I built an armada

Chapter 104 Capture the Varyag aircraft carrier! The big dog owner is here!

As the naval investiture ceremony came to an end, Cheng Yiqiang found the 10 military experts he had brought with him and gave serious instructions, asking them to do their best to cooperate with Su Dingping's work.

In this regard, 10 highly motivated military industry experts expressed their opinions that they would never fail to do their jobs.

After all, there are so many military experts here, and once they hit the water, they will be discovered. At that time, the individual's face has been lost, and the face of 702 Research Institute has also been lost. Even when rewards are given based on merit in the future, one can only watch others smile as before.

Even if you don’t steam the steamed buns, you still have to fight for your reputation.

With the solemn commitment of 10 people, Cheng Yiqiang felt relieved and found Su Dingping.

"Dean Cheng, you are here just in time. The core technical information of 052B has been prepared and can be taken away at any time."

In the temporary classroom, Su Dingping pointed to the drawings and materials that were almost piled up like a hill.

"Comrade Dingping, thank you very much."

Cheng Yi said forcefully.

"It's all for the future of the navy, and I can't say thank you."

Su Dingping waved his hand, and then Sun Yongguo directed people to start moving.

After a while, all data backups were moved to the private plane.

After sending Cheng Yiqiang away, Su Dingping brought all the military experts to the temporary classroom.

Including Su Dingping, there were 42 people in total.

Although the temporary classroom was large enough, with so many people pouring in at once, it suddenly seemed a lot crowded. After all, there is a lot of first-hand technical information about 052B in the classroom.

Su Dingping looked at the 41 military experts in front of him. They were the core military experts from the three major research institutes and the main force in tackling difficult tasks in the future.

"Everyone, since everyone is here, it means that they are well prepared."

"In some cases, it's time to be honest with you!"

With that said, Su Dingping explained the concept of integrated military factory.

After listening, the newly joined military industry experts were shocked.

For them, the concept of an integrated military factory is still a bit forward.

The previous model has been broken, and they need time to relax.

Immediately afterwards, Su Dingping said again.

"Once the integrated military factory is completed, our first task is to improve the 052B! I have almost prepared the detailed improvement design drawings of Plan C."

Most of the military industry experts were still immersed in the shock brought by the integrated military factory. Before they could recover, Su Dingping dropped another bombshell, which made everyone's heads buzz.

The improvement of 052 into 052B has surpassed 956E. Now the third generation is coming out?

Even though Sun Yongguo and a few other people had known that 052C was on the way nearly a month ago, their hearts were still beating unfavorably when they heard Su Dingping's words.

"Have all the new technologies we saw in Dingping's room last time been solved?" Lu Guangjun looked at Sun Yongguo and asked in a low voice.

"Probably..." Sun Yongguo looked a little complicated, feeling both surprised and happy.

The new technologies he saw at the beginning, whether it was the 1130 close-in defense gun or the phased array radar technology at the core of warships, made him excited.

If these technologies are completed, in his opinion, the improved 052C can really compete with Japan's King Kong-class guided missiles.

How long did it take for the Toyo Navy to reach the Kongo-class guided drive?

How long has your own navy been in use?

There is no comparison between the two in terms of time.

The past six months have been a technological explosion.

Sun Yongguo said: "This is too fast! It's only been less than a month!"

"Yes, although I was excited at the time and wanted to get it out the next day. But when Dingping told us the news, it still felt unbelievable! It was so fast!"

Lu Guangjun felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

Just as the two of them were muttering quietly, Su Dingping said again.

"I am confident to tell you here that once the 052C is successfully improved, the overall size of our navy may not be comparable to Toyo Haizi! However, in terms of warship technology, it can definitely surpass it!"

"I position 052C as a shield ship!"

"As for the 'shield ship', everyone knows that it is the core of a fleet!"

Hearing this, Sun Yongguo immediately confirmed something.

Su Dingping conquered the core technology of phased array radar!

After all, only warships equipped with phased array radars are qualified to be called shield ships.

"Passive phased array radar, Dingping has actually been done." Sun Yongguo's face was shocked.

"Passive phased array radar! Do we want to have it too!"

Lu Guangjun also murmured, his eyes bursting with unprecedented light.

Passive phased array radar, looking at all the tribes in Blue Star, very few have conquered this technology.

And a tribe that can possess a fleet with such technology deserves the title of a powerful naval nation.

The technology is indeed advanced, but the blockade by Western countries is also more severe, and Sun Yongguo and others do not even have a chance to contact it.

They could not imagine what kind of efforts Su Dingping had to put in to conquer such advanced technology under such circumstances.

Of course, they didn't know that what Su Dingping conquered was not the passive phased array radar technology, but the more advanced active phased array radar! This is advanced technology that even the West has never seen before!

The rest of the people were shocked and speechless, and their minds went blank.

The shield ship, which the navy has dreamed of for many years, is about to be born?

Just thinking about it, everyone felt that they had come to the right place. This is more motivating than sitting in a research institute, slowly groping in the dark, trial and error!

