I built an armada

Chapter 127 Catching up with the West! Lay out the central region! (big chapter)

Soon, the time came to July.

The integrated military factory has entered normal operation, and the naval officers and soldiers are already able to operate the relevant equipment proficiently. Not only is the shipyard progressing smoothly, the ammunition development at the military factory is also progressing quite well.

In addition to the 052C hull itself, many important core components have already begun production and debugging, and will be officially determined soon.

Everything is moving quickly in the right direction.

Institute, Radar Research Department Laboratory.

Su Dingping is giving lessons to more than a dozen military experts who specialize in this field.

"Active phased array radar, the related technology is indeed a bit advanced. After all, there is no relevant reference, so it is difficult for everyone to understand, which is reasonable."

"It still sounds a bit incredible that something that has not been done in the West can be realized in our hands all of a sudden."

Hearing what Su Dingping said, the military experts below looked embarrassed.

More than two months have passed since April 22, and many radar systems on the 052C have been overcome one by one under their division of labor.

Even with the "Yagi Antenna Array" air and long-range early warning radar, they have made considerable breakthroughs, but only the most important four-sided array 346 phased array radar is still half-understood.

As Su Dingping said, without any reference, it is indeed difficult to walk this road.

Some military industry experts even doubt whether there is really such an advanced radar? Does it really surpass passive phased array radar?

Seeing the slow progress of those military industry experts, Sun Yongguo also suggested that we start with passive phased array radar. After finishing the passive phased array, let's see if we can make a breakthrough in the active phased array radar.

But this suggestion was rejected by Su Dingping.

Su Dingping felt that either we should not do it, or if we wanted to do it, we should do something more advanced.

Sun Yongguo and others were looking at the 88th Fleet of the Donghuang Tribe, while Su Dingping had already set his sights on the Eagle Tribe.

"I read the report you submitted and there are five difficulties at the moment."

Su Dingping said.

"The first one is the manufacturing of transmitting and receiving components. It is difficult to manufacture the transmitting and receiving components of active phased array radar. Due to the conditions of the integrated military factory, the cost is extremely expensive."

"The second one is active phased array radar system design. Active phased array radar needs to be able to more easily achieve functions such as multi-target tracking and digital beamforming. It is naturally more difficult than passive phased array in system design. It’s more difficult.”

"Third, after all, active phased array radar is developed from passive electronically scanned array radar technology. You have no relevant experience in phased array radar technology, so it is difficult to get started. I can understand this. "

"the fourth……"

More than a dozen military industry experts below nodded.

What Su Dingping said was the most important difficulty they were currently encountering. Once these five difficulties are solved, other trivial problems will no longer be a problem.

Everyone looked at Su Dingping, waiting for his next words.

"Again, why should we directly use active phased array radar? Because it is more advanced than passive phased array radar! If our navy wants to stand firm in Dongzhou waters and hold its chest high, this is the only way It’s just overtaking on a curve!”

"Step by step, once your thoughts are affected by them, you will subconsciously follow their old path! This is contrary to our navy's desire to take its own path!"

Everyone agreed.

If not for the emergence of Su Dingping, they might have followed the path of the West until they realized passive phased array radar, and lamented like the West: We have come to the end of the road to radar.

Su Dingping said seriously.

"Each radiator of the active phased array radar is equipped with a transmitting and receiving component, which can generate and receive electromagnetic waves by itself. This design makes the active phased array radar superior in bandwidth, signal processing and redundancy design. It has great advantages over passive phased array radar! This is also one of our important areas for overtaking in corners!"

"From a technical point of view, it is an indisputable fact that active phased array radar is more difficult than passive phased array radar, and the overall structure is also more complex. But similarly, the increase in difficulty also brings more functions Advantage."

“Specifically, active phased array radar can more easily achieve functions such as multi-target tracking and digital beamforming. In addition, a radar can form multiple independent beams at the same time to achieve search, identification, tracking, guidance, and wireless control. Source detection and other functions..."

After a pause, Su Dingping continued.

