I built an armada

Chapter 116: Head-to-head confrontation to gain the upper hand! Murasame's mentality exploded!

Nohara Araki was really scared this time.

He didn't expect that he had followed Haizi's order and retreated frantically, and even thought about ramming the opponent's warship. If the coast guard hadn't fired warning shots and forced him to board the ship, he wouldn't have been arrested.

Little did he know that he was already like this, but instead of understanding his difficulties, Kitahara Sosuke turned around and wanted to kill himself.

This made him feel sad inside, and his intestines were green with regret. If I had known this, it would have been better not to look back before. Although I would be held accountable by Haizi when I returned to the Eastern Wilderness Tribe, at least my life would be saved!

There is no such thing as burning a bridge across a river!

Four missiles, the Shanhua couldn't dodge even if it had wings.

If the situation hadn't allowed it, Nohara Shinshu would have scolded Kitahara Sosuke.

When his life was at stake, the only life-saving straw he could think of was the person in front of him.

"I fully cooperate with your work, please save me."

Nohara Shinshu's voice had a hint of crying, and his body was trembling with fear.

Not to mention Nohara Araki, all the crew members on the Shanhua were stunned at this moment.

The Murasame actually wanted to sink him?

They never dreamed of it!

Aren’t we from the Eastern Wilderness tribe?

Why are your people so cruel?

The crew members in the main control room were stunned on the spot, their minds buzzing.

Not only them, but also the coast guard officers were very nervous at this moment.

After all, the Shanhua was still in its own waters, and the other party actually opened fire without permission, regardless of the Blue Star Alliance law!

They were nervous, but they still shouted calmly: "Quiet! Keep sailing back! We will protect you!"

"Protect us? Good, good!"

Nohara Shinki nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice. Even though his heart was stuck in his throat, he still shouted.

"Baga! What are you doing standing still! Return at full speed!"

The opponent's two warships were his only hope, and he had to hold on tightly.

Hearing that the other party would protect themselves, the crew members present were so emotional that they almost shed tears.

For a time, these people cooperated more tacitly than when they ran away just now.

Can you stop it?

After all, the opponent was the famous Donghuang Tribe Haizi, and the coast guard officers present had no confidence in their hearts.

All hopes at the moment can only be pinned on 051C and 052B.

The moment the missile was detected by radar, the radar monitor in the 052B main control room said anxiously.

"Report Captain, the other side has opened fire! The missile is 12 kilometers away from our ship, four missiles, speed Mach 1.5! The target is..." Glancing at the computer deduction path on the radar display, he added: "Report Captain, the target It’s not our ship, it’s the Shanhua!”

"Captain, the Haihongqi radar has been locked! Please give instructions!"


Sure enough, those who commit seppuku are not only cruel to themselves, but also to their own people! It makes no sense at all!

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and Zhou Qinglei calmly ordered.

"16 salvoes! The main anti-aircraft guns and close-in anti-aircraft guns are activated immediately!"

"Notify 051C, always be prepared for back-up interception!"

"We must keep the Shanhua at all costs!"

At this moment, he was glad that he was controlling 052B instead of 051C.

The reaction time of the Haihongqi-901 anti-aircraft missile is only 5 seconds, and the reloading time is only 10 seconds. A distance of 12 kilometers is enough for Haihongqi-901 air defense missiles to effectively intercept twice.

The first time was direct interception, the second time was to predict the path to intercept, and the third time was difficult. The target of the opponent's missile was Shanhua, with a speed of Mach 1.5. Haihongqi-901's speed was Mach 1.2, so it couldn't catch up.

If it is replaced by 051C, due to the long reaction time and reloading time, only one effective interception can be carried out. Therefore, once the first interception fails, the 051C back-up interception and the 052B secondary air defense missile interception will be carried out at the same time.

Just in case, he directly ordered 16 salvoes this time! The purpose of 4V1 is to intercept as many anti-ship missiles as possible in the first round and gain greater confidence in the second round.

