I built an armada

Chapter 105 Are you really not going to pay back the price? Stop talking and swipe your card!

"Mr. Bird Edin, welcome to China!"

Zhang Zhaoxin reached out his hand and shook hands tightly with the person in charge of purchasing from the Tesha tribe.

As a member of the Naval Equipment Demonstration and Research Center, he is quite familiar with the 051C. In addition, he was temporarily relieved of his duties to take on the navy's new mission of facing the public, so there is still plenty of time.

He has performed well in crisis control on several TV programs, so Xu Dongguo appointed him as the main receptionist this time.

"Hello, Colonel Zhang."

On the way here, specialized personnel had already introduced the identity of the person greeting this time to Bird Edin and others.

Regarding the Navy sending a colonel to receive him, Bird Edding immediately felt that he was being taken seriously, and his eyes towards Zhang Zhaoxin became much kinder.

"Mr. Bird Edin, please come this way."

With that said, Zhang Zhaoxin and others walked towards the special car with Bird Aiding and others.

While walking, Zhang Zhaoxin said.

"Mr. Bird Edin, I will take you to see our independently produced modern guided missile - 051C! As the first modern guided missile of our navy, its combat level is quite good."

The Army and the Tesha Tribe had had in-depth cooperation in the past. With this foundation in mind, the Navy was the first to find the Tesha Tribe.

"I am still very confident about your armaments!"

Bird Edin said with a smile.

As soon as the batch of ballistic missiles purchased with the army arrived, the area around the Tesha tribe suddenly became quiet.

They still know the price of the opponent's armaments. Not only is the price low, but it is also extremely cost-effective.

Although they are not short of money, they are quite happy to be able to do more with less money.

After getting in the car, Zhang Zhaoxin took them straight to the military dock.

There, Song Haidong and other naval officers and soldiers on the original 051C were commanding the 051C to wait there.

An hour later, everyone arrived at the military port.

After getting off the car and walking for a while, everyone saw the brand new 051C parked at the port.

This 051C is not the '052B modification', but a brand new 051C that has just been tested after being launched from the production line.

"Mr. Bird Edin, this 051C ship is 165 meters long, 17.1 meters wide, and has a full load displacement of 7,100 tons. The power system uses 2 steam turbine main engines and 4 steam boilers, with a total power of 94,000 horsepower, a maximum speed of 30 knots, and a maximum Endurance: 15,000 nautical miles..."

Zhang Zhaoxin made the introduction while taking Bird Aiding and others onto the warship.

"It is equipped with a double-barreled 100mm fully automatic naval gun, two 730-type 7-tube 30mm close-in defense weapon systems, two triple-mounted 7427 324mm torpedo launchers... and an advanced YJ-801 anti-ship missile system , and Haihongqi-801 air defense missile system."

"The combat distance to the sea can reach 55 kilometers, and the radar active detection range..."

Listening to Zhang Zhaoxin's words, Bird Aiding nodded repeatedly.

The Tesha tribe also needs modern warships.

But it’s the same as the original ballistic missiles. Although they have money, they just can’t buy them and the West won’t sell them!

Once the Tesha tribe's military strength increases dramatically, it will be very detrimental to Western operations in the central region.

You can have money, but your military strength must be limited!

You have money and a strong military, so how can I engage in oil?

It is against this background that the Tesha tribe also attaches great importance to the invitation from the navy.

Just hearing Zhang Zhaoxin's words, Bird Edin didn't feel too intuitively.

"Colonel Zhang, can you test it?"

"Mr. Bird Edin, that's exactly what we mean!"

Zhang Zhaoxin smiled and said to Song Haidong.

"Captain Song, I'm sorry to bother you!"

"no problem."

Soon, with a roar, 051C sailed out of the port and headed towards the deep sea.

Three hours later, everyone came back here again.

At this moment, the moon was already high in the sky, but no one felt sleepy at all.

Bird Edin is very satisfied with the measured level of 051C.

Zhang Zhaoxin also saw this from the other party's expression, and he still had great expectations for this cooperation.

Arriving at the conference room, Zhang Zhaoxin said.

"Mr. Bird Edin, how about 051C?"

"Quite good!" Bird Edin did not show off and said directly: "Colonel Zhang, please make a price. Set it early so that I can go back and report to the Crown Prince early."

The introduction part has passed, and now comes the important part of talking about money.

The price Zhang Zhaoxin brought this time was not high. After all, there is a saying in the military industry: Don't let us succeed in our research. Once we succeed, our cost will be frighteningly low!

As long as the forging process is mature, the cost of a combat warship of the same level can be controlled at a quarter of that in the West!

Such a warship would be sold in the West for 350 million U.S. dollars, but the price Zhang Zhaoxin received was far lower than it, only 200 million U.S. dollars, equivalent to 1.68 billion Chinese coins!

After all, you can still make a net profit of 300-400 million Chinese coins.

Make less money in the early stage to secure customers, and once the warship is sold, you can make money in subsequent maintenance, maintenance, repairs, ammunition, etc.!

After all, this is the first sale, and building a reputation is the right way to go. In the future, with the Tesha Tribe buyer show, more buyers will come to our door.

A steady flow of water, small profits but quick turnover.

Of course, Zhang Zhaoxin still understands why the seller doesn't make an offer first.

He said casually: "Mr. Bird Edin, the price of a modern frigate in the West starts at 230 million U.S. dollars! You know, modern guided missile destroyers are better than frigates in terms of combat capabilities. The starting price of a modern guided missile destroyer in the West is 3.5 Billions of dollars.”

"Speaking of which, you are also our old customers, so you can make an offer on the price."

Bird Edin asked: "Colonel Zhang, for modern guides of the same level, how do you compare with the Western combat level?"