"But again, due to its limited beam scanning range and the maximum scanning angle of 90°-120°, 3-4 antenna arrays need to be configured. This is why I decided to install a four-sided array 346 phased array on the 052C Array radar.”

While talking, Su Dingping picked up the chalk, turned to face the blackboard, and started drawing fiercely.

Soon, several complex waveform diagrams were drawn.

"As you all know, the Type 346 phased array radar uses an 'S+C' band radar, with an S-band radar sandwiched between two C-band radars."

"Look, you guys, this is a C-band radar..."

A few hours later, Su Dingping returned to the office.

After sitting down, Su Dingping rubbed his swollen temples.

The Type 346 phased array radar, YJ-101A anti-ship missile system, Haihongqi-101A air defense missile system, and the ‘Yagi Antenna Array’ air-to-distance early warning radar can be regarded as the four carriages of the 052C.

Failure to pass any one of these four items will have a great impact on the combat level of the 052C.

The latter three are easy to say. The difficulty of the 346 phased array radar is indeed not ordinary.

Even though many military industry experts have the technical foundation of 052B, research is still very difficult.

"I should explain it thoroughly enough to understand."

Su Dingping said to himself.

He also knew in his heart that the Type 346 phased array radar was too difficult. Even if the explanation was thorough and easy to understand, it would still take time to test whether those military experts could understand it.

Dong Dong——

With a knock on the door, Sun Yongguo came.

"Dingping, something happened?"

As soon as he came in, Sun Yongguo guessed it when he saw Su Dingping's expression.

"Is it related to the Type 346 phased array radar?"

Su Dingping nodded.

"I also heard that all departments are making good progress, but the progress of the phased array radar and Yagi antenna array they are responsible for does not seem to be particularly obvious."

Sun Yongguo said: "Dingping, don't be too anxious. I know you want to get it done in one step, but you also have to consider one thing."

"Dean, what's the matter?" Su Dingping looked at the other party with confusion.

"Dingping, think about it, not everyone has a talent like yours!"

Sun Yongguo, who was holding the document, sat aside and said.

"When I worked in schools like Comrade Zhang Gongnong, I faced many students who were in the same situation as you. Some were more talented and learned quickly, while some were less talented and learned slowly. This is very difficult. normal."

"I know, Dean." Su Dingping nodded.

"It sounds like you've done a pretty good job."

Sun Yongguo seemed to have thought of something and suddenly smiled.

"When we were working on 956E last year, Lao Lu and I got angry at the researchers at every turn! I know they were anxious too, but I just couldn't control the anger in my heart."

"In the past two months or so, no matter what problems we encountered, no matter how difficult they were, maybe many of them seemed to you that everyone should understand but just didn't understand. However, you never got angry and still patiently taught me. At this point, Lao Lu and I are far behind you."

Hearing what Sun Yongguo said, Su Dingping felt a lot more comfortable.

He was anxious because no one knew what the situation in the sea would be like in the future. Naturally, he was eager to conquer 052C as soon as possible and then rush to the next project.

But he also knew that those military industry experts were no less anxious than he was.

After a while, Su Dingping sighed.

"The main reason is that time is too tight. The time I give them is measured in months! If it were measured in years, they wouldn't be so anxious."

"Dingping, we all understand how you feel. There is no need to rush anything. Take your time."

With that said, Sun Yongguo handed over the information in his hand and said.

"The 052C hull forging plan set in mid-May was just completed yesterday! The forging of high-strength special alloy steel is more difficult, so it took a longer time. With this experience, it will be accelerated a lot in the future."

"Starting the day after tomorrow, the high-strength pressure test of the hull will be carried out. Once it passes, the 052C hull will be completely finalized."

Su Dingping nodded.

The real world cannot be compared with the forging space of the Military Industrial Illustration, and this progress is already quite good. After all, those naval officers and soldiers had only just been able to get started with the equipment in mid-May and were not yet proficient.


Sun Yongguo continued.

"The newly developed high-explosive grenades, semi-armor-piercing grenades, and tungsten core armor-piercing grenades adapted to the 1130 close-range anti-cannon have been manufactured in the military factory. After the products are released, they can be tested and finalized if there are no problems."

