I built an armada

Chapter 128 Becoming the leader of the army! Get rid of the Laxi tribe!

Big happy event?

What a happy event?

Xiao Chongjun and Qian Wenbing looked at each other, completely unaware of what was happening.

The leader Liu Huaming looked calm, and there was some speculation in his heart.

He knows where Xu Dongguo went last night! After all, he personally approved the other party's application form.

But only a few hours had passed, and Xu Dongguo immediately requested a meeting of chiefs without stopping.

He speculated that Su Dingping must have made major scientific research progress.


Thinking of it, Liu Huaming felt a little excited in his heart.

On the training day, Su Dingping drew a lot of cakes for him. What remains fresh in his memory, apart from the navy's three-step strategy for the future, is the improvement of the 052B.

This is why he fully supports Su Dingping.

These big cakes are so tempting.

Thumb thump thump——

Xu Dongguo strode over with a happy face.

As soon as he sat down, Qian Wenbing asked: "Lao Xu, what are you so happy about? I'm telling you, I flew here from the south specially. If you don't give me a happy event, I'm not done with you!"

"That's right! It's already two o'clock in the morning!" Xiao Chongjun took over.

"Comrade Dong Guo, tell me what's going on."

Liu Huaming looked at Xu Dongguo and asked.

"Two happy events!" Xu Dongguo said with a smile.

"The first one, I just went to inspect the integrated military factory last night. The progress in Dingping is very fast! According to Dingping, the first 052C will be launched next month!"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Chongjun and Qian Wenbing were both surprised and happy.

"The first 052C was launched in August? So soon?"

"It's been two and a half months, and I don't feel anything at all."

Surprised, Qian Wenbing said.

"Old Xu, this is wrong. Everything is fine. Why are you rushing over there if you have nothing to do? Are our navy in a hurry now?"

"Actually... I'm not in a hurry. With your urging, everyone will be happy if nothing happens. If it happens like the Eastern Wilderness tribe, I originally heard that the fourth King Kong-class guide ship was launched in September! I guess I was urged later. Yes, something happened and it may have to be postponed later."

The navy has been secretly paying attention to the progress of the Donghuang Tribe's fourth King Kong-class guided ship.

Later, something happened, and they received the news as soon as possible.

Although the four fully-established Eighth-Eight Fleet and the three fully-established Eighth-Eight Fleet pose the same threat level to the current navy.

But when something like this happened on the other side, it was somewhat good news.

Although the Donghuang tribe is already quite skilled in warship production, various accidents still occur during the production process.

Referring to others, Qian Wenbing is worried that the integrated military factory has just been built after all, and the first batch it will undertake is 052C. Various accidents will inevitably occur during the R\u0026D and production process.

This is a high-intensity and refined project, but if Xu Dongguo urged it, it would be easy to cause trouble even if it was fine.

Looking at Xu Dongguo, Qian Wenbing said seriously: "Old Xu, I have to criticize you this time. If something happens, you will be blamed!"

Xiao Chongjun on the side nodded repeatedly.

During this time, they had wanted to take a look many times, but in the end they suppressed the idea.

They were also worried that their trip would put invisible pressure on Su Dingping and others.

"I'm not here to urge you."

Xu Dongguo recounted what happened two days ago when Sun Yongguo came to report on his work, and then added.

"I just went to express my condolences to the comrades."

After hearing this, Qian Wenbing and Xiao Chongjun looked much better.

Then he was shocked by the content of Sun Yongguo's report.

"Comparable to the King Kong level guide? How did Dingping do it?"

"King Kong-class guide ship! That's a shield ship! We just thought about it before, but now we are about to have one! 052C, shield ship! Our navy is about to have its first shield ship!"

"Advanced radar technology that surpasses the West! This is something we didn't even dare to dream about before!"

"No, last year I was still thinking about when I would be able to narrow the gap with the Eastern Wilderness Tribe! No... we are almost catching up! Dingping has already set his sights on the Eagle Tribe!"

Qian Wenbing and Xiao Chongjun looked at each other with emotion.

This time last year, their biggest hope was to conquer the newly acquired 965E core technology!

At that time, you had to be careful when dreaming.

It’s only been a year!

The fourth King Kong-class guide ship that forced them to talk about it in several chiefs' meetings is no longer a big threat.

The 052B can compete with the Murasame-class guided drives. Although the Murasame is the first batch, the Murasame-class guided drives in the next three batches will definitely be stronger, but it cannot hold up to our 052C, which has the confidence to surpass the Kongang-class guided drives.

