I built an armada

Chapter 129 Everything is ready! Comparing with the 'Burke Class II' guide!

Three days later, Dmitri found Zhao Quanfa with a lot of worries.

"Mr. Zhao, before we talk in detail, I have a question to ask."

Seeing the other party's appearance, Zhao Quanfa suddenly understood.

"But it doesn't matter."

"I can convince the superiors to agree to this plan, but can the warship be delivered safely? We know your situation. You also know our situation. I have to think more about this."

"Mr. Dmitri, once the contract is signed, we will be fully responsible for the subsequent matters. If any problems arise, we will be responsible. Our credibility is known to all Blue Stars."

Dmitri stared at Zhao Quanfa for a long time, and then solemnly said: "Okay, let's discuss some details."

After a few hours, everything was settled and Dmitri left in a hurry.

The two agreed that five days later, Dmitri would secretly send a group of people to inspect the combat performance of the 051C on the spot before deciding whether to buy it.

Although he didn't know the intention behind selling warships, Zhao Quanfa was relieved that the task was completed so smoothly.

Compared with the previous negotiation on the Varyag, this matter went so smoothly.

On the evening of July 14th, Guangdong International Airport.

The '051B modification' is still in the Northern Fleet. The ship unveiled on Navy Day is also the 051C that Zhang Zhaoxin took the Tesha tribe to visit, and it has been assigned to the Southern Fleet.

As soon as the plane landed, Zhang Zhaoxin greeted it with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Elias!"

"Hello, Colonel Zhang."

Ilias was the general appointed by Dmitri himself.

In addition to him, there were other entourages and some military experts who knew the situation of the Ertu tribe's warships.

"Colonel Zhang, time is tight and we have a mission, so we won't waste time. What do you think?"


Having had the experience of hosting the Tesha tribe last time, Zhang Zhaoxin handled it like a duck in water.

A few hours later, somewhere in Zhanjiang.

Zhang Zhaoxin led a few people to the military port. At this moment, 051C was waiting quietly on the dock.

"Mr. Ilyas, this is what I told you on the way, the modern guided missile destroyer we independently developed and produced - 051C!"

Zhang Zhaoxin said, pointing to the warship not far away.

"Although we have not cooperated in armaments before, our reputation is obvious to all Blue Stars. The 051C will definitely satisfy you at the combat level."

Ilyas stopped and looked at it for a while and said.

"Colonel Zhang, can the people I brought along come up with me?"


Zhang Zhaoxin said with a smile.

Those military industry experts could tell them apart from others at a glance, and Zhang Zhaoxin was not surprised by this.

The Laxi tribe brought military experts to visit the warship simply because they wanted to understand the actual combat level of the warship and compare it with the known combat level of the Turkish warship.

The chief has already approved this matter, so Zhang Zhaoxin will naturally not stop it.

"Everyone, please."

While talking, Zhang Zhaoxin and a group of people boarded the warship.

"Mr. Elias, the explanation in the car was not detailed enough before. Now I will explain it to you in detail."

"The 051C is equipped with a double-barreled 100mm fully automatic naval gun, and two 730-type 7-barreled 30mm close-in weapon systems... The anti-ship missile system on it is our independently developed YJ-801, including the air defense missile system. Independent research and development……"

Along with the roar of the warship, under Zhang Zhaoxin's explanation, Ilyas listened carefully while touring the interior of the warship.

A few more hours later, 051C returned to the shore again.

Compared with before going there, Ilyas's face was obviously much more excited at this moment.

Although he is a layman, he can still feel that 051C is very good. Now we are waiting for the results from those military industry experts. As long as it meets the bottom line, we can make a decision and place the order.

Zhang Zhaoxin led a group of people back to the conference room, where steaming tea was already placed on the table.

"How's it going, Mr. Elias?"

"Colonel Zhang, wait a moment." As he said that, Ilyas looked at the military experts behind him.

The group communicated with each other in Laxi tribal language.

Zhang Zhaoxin was not in a hurry and took a sip of tea to cheer him up.