"No difference!" Zhang Zhaoxin said seriously.

Bird Edin nodded, and then discussed with a few people behind him.

Zhang Zhaoxin waited patiently.

If the other party makes a counteroffer, he already has a plan in mind.

After a while, Bird Edin turned his head and looked at Zhang Zhaoxin and said: "Let's do this, we bid 370 million US dollars! Order 4 ships! How about it?"

How many?

$370 million?

Four ships at once?

Are you sure you don't want to pay back the price?

Zhang Zhaoxin's expression did not change, but he felt confused inside.

He had been brewing up a lot of rhetoric, but suddenly he ran out of ideas.

"Mr. Bird Edin, this price..."

"What's wrong, Colonel Zhang? Is it too low?" Bird Edin continued: "At the same price, your armaments are more cost-effective than those of the West. I know this!"

"370 million US dollars is my authority. If it is not enough, I need to discuss it with the crown prince. If you are not in a hurry..."

As he spoke, Bird Edin looked like he wanted to contact the crown prince.

Zhang Zhaoxin looked calm on the outside, but felt bitter inside.

Damn it, is this the happiness of rich people?

I just want to give you a cheaper price, just as a friend, why do you still raise the price?

I am the seller!

Zhang Zhaoxin said with a solemn expression: "Mr. Bird Edin, as the beginning of our friendly cooperation, the one-time price is 370 million US dollars!"

Seeing that Zhang Zhaoxin agreed, Bird Aidin also breathed a sigh of relief.

They have a basis for cooperation with the army, and they still have great trust in the navy's armament level.

At present, several naval powers do not sell warships to them. It is not easy for someone to deliver it to their doorstep, and it is too late for them to be happy.

It’s nothing more than producing more oil!

Those are nothing compared to increasing military strength.

One was short of money, and the other was short of military power to protect his tribe, and the two sides hit it off.

Zhang Zhaoxin continued: "Mr. Bird Aidin, considering that you are the first batch of customers, we will definitely be sincere enough!"

"We will provide two batches of ammunition on the warship for free! In addition, we will also provide free technical question answering for five years! If there is any technical problem on the warship, within five years, we will send military industry experts to solve it without charge. No fees!"

“In addition, there is one year of free maintenance! And in-person guidance from technicians!”

All these added up are worth tens of millions of dollars!

Some of the conditions were agreed upon by Xu Dongguo before, and some were added temporarily by Zhang Zhaoxin.

Xu Dongguo gave him some authority before he came, so he could make his own decisions when necessary. He felt that compared with the high price of $370 million, it was very necessary to throw away tens of millions of dollars.

Seeing Zhang Zhaoxin giving so many benefits at once, Bode Aidin felt more and more satisfied and felt that he had made a profit!

"By the way, Colonel Zhang, I know that arms foreign trade and personal use are two different products. Is this 051C?"

"Mr. Bird Edin, please rest assured that the test data you just recorded will be the actual measured data of the 051C that will arrive at that time! At this point, we can guarantee you with the reputation of the Navy."

Zhang Zhaoxin explained solemnly.

If you are selling 052B, personal use and foreign trade must be two products!

But with 051C, the Navy doesn't need to do this yet.

After getting the answer he thought of, Bird Edin was unambiguous and said directly.

"make a deal!"

Immediately, both parties talked about the delivery situation.

The production time of a 051C is one and a half months. As the subsequent processes gradually mature, the time will gradually be shortened.

The delivery time given by Zhang Zhaoxin is five months later, when the Navy will be responsible for transporting it.

In terms of payment, Bird Edin paid half of the deposit first and paid the remaining half after delivery.

Obviously, both parties were anxious to settle the matter, and neither had any objections.

It didn't take long for everything to be settled and the agreement between the two parties was signed.

"Mr. Bird Edin, happy to work with you!"

"Colonel Zhang, happy cooperation!"

Both parties clasped their hands and were both satisfied with the result.

Zhang Zhaoxin felt that the navy had met a noble man.

Bird Edin felt that the other party was so sincere and offered so many free services, which would be absolutely impossible in the West! Not only that, warships are not easy to equip. Where can such good people be found?

Originally, Colonel Zhang wanted to keep them here for one night, but Bird Edin refused because he needed to report to the crown prince.

After sending Bird Edin away, Colonel Zhang immediately reported the good news.

At the Northern Fleet Command, Xu Dongguo was stunned for a while after receiving the news.

"What? US$370 million for one ship? Four ships ordered at once?"

This price is a full $170 million higher than the original base price! Even if you deduct the follow-up services, you can still earn an extra 1.1 billion Huaxia coins!

Originally I just wanted to make 300-400 million to become famous, but I made nearly 1.5 billion in one go! This is just one ship!

After four boats were rowed, nearly 6 billion was earned!

"It's good now. Our navy's military expenditures can finally be relaxed, and Dingping's scientific research funding can also be increased a lot."

Xu Dongguo felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

If it weren't for Su Dingping's appearance, the Navy would still be having a headache with the 956E technical research problem.

Even if the 052B is successfully improved for the second time in the future under the leadership of Lu Guangjun and others, it will be impossible to sell it without more advanced warships.

The emergence of Su Dingping gave the Navy a new lease of life.

"It will be delivered in five months. It will take a long time. Should we build another production line?"

After thinking about it, Xu Dongguo shook his head and gave up the idea.

When the number of subsequent customers increases, it will not be too late to consider it again.

With the sale of 051C settled, a major issue on his mind was settled.

Next, there will be news about the shipment of the Varyag aircraft carrier tomorrow morning, and the construction of the integrated military factory tomorrow evening.

"I hope everything goes well for the Varyag aircraft carrier!"

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