It may be very difficult to wait for two years to develop a complete modern fleet and break through the first sea area blockade, but isn't peace in the East Continent Sea still complete?

Thinking of this, Qian Wenbing couldn't hide the joy on their faces.

He feels that when one or two 052Cs are deployed in the south, the Southern Fleet will be more calm.

"Dingping and I have come to terms with each other." Xu Dongguo continued.

"The cost of the 052C is estimated to be around 2 billion! But I estimate it should be more than 2.5 billion! Although four 051Cs were sold before, the military expenditures we have saved recently through frugality may only be enough for two 052Cs!"

"Two ships! Not bad." Xiao Chongjun was stunned as soon as he finished speaking, and then blurted out.

"Old Xu, what did you just say? The cost was only 20... no, 2.5 billion?"

Xu Dongguo said truthfully: "The base offered by Dingping was 2 billion. I was worried that it was not enough, so I raised it."

Xiao Chongjun asked cautiously: "Is it...USD?"

If it's US dollars, you're in big trouble.

It will be very difficult to build an entire modern advanced fleet within two years. By then, we may have to use some old destroyers and frigates.

But then he thought about it.

its not right.

If it were really US dollars, we wouldn’t be able to get a second 052C with the little military spending we have left.

But if it is not US dollars, even if it is 2.5 billion, it is too cheap.

Qian Wenbing also realized this problem and couldn't help but look serious.

"It's a Chinese coin."

Xiao Chongjun lost his voice and said: "What? Huaxia coins? 2.5 billion Huaxia coins? Lao Xu, did I hear it correctly? Or did you hear it wrong over there?"

"Old Xu, don't fool me." Qian Wenbing said quickly: "You know how much it costs to build the fourth King Kong-class guided drive in the East Barren Tribe Sea! 122.3 billion yen, that's 6.27 billion Chinese coins! We Isn’t it said that the 052C can compete with it? How come the cost is not even half of it?”

Liu Huaming knew that 052C could arm-wrestle with the King Kong-class guide. Xu Dongguo reported it to him after Sun Yongguo left a few days ago.

But he had just learned about the cost of 052C.

At this moment, Cheng Fu couldn't help but show a hint of shock on his face.

The cost of 2.5 billion was far lower than his psychological expectations.

"Comrade Dongguo, what on earth is going on?" Liu Huaming asked quickly.

Xu Dongguo explained immediately.

"Chief, when I learned about the news a few hours ago, I asked several times. But Dingping said that he personally controlled all the processes, and did a lot of research and development, production, and testing, and the cost was saved. .”

Immediately afterwards, Xu Dongguo explained the situation in detail.

After listening, the three people present looked horrified, and their hearts were shocked for a long time.

What a treasure this is.

He is a person who can be worshipped.

"Dingping has indeed saved our navy a lot of money this time." Xu Dongguo said with emotion: "When he was still at our military base in the northern seas, he only applied for tens of millions of R\u0026D expenses and a batch of ammunition to improve the 052. "

The three of them were still in shock and nodded subconsciously.

"But when it comes to money." Xu Dongguo continued.

"Dingping also reminded me that our military expenditure is far from enough! Two 052Cs cost at least 5 billion! This suddenly used up all the money we had saved."

"Old Xu, this is what's wrong with you." Qian Wenbing said immediately: "What's wrong with spending some money? I asked you to use 5 billion to buy two King Kong-class guided missiles. Are they willing to sell them? If they don't blow you out, I'll give it to you. Save face!”

Xiao Chongjun also said: "Old Xu, you just got an advantage and still acted like a good boy! Promising! You have an eye for money."

Liu Huaming made the decision immediately.

"I'm here to express my position. In terms of cost, as long as Dingping needs it, our Navy will tighten our belts and have to provide it for him! If it's not enough, I will go to Xue Shuai for help when the time comes. .”

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Dongguo said.

"Chief, Dingping also hinted at me."

"What does it imply?"

"If nothing else happens, the next generation of warships will be launched by the end of the year. By then, the money will be..."

Liu Huaming opened his mouth, but the words on his lips did not come out.

More than three months ago, I shamelessly discussed it with Xue Shuai and persuaded the higher authorities to allocate 12 billion.

Even if it’s the end of the year, how long will it take?

Construction is going on everywhere right now, and money is needed everywhere.

Asking for tens or even tens of billions would be as difficult as reaching the sky.

If it's less, he can still think of a way. Researching the next generation of warships is an indispensable expense no matter what.

