I built an armada

Chapter 117 Dongyang retreats with hatred! The first battle was won, the navy is now different from

Kitahara Sosuke felt bitter inside.

To activate the missile's self-destruction program, it must be based on the situation that the other party cannot stop the missile.

But now the other party has stopped him! All four were blocked!

How to start the missile self-destruction program?

Originally, if the other party could not stop it, initiating the missile's self-destruction program at the last moment would still have a sufficient deterrent effect.

He is still intimidating right now, but the other party can stop him, and his face is hurting from his own breath.

Kithara Sosuke stood there, his lips trembling with anger.

No wonder the vice-captain just looked at him and hesitated to speak. Why am I asking so many questions?

Add salt to the wound!

Kitahara Sosuke's eyes once again fell on 052B on the distant sea.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was only 11 kilometers, and he could almost see the red flag fluttering in the sea breeze with his naked eyes.

Shame on you for not getting the Shanhua back!

The missile was successfully intercepted by the opponent's warship. What a shame and humiliation!

If the opponent were any naval power in the West, Kitahara Sosuke would not feel such humiliation, but the opponent was the opposite navy that he did not take seriously.

Four years ago, a military expert from the Eagle Tribe once said that one modern guided missile can destroy multiple non-modern guided missiles without any damage! It refers to the navy opposite.

As a Murasame-class guided missile destroyer, the Murasame is one of the first batch of Hainanese ships equipped with passive phased array radar. It is also quite strong among modern warships, at least better than the 956E!

But the expected single brush did not appear, but his face was swollen.

Although there were only four of them, all the opponent displayed were anti-aircraft missiles! Once the confrontation is frontal, can one's own side stop the anti-ship missile on the opposite side?

He, who was full of confidence before, suddenly lost his confidence.

Suddenly, Kitahara Sosuke paused in his steps.

He was ashamed of himself for having such thoughts.

Staring at 052B opposite, he wished he could devour this warship that had brought him humiliation.

Seeing Kithara Sosuke's eyes turning red, the vice-captain realized something was going to happen and said quickly.

"Captain, General Wada ordered our troops to go back and report to him immediately!"

"Captain, General Hayaki is very dissatisfied with this matter."

After throwing two bombshells in succession, Kitahara Sosuke leaned weakly on the main console and gasped, not wanting to look at 052B on the opposite side.

He also wants to launch 8 or even 12 anti-ship missiles to see if the other party can stop them.

But he also knew in his heart that if that was the case, the other party would definitely not choose to put all its efforts on interception, and would inevitably launch anti-ship missiles to counterattack.

With such a close distance, it is not wise to engage in naval battles, which will greatly weaken the advantages of advanced warships.

And now even Murakami Hayaki has come forward. He knows that this matter should end here. The first opportunity has been lost, and there is no point in struggling anymore.


While shouting angrily, Kitahara Sosuke punched the console hard, making a loud 'bang' sound.

Everyone in the main control room was startled and looked at him quietly, not daring to breathe.

"Go back! Go back! Turn around and go back!"

Hearing this, the deputy captain immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "Turn around and prepare to return!"

The Murasame chose to turn around and return home only one kilometer away from the maritime boundary line between the two sides.

Even though he was unwilling to give in, even though he was filled with overwhelming anger, Kitahara Sosuke could only grit his teeth and swallow it at this moment.

After he shouted 'go back', he looked much older instantly, no longer as high-spirited and content as before.

Thinking that he had just vowed to destroy the Shanhua and sailed away, leaving the opposing navy with nowhere to vent his anger, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart and felt like he couldn't breathe.

How is this going away? This is a desperate run away.

Not far away, in the main control room of the Haruyu, Captain Katsumura Yota looked at the smoke that filled the sky due to the explosion in the distance, and his heart was beating unsatisfactorily.

"They actually intercepted them all! It was only one round! How on earth did they do it?"

He himself was not 100% sure that only 16 anti-aircraft missiles could stop the 4 anti-ship missiles on the Murasame.

"956E? But I remember that 956E is not that powerful. It is just a second-tier warship of the White Bear Tribe!"

"Is there some secret warship on the other side?"

Thinking of this, he looked confused.

As for 051C, he didn't even think about it.

Although he didn't know the detailed information about 051C yet, he had already learned some general information from Ishita Wada before.

051C alone cannot do this!

But as to whether there were secret warships on the opposite side, he felt that the possibility was slim.

Is there more 956E when it arrives? It only lasts for one year!

