I built an armada

Chapter 106 The navy spends four years sharpening its sword! The Varyag aircraft carrier is shipped!

On the eve of Navy Day, various operations are being carried out secretly and rapidly.

Military base in the northern seas.

Lu Guangjun is leading many military industry experts to familiarize themselves with the general technical outline in advance.

1130 naval gun system, YJ-101 anti-ship missile system, Haihongqi-101 air defense missile system, 517G air warning electronic scanning radar...

Looking through the past technologies one by one, Lu Guangjun made different allocations according to the above tips based on the areas in which each military industry expert was good at.

Military experts with 052B technical background are paired with one or two new military experts to form a team. The two teams form a small group and cooperate with each other.

"1130 close-range anti-gun system? What is this?"

A new military industry expert was surprised.

This was the first time he had seen this new technology.

"Isn't the 730 close-range anti-gun system quite powerful?"

Several other military industry experts in the small group also came over.

The newcomer looked at the old employee, only to see the old employee shaking his head in confusion.

They have never heard of this.

The only people who knew the inside story, besides Su Dingping, were Sun Yongguo, Lu Guangjun, Zhang Gongnong and Li Mingrui.

Not only the military experts in charge of the close-range defense artillery system, but also the military experts in charge of other systems also expressed their suspicions.

"The Eagle Strike anti-ship missile system has been upgraded again? I remember that the one on the 052B is the Eagle Strike-901 anti-ship missile system! The Haihongqi air defense missile system has also been upgraded!"

"The 052B still has an external inclined vertical launch system. The most advanced embedded vertical launch system has been used here! Have the relevant technical problems been overcome?"

Many military industry experts were surprised and subconsciously looked at Su Dingping and the others.

Lu Guangjun said immediately.

"Didn't Commander Su just say that the new 052C is a major innovation compared to the 052B in terms of technology! If the technology does not change, how can we compete with the King Kong-class guided drive?"

He said so, but after seeing those technical directories, he was shocked inside.

In order not to affect his image, he could only pretend to understand.

"Okay, okay, everyone, stop making such a fuss!"

Waving his hand, Lu Guangjun motioned for everyone to be quiet and study carefully.

Seeing that Lu Guangjun had said this, everyone thought that they had little knowledge and immediately stopped talking.

As expected of the dean of House 408, he knows more than us.

As soon as everyone finished chanting in their hearts, they heard Lu Guangjun suddenly say in surprise.

"Dingping, is there a mistake here?"

"Made it wrong?" Su Dingping was stunned. He had reviewed the information several times, so it shouldn't be wrong.

Immediately, he walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

"This." Lu Guangjun pointed to the active phased array radar on the technical master list and said: "Don't phased array radars only have passive phased arrays? What is this 346 active phased array radar? Why can't I even hear it? Never heard of it?"

Active phased array radar?

Hearing this word, Sun Yongguo and others also came over.

Nor have they heard of active phased array radar.

Su Dingping suddenly realized that this was what the other party was talking about.

The 052D is equipped with the 346A active phased array radar, which is an upgraded version of the active phased array radar.

However, because the analysis time was too long, Su Dingping had no choice but to develop a basic version of the active phased array radar based on some of the technical knowledge that had been analyzed and his own knowledge of radar technology, which is the 346 active phased array radar. array radar.

"It's an active phased array radar! I never said anything about a passive phased array radar."

Su Dingping said calmly.


Lu Guangjun pointed to the words '346 Active Phased Array Radar' and hesitated for a long time without saying anything.

Yes, Dingping did not say whether it is active or passive.

I have heard of Wuyuan. It is the most advanced radar technology in the West and is the core of the shield ship! What is this active source?

"Dingping, who is this 346 active phased array radar?" Sun Yongguo also asked, "Although you have never seen a passive phased array radar, you have heard of it. We have never heard of this active phased array radar. "

Zhang Gongnong and others looked directly at Su Dingping, waiting for his answer.

Su Dingping glanced at everyone and explained.

"This 346 active phased array control radar is the next generation of passive phased array control radar."

Active phased array radar is a more advanced technology that was conquered by military industry experts after the West blocked passive phased array radar technology.

This technology first appeared in 2007. The United States was the first to conquer it, and our country followed closely and achieved major technological breakthroughs. Although it is half a beat slower than it, in the subsequent upgrades and transformations, it has gradually caught up and surpassed it!

"The next generation of passive phased array radar?"

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

The gap between us and the West is so big. We haven't even seen the threshold of passive, so you just surpass it and develop the next generation of active?

"Dingping, this..."

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

They knew that there was a big gap between them and Su Dingping in terms of talent, but this was probably too big.