Liu Huaming changed the topic and asked: "What did you say at that time?"

"I made peace with Dingping and said that the higher-ups are already working hard. Once we join the Blue Star Trade Alliance this year, we will have money and a larger military budget."

Liu Huaming sighed heavily and said: "Even if everything goes so smoothly, it will take two years for the budget to increase significantly. Water from afar cannot quench the thirst of the near!"

"We have to think of another way!"

"Dingping has already controlled the cost for us so low, we can't let him stop using military expenditures!"

Xiao Chongjun and Qian Wenbing nodded repeatedly.

The room fell into silence.

Obviously, they couldn't think of a good solution to the issue of military expenditure.

After a while, Qian Wenbing said: "Old Xu, where is the second happy event?"

"That's right." Xu Dongguo said quickly: "The second thing is a coincidence. I happened to be in Dingping to discuss military expenditures at that time. Comrade Wang De..."

Xu Dongguo told what happened.

Qian Wenbing said angrily after hearing half of it.

"One billion U.S. dollars! This is just the first condition! The Ku'ertu tribe can figure it out! They are not afraid of knocking their own teeth due to their excessive appetite!"

"Last time they suddenly seized the Varyag, I knew it wasn't that simple! There was indeed the shadow of the Eagle Tribe behind it!"

When they heard that the Eagle Tribe was behind the trouble, the two of them immediately became furious.

"I will never give up on the death of imperialism!" Liu Huaming also sighed.

An abandoned aircraft carrier, the Eagle Tribe went to war like this.

If this lets them know that they are developing the 052C, which is comparable to the King Kong-class guided drive, then they are still not allowed to bring the aircraft carrier fleet over?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice that all participants in the integrated military factory were recruited from within and the highest level of confidentiality was adopted.

"Later Dingping suddenly said..."

Liu Huaming and others looked curious. They wanted to know how a talented military expert would view the game between tribes.

"...That's basically it." Xu Dongguo said.

After listening, Liu Huaming and the other three looked stunned again.

They believed that Su Dingping was an outstanding military expert and even had some attributes of a political commissar. Unexpectedly, the other party also had unique insights in strategic vision.

"We also thought about deploying the central region before. In this way, the Varyag issue can be solved, and we can also learn about the situation in the central region as soon as possible! The central region is so rich and greedy! But at that time Didn’t we consider the Eagle Tribe and White Bear Tribe, so we gave up this idea!”

As soon as Qian Wenbing finished speaking, Xiao Chongjun took over.

"But the idea given by Dingping is a good one. Just like we did to the Tesha tribe, sell the weapons there. With this bridge here, we can lay out the central region in advance!"

"The main reason is that we couldn't get rid of our 051 and 052 before, and others didn't like it. Now, although we have 051C, we haven't changed our strategic concept." Xu Dongguo sighed: "The navy is developing too fast, and our mentality It’s a bit hard to get used to it all of a sudden.”

Liu Huaming immediately shouted outside: "Guard!"

Soon, the guard came over with a map of the central region.

Putting the map on the table, the four of them got up and joined in.

Liu Huaming picked up his pen and drew a big circle outside the Ertu tribe.

The circle included several tribes, most of which had no dealings with the Ertu tribe.

The quantity is now available, but which tribe to choose?

On the one hand, the strength of that tribe cannot be too bad. If it is too bad, it will not threaten the Ertu tribe. Of course, it cannot afford modern warships. On the other hand, the relationship between that tribe and your own side should not be too bad.

After some discussion, Liu Huaming's eyes fell on Laxi tribe.

The three people said immediately.

"The Laxi tribe has established diplomatic relations with us in the early years. The relationship has always been good, and the background is not bad. In recent years, I heard that the Laxi tribe was bullied by the Ertu tribe and lost several islands."

"The two tribes have fought for more than a dozen times, large and small. The Laxi tribe has always been at a disadvantage. The hatred of the loss of the reef island may not be resolved. If we sell modern warships to them at this time, they will definitely remember this kindness. It will also put pressure on the Ertu tribe. Then we will work a little bit and it will not be difficult for the Ertu tribe to release the Varyag."

"Once they purchase our warships, the exchanges will naturally become more frequent in the future. If the situation develops well in the future, we can also use the Laxi tribe as a springboard to focus on the central region! Kill two birds with one stone!"

The three of them became more and more excited as they talked. They were originally worried about the Varyag aircraft carrier, but now they are making strategic plans for the future in advance.

If we can get a piece of the pie in the central region, it will be of great benefit to economic development and construction.