"In addition, the last technical difficulty of the high-strength fin-stabilized discarding sabot projectile adapted to the 1130 close-in defense gun has been overcome, and small batch production testing will be carried out in the next few days."

"Where's the 1130 close-in defense gun?" Su Dingping asked.

Sun Yongguo said seriously: "We have already started forging. We have encountered some troubles, but we can overcome them."

1130'Troll' is finally coming out soon, which makes Su Dingping feel a lot better.

Later, Sun Yongguo reported some good news to Su Dingping.

The progress related to 052C is generally relatively smooth.

"As for the YJ-101A anti-ship missile system and Haihongqi-101A air defense missile system, it will take some time to completely tackle the problem..."

Sun Yongguo Road.

"Compared with the previous YJ-901 and Haihongqi-901 missile systems on the 052B, these two missile systems have been greatly improved, and there are many core technical difficulties. If you guys are slower, you can understand."

After thinking for a while, Su Dingping said.

"Dean, I have to ask you to summarize all the problems they encountered. Then I will take some time to explain them to them slowly."

"I previously scheduled the 052C water test in August. There is still one month left, so hurry up and you should be able to make it in time."

After reporting on the work progress, Sun Yongguo changed the subject and said.

"Dingping, at the military base in the northern seas, there was significant progress in the work, and I reported it to the chief."

Su Dingping nodded, he knew this.

"Right now, you are the chief engineer of the integrated military factory. You have to do this important job. I can't let it go any further. And it has been more than two months. The chief should also be anxious about the progress here."

Sun Yongguo looked at Su Dingping and said in a sincere tone.

"Dean, I'm really not good at this." Su Dingping said helplessly, "Why don't you help me."

"How can this be done?"

Sun Yongguo shook his head repeatedly, and Su Dingping continued.

"Dean, I really can't spare the time. You know, I have to go to another department to give guidance soon..."

Su Dingping grabbed the documents on the table and raised them.

"Dean, please do me this favor."

Unable to resist, Sun Yongguo had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, then I'll hand over the work to Lao Lu and set off in a moment, trying to get back before early morning."

After seeing Sun Yongguo off, Su Dingping rushed to the next department.

In the afternoon, Northern Fleet Command.

Xu Dongguo is on the phone with Wang De, who is far away in the Turkish tribe.

"Has the Ertu tribe agreed to talk?"

"Yes chief."

"That's good. As long as we can talk about it, there is room for maneuver on this matter!"

Xu Dongguo's heart dropped a little.

It seems that Chief Liu asked people from the Ministry of Foreign Trade to come forward to negotiate, and it worked.

After all, this purchase of the Varyag aircraft carrier is ostensibly handled by businessmen and does not involve the navy.

It is also convenient for people from the Ministry of Foreign Trade to come forward.

If even this method fails, the only option is to ask someone from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to come forward.

That would take the issue to another level.

This is what Xu Dongguo doesn't want to see.

"Just what happened in the past few days, I don't know what conditions they will offer."

On the phone, Wang De's voice sounded a little worried.

Obviously, being in the situation there, he didn't have much confidence in this matter.

"If anything happens then, report it immediately, and I will think of a solution for you."

"Yes, Chief!"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dongguo breathed a sigh of relief.

If you are not afraid to talk, you are afraid not to talk.

If you keep fighting, you will be in big trouble.

The aircraft carrier matter came to an end, and Xu Dongguo couldn't help but think of the integrated military factory.

It's been almost two and a half months and there's still no news.

He was still very worried inside.

He just picked up the phone and then put it down again.

"Forget it, it won't affect them anymore."

Xu Dongguo was worried that his concerns would turn into pressure from their side.

"Scientific research is a delicate job. They are already under enough pressure. I can't put more pressure on them to prevent them from making mistakes."

"I believe Dingping will not let me down!"

Just as he was comforting himself, the guard said outside.

"Chief, Dean Sun is here."

Sun Yongguo is here?

Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!

Xu Dongguo said quickly.

"Quick, let him in."

