I built an armada

Chapter 103 Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel! Become the chief engineer! Future generations will be pr

After Xu Dongguo finished speaking, the national anthem suddenly sounded all around.

As the passionate song ended, everyone present sat down.

Xu Dongguo looked at Zhou Qinglei.

"Comrade Zhou Qinglei, stand up!"

Zhou Qinglei stood up quickly and stood there with a solemn expression.

"In view of the fact that 052B made the first contribution to the sinking of the Meihe before, it was decided after discussion that 052B will be recorded as a collective first-class meritorious service for all naval officers and soldiers!"

Immediately, a navy soldier walked over with goose-stepping.

He held a tray in his hand, on which were placed three certificates and three first-class collective merit medals.

Xu Dongguo stepped down from the rostrum and handed one of the certificates and a first-class collective merit medal to Zhou Qinglei.

"Thank you, chief!"

After receiving the certificate and medal, Zhou Qinglei immediately saluted Xu Dongguo with a military salute.

Xu Dongguo returned the same salute and said with a pleased look on his face: "Comrade Zhou Qinglei, you are all doing a great job, you have earned a lot of face for my Northern Fleet!"

After the last troop training and the sinking of the Meihe, not only did the entire navy's mental outlook take on a new look, but even Xu Dongguo felt that his back was straightened a lot.

After all, the Northern Fleet was the most eye-catching at that time.

One 052B almost swept the entire field, and the two 053H3s that followed were almost all spectators.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Dongguo looked at Sun Yongguo and other researchers.

"Comrade Sun Yongguo, stand up!"

Immediately, Sun Yongguo stood up with a serious face.

Su Dingping understood clearly that this time it was about rewards based on merit. No wonder the scene was so big.

"In view of the strong combat level demonstrated by 052B, it was decided after discussion that the five researchers responsible for participating in the research work, including Comrade Sun Yongguo and Comrade Lu Guangjun, will be credited with a collective first-class merit!"

While talking, Xu Dongguo handed the second certificate of merit and the second first-class collective merit medal to Sun Yongguo.

"Thank you, chief!"

"Comrade Sun Yongguo, you are all good."

Sun Yongguo said loudly: "Please rest assured, chief, we will continue to work hard!"

Later, Lu Guangjun led the researchers of the 408 Research Institute to improve the 051C and successfully modernized the naval warships, and once again won the third certificate and the third collective first-class merit.

Seeing Xu Dongguo walking towards the podium again, Lu Guangjun looked at Sun Yongguo in surprise.

"Where's Dingping? He's done so much this time, why doesn't he get anything?"

"Just say a few words. How can the chief not think of things that you have thought of?" Sun Yongguo glared at the other party and muttered in a low voice.


Cheng Yiqiang looked at Sun Yongguo and said in his heart that he was not envious. That would be a lie.

After understanding what happened, he knew that Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun were commended because of Su Dingping's credit.

Otherwise, I don’t know when 956E will be able to fully understand it, let alone the more advanced 052B.

Although his 702 Research Institute has received many honors, who would think that there are too many honors? Moreover, on this occasion, Research Institute 335 has light, Research Institute 408 also has light, but Research Institute 702 is disgraced.

Not to mention Cheng Yiqiang, even the 10 military industry experts who came with him felt quite unhappy.

You have it, he has it, but I don’t. How embarrassing and torturous.

But soon, Cheng Yiqiang felt relieved.

This time he brought the people from the 702 Research Institute. If there is an opportunity to reward based on merit in the future, he will definitely have a place in the 702 Research Institute!

Thinking of this, he decided to give a careful warning to the ten military experts before leaving.

Returning to the podium again, Xu Dongguo's eyes fell on Su Dingping.

"Comrade Su Dingping, please stand up!"

Su Dingping stood up suddenly.

Xu Dongguo said with a smile: "Comrade Su Dingping, I heard before that you think our navy's investiture ceremony is not formal enough? Do you still suspect that it was to fool you?"

Being able to joke with Su Dingping on such an important occasion shows how much Xu Dongguo prefers Su Dingping in his heart.

If it were anyone else, they wouldn't be treated like this.

It also fully demonstrated the importance of Su Dingping in Xu Dongguo's heart. Many researchers who didn't know much about Su Dingping suddenly felt a little more respectful.

"Chief, I..."

Just as Su Dingping was about to explain, Xu Dongguo smiled and waved his hand.

"Indeed, it was too crude last time."

Changing the topic, Xu Dongguo continued: "So, I will give you a formal title ceremony this time!"

Su Dingping was confused. The last time he was awarded the title, Zhang Zhaoxin and others came forward as representatives to confer titles and issue certificates of honor in his barracks.

Su Dingping was a little uncomfortable with the situation being so big this time.

Xu Dongguo said with a solemn expression.

"Dear Comrade Su Dingping, in view of Comrade Su Dingping's major scientific research breakthroughs, which have brought unprecedented technological changes to our navy, after deliberation and decision, Comrade Su Dingping will be awarded the rank of lieutenant colonel as an exception! With the full regimental salary! It will be recorded as a first-class individual merit. once!"

While he was talking, another navy soldier came in holding a tray. There are many things placed on the tray.

The salary of a full regimental position is already the limit of a lieutenant colonel, and the only higher level is a colonel. You know, many colonels still receive full regimental status.

Su Dingping is 20 years old this year and 19 years old.

The last time I was awarded the title was on January 1st, and it had only been more than four months. I was awarded the title of Lieutenant Colonel again, and I jumped to the second level.