After a moment, Ilyas turned his head to look at Zhang Zhaoxin with satisfaction.

"Colonel Zhang, I have communicated with them. One thing is certain right now. The 051C you just showed is indeed comparable to the modern warships serving the Turkish tribe."

"This is natural! We are very confident about the 051C!" Zhang Zhaoxin said seriously: "As Secretary Zhao said before, if our navy's current military expenditure was not tight, the 051C would not be sold. There are difficulties."

"I know that."

Nodding, Ilias changed the subject and asked.

"But there is one thing I want to ask in advance."

"Mr. Elias, but it doesn't matter."

"We know that the personal use version and the foreign trade version are two different things! So how much discount will be given to the combat level of the 051C you sell externally?"

After finishing speaking, Ilyas stared at Zhang Zhaoxin with bright eyes.

Normal arms foreign trade will offer a 30% discount, but if the 051C is offered a 30% discount, it will not have any advantage against the warships of the Upper Ertu tribe. On the contrary, it will still be at a disadvantage.

Although the discounted 051C is stronger than its own non-modern warships, it does not have much effect on the situation.

This is what worries Elias.

Zhang Zhaoxin immediately smiled and said: "Mr. Ilias, I saw your military experts recording various parameters over there."

"Yes." Elias nodded.

"Then I will make a promise to you here. All the measured data you recorded before will be the same as the 051C after arrival! If there is any difference, we will pay double the compensation! This is our promise! "

Hearing this, Ilias frowned slightly.

This was the first time he heard that some tribes would sell the warships for their own use without any adjustments.

The rules in the market are not like this.

Ilyas glanced back, and many people nodded slightly at him.

Obviously, those military industry experts are quite interested in the 051C.

After a while, Ilyas solemnly said: "Okay! I believe in your credibility!"

"Colonel Zhang, please make an offer."

Now, it was Zhang Zhaoxin's turn to be in trouble.

The last time I sold a warship to the Tesha tribe, the base price was US$200 million in order to make the first deal a success! Originally, this price was very competitive in the market! It is impossible for the West to lower prices to such low levels.

Because the cost is high in the West.

But the Tesha tribe had deep pockets and directly offered a high price of US$370 million.

This means that the price he gives now must not be less than 370 million US dollars. Otherwise, if the Tesha tribe finds out, they won't be able to explain it.

Seeing the hesitation on Zhang Zhaoxin's face, Ilyas quickly asked: "Colonel Zhang, is there something unspeakable?"

Zhang Zhaoxin sighed heavily and said, "Mr. Ilyas, you also know our situation. This price may be a little high."

"How many?"

"$370 million a ship!"

$370 million?

Ilyas's brows jumped sharply. The price was beyond his psychological price.

He turned to look at the people behind him and asked in Laxi tribal language: "How much are those warships of the Ertu tribe worth?"

"Sir, the price of a single ship is between 360 and 380 million US dollars!"

Zhang Zhaoxin could hear a little bit of the Laxi tribal language, and he was already formulating words in his mind.

"Colonel Zhang, the price of warships of the same combat level in the West is between 360 and 380 million US dollars! Your price is not advantageous."

"Mr. Ilias, I heard that the warships sold to the Ertu tribe in the West are decommissioned! As you are decommissioned, you know that the cost of subsequent maintenance will be a huge sum of money!"

Elias nodded, he knew this.

The maintenance cost of a brand-new warship is already very high. It is normal to spend 10 to 20 million US dollars per year! Retired warships require high costs to maintain after each battle due to their long service time.

After one year, the maintenance cost alone is 2.5 times that of a brand-new warship.

After a pause, Zhang Zhaoxin continued.

"In fact, you also know that the West does not intend to sell warships to you! It is obvious that they are siding with the Turkish tribe! Speaking of which, the situations between us are quite different."

Elias nodded again.

Looking at the entire Blue Star, the other party is the only tribe willing to sell them modern warships.