But they also knew that neither the White Bear Tribe nor the Eagle Tribe would allow them to interfere. In this case, the invisible springboard Laxi tribe is particularly important.

"It's too early to focus on the central region, but planting a seed in advance will be of great use at the critical moment!"

"But if this happens, the return of the Varyag will probably be delayed again and again."

"It doesn't matter, no matter how hard we try now, we can't reach the central region. If we can't let the Ertu tribe see our strength, there will be a problem whether the Varyag can come back. It's worth the wait!"

In the end, Liu Huaming held the pen and pressed it heavily on the Laxi Tribe, saying: "That's it, Laxi Tribe!"

"I will contact Comrade Wang De shortly. No, let Comrade Zhao Quanfa handle this matter." Xu Dongguo said: "Comrade Wang De's current identity is a businessman, so it cannot be exposed yet!"

Soon, Liu Huaming made the decision.

"Then let Comrade Zhao Quanfa, who is still in the actor tribe, go there, and Comrade Wang De will provide help secretly!"

When purchasing the Varyag, after Zhao Quanfa failed, Wang De was the leader and Zhao Quanfa was the assistant. Now the situation of the two is reversed.

After receiving two pieces of good news in a row, Qian Wenbing and others left the naval headquarters with smiles on their faces. They also planned their future strategies in advance.

Watching the three people leaving, Liu Huaming had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

He knows a little bit about the situation of the Laxi tribe.

With the opponent's background, it is definitely impossible to place an order for four 051Cs with a wave of the hand like the Tesha tribe did.

In order to deal with the Ertu tribe, I gritted my teeth and probably bought two boats.

After deducting various costs, the money earned is far from enough to research the next generation of warships.

Thinking of the military budget, Liu Huaming couldn't help but sigh.

The little increase in the Navy's military budget every year is just a drop in the bucket.

In order to support the construction of the integrated military factory, many research and production projects were secretly stopped. But even so, it is still difficult to live on military expenses.

A horse cannot fatten without night grass, and a navy cannot become rich without windfall.

Only by becoming a big arms dealer like the Eagle Tribe can we collect money quickly.

"We have to find a way to expand the 051C's influence among those oil field tribes. If they all come to place orders, our navy's life will be more comfortable."

The West, headed by the Eagle Tribe, does not sell modern military weapons to a few oil field tribes. This is the best opportunity for the development of the navy in the cracks.

Who wants their money bag to suddenly have an extra lock?

The tribes of Europe don't want it, and neither does the Eagle Tribe.

Liu Huaming also knows this in his heart. Once the West's money bag is really locked, the subsequent pressure will fall on his own side.

Not to mention the distance, whether these warships can be delivered safely and soundly is still a question.

According to the tyranny of the Eagle Tribe, he believed that the other party could do such a shameless thing.

"Placing an order is a test, and how to deliver the warship is even more of a test!"

"No matter what, the four 051Cs must be safely delivered to the Tesha tribe in September! Otherwise, other tribes will not dare to buy them even if they want to."

Thinking of this, Liu Huaming couldn't help but feel heavy.

"Right now, the Eagle Tribe is constantly deploying troops in the central region, and I don't know if it can do it! Once it does, it will be a good opportunity!"

At the same time, Zhao Quanfa, who was far away in the actor's tribe, was still walking anxiously in the guest house. He represents the official government, so unlike Wang De, he lives in a guest house.

The fact that the superiors sent him here shows that there is no problem with his ability.

In more than half a year, he has formed good friendships with the senior officials of the surrounding tribes.

After secretly discussing with Wang De, they both used some means and finally discovered that the Eagle Tribe was the mastermind behind it.

A few hours have passed now, and he is still waiting for the situation on Wang De's side.

"I don't know how the chief will arrange it."

"Eagle Tribe, damn Eagle Tribe! You have to take care of everything, you really think of yourself as the steward of Blue Star!"

"What the hell!"

Zhao Quanfa cursed.

If the Eagle Tribe hadn't been there, what would have happened?

Zhao Quanfa, who had been waiting for a long time, did not receive a call from Wang De, but received a call from Xu Dongguo's dedicated line.


"Comrade Quanfa, there is an urgent task that you need to take charge of right now."

After a while, Zhao Quanfa dialed the satellite phone.

Leave the actor tribe and go to the Laxi tribe?

Put aside the Varyag aircraft carrier matter for the time being and start finalizing the warship procurement plan first?

"Is the Varyag left alone?"

Zhao Quanfa walked back and forth in the room.