Looking at the 19-year-old lieutenant colonel, peacetime is almost invisible.

Xu Dongguo stepped down from the podium again, took out the certificate of honor and a personal first-class merit medal from the tray and handed them to Su Dingping.

After Su Dingping took it, Xu Dongguo took out an epaulette and a military rank order from the tray again.

The golden epaulette base is decorated with two thin black bars and two stars.

Two bars and two stars, lieutenant colonel's shoulder straps!

Su Dingping was about to take over the epaulettes when he saw Xu Dongguo personally helping Su Dingping take off the captain's epaulettes and put the lieutenant colonel's epaulettes on Su Dingping.

Immediately, he straightened the brim of Su Dingping's hat, patted Su Dingping on the shoulder and said.

"Comrade Su Dingping, well done!"

"Thank you, chief!"

After submitting the military rank order, Xu Dongguo took out a certificate of award and honorary certificate from the tray.

Su Dingping was stunned.

Why else?

Sun Yongguo and others did not expect that Su Dingping would receive so many rewards this time.

And they glanced into the tray, and there seemed to be an envelope inside.

"Comrade Su Dingping, in view of the advanced technical level of 052B, after discussion and evaluation, 052B won the National Science and Technology Progress Special Award! I hereby give you the certificate as an encouragement!"

"Thank you, chief!"

Su Dingping said after receiving the certificate and honorary certificate again.

After glancing at the last envelope on the tray, Su Dingping felt numb.

There actually is.

Xu Dongguo took out the last envelope from the tray and took out an appointment letter from it.

"With the approval of Comrade Liu Huaming, Comrade Su Dingping is appointed as the chief engineer of the Navy's key confidential projects!"

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of everyone present rose and fell.

The appearance of this appointment letter at this juncture not only established Su Dingping's status in the navy, but also made clear his attitude to the newly joined military industry experts.

Su Dingping is the only person in charge of this confidential project, which was personally approved by Navy Chief Liu.

In this way, no matter what different status backgrounds those military industry experts have or how high they think they are, they all have to be obedient.

Obviously, Xu Dongguo also considered that with the large number of people in the team, Su Dingping might not have enough experience and skills to restrain those military experts. Even if there were two deans responsible for assisting, it would not be safe enough, so he made this move.

In the field of scientific research, Xu Dongguo was of little help.

But in other areas such as military expenditure, he will do his best to help where he can.

This time he called everyone together and personally entered the game to support Su Dingping, which was the most obvious statement of his stance.

At this time, the newly joined military industry experts looked at Su Dingping from admiration to awe.

With the appointment letter handed over to Su Dingping, the commendation and title conferment meeting came to an end.

After everything was explained, Xu Dongguo couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: "Dingping, I can rest assured now."

"Chief, I will definitely live up to expectations."

"Just do your best, don't put so much pressure on yourself! I can afford to wait in the Navy."

"Yes! Chief!"

As the conference ended, Xu Dongguo left quickly.

As soon as the chief left, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became much more relaxed.

Seeing Su Dingping returning home with a full load, Sun Yongguo smiled and said: "Dingping, you have skipped two levels in more than four months. Come on, you can catch up with us earlier."

"What do you mean by catching up with us earlier?" Lu Guangjun took over and said, "I see, if Dingping hadn't been too young and had so many achievements, we would have had to say hello to the chief when we saw him!"

"Dean Lu, you are making fun of me again." Su Dingping replied with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, several people present laughed.

Many military industry experts looked at Su Dingping with envy and emotion.

They also realized that what Lu Guangjun said was not nonsense.

But now that Su Dingping was already in his thirties or forties, they really wanted to call Su Dingping their leader.

Zhou Qinglei came over with the senior officers on board 052B.

Looking at the epaulettes on Su Dingping's shoulders, they felt quite emotional.

Recalling that in early December last year, Su Dingping was just a senior student when he first came here. With his talent, he gained the respect of the 296 naval officers and soldiers on the original 956E.

Now more than five months have passed, and Su Dingping is almost catching up with Zhou Qinglei.

Zhou Qinglei had an intuition that before long, the other party would definitely be on the same level as him.

"Dingping, come on! We believe in you!"

Nodding heavily towards Zhou Qinglei, Su Dingping turned to look at the military experts and said solemnly.

"Seniors, I will work with you on a great cause, and you will all have these honors!"

Su Dingping shook the heavy honor in his hand and continued.

"In the future, your contributions will surely go down in history! Future generations will also be proud of you!"

As soon as these words came out, all the military industry experts present felt as if they were on fire, and their expressions became much more excited.

Honor, being recorded in history, and being proud of future generations, each of these words stimulated their nerves.

Just like the opportunity to open a single page of a genealogy is placed in front of countless passionate men, this is more important than any money or reputation.

When others say these things, they will definitely sneer at them and think that the other person is crazy.

But the honor in Su Dingping's hands is the best proof now, and the record played by 052B is also proof that cannot be erased.

Cheng Yiqiang immediately expressed his stance.

"Comrade Dingping, don't worry, I would like to express my opinion on behalf of the 10 selected members of the 702 Academy. We will do our best!"

The 10 researchers below responded one after another.

Lu Guangjun and Sun Yongguo also quickly expressed their opinions.

In an instant, everyone's fighting spirit was instantly ignited.

Not only that, the invisible cohesion all fell on Su Dingping at this moment.

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