Soon, Sun Yongguo opened the door and walked in.


"Comrade Yongguo, sit down."

Xu Dongguo took Sun Yongguo to the side and sat down.

"Comrade Yongguo, why did you suddenly think of this?"

"Chief, Comrade Dingping was supposed to be the one to report this time, but he needs to be responsible for all departments of the integrated military factory, and he really can't get away."

"I understand."

Xu Dongguo nodded and said in a serious tone.

"I know that Dingping has a heavy burden on him. I haven't contacted you for more than two months because I'm afraid it will affect your progress."

"I can't help you. I can't cause you any more trouble."

Sun Yongguo did not waste time. Knowing that he was needed at the integrated military factory, he immediately handed the documents over.

"Chief, this is the work progress report of 052C."

Xu Dongguo quickly took the document and started reading it, while Sun Yongguo explained from the side.

"The 052C we developed this time is aimed at the Western 'Aegis' - shield ship!"

"The 052C is different from the 052B. It integrates air defense, anti-ship, and anti-submarine into the same combat system, ensuring the potential for improvement through modularization and standardization!"

"Although the 052C has not yet been released and has not been tested in water, I can guarantee the chief through relevant core technologies."

Sun Yongguo said solemnly.

"The 052C guide driver will definitely not be worse than the King Kong-level guide driver from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe!"

Then, he added another sentence.

"The King Kong-class guide ship is also a shield ship. The entire Eighth Eighth Fleet is equipped with only one, but it is the well-deserved core of the fleet!"

Xu Dongguo raised his eyebrows slightly.

It was stronger than the King Kong-level guide. He had indeed heard it from Su Dingping before, but now that he heard it again from Sun Yongguo's mouth, he was quite excited.

Doesn’t that mean that once the 052C is commissioned into our navy, our navy will truly have the confidence to wrestle with the Eighth-Eighth Fleet?

Thinking of this, Xu Dongguo flipped through the documents much faster.

"The displacement has been increased to 6,100 tons - 6,700 tons? Such a large tonnage! Our navy has never had one before."

Sun Yongguo quickly explained: "Chief, in addition to the 956E, the 052C guide will be the largest warship in our navy! The large-tonnage forging system of the warship has been conquered, and the 052C hull has been completed and will be tested soon."

Nodding, Xu Dongguo continued to read.

The more he looked, the more shocked he became.

"1130 close-in defense gun? Haihongqi-101A air defense missile system? YJ-101A anti-ship missile system...vertical launch system..."

"'Yagi Antenna Array' air and long-distance warning radar."

Reading until the end, Xu Dongguo was extremely shocked.

"So many technologies have been replaced with new ones?"

There are some that Xu Dongguo heard mentioned by Su Dingping before.

But he has never heard of more.

Seeing so many innovative technologies at once, he was a little overwhelmed.

"Yes, Chief! What Dingping means is that if you want to catch up with the West, you will definitely not be able to follow the steps! You must overtake in curves. The iteration of technology is the confidence to overtake in curves."

"I heard before that Dingping was studying phased array radar, but what is this active phased array radar?" Xu Dongguo looked at Sun Yongguo in surprise.

"Chief, the most advanced thing in the West is the passive phased array radar."

Xu Dongguo nodded: "I know this. It is recognized by the West as the limit of radar!"

Sun Yongguo solemnly said: "Active phased array radar is the next generation radar that surpasses passive phased array radar."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Dongguo's face was full of astonishment. This sentence surprised him greatly.

“Beyond the West?”

"Yes, Chief!"

Xu Dongguo looked through the relevant content again and looked at it carefully for a long time, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Doesn’t the West say that passive phased array radar is the limit of radar?

Could it be that they are deceiving us?

Xu Dongguo believed that the intelligence recognized by the entire Blue Star was deliberately released by the West to deceive the navy.

He doesn't know that the West is currently confused about active phased array radars.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

What the hell, we are already like this, why are you trying to trick us in new ways? His heart is so cruel!

But when he thought that he was working on the advanced technology hidden in the West, his mood suddenly improved a lot.