Xu Dongguo didn't elaborate on the phone call, he just changed the task.

Soon, Wang De also called.

"Comrade Quanfa, have you received the message?"

"I got it, you got it too?"

"Yes! The leader asked me to secretly assist you in your actions in the Laxi tribe. For some reason, the Varyag aircraft carrier suddenly stopped caring."

"The chief should have his own arrangements. Forget it, forget about it for now." Zhao Quanfa said: "I will leave the Actor Tribe first, then go around in a circle, and then go to the Laxi Tribe! Three days later, we will meet at the Laxi Tribe? "

"Okay! That's what I mean!"

After hanging up the phone, the two immediately went to deploy.

A few hours later, Wang De got on the plane and left.

The person who had been responsible for monitoring Wang De immediately reported the matter to the person in charge of the Varyag aircraft carrier.

"Sir, the businessman is gone."

"Leaving?" Emil, who was about to take a rest, was stunned when he heard the news.

"He doesn't want that aircraft carrier anymore?"

"I don't know. The other party bought a ticket to Africa and left."

"Africa? Did something happen to his business?"

Emil frowned slightly.

In the background of Wang De's identity he investigated, he mentioned that Wang De had quite a lot of industry in Africa.

"Sir, what should we do now?"

"It won't be long before he goes to Africa! He will still come back to ask for the aircraft carrier. Last time the official people came, we didn't give them face. Who will he invite next time?"

While he was talking to himself, someone below asked.

"Sir, wouldn't it be bad if we turned against each other over this?"

"What are you afraid of?" Emil glared and said, "We are six thousand kilometers away from them in a straight line. What else can they do to us? Apart from merchant ships and business opportunities, who can reach us?"

Emil knew very well that the higher-ups were willing to do this for the Eagle Tribe because the Eagle Tribe’s military power could reach here, and they had close ties with the Eagle Tribe!

But not the other party!

There is almost no military power or contacts.

If it were in the Dongzhou Sea, the Ertu tribe might still be worried for a while. After all, the distance is too close. Although the army cannot reach it, the navy and air force can.

But now the straight-line distance is 6,000 kilometers. The combat radius of fighter jets is simply out of reach, and the navy cannot penetrate so far.

To safeguard ocean interests, it is obviously impossible to rely on fighter jets and land forces. Without a strong navy, it cannot stretch its hand at all.

The Eagle Tribe relies on its 11 powerful aircraft carrier strike groups to establish military bases in various places and quickly deploy its army and air force combat troops there.

Emil felt like a mirror in his mind about these things.

"Sir, I heard that the opponent's navy has been developing well in the past two years! Last year, it also purchased from the White Bear Tribe..."

"Are they getting by?" Emil asked casually.


"The navies of the tribes in Dongzhou are not weak. They can sail normally, but if they want to come over and cause trouble, it's not that easy!"

Emil smiled.

"Don't worry about this matter. Send someone to keep an eye on it at the airport! When the businessman comes, report it immediately."

"Yes, sir!"

At dawn, Zhao Quanfa also found a reason to leave the actor tribe.

For two consecutive days, he traveled around various places, giving people the appearance of doing business.

Three days later at night, Laxi arrived at the airport and Zhao Quanfa walked out of the plane.

Dmitri, who was in charge of the reception of the Laxi tribe, greeted them with a smile.

"Mr. Zhao, it's been a hard journey."

"Mr. Dmitry, I kept you waiting."

After the two briefly exchanged greetings, Dmitri took Zhao Quanfa into a special car and quickly disappeared into the night.

An hour later, outside the high-end guest house, a group of security personnel were quietly guarding the surrounding area.

In the room, Dmitri said to Zhao Quan.

"Mr. Zhao, I heard that you are here to do business with us?"


"Does it cost so much to make a deal?"

Obviously, Dmitry's security arrangements were all hinted by Zhao Quanfa in advance.

How can normal business be so mysterious?

Zhao Quanfa said: "This business is different."

"Mr. Zhao, please speak."

After organizing some words in his mind, Zhao Quanfa said meaningfully.

"I heard that your tribe has had conflicts with the Ertu tribe over the years. They lost more than they won and lost several islands because of this?"

Dmitri's face suddenly became serious.

"Mr. Zhao, if you are here to see my Laxi tribe joke, I think you can leave."

"What if I said I was here to help you?"

Dmitri narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhao Quanfa with some surprise, but Zhao Quanfa was still sitting there with a smile.

"Help us? We are six thousand kilometers apart, how can you help us? And I know your purpose, you won't..."

