

So, do I have to pay back the favor I just owed so soon?

Hayden Trist was a little confused.

She suddenly realized that she seemed to have fallen into the pit she dug, but when she saw the boy's sweet smile, the female clerk immediately changed her mind.

Thinking about it carefully, it's not bad to work with such a handsome boy. What

's more, he has the same talent as the famous Newt Scamander.

It should be convenient for such a person to take care of magical animals.

So, Levin found his first job - taking care of animals in a magical animal store.

Since it was only a part-time job, the working hours varied from 3 to 5 hours a day, as long as the tasks of the day were completed.

The daily salary was 3 Sickles.

The exchange rate conversion in the magic world was really troublesome. 1 Galleon = 17 Sickles, 1 Sickle = 29 Knuts.

I don't know which little genius invented this messy conversion. Do you like prime numbers so much?

Considering the mathematical level of wizards who burned books and buried scholars,

Levin seriously suspected that this was a huge prank, the purpose of which was to make things difficult for these stupid wizards.

All in all, for a child laborer, this salary is not bad.

It is 5 Galleons and 8 Sickles a month, and it can earn back the money for the wand in two months.

"So first, let's start by cleaning the animals."

The clerk raised his wand in front of Levin and said to a cage with a cat in it:

""Clean it up."

Instantly, all the cat hair and feces in the cage automatically flew into a bucket, and the whole cage was refreshed.

"Try it, Mr. Green," the store manager put away his wand and said,"You may only be able to clean a small area at first, but if it is used by a stronger person, you can directly clean the entire room."

Levin nodded, raised his wand and pointed it at another cage containing shovels:

"Clean it up!"

He had an extraordinary understanding, and he successfully used this spell on his first try, which shocked the clerk.

"Um... you learn really fast. You've used this spell at home before... OK, then the next spell we're going to learn is the Whirlwind Cleansing Charm. Unlike the Descaling Charm, this spell is better at dealing with liquid waste.……"


Since it was his first time doing the job, he needed Hayden's demonstration and teaching.

Levine was busy until 4 p.m. before he finished work and returned to the Leaky Cauldron.

"How was your day, kid?" Old Tom asked.

"Great, Mr. Tom, I found a job. Levin beamed.

"Ah, that's great!" Tom nodded and handed Levin a glass of butter beer."This is to celebrate your first job. I'll pay for it."

"So, what kind of job did you find?" Tom asked as Levin took a swig of butterbeer.

"I work part-time at the Fantastic Beasts Store"

"Fantastic Beasts, that's great, but what exactly do we do?"

"Feeding, combing, cleaning... everything, but the most important thing is to clean their cages. These little guys are so unhygienic that they always accidentally make themselves dirty with their own feces."

"This is not a good job."Old Tom shook his head.

He could imagine what a dirty working environment it was.

"For a young wizard like me who has not yet entered school, this is enough. Not only can I learn a lot of magical animal knowledge, but I also learned a few new spells."

As he said this, Levin waved his wand:

"Clean up."

In an instant, a table that had not been cleaned became clean.

"In this way, my work here with Mr. Tom will be much easier."

Ah, this kid is still anxious about the job I gave him.

Old Tom found that he began to like this kid a little. He was so mature and optimistic at a young age. He always responded positively to difficulties and never complained about the world. Such a child will definitely become a great man in the future!

So, in the following days, Levin's part-time career began.

The work of the Magical Animal Caravan is tedious and difficult.

There are many kinds of animals here, such as giant snails with color changes, fire crabs, black mice, owls, ravens, cats of various colors, cattails, shape-shifting rabbits, etc.

Each animal has different eating habits and living habits. Naturally, dietary arrangements and other work must be treated differently.

For ordinary people, just remembering the habits of each animal is a headache.

But one of the byproducts of the heaven-defying enlightenment is absolute memory ability.

Remembering what a few cats and dogs eat is simple. At worst, Levin can ask in person.

Just like drinking water, you know whether it is hot or cold. For him, whether the little animals are full or thirsty is just a matter of asking..

Soon, the clerk praised his work and believed that his ability was no worse than that of an average adult wizard.

But Levin was not satisfied with this.

He could complete the daily work of the Magical Creatures Shop in about 2-3 hours, and he could take on more challenges in the remaining time.

Compared with the urbanized Muggle society, the wizarding world is still in the stage of an acquaintance society due to its overall backwardness and low population base.

In an acquaintance society, a person's credit is not determined by files, but by the endorsement of people he knows.

Now, Levin has discovered the benefits of having someone to endorse him.

Since getting good reviews from Hayden Tracy, a clerk at the Magical Creatures Shop, other shops on this street have gradually relaxed restrictions on him.

So next, he found jobs at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore and Sluggiggs Pharmacy.

This not only increased his daily salary to 8 Sickles, but also allowed him to learn a lot of new knowledge that he could not learn from books.

For example, at Sluggiggs Pharmacy, Levin learned a lot of basic knowledge of potions.���

Including but not limited to how to handle basic medicinal materials, such as slicing, grinding, juicing, etc. For this purpose, Levin also learned the cutting spell.

After working for this summer, Levin believes that the possibility of being troubled by the old bat in future potion classes has been eliminated.

In addition, Levin has also seen many advanced potion materials.

For example, the horns of two-horned beasts, the feathers of the stunner, the skin of the African tree snake, etc.

Of course, for these materials, he only learned about the relevant characteristics and uses, and would not handle them personally.

With his salary, if there is any problem, he can't afford to work for another year.

In general, the work in the pharmacy is as dirty and tedious as the magical animal store.

Every time Levin walks out of the pharmacy, he always has a strange smell on his body, ranging from the smell of slug mucus to the juice of two-ear grass, and every time he has to use"clean up" several times.

Compared with the first two, the work in Flourish and Blotts is much cleaner.

In Flourish and Blotts, most of Levin's work is to sort books: for example, he would find a certain book from the warehouse and put it on the shelf, or he would look for a relatively unpopular book at the request of a customer.

The work is very simple, and Levin can even read a few books after work, but for Levin, this job actually brings him the most surprises.

Because during his work, Levin learned several new spells:

【Scribe: Copying a document into another book】

【Reading Magic: Read and understand magical writings on books and objects】

【Languages: You can understand what creatures are saying, or read text messages that you would not otherwise understand. This does not work on texts with special powers (such as Dragon Language, Abyssal Script, etc.).】

【Scholar's Touch: You can use this spell to touch and absorb the knowledge in the book, just as if you had read it once.

In short, these are all spells that are easy to learn.

【[Language Mastery] allows Levin to understand all common languages.

Those so-called masters who are proficient in many languages are considered poor in knowledge in front of [Language Mastery].

【Reading Magic] It can make Levin understand various magic words, which can be called the ecstasy of poor students

【Scholar's Touch allows Levin to store knowledge in his mind without spending time reading. This is true quantum wave speed reading.

Of course, this storage is just simple storage. If you want to fully understand and integrate it, you have to spend more time to comprehend it.

But this is enough.

With the help of the innate understanding, [Language Mastery】、【Reading Magic】、【Scholar's Touch was even fixed on him, becoming a passive skill like Charm Human, which could be used without active casting.

After that, Levin cherished his job at Flourish and Blotts even more.

He only needed to touch the book to store the contents in his mind.

This ability was the most convenient for free, so Levin circled around the bookshelf all day long, like a scanner, wishing to store all the books in the bookstore in his mind.

For this reason, he even considered quitting the other two part-time jobs.���, focusing on Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

However, because the summer vacation is still long, he has plenty of time to scan books, so he gave up.

As Levin continued to work, time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the school season was about to arrive.

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