Smaller tribes do not have this strength, and large tribes wish that the central region would become more and more chaotic! How is it possible for them to fight against each other?

Zhang Zhaoxin returned to the topic.

"I know that 051C does not have an advantage in terms of price, but we will definitely satisfy you with our follow-up services."

"Just for the ammunition for the warships, we can provide two batches for free! These are worth a lot of money."

"Secondly, we will also provide free technical questions for five years! If there are any technical problems on the warship, within five years, we will send military industry experts to solve them without charging any fees!"

“There is also one year of free maintenance! And in-person guidance from technicians!”

"Added these together, a single ship can save at least 20 to 30 million US dollars."

Zhang Zhaoxin added with a smile: "Of course, the more you buy, the more you save."

What kind of treatment was given to the Tesha tribe at the beginning, the same treatment is given to the Laxi tribe now, so as to avoid the embarrassment if the accounts do not match up in the future.

Elias was obviously moved.

On the one hand, it is a brand new warship, and on the other hand, the unit price is only 340-350 million US dollars.

Overall, it's quite cost-effective.

"Wait a moment, I need to discuss this with the superiors."

"There's no rush." ​​Zhang Zhaoxin took another sip of tea and waited slowly.

Elias got up and walked out.

There is no way, the Laxi tribe is not as wealthy as the Tesha tribe, and with such a high price, Ilyas cannot make the decision alone.

After quite a while, Elias came back. Apparently, he reported the situation to Dmitri.

"Mr. Elias, how is the situation?"

"Agreed from above! We are ordering two 051Cs."

Zhang Zhaoxin nodded as usual.

"There is something worrying up there." Ilyas said.

"tell me the story."

"Place the order, and I will sign a contract with you right away. But there is one question, how can you ensure that 051C can arrive safe and sound?" Ilyas said in a serious tone: "We don't want to lose all our money in the end."

Zhang Zhaoxin smiled.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ilyas, if something happens, we will take full responsibility! And we will double the compensation to you!"

"Write it on the contract?"


"Okay! If the two warships arrive as scheduled, we will continue to place orders in the future!"

Elijah breathed a sigh of relief.

"make a deal!"

After everything was finalized, the two parties signed the contract.

Later, Zhang Zhaoxin personally sent Ilyas and others to the airport.

As the sky grew brighter, Qian Wenbing at the Southern Fleet Command received news from Zhang Zhaoxin.

"The Laxi tribe has ordered two 051Cs? Will they continue to place orders after the goods are delivered?"

After confirming the situation, Qian Wenbing breathed a sigh of relief.

After deducting all costs, one ship will earn a net profit of 1.5 billion Chinese coins, and two ships will make a net profit of 3 billion!

With this additional cost, Su Dingping will have some confidence in building the next generation of warships.

Although the money is still not enough, he believes that as long as Tesha tribe's reputation is established, there will be a steady stream of customers in the future.

"The top priority right now is to deliver the warship safely!"

It is still difficult for this news to not leak out.

At that time, all kinds of monsters and demons will appear, and it will not be easy to deliver the warship to its destination.

The West will obviously not allow itself to become the next arms leader, especially if the buyer is still in the central region.

Thinking of this, Qian Wenbing felt a lot heavier.

Time flew by, and half a month passed in a flash.

On the afternoon of July 29, the Northern Naval Military Base.

Zhou Qinglei is commanding 052B to operate in the sea area.

The main task at the moment is to maintain stability and make every effort to ensure the progress of the integrated military factory.

"I always feel like those people opposite are deliberately causing trouble." Standing at the portside window, Zhou Qinglei looked at the sea and said in a deep voice.

The deputy captain took over and said: "The chief knows."

"Alas, my navy background is still too shallow right now! Otherwise, how could these things happen?"

Zhou Qinglei was very angry, and then changed the topic: "More than three months have passed, and there is still no news about the launch of the second 052B. I am really anxious."

More than four months ago, Su Dingping told him that there was no need for mass production of 052B.