Along with the roars coming from the deck, 16 Haihongqi-901 roared out.

"Reporting to Captain, the missile launch has been completed and the first collision is expected to occur 5 kilometers away from our ship in 13 seconds!"

Although Zhou Qinglei looked calm, his palms were slightly sweaty.

Although the two sides did not compete directly, they started a game around the Shanhua.

The rookie navy in Dongzhou Sea vs. the veteran overlord in Dongzhou Sea. After all these years of catching up, has the gap narrowed?

Before the final result came out, he didn't have a yardstick in mind.

In the main control room of 051C, Jiang Shengrong was so nervous that he lowered his breathing a lot after receiving the news from 052B.

"Haizi is indeed a gathering place for militarism, and they are all crazy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the radar monitor shout: "Report to the captain, 052B has taken action!"

Jiang Shengrong glanced at the radar display and saw 16 small green dots on it engaging four anti-ship missiles at a speed of Mach 1.2.

4 blocks and 1, can they all be blocked at once?

Jiang Shengrong was unsure.

But he knows that attack is the best defense.

Immediately, he said.

"Contact the chief and report the situation here immediately! The other party launched the attack first. Will our department counterattack?"

After all, the other party was not attacking one's own warships, and Jiang Shengrong did not dare to make his own decisions.

There is no provision in the Blue Star Alliance law that one's own warships are not allowed to attack one's own ships.

The people who formulated the Alliance Law would never have imagined that there would be such a lunatic who would not even spare his own ship.

At the same time, in the main control room of the Harusame, which came hand in hand with the Murasame, Captain Katsumura Yota stared at the radar display and was stunned.

"Crazy! Kitahara Sosuke-kun is really crazy! That is our own ship!"

Yota Katsumura considers himself to be relatively tough among the hawks, but compared to Sosuke Kitahara, he feels that he is more of a conservative.

Militarism can also be divided into extremes and non-extremes. Obviously, Sosuke Kitahara is one of the extremes.

"Quick! Contact Kitahara Sosuke-kun immediately and ask him to start the missile self-destruction program immediately!"

Katsumura Yota shouted anxiously.

Soon, the correspondent said: "Report to the captain, the Murasame refuses to call!"

"Haga! Kitahara Sosuke, does he want to go to a military court?"

Katsumura Yota was so worried that he immediately changed the topic: "Contact General Wada immediately! No, report it directly to General Hayaki!"

"Yes! Captain!"

As soon as the correspondent finished speaking, the radar monitor immediately shouted.

"Report to Captain, the other side counterattacked, and a total of 16 missiles were launched!"

Katsumura Yota quickly got in front of the radar display and looked at it carefully.

Visible to the naked eye, more than a dozen computer-deduced missile paths are intertwined.

After confirming that the opponent's missile had not locked onto him, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyone who fights without orders from the military will be subject to a military court.

Although he is radical, he has not lost his mind. He also coveted the huge and vast territory opposite him. He could take the initiative to provoke, but taking the initiative to open fire would cross the line. No one could bear the responsibility for the exchange of fire between the two tribes.

At the Eastern Wasteland Tribe Navy Headquarters, Murakami Hayaki came to the headquarters in person and met Inoshita Wada.

He was worried that something might happen and came here to take a look. Unexpectedly, as soon as I sat down and my butt was still warm, something happened.

He held the message in his hand and said nothing.

Jingxia Wada lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

"Wada-kun, you have a good subordinate!"

"General, I..."

"Tell me." Murakami Hayaki said, "What is the purpose of the provocation?"

"Let the other party take the initiative to fire."

"what about now?"

"General Hayaki, the development of the situation is beyond my expectation! As you know, the Shanhua carries a lot of important and sophisticated equipment. Once they get it, no one can guarantee what will happen." Inoshita Wada hurriedly panicked explained: "Kitahara Sosuke-kun's extreme behavior is also reasonable."

