I built an armada

Chapter 107 How much does 052B cost? Navy Day begins!

Has the Varyag aircraft carrier been shipped?

The moment he heard the news, Xiao Chongjun couldn't help but feel joy in his eyes.

An aircraft carrier has great strategic significance for a fleet in future operations.

They have been looking forward to the aircraft carrier for a long time, and now they are finally getting it.

"It takes more than three months for the Varyag to arrive from the actor's country," Xiao Chongjun blurted out.

If it were a normal ship, it wouldn't take that long to get from the actor's country to his home.

But there is no way. All the salable equipment on the aircraft carrier has been sold by the actor country, and even the final power system has been destroyed. It can only be slowly towed home by tugboats, which will naturally take twice as long. .

"More than three months, very quickly!"

Xu Dongguo said: "Now that 051C has been sold, half of the deposit of US$740 million has been received. As soon as the aircraft carrier arrives, the relevant work can begin!"

"Having said that, the Tesha Tribe is really generous. The price they offered is nearly double our base price! This immediately alleviates our navy's urgent need!"

Xiao Chongjun said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that their demand for warships is even more eager than I thought!"

Xu Dongguo also said: "It can be seen that the Tesha tribe is eager to arm themselves. The Tesha tribe should be a stable source of customers in the future!"

"Now we have to wait for the delivery of 051C in five months. When our warships appear in the central region, it will definitely give the West a big surprise! With the example of the Tesha Tribe, there will be no problem in selling the 051C in the future."

The two looked at each other and immediately laughed.

As long as the market opens up, the navy's military expenditure will not be so tight in the future.

However, soon, a trace of helplessness flashed across Xu Dongguo's face.

"It's too early for us to say that."

"Why?" Xiao Chongjun was puzzled.

"You forgot, there is a bigger project over there in Dingping! The sales of 051C are open, but it is limited by the subsequent output speed. Judging from the previous expenditure of our navy, the military budget is barely enough. But if Dingping There are new developments over there, and the money is really burning.”

Hearing these words, Xiao Chongjun's mouth twitched slightly.

The title of warship as a gold-eating monster on the sea is not just for boasting.

The cost of developing more advanced warships is unimaginable.

For each technology, the money required is measured in billions and the time required is measured in years.

That is to say, I met Su Dingping. Otherwise, even if the Navy's wealth is wiped out, 052B may not be produced in a short time.

Thinking about it now, Xu Dongguo still feels incredible that he has conquered so many technologies at a cost of tens of millions to less than hundreds of millions.

"Whether it is compared with the West or Japan, our military budget is still too small. It is difficult to cover future expenses by selling 051C alone."

Waving his hands, Xiao Chongjun said: "That's all, let's take it one step at a time! At that time, we didn't expect that our navy would have the opportunity to jointly sell warships with the West."

They wanted to sell those non-modern warships in the past to recoup military spending, but no one wanted them.

The poor can't afford it, the rich can't afford it, and the rich want a modern warship, so the status of non-modern warships is very embarrassing.

If we fight, we can't defeat modern warships; if we sell, we can't sell them.

Smashed in hand.

"That makes sense!"

Xu Dongguo nodded.

Maybe in the future, the 052B, which is stronger than the 956E, will also become the main sales target of the navy.

Just when he thought of this, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

How much will 052B sell for then?

$450 million? It must be more than that! 956E can be sold at this price. 052B is so much better than 956E, so it must be higher.

"Old Xiao, how much did Dongyang's King Kong-class guide ship cost?" Xu Dongguo suddenly asked.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Chongjun said: "I remember it seemed to be 122.3 billion Japanese coins."

"It's equivalent to 6.27 billion Chinese coins and 757 million U.S. dollars."

"What's wrong? Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Xu Dongguo said casually: "I'm thinking about how much we can sell 052B for in the future. I think we can sell it for 500 to 550 million US dollars..."

Xiao Chongjun smiled bitterly.

"Old Xu, you haven't even written your horoscope yet, and you're already thinking about selling 052B? Our navy isn't that proud yet!"

Xu Dongguo suddenly realized and smiled awkwardly.

"Besides." Xiao Chongjun continued: "When that time comes, the next-generation warship Dingping mentioned before will definitely come out. I'm afraid that by then we won't have enough money to build a 052B production line."

The 051C production line cost two to three billion, and the price of the 052B production line, which is much better than 051C, will probably more than double.

The conversation changed and Xu Dongguo said: "By the way, do you think our old rival will come over to join in the fun this time?"

Upon hearing about his old rival, Xiao Chongjun's face suddenly became serious.

"This time you have assembled the strongest force of our navy, and I have also sent the remaining warships out for patrol. There should be no major problems."

Nodding, Xu Dongguo added: "The nuclear submarines have been dispatched, and several high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft have been borrowed from the Air Force, plus our own..."

"That's good. We must provide sufficient deterrence when necessary! This Navy Day is a rare opportunity for our navy to make an appearance! It is a critical moment to enhance confidence and must not be destroyed!"

At the same time, Qingdao Bus Station.