This 18 billion is well spent!

It’s a good thing that we managed to get all this money and equipment together, otherwise, we wouldn’t have these advanced technologies.

Thinking of the confrontation between the two Murasame-class guided missiles at the sea boundary line and Donghuang Tribe Sea two months ago, Xu Dongguo suddenly felt that even if it happened again, he would have to do this!

Give it a try and your bicycle will turn into a motorcycle, you got it right!

"Comrade Yongguo, you have worked hard." Xu Dongguo put down the information and said earnestly: "Have you encountered any problems? If I can find a solution for you, I will definitely help you solve it."

"Chief, there are no difficulties at the moment!"

"I will apply with Chief Liu when I get a chance, and then I will go visit my comrades."

Xu Dongguo said solemnly.

The integrated military factory is the Navy's highest-level secret, and all materials and personnel transported there require Liu Huaming's signature.

Even as the leader of the Northern Fleet, he had to apply with Liu Huaming if he wanted to go.

"Chief, I'll leave first. There are still many things waiting for me over there."

After seeing off Sun Yongguo, Xu Dongguo was in a good mood.

He is looking forward to 052C even more.

A few nights later, Xu Dongguo set off from the Northern Fleet and headed for the integrated military factory.

Due to the time difference, it was still afternoon in the Ertu tribe at this moment.

In a hotel in the Ertu tribe, Wang De, who had just finished the discussion, returned to the room angrily.


The door slammed shut.

"One billion US dollars, crazy! Stealing money is not that extreme!"

"What the hell, it only cost 30 million U.S. dollars to buy an aircraft carrier, but a guy standing in the way actually costs 1 billion U.S. dollars! Bandits, damn!"

The more he thought about it, the angrier Wang De became.

A few days ago, the other party released a signal for negotiation, and Wang De prepared for it for several days.

He knows how important an aircraft carrier is to the navy, and the navy can agree to it as long as the conditions are not too harsh.

Little did he know that all the preparations he had made for this discussion were in vain.

As soon as the other party opens his mouth, there are a bunch of conditions.

The first one to bear the brunt is to ask for 1 billion US dollars, saying that the Turkish Strait will not be usable in the next few years due to the passage of the Varyag aircraft carrier...

In Wang De's opinion, it's all nonsense.

The aircraft carrier has not even crossed the Turkish Strait, but the Turkish Strait has already been damaged by the aircraft carrier?

Is this an aircraft carrier or a nuclear weapon?

What a liar.

He had a premonition that there must be a conspiracy behind the other lion's open mouth.

Even if you can agree to these conditions, the other party will inevitably have more stringent conditions in the future.

Thinking of this, he decided to contact Zhao Quanfa, who was still in the actor tribe, to discuss it first. If not, the only option is to contact the chief.

On the other side, Xu Dongguo came to the integrated military factory.


Su Dingping brought Sun Yongguo and others to greet him.

"If I had known you were going to fight like this, I wouldn't have come."

Smiling, Xu Dongguo said: "It affects the work of comrades."

"Chief, your coming to inspect also gives confidence and encouragement to the comrades." Sun Yongguo said.

His eyes fell on Su Dingping, and seeing that he was looking a little haggard, Xu Dongguo couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"Dingping, thank you for your hard work during this time."

Such an outstanding young man could have enjoyed a beautiful youth and sweet love like many of his peers. He could even have gone to the Eagle Tribe to get a huge and enviable reward like Chen Kai did.

He could have lived a free and easy life, enjoying sex, fame, and admiration.

Xu Dongguo knew that if Su Dingping went to the Eagle Tribe, this would definitely happen!

But the other party brought thousands of naval officers and dozens of military industry experts to this inhospitable place to covertly expand territory for the navy.

Su Dingping said with a rather chic smile.

"Chief, this is what I should do, and everyone is working hard,"

While talking, Su Dingping looked at Sun Yongguo and others and said.

“Fortunately, everyone’s hard work has paid off.”

Sun Yongguo, Lu Guangjun, Wan Long and others on the side were excited.