Murakami Saki said calmly: "Can you bear the responsibility of fighting between two tribes?"


Inoshita Wada was momentarily speechless.

"General Hayaki, when we were defeated, it was not because of the bad weather but because of the wrong timing. Over the past few years, everyone has been holding back a lot of energy..."

"Wada-kun, I don't want to reiterate it a second time."

Taking a deep breath, Inoshita Wada said: "Hey, General Hayaki, I understand. I will contact Kitahara Sosuke-kun and ask him to activate the missile self-destruction program!"

"After the matter is over, come see me with your report." After saying that, Murakami Saki left here with a sullen face.

It wasn't until Murakami Hayaki walked away that an angry roar sounded in the room.


Inoshita Wada was furious.

Frankly speaking, he felt that there was nothing wrong with Kitahara Sosuke's approach this time.

Blue Star Alliance law does not stipulate that you cannot fire on your own ships.

I didn't fire on your warship. If I couldn't intercept the equipment, I would blow it up. This makes sense.

If you lose your face, you can't lose your dignity too, right?

Aren't they just killing a few people from the Eastern Wilderness tribe? What year doesn't happen at sea?

Compared with intercepting this batch of high-tech equipment and miring the development of the opposing navy, it is worth killing a ship of people. They curbed the development of the opposing navy at the cost of their lives. They are heroes!

"Pedantic! Extremely pedantic!"

Although Inoshita Wada cursed, he still sent someone to contact the Murasame and immediately started the missile self-destruction procedure.

On the sea, the Murasame was less than two kilometers away from the sea boundary.

In the main control room, the deputy captain was so nervous that his palms were sweating.

If you kill one of your own people, how to write this report after you go back is a question.

Suddenly, the radar monitor shouted: "Report to the captain, 16 anti-aircraft missiles were launched from the opposite side with the intention of intercepting our anti-ship missiles! The speed is Mach 1.2, and the first collision is expected to occur 7 kilometers away from our ship in 13 seconds. !”

"Ha!" Kitahara Sosuke chuckled: "You want to intercept 4 anti-ship missiles with 16 anti-aircraft missiles? You are looking down on us too much!"

The vice-captain nodded repeatedly, still very confident in his own anti-ship missiles.

Immediately afterwards, Kitahara Sosuke was suddenly stunned.

The opponent's anti-aircraft missile Mach 1.2?

This speed is already very fast!

"Are the anti-aircraft missiles on the other side so fast?"

"Captain, no." The vice-captain shook his head repeatedly.

"I don't remember either! It seems that 956E was dispatched from the opposite side!" Kitahara Sosuke said thoughtfully: "The reason they are so tough is because they have the support of 956E!"

"But compared to the Murasame, 956E is still a little inferior after all!"

The deputy captain tried from the side.

"Captain, do we really want to sink the Shanhua? What if the higher-ups blame someone..."

"Don't worry, I will bear all the consequences. Everything I do is in the interests of my Great Eastern Wasteland Empire. General Wada and General Zaomu will understand me."

Kithara Sosuke was full of confidence, and he felt that he was right.

Suddenly, the correspondent shouted: "Report to the captain, the Spring Rain is requesting a call."

"No time, just leave them alone! If they don't dare to take action, don't come and cause trouble."

Kitahara Sosuke said without looking back.

Looking at the deputy captain, he said: "Don't worry, I will control the situation. If we sink the Shanhua, we will retreat. We will not give them an excuse to attack us."

"What if they stop me?"

"Baga! If you shake the morale of the army again, be careful and I will kill you!"

Kitahara Aosuke's face showed a fierce look.

The opponent's two warships and our own side dispatched two Murasame-class guided missile destroyers. If they can't even deal with the Shanhua, they will just ram them to death.

If this spreads out, the entire Eastern Wilderness Tribe will be laughed at.

Kitahara Sosuke was full of confidence and vowed to sink the Shanhua and then fly away, leaving the opposing navy to beat its chest for falling short.