Many military fans came from all over the country.

956E didn't make it last time, but this Navy Day, they wanted to come and have a look.

"Brother, are you here for Navy Day too?"

"It's necessary!" The other party pointed to his clothes and said, "I used to be a member of the navy, but I retired later! This Navy Day has caused unprecedented commotion, and I just want to come and see it! Then My old brothers are coming too!"

When people around heard that this man in navy uniform was going to the scene, they all said.

"What a coincidence, I'm going too, let's get together!"

"Count me in!"

What was originally a small group of twos and threes suddenly turned into a large army, marching toward the outside of the station in a mighty manner.

Soon, they discovered that there was a bus directly to the Navy Day site outside the station, and it was free. For a moment, everyone rushed forward.

As the vehicle was driving, someone sighed.

"I wonder if some new equipment will be unveiled this time when the Navy engages in such a big battle."

"There should be, otherwise we would be sorry for such a big battle! After all, this is the first time the Navy has used live broadcast to reach the people across the country."

"It's been more than half a year since the 956E arrived. Do you think we will have some new technological breakthroughs?"

"It's really hard to say! Our navy used to have non-modern warships. After all, the 956E is a modern warship of the Woolly Bear Tribe. It's still very difficult to overcome this hurdle! Maybe next time, maybe next time, Navy Day will happen again When it is held, there will definitely be new progress!”

Almost all the people in the car were military fans, and they still had some understanding of the current situation of the Navy.

Most of the people attracted to Navy Day this time were military fans, and few ordinary people came all the way. Many of the people who come to join in the fun are locals and know their way around.

While talking, all the military fans looked at the veterans in the car.

"Comrade, you were in the navy before. What do you think the navy will do this time?"

Hearing this, everyone in the car turned their attention to the veteran.


Several veterans looked at each other, and then said helplessly: "To be honest, we really don't know, otherwise we wouldn't have taken the seven or eight hours train from our hometown to come here."

Everyone sighed helplessly.

No news was released, so they couldn't guess even if they wanted to.

Not long after, everyone arrived at the scene.

When we got off the bus, the place was already crowded.

Military fans and veterans from all walks of life have already gathered here, each one telling his own conclusions.

Although everyone comes from all over the world, when the topic of the Navy comes up, they all feel like they are old friends who have known each other many years ago, and they have a great time chatting with each other.

Outside the crowd, Zhao Haikuo and Wang Xin also came.

Originally, the two planned to watch it in the hotel, but later Wang Xin suggested coming to Qingdao and watching it live.

So Wang Xin pulled Guo Xueyun over.

With Guo Xueyun, a local, the three of them found their destination easily.

Wang Xin held Guo Xueyun's hand, and Zhao Haikuo walked aside holding Wang Xin's bag.

"Xueyun, what time is it now?" Wang Xin asked.

Guo Xueyun looked at his watch and said, "There are still 20 minutes left."

"There's no hurry!"

As he spoke, a burst of cheers suddenly came from the crowd.

The tall Zhao Haikuo stepped on his feet and glanced into the distance, and said hurriedly: "There seems to be something going on over there. Let's go over there and take a look."

Seeing the two men nodding, Zhao Haikuo immediately opened the way in front, and the two followed behind.

After a while, everyone squeezed past.

When they arrived at the scene, the three of them saw a bearded man talking eloquently. He could easily handle the questions raised by many people by himself.

"You just said that the Navy is definitely not just showing off new equipment this time. Why?"

The bearded man said: "It's very simple. Ordinary equipment doesn't need such a grand display at all! Do you still remember when 052 was in service a few years ago? There was not much movement at that time?"

"Then why do you think that our navy will definitely show off a new generation of warships this time! They are still modern!"

"According to intuition! Based on clues!" The bearded man said with a smile: "I never think that we Chinese people are stupider than others. What our military experts lack is an opportunity! Everyone knows this."

"That's right! The Western technology blockade has made us difficult. This is a fact!" The person who asked the question nodded.

Everyone present also nodded. This was no secret. As military fans, they knew it all.

"Now that 956E is here, the opportunity is here!"

"I still feel something is wrong! The technical threshold..."

"I know it will be very difficult, but don't forget the rumors a while ago - sinking the Mekong! In my personal opinion, we must have made a big technological breakthrough before we changed our past style."

After a pause, the bearded man continued.

"Think carefully, how was it done before and how is it done now? What were the results before? What are the results now? What were the enemy's movements before? What are the enemy's movements now? Is it true that just two 956Es can boost confidence so much? ? I don’t think so!”

Seeing that the other party was speaking eloquently, many people felt that it was really possible!

"Although I know the possibility is very low, but...what if?"

Zhao Haikuo and the other two people watching on the side shook their heads slightly.

It’s not that they don’t believe in the navy, they just studied related majors and know very well how difficult it is to build a warship! Likewise, they are more aware of how difficult the technological gap between non-modernization and modernization is to cross.

It is more difficult than climbing the Shu Road.

Along with a burst of shouting, 9 o'clock arrived, and Navy Day officially began.

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