They knew that Su Dingping was seeking credit for them in disguise.

"You haven't changed at all, you are still so humble."

Looking at everyone, Xu Dongguo said.

"Comrades, please rest assured, I know your contribution. Thousands of people will also know about it in the future, and history will remember you."

After a brief exchange of greetings, Su Dingping took Xu Dongguo to visit the integrated military factory.

Two hours later, Xu Dongguo dismissed the others and followed Su Dingping to the office.

"Dingping, this integrated military factory is amazing! Looking at the three armies, we can't find another one as advanced as this."

I came here to see it in person and Xu Dongguo was very satisfied.

With the integrated military factory, the navy will build a new modern military industry system in the future, which will no longer be a mirror image.

"Dingping, I heard Comrade Yongguo say last time that 052C will be launched into the water next month?"

"Yes, chief, it's too late to hurry up."

"Dingping, don't rush this matter, take your time! The navy can still stabilize the situation now, we can afford to wait."

"Please rest assured, chief, that we will complete the task with quality and quantity."

"At present, our navy already has 051C and 052B, and now it is about to launch 052C. This is something I never dared to think about before. Dingping, these are all your contributions. But I still want to criticize you here, body It’s important, do you know?”

"Yes, Chief!"

Seeing Su Dingping casually agreeing, Xu Dongguo had no choice but to change the subject.

"The production of 051C is going quite smoothly at the moment, and it will almost be ready for shipment in September! At that time, the Tesha tribe will transfer the remaining half of the money, and some more military expenses will be spent. Is the previous 3 billion R\u0026D funding enough? If it is not enough, , I will approve it directly for you when the time comes.”

When Su Dingping heard about military expenditures, he immediately became excited.

"Chief, it's not enough."

"How much do you want?"

"The more, the merrier."

Xu Dongguo was just about to say that the navy now has a little more money in its pockets, so they can take whatever they want.

As a result, Su Dingping's answer made him speechless.

"The more the merrier?"

"Yes, sir. I have roughly calculated that the cost of 052C is about 2 billion. It may be a little higher, but it is within the control range."

"Only 2 billion?"

Xu Dongguo was stunned for a moment.

He remembered very clearly that the Donghuang Tribe’s fourth King Kong-class guided missile destroyer cost 122.3 billion yen, equivalent to 6.267 billion Chinese coins.

Even if there is water in it, 5 billion Huaxia coins are definitely needed.

Sun Yongguo told him a few days ago that the 052C is definitely not inferior to the King Kong-level guide driver.

As a result, the cost is not even half of the other party's?

"Yes, Chief." Su Dingping said: "I personally control the relevant links and try to avoid returning to the factory for two, three, or multiple times for recasting and retesting. In terms of cost, I have indeed saved some money."

Su Dingping's deployment in the Military Illustrated Forging Space was effective. Many problems that would be encountered during forging were solved in advance in the Military Illustrated Forging Space, which greatly saved time, research and development, and forging costs.

Although Xu Dongguo knew that Su Dingping was capable, his heart was still filled with ups and downs at this moment, and his face was full of disbelief.

How can this save some money?

"Dingping, you don't have to worry about money. The remaining military expenditure of our navy is enough for two 052Cs."

Previously, the Tesha Tribe ordered four 051Cs, which greatly enriched the Navy's wallet.

But now it seems that the money is still not enough!

"Chief, the money for two 052Cs is enough. The research and development expenses for the next generation of warships..."

"The next...next generation?"

Xu Dongguo was stunned.

"Isn't 052C not in the water yet?"

"Isn't this pre-research? It is estimated that it will not be launched until the end of the year." Su Dingping said: "Let me prepare you mentally in advance, fearing that military expenditures will be tight by then."


Xu Dongguo shouted loudly.

"Speaking of the end of the year, we are already working hard this year to join the Blue Star Trade Alliance, which will be at the end of the year. By then, trade among the tribes will be open, the economic situation will improve, and our budget will be much larger."

Xu Dongguo did not hide anything about Su Dingping.

The purpose of telling this news was to reassure Su Dingping that military expenses would not be a big obstacle.