At this moment, a violent explosion sounded in the distance.

Kitahara Sosuke knew that the first round of collision had begun.

He also wanted to know how many anti-ship missiles could be intercepted by the 16 anti-aircraft missiles deployed on the opposite side.

Kitahara Sosuke has a winning chance.

After waiting for a while and receiving no news, he stood with his hands behind his back and asked proudly.

"What's the situation? Did they intercept one or two?"

Three? Absolutely impossible!

That was the Murasame, not the Mekawa. He knew how advanced the anti-ship missiles on it were.

Although the speed of Mach 1.5 is inferior to the anti-ship missiles of the Eagle Tribe Navy, it cannot be intercepted casually.

Trying to intercept them all in the first round is tantamount to wishful thinking. The technological gap cannot be made up by quantity.

His own warships are much more advanced than the opposing warships, not even the 956E. He has this confidence.

"Captain, that..."

Kithara Sosuke frowned slightly: "What's going on? You're reporting a situation and still hesitating?"

The radar monitor looked at Kitahara Sosuke and said hesitantly: "Report to the captain that the interception was successful!"

"How many?"


"What did you say?"

Kithara Sosuke was stunned for a moment and said hurriedly: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Even if it is replaced by the Chunyu, there is a question mark as to whether the 16 anti-aircraft missiles can intercept 4 anti-ship missiles at once. But the most advanced one on the other side was 956E. He remembered that 956E was not that powerful!

Moreover, the interception itself is at a disadvantage. The interception success rate of one anti-aircraft missile is only more than 70%. The success rate of four missiles cannot be more than 280%! The success rates cannot be superimposed. If you can stop it, you can stop it. If you can't stop it, you can't stop it.

"You must be lying to me!"

Saying that, Kitahara Sosuke personally came to the radar monitor and took a look.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you will be shocked when you look at it.

All four anti-ship missiles were intercepted!

"how so?"

Kitahara Sosuke looked at the deputy captain in disbelief as if he had been struck by lightning.

"Captain, this doesn't make sense."

"Baga! I know this is unreasonable! I ask you why this is happening!"

"I...I don't know either."

Kitahara Sosuke was so angry that he paced back and forth in the main control room, constantly mumbling 'how could this happen' and 'shouldn't be like this'.

It doesn’t matter if the anti-aircraft missiles on the opposite side are not slow. There is no research showing that the interception rate can be superimposed if the speed is not slow!

He couldn't figure out why this happened.

When he saw the Shanhua being intercepted by the opponent before, he immediately became angry. He thought he could sink the Shanhua, which would save not only his face but also his inner life.

Now that it's fine, he can't save face or lizi, and he's going to go crazy.

He had missed twice in a row at the hands of the opposite navy, and he could already imagine how the other captains would laugh at him when he returned.

"What a disgrace! This is a stain that the Murasame cannot erase!"

He shouted in rage.

"Fire! Keep firing, I don't believe they can stop it a second time!"

"Captain, General Wada has sent the latest instructions."


The vice-captain was about to read it, but then he glanced at the other party and swallowed his words abruptly.

Kitahara Sosuke, who was already angry, roared directly: "Are you deaf? I'll let you read!"

The vice-captain hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice and said: "General Hotan ordered that the Shanhua must not be sunk, and ordered our department to immediately initiate the missile self-destruction procedure."

Start missile self-destruction procedure?

Hearing these words, Kithara Sosuke's mouth twitched sharply.

Inoshita Wada also knew that the navy on the other side could not stop it, so he started the missile's self-destruction program.

But now?

1 nautical mile = 1.852 kilometers, Mach corresponds to meters. It is more intuitive to use kilometers, but it is too cumbersome to calculate in nautical miles, which seems inconvenient to everyone.

In many cases, "opposite" is used to refer to something, not because it is something I think, but because there is no other way. It seems smoother than "being optimized".

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