Everyone looked at Su Dingping with different eyes, excited, excited, and eager.

"Of course, since it's a shield ship, we either don't build it, or we must build it with a guidance driver stronger than the King Kong class!"

Su Dingping's words were so resounding that everyone's hearts surged.

At this time, Zhou Qinglei came over with two navy soldiers holding three large boxes.

"Commander Su, where are these boxes?"

"Captain Zhou, just put it here."

Zhou Qinglei and others put down the three large boxes and left in a hurry without opening them until the end.

In an instant, all eyes were focused on the three large boxes.

Here is the core technical drawing of 052C?

Why does it feel a little less?

Obviously, the core technical drawings of 052B are surrounded by a lot of boxes. The design drawings of 052C, which is stronger than 052B, will never be in three big boxes.

"Everyone, this is just a general technical outline! There is also a detailed breakdown of the subsequent division of labor!"

"The detailed technical details will be announced to you in another place."

Immediately afterwards, Su Dingping opened one of the boxes, took out the top document and said.

"Dean Sun, this is the detailed division of labor in the future. Let everyone take a look at it first and familiarize yourself with the content of your work."

"no problem."

As soon as Sun Yongguo took the document, Su Dingping took out a document from another box and said, "Dean Lu, these two boxes are part of the technical outline and some preliminary structural drawings."

"You will lead the team later and familiarize yourself with the general technical direction."

While Su Dingping was busy dividing the work, Xu Dongguo, who returned to the headquarters from the military base in the northern sea area, immediately contacted Liu Huaming.

As soon as the call was connected, Xu Dongguo said.

"Chief, everything is ready on my side!"

"very good!"

On the other end of the phone, Liu Huaming said.

"I have ordered people to store the purchased equipment secretly, and some of the equipment is still on the way! It should arrive in the next few days."

"Chief, where is the location?"

"The location has been confirmed, and the final security arrangements are now being made. We can send people out by tomorrow night at the latest."

Hearing this, Xu Dongguo's heart suddenly dropped a lot.

The equipment is about to be complete and the security force is ready. Next, you can be responsible for building an integrated military factory.

Since the confidentiality level of this matter is very high, according to what Su Dingping said before, even the construction task was carried out personally by the selected 4,500 naval officers and soldiers.

No construction workers not involved in this secret project will be used.

Xu Dongguo is not particularly worried about this.

After all, the 500 technical jobs he selected for Su Dingping included engineering construction.

Under the command of Su Dingping and others, some technical workers are responsible for leading the implementation, and it is not difficult to build an overall framework of an integrated military factory that meets the requirements.

Xu Dongguo is still a little worried about whether the subsequent technical work types and ordinary navy soldiers can implement the operation and forging tasks assigned by Su Dingping and others with quality and quantity.

Not long after hanging up, the phone on the desk rang again.

"Reporting to the head, Secretary Wang's phone number, would you like to transfer it?"

Wang De?

Upon hearing Wang De, Xu Dongguo immediately thought of the '1121' plan.

"It seems that the Varyag aircraft carrier has made significant progress!"

After thinking about it several times, he hurriedly said.

"Turn in!"

Soon, Wang De's slightly excited voice rang on the phone.

"Reporting to the chief, the negotiations for the '1121' plan were successful! The purchase cost totaled 30 million US dollars!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Comrade Wang De!"

A hint of joy appeared on Xu Dongguo's face.

I spent 30 million US dollars to buy a scrapped Varyag aircraft carrier and made a profit!

This price is far lower than his psychological price.

"Chief, there is one more thing. Although the negotiation was successful, they have disassembled all the core technologies above and sold them for money in advance! Even the most basic power system was deliberately destroyed."

Hearing this, Xu Dongguo's heart skipped a beat.

No wonder Actor Gucai sold it for US$30 million, but it turned out to be an empty shell of the Varyag aircraft carrier.

At present, the Navy's aircraft carrier-related technology is still blank. Even if the Varyag is an empty shell, it can bring a lot of inspiration to those military industry experts.

"It's okay, it would be nice to have it."

"Chief, when will the payment be made?"

"The sooner, the better! If you don't postpone tonight until tomorrow! If necessary, you can overdraw your budget to avoid long nights and dreams!"

Negotiations on the Varyag aircraft carrier lasted for half a year, with untold twists and turns.

If the West interferes again, it will inevitably lead to another wasted joy, so Xu Dongguo cannot wait for a moment.

"Yes! Chief, I'll get it done as soon as possible! I'll ship it out tomorrow morning at the latest!"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dongguo breathed a sigh of relief.

At present, the integrated military factory is under construction, and the Varyag aircraft carrier has been completed. It will not be long before the navy will usher in a new life.

Aircraft carrier fleet!

Xu Dongguo was filled with emotion.

This could only be imagined before, but now it is about to be realized!

At the same time, a special plane landed slowly at Beijing International Airport.

Special pick-up personnel at the airport have been waiting for a long time.

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