"That's good."

He said this, but Su Dingping knew in his heart that if he didn't succeed this year in his previous life, he would have to wait until next year.

Just as Xu Dongguo was about to say more, he saw the security guard running in quickly with a satellite phone.

Putting it next to Xu Dongguo's ear, the guard whispered: "Chief, Secretary Wang's phone number."

Wang De?

Xu Dongguo's pupils shrank suddenly.

He knew that it must be the Varyag aircraft carrier that had the latest news.

Seeing this, Su Dingping was about to get up and take shelter.

"Dingping, it's okay, sit down." Xu Dongguo waved his hand towards Su Dingping, indicating that he didn't need to leave.

Immediately, he took the phone.

"It's me, Xu Dongguo."

"Chief, the conditions offered by the Ertu tribe are too harsh." Wang De explained the situation roughly.

"Okay, I get it."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dongguo's face turned gloomy.

He had already expected that the Ertu tribe would make some harsh demands.

But I didn't expect that the other party's appetite was so big.

One billion US dollars is just one of them!

"Chief?" Su Dingping shouted.

Xu Dongguo recovered from his anger.

Glancing at Su Dingping, he originally didn't intend to upset Su Dingping.

But when I think about the follow-up aircraft carrier coming back, and the Navy is still blank about aircraft carriers, it will inevitably have to transfer people from here.

"Do you still remember the Varyag aircraft carrier I mentioned to you two months ago?"

"I have an impression. I think it was stuck?"

Su Dingping nodded.

It was the end of Navy Day and two hours before the start of the integrated military factory project. Xu Dongguo mentioned this matter to him at the military base in the northern seas.

"It's been more than two months and they still haven't released me?"

Although he knew it well, Su Dingping still pretended not to know anything.

"Not only was it not released! It's like a lion's mouth!" Xu Dongguo said angrily: "One billion US dollars! This is still one of the requirements! I know that it is easy to buy an aircraft carrier, but not so easy to get it!"

Seeing Su Dingping's thoughtful expression, Xu Dongguo said again.

"Dingping, don't worry about this matter, we will solve it on our own! If not, we can only resort to external means."

Foreign affairs means?

Su Dingping sighed inwardly.

The Ertu tribe was stuck for a year and a half before being released. Obviously, it cannot be solved by simple foreign affairs methods.

To solve this matter, a core factor is needed - the Laxi tribe.

How to remind the chief?

Xu Dongguo was about to stand up when he heard Su Dingping say.

"Chief, I have some ideas."

"tell me the story."

"Chief, the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Xu Dongguo frowned and sat down again.

"We have had this idea before, but it was not yet mature."

"If we personally enter the central region, we may be able to solve the aircraft carrier issue."

After pondering for a while, Su Dingping said.

"Chief, didn't we sell 051C to the Tesha tribe before? We can also start with tribes that have enmity with the Ertu tribe."

Xu Dongguo's eyes suddenly lit up and he immediately said: "Planning the central region?"

"In the past, we were not strong enough and have never explored this direction in depth. Now that you have reminded me, this is a good solution."

"Chief, that's what I'm saying. I don't understand strategic matters either."

"Dingping, I came to the right place this time!" Xu Dongguo was overjoyed, "I will discuss it with them immediately when I get back."

"Dingping, there's no need to send it away."

While talking, Xu Dongguo left in a hurry.

"I don't know if the chief can think of the Laxi tribe." After saying this, Su Dingping went to work again.

Xu Dongguo did not return to the Northern Fleet headquarters and went straight to the capital.

In the early morning of the next day, Xu Dongguo's special plane landed at the Navy Headquarters Airport.

In the conference room, Liu Huaming, Xiao Chongjun, and Qian Wenbing have arrived.

"Why is Lao Xu so crazy? He asked me to come from the south in the middle of the night." Qian Wenbing breathed a sigh of relief and said.

"I don't know either."

Xiao Chongjun shook his head.

At this moment, Xu Dongguo's footsteps sounded outside.

His voice came over before anyone arrived.

"Chief, what a great event!"

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