"That's natural." Zhao Quanfa waved his hand and changed the topic, "I know very well that losing territory in the sea is not a pleasant feeling. So this time I was ordered to come over and negotiate a business deal with you."

Dmitri was a little unsure of the other party's intentions and immediately said: "Please speak."

"You have had more than a dozen naval battles with the Ertu tribe, large and small. Why did you lose more than you win?"

"Hmph! Why do you need to ask?" Dmitri snorted coldly: "This is not a secret! All the surrounding tribes know it."

"Look at what kind of warships the Ertu Tribe has? Several modern warships! They were all sold to him by the West! Although they are all retired warships, they are still modern warships after all, right? Are you looking at what warships our navy has? "

"I get angry when you talk about this!"

"Ever since the West reached out to the central region, our Laxi tribe has never had a good day!"

Zhao Quanfa's expression remained unchanged, but he was slightly happy inside.

The reason why he went to Dmitri instead of anyone else was because he was a hard-liner from the Laxi tribe. They are also a tough fighter when it comes to dealing with the Ertu tribe.

So he was confident that as long as what was discussed next was beneficial to the Laxi tribe, Dmitri would definitely take the initiative to keep it a secret.

Zhao Quanfa immediately said: "You also want to buy modern warships, but the West won't sell them?"

Dmitri said angrily.

"Who in the whole Blue Star doesn't know that if you want to buy Western warships, you have to become their 'ally'! This ally is not a literal ally! I, the Laxi tribe, still have a bit of backbone! How are we like the Ertu tribe?"

Seeing that the preparations were almost done, Zhao Quanfa said this.

"A while ago, our navy built a modern warship 051C. You should know this news."

Dmitri nodded. This news is not a secret in Blue Star. Many tribes know it.

"If I tell you that the 051C is no worse than the modern warships sold to the Turkish tribes in the West, would you have any thoughts?"

"Is there still this matter?"

Dmitri frowned suddenly.

Suddenly, he reacted and blurted out.

"Mr. Zhao, the sale you just mentioned is not 051C, right?"

Zhao Quan laughed and said nothing, looking at each other quietly.

Dmitri took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

After a while, he said.

"If your 051C can really compete with the retired modern warships of the West, it will be of great significance to our navy in future naval battles with the Turkish tribes!"

"Mr. Dmitry, you can send someone to look at it at any time. You have fought with the Ertu tribe many times, and you have some knowledge of the various data of their warships. If you find that I have any lies, you can expel me at any time. Walk."

Seeing Zhao Quanfa's serious look, Dmitri couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

If this is the case, then in future sea battles with the Ertu tribe, although we may not necessarily win, we can at least draw a tie!

In this way, although there is no solution for the reefs that have been lost, it can at least ensure that the reefs will not be lost again in the future.

"Don't worry about this now." Dmitri asked: "Why do you want to do this business with us?"

"Our navy is short of money, and all the tribes in Blue Star know it. We are in it for the money, and you are in it for the warships. If not, I wouldn't be sending a foreign contractor to talk about this matter. Mr. Dmitry, what do you think? "

Zhao Quanfa said slowly.

"If we have money, the navy can continue to develop. And if you have warships, you can defend the maritime territories! This is a win-win situation!"

Zhao Quanfa's words before, "The feeling of losing territory in the sea is unpleasant" had already deeply touched Dmitri's heart. Now that he heard what the other party said, he was quite moved.

"Let me think about it."

Zhao Quanfa did not rush, and sat aside and waited quietly.

After a while, Dmitri said: "In this case, I will go back and discuss it with the superiors! Regardless of whether it is successful or not, I will give you an answer in three days! How about it?"

"make a deal!"

Looking at the other party's leaving figure, Zhao Quanfa's eyes flickered slightly. He waited until two hours later before he got in touch with Wang De and exchanged information.

After returning home, Dmitri reported the situation and couldn't sleep because of it.

If 051C is really that powerful, it must be taken down!

At present, the West does not sell warships and is sitting on the sidelines. The only chance is that the other side is willing to sell warships. Otherwise, the days to come will be more difficult.

But once the news gets out, whether these warships can be delivered safely will become the primary issue.

He didn't know at the moment that four warships would be sent to the Tesha tribe in September.

If he knew about this, he would choose to wait and see first. Wait until those four warships arrive safely at the Tesha tribe before making a decision.

This matter is also what Liu Huaming is worried about.

Once it arrives successfully, some potential buyers who are still waiting will be tempted to place an order!

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