, and there was a lot of noise inside. I don't know what happened.

Levin just couldn't find a job, and he was so bored that he went in.

Then he saw the female clerk in the store standing in front of a large cage, frantically trying to catch the Niffler inside.

Next to him, a man in a well-tailored suit and a top hat crossed his arms and looked at her impatiently.

The Niffler is a creature with a long nose and covered with black fur, like a combination of a platypus and a mole.

They are gentle and good at digging. They love shiny treasures the most. They will put the treasures they find in the bag on their abdomen. They can destroy everything around them in search of shiny objects.

Therefore, the Niffler is usually regarded as the best helper by treasure hunters.

The female clerk cursed in a hurry:

"Who are you, you damned little fellows? Who stole Moore's pocket watch? Stand up!"

Levin could see that there were at least six Nifflers in the large cage, running away from the shop assistant in panic.

She finally caught one and hung it upside down, swinging it back and forth.

""Don't grab me, don't grab me, I feel dizzy!"

Through the ability to talk to animals, Levin could hear the little guy complaining.

The clerk shook it for a long time, but only a pitiful silver Sickle came out of its belly bag.

"Damn it, it's not this one!"

She tried to put the Niffler into another cage, but the angry Niffler raised his mouth and bit the clerk.

The clerk let go of his hand in pain, and the Niffler fell back into the group of its companions.

The worst thing was that these Nifflers looked too similar, and the clerk couldn't tell them apart at all. All his efforts were in vain.

Seeing the helpless and furious look of the clerk,

Levin suddenly smiled.

It wasn't that he was gloating, but that he realized that here was a chance to work.

He immediately stepped forward and tugged at the hem of the female clerk's clothes.

""Sister, hello, I'm Levine Green, maybe I can solve your problem." The female clerk was anxious about how to find the customer's pocket watch, and was suddenly stopped by someone. She was about to get angry, but when she turned around, she saw that it was a cute little boy who called her.

For some reason, her anger immediately subsided, and she patiently squeezed out a smile:

"Ahem, hello, Mr. Green, I am glad to serve you, but you see, I have something to do now, can I wait a while before serving you?"

But Levin shook his head and insisted:"You misunderstood, I am not here to seek service, on the contrary, I am here to help you."

"What do you mean by help?"The female clerk looked puzzled.

"I can help you find the Niffler who stole the pocket watch."

""This," the female clerk looked at him suspiciously and said,"I'm glad you're willing to help me, but you're too small. If I let you catch the Sniff, you'll get hurt."

"You think too much, sister clerk."Levin showed a confident smile,"I can find out the identity of the thief without doing anything."

After that, he took a step forward, came to the side of the cage, and said to the one in the cage:

"Hey, little guys, who got a new baby just now?"

In the eyes of outsiders, Levin didn't say anything, but just made a"chi chi gu gu" sound, which was almost like a real Niffler.

This is the effect of the [Animal Talk] ability.

This strange scene made the clerk who tried to stop Levin stop.

At this time, several Nifflers in the cage were also stunned.

They were also very curious. Why can the huge creature in front of them speak their language? Could it be that this is also a giant Niffler?

Their little brains can't handle such complex information, but they still answer Levin's questions honestly.

Then, Levin turned around and looked at the female clerk:

"It is confirmed that the thief is this little guy, and a finger on its left front paw is broken."

After hearing what Levin said, the female clerk half-believed and half-doubtedly grabbed the Niffler, hung it upside down and swung it up.

Soon, a gold pocket watch fell out of the little guy's belly bag.

"Yes, that's it, my pocket watch! That's the best gift Marlene left me."

The wizard in the suit picked up the pocket watch excitedly, put it carefully in his arms, thanked Levin, and left the shop.

The farce ended here.

""Oh, thank you, thank you, kid!" After the onlookers dispersed, the female clerk shook Levin's hand and thanked him profusely,"You helped me a lot."

Then she asked curiously:"You can actually imitate the sniff's call, and you can tell at a glance which sniff stole the pocket watch. How did you do it? Can you talk to the sniff?"

Levin shook his head, then nodded:"Almost, I have a talent that can vaguely feel the emotions of small animals."

He did not truthfully admit the ability of [animal conversation] and discounted it.

This immediately caused the clerk to scream

"Oh my god, you actually have the same talent as Mr. Newt Scamander, that's amazing."

Newt Scamander, a famous magizoologist and the author of"Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", is a big celebrity in the magical animal circle. All enthusiasts and practitioners in the related industry have heard of him.

And Scamander himself is famous for being able to communicate with magical animals.

This is why Levin has to partially conceal his ability. It is said that half a step beyond a superman is a genius, and one step beyond a superman is a madman.

Saying that he can communicate with magical animals, there is still a precedent of Newt, and everyone will only envy him.

But saying that he can talk to magical animals is too exaggerated.

Communication can only be simple emotions, but dialogue involves complex logic and language.

Sure enough, after hearing this, the female clerk���When his eyes softened a little:

"I'm Hayden Trist, a clerk at this magical creature store. Thank you for helping me solve this problem. Little guy, if you need any magical creatures or related supplies in the future, you can come to me. I can give you a 10% discount within my authority!"

"It's okay, clerk sister," Levin waved his hand in a generous manner, then raised his head and gave the other party an innocent look,"So, do you need a part-time child laborer?""

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