"What about passive phased array radar technology?" Lu Guangjun asked.



Su Dingping said immediately.

"Dean Lu, in fact, the core concept of phased array radar technology is to scan the array radar through phase control electronics, and use a large number of individually controlled small antennas to arrange the units to ultimately form an antenna array."

"And each antenna unit is controlled by its own independent switch to form different phase beams. The transmission of the phased array uses an interference principle to form a nearly straight radar main lobe..."

Lu Guangjun and others nodded. They had heard about this before, but it was one thing to hear it, and another thing to understand it.

Su Dingping continued.

“The main difference between a passive phased array radar and an active phased array radar is the number of emission sources.”

"In a passive phased array radar, each array antenna is followed by a phase shifter and is connected to a transmitter/receiver or several transmitters/receivers."

"In active phased array radar, since each antenna unit has its own transmitter, each small antenna can be used as an independent transmitting and receiving unit."

Looking at the expressions of everyone who seemed to understand, Su Dingping continued.

"Simply put, passive phased array radar only has a single or several transmitter sub-arrays and can only receive."

"In contrast, each antenna unit of an active phased array radar has its own transmitter, that is, each array element has a complete transmitting and receiving unit."

"Therefore, compared with passive phased array radar, active phased array radar is more flexible and powerful."


Sun Yongguo and others had expressions of surprise on their faces, but they still didn't understand.

"Don't worry about this for now." Su Dingping also knew that just a few words would not let them know much, "When we get to the place, we have plenty of time to take our time!"

Su Dingping said this, and Lu Guangjun and others immediately stopped being persistent.

"Yes, yes, I have an idea for now, and I will study the details later!"

This time, everyone present was more motivated than before.

If other technologies are compared with the most advanced Western technologies, there is still a gap. But this active phased array radar has surpassed the most advanced passive phased array radar in the West!

How powerful should the 052C shield ship built with these technologies be?

They couldn't imagine it at all.

They are full of expectations for this 052C.

Involuntarily, an idea came to everyone's mind.

Once the 052C is launched into service, our navy will really usher in a new era! Not to mention arm wrestling with the King Kong level guide, there is a high probability of surpassing it!

By then, the navy will have enough say in all aspects of the East Asian maritime domain.

Time flies, and it’s early the next morning.

The morning sun illuminates the entire land of China. For most ordinary people, this is a dull and ordinary day.

Even military fans don’t know if there will be any new moves this Navy Day.

But the navy itself knows that this is an opportunity for the people across the country to get to know the navy again, and to give the people across the country a reassurance that the navy is no longer the navy it used to be!

In China in 2000, there were not many entertainment projects for ordinary people, and watching TV was their important form of entertainment.

This time, Navy Day is broadcast to the people across the country through live news broadcast.

Many people caught the news while bored.

The host in the news channel was telling the audience about the official start of Navy Day at 9 o'clock, and briefly introduced the origin of Navy Day.

"Huh? Today is Navy Day? It's still broadcast live!"

"Didn't our navy keep a low profile before? Why is there so much noise this time?"

"I don't understand! Let's just watch the excitement."

"Okay, okay, I just have nothing to do, so I'll just wait and see."

Anyway, idle time is idle, and many people are still willing to join in the fun.

At the same time, Qingdao, Northern Fleet headquarters.

Xu Dongguo stood at the window, watching the sun jump above the horizon, and the golden sunlight reflected into the room, making him feel warm all over.

He didn't sleep all night.

Dong Dong——

With a knock on the door, Xiao Chongjun rushed over from the Eastern Fleet. Qian Wenbing wanted to stay in the southern sea area, so he didn't come.

Looking at the somewhat haggard Xu Dongguo, Xiao Chongjun said.

"Lao Xu, you haven't slept all night either?"

"Where can I sleep?"

Xu Dongguo sighed.

"Four years ago, although we blocked the enemy, the memory was too painful for our navy to look back on!"

"In the past few years, we have endured humiliation and humiliation. We have been waiting for this moment! The navy needs a morale boost, and the people across the country need reassurance! I can't sleep, I can't sleep at all!"

Hearing this, Xiao Chongjun sighed softly. It is difficult to describe how miserable he has been in the past few years.

Don’t be afraid of being looked down upon by outsiders. But some of our own people are gossiping, which is the most chilling thing.

"Yes, it takes four years to sharpen a sword!"

Suddenly, the guard's voice sounded outside the door.

"Report to the chief, secret message!"

"Come in!"

After receiving the telegram, Xu Dongguo took a look, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Double swallows come to the door!"


"The Varyag aircraft carrier has been shipped!"

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