No matter how powerful the military experts on the opposite side are, even if they are just one step away from crossing the threshold of modern technology before the arrival of 956E! But how far can we go in one year?

How difficult it is to start something from scratch, and how difficult it is to go from something to something more advanced. The other party is different from them. Under the technical blockade, there is simply not enough technical accumulation.

Compared with his own navy and the Navy of the Eagle Tribe, he felt that being able to take a small step in the field of modernization in one year was incredible!

It is absolutely impossible to surpass 956E!

After much deliberation, he could only think that there was something wrong with the 956E sold by the White Bear Tribe, or that the opponent was so lucky that even God was blessing him.

The correspondent shouted from the side.

"Report to the captain, there is news from the Murasame that they are preparing to retreat."

Hearing the news, Katsumura Yota breathed a sigh of relief.

Just retreat.

He was really afraid that Kitahara Sojie would get so angry that he would not care about anything.

"Let's go back too!" As he spoke, Yota Katsumura waved his hand, "I let them get a bargain this time. They won't be so lucky next time. God will not favor them twice!"

"Yes, Captain!"

As the Murasame and Harusame orders were issued, the tense situation immediately dissipated.

Across the sea boundary, the Shanhua was still running desperately.

Nohara Shinki was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. If the coast guard on the side had not been calm enough to give him confidence, his mentality would have collapsed at this moment.

Waiting for death is so painful.

The distance from Murasame to Shanhua is only 20 kilometers.

It only takes 39 seconds for the Mach 1.5 anti-ship missile to arrive!

39 seconds of life and death!

The time was too short, and I didn’t even have time to explain my last words to my family.

He has also heard about the strength of the opponent's navy over the years. He had no idea whether the two warships could stop the four missiles.

But right now, the opponent's warship is the only hope.

While running on the run, he paid attention to the latest developments in the sea.

"Captain, they're taking action." The third officer, who had been paying attention to the radar display, said.

Nohara Shinki quickly moved over and saw 16 missiles attacking 4 anti-ship missiles. His heart was stuck in his throat and could pop out at any time.

Suddenly, he subconsciously held his breath and stared at the radar display.

Life or death, it depends on this time.

The hearts of all the people in the Eastern Wilderness tribe within the main control were in suspense.

The opposing navy, which they looked down upon in the past, now very much hopes to perform exceptionally well.

Seeing the distance between the two missiles on the radar display getting closer and closer, Nohara Shinki closed his eyes and prayed sincerely.

"God Amaterasu, I have never done anything bad in my life. God Amaterasu must bless them to intercept missiles."

Others were chanting the same.

"God bless!"

“Jesus bless!”

Realizing that they were in the other side's waters, praying to those gods might be useless, and someone immediately muttered.

"The sky is filled with blessings from gods and Buddhas..."

"The Jade Emperor bless..."

The heavily armed Coast Guard officers looked at the people present with their eyes closed and praying, and everyone wanted to laugh but couldn't.

If it really can't be stopped, what's the use of praying to the Jade Emperor?

On the battlefield, the only thing you can trust is your own gun. Similarly, the only thing that can be trusted in naval warfare is missiles.

Through the portholes, the coast guard officers looked to the end of the line of sight.

The distance was too far, and they could barely see white cloud lines, which were traces left by missiles streaking across the sky.

Success or failure depends on this.

The coast guard officers couldn't help but hold their breath.

Time passes by second by second.

At this moment, every second seems so long.

Finally, the sirens on the radar quieted down.

The third officer was the first to open his eyes, quickly glanced at the radar display, and couldn't help shouting.

"Captain, stopped! They stopped!"

Nohara Shinshu also opened his eyes and looked at the radar display that had returned to calm. His whole body was shaking with excitement, and his eyes turned red in an instant.

After walking around the Guimenguan, the ups and downs brought him an unforgettable experience.

"We survived!"

"Hahaha, we survived!"

Within the main control, many Donghuang tribesmen cheered excitedly, with tears in their eyes.

The Coast Guard officers remained calm, but their hands holding the guns were trembling slightly, which showed that they were not at peace inside either.

Nohara Araki looked at these coast guard officers with a complicated expression.

He didn't expect that the people in Haizi wanted to kill him, but the feud on the opposite side saved him.

Although he also knew that the other party was doing this to save the coast guard personnel and the mysterious cargo on the ship. But no matter what, the other party saved the lives of a boatload of people. This is a fact!

Recalling that he had commanded the Shanhua to run wildly, Nohara Shinshu felt ashamed and said something from the bottom of his heart.

"thank you all!"

The coast guard officer looked at them calmly and said with a straight face: "Don't waste time, continue returning!"

"Hi! Please rest assured that we will deliver the goods safely!"

With that said, Nohara Shinshu shouted to the others: "Hurry, hurry, don't waste any time."

On the other side, the 052B main control room.

Zhou Qinglei stood in front of the porthole, looking at the white clouds in the sky at the end of his sight, and his heart couldn't help but feel suspended.

052B is already the most powerful warship in the Navy at the moment, even better than 956E!

If even the 052B cannot withstand four anti-ship missiles from the opposing warship, this will be a huge blow to the morale of the navy.

The rainbow-like momentum in the morning will definitely be severely frustrated.

Are we going to stay at the base and lick our wounds like we did four years ago?

Zhou Qinglei's expression remained normal, but his hands had already been clenched into fists.

Captain Wu Ruoming of the Southern Fleet has reconciled with years of grievances and ushered in a new era in the southern seas. Can our Northern Fleet reconcile with the past and usher in a new era in the northern seas?

He wasn't 100% sure, so he chose not to look at the radar display.

The interception time of 13 seconds is longer than a century.

Finally, the radar monitor shouted.

"Reporting to Captain, the first anti-ship missile was intercepted successfully!"

"Reporting to captain, the second and third anti-ship missiles were intercepted successfully!"

"Reporting to Captain, all four anti-ship missiles were intercepted successfully!"

As the last words were spoken, all the operators on the scene looked at Zhou Qinglei.

The rookie in the navy of Dongzhou Sea and the veteran overlord of Dongzhou Sea met for the first time, and they had the upper hand!

This was a maritime game worthy of being recorded in the history of the Northern Fleet, because our side won!

"Captain, we did it." The deputy captain walked to Zhou Qinglei and said solemnly.


Zhou Qinglei let out a long breath, as if he wanted to spit out all the grievances he had held back over the years.

The hands that were originally clenched into fists gradually relaxed, and the tight muscles on his face relaxed.

"We did it." Zhou Qinglei kept chanting.

In the past, warships that faced the Eastern Wilderness Tribe's seas would rush towards them with the intention of death. There is no other way. The strike distance is too close and the anti-ship missiles cannot reach it. They can only compete with each other to see who is less afraid of death.

Use anti-aircraft missiles to intercept anti-ship missiles? Don't even think about it!

The 052 guidance drive and the older 051, which only have point air defense, can only launch a limited number of air defense missiles at a time and lock on one or two anti-ship missiles. Moreover, the reaction time is long and the reloading time is even longer. How can it stop four Mach 1.5 anti-ship missiles?

It’s different now. The 052B is already a very powerful regional air defense ship with fast anti-aircraft missiles and even faster anti-ship missiles.

Facing the former overlord of the sea, 051C may not be qualified, but 052B not only has the ability to protect itself, but also has room to fight back.

Deducing it thousands of times is not as good as actually fighting it once.

052B has proved with its strength that it still has enough confidence in the Dongzhou waters.

"Captain, there is feedback from the Coast Guard. Captain Nohara Shinki of the Sanhua said that the Coast Guard dispatched a Murasame and a Harusame this time!"

"Harusame? Murasame? Those are two Murasame-class guided missile destroyers!"

Zhou Qinglei's face was full of astonishment.

Although they are the first batch of Murasame-class guided missile destroyers to be launched into service, their fame and strength are there.

Does 052B already have the capital to compete with the Murasame-class guided missile destroyers?

Thinking of this, Zhou Qinglei beamed.

This news made him even more excited than the 052B successfully intercepting four missiles.

He asked for no reason.

"Tell me, if 052B and the Murasame meet alone at sea, what are the chances of winning?"

"Well..." the vice-captain hesitated, "after all, the Murasame is equipped with a passive phased array radar, which is more advanced than us in terms of radar! The odds of winning are hard to say."

"Yes!" Zhou Qinglei nodded and said, "The odds of winning are unpredictable. We still have a long way to go!"

At this time, the radar monitor shouted again.

"Report Captain, they are retreating."

As soon as these words came out, all the operators present were happy.

In the past, you had to rely on daring to ram the opponent with warships to force the opponent away.

Now, times have changed, the Navy is not what it used to be, and it no longer needs to be what it used to be.

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