It can be seen that after seeing the power of 052B, especially the ability of 052B to arm-wrestle with the pilot of the East Barren Tribe's Jicura Rain, he felt itchy in his heart.

He believed that with such a strong 052B, the chief would not be able to sit still.

Who knew, there was no news at all for so long.

The deputy captain said: "Captain, it took so long for 051C! I can understand if 052B takes longer."

"I understand the truth." Zhou Qinglei said helplessly: "Isn't it true that the current situation is complicated? With one more 052B, our navy will be more confident!"

He could see that if the situation in the sea area continued to develop, a second confrontation with the Donghuang tribe would be inevitable.

"Alas." Zhou Qinglei sighed, "Let's wait a little longer."

At this moment, the correspondent suddenly said.

"Report to captain, secret message from command."

A secret message from the headquarters?

Zhou Qinglei looked stern and blurted out subconsciously: "What happened?"

"Report to Captain, the sea area is currently stable and nothing has happened!"

Nothing happened on the sea, so why was there a secret message?

In the last secret message, a fierce conflict broke out between a fishing boat and a fishing boat from the Eastern Wilderness tribe.

With doubts in his heart, Zhou Qinglei took the secret message and quickly looked through it.

After a while, he immediately said seriously: "Return to sail immediately!"

"Captain, has something happened?" the deputy captain asked quickly.

Zhou Qinglei shook his head.

He didn't know what happened. Xu Dongguo received a secret message and asked him to return to the ship immediately and hand over the work. The subsequent 052B will be taken over by Jiang Shengrong, the original 051C ship.

In addition, he will take the entire navy to a certain location. There, specialized personnel will deliver the second secret order to them.

"What happened?" Zhou Qinglei was worried and looked a little serious.

The vice-captain also seemed to realize that something was wrong, and his mood became much heavier.

A few hours later, as soon as 052B arrived at the port, Jiang Shengrong and others were waiting there.

"Captain Zhou, thank you for your hard work."

"Did the chief say anything?"

Facing Zhou Qinglei's inquiry, Jiang Shengrong shook his head and said: "I don't know either. 051C has been handed over to others. In the future, our department will take over 052B. I only know this."


After handing over all the work, Zhou Qinglei led a group of navy soldiers onto the large transport vehicle that had been prepared.

"Captain, what happened? Could it be that a new warship has been launched and we need us..."

"Probably not." Zhou Qinglei shook his head and said: "When 052 was launched into the water, specialized personnel drove it over and then handed it over to us! This is the normal process."

"What could that be?" The vice-captain frowned.

This time the situation was different from the usual practice, and Zhou Qinglei felt unsure.

"Pass it on, don't ask where you are going or what you are doing."

"Yes, Captain!"

On the other side, the integrated military factory and Su Dingping's office.

Sun Yongguo came in a hurry holding a document.

As soon as he entered the door, Sun Yongguo said excitedly.

"Dingping, the 346 phased array radar test has been completed and all indicators have passed."

Su Dingping quickly took the document, glanced through it quickly, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The non-stop overtime work during this period finally paid off.

Although it was under his leadership that the 346 phased array radar was developed, it also laid a solid foundation for those military industry experts.

Cultivating outstanding talents is not an easy task, even if those people are already very good military experts, they are still newcomers when they come into contact with advanced technologies that even the West has not conquered.

After the last exchange with Sun Yongguo, Su Dingping also changed his strategy.

Since the Type 346 phased array radar is too difficult to implement by August through one-on-one explanations, let’s try another approach.

Just like how I solved 052B before, I took the lead and other related military industry experts assisted! In this way, the progress is indeed much faster.

He had to lose one or two things, otherwise Su Dingping would be too busy even if he didn't sleep for 24 hours.

"Now that they have a physical reference, it will be easier for them to understand the 346 phased array radar."

Hearing this, Sun Yongguo nodded.

"Everyone still works very hard."

"I know."

The conversation changed and Su Dingping continued.

"Are all the ministries ready?"

"Yes! The Haihongqi-101A air defense missile system, YJ-101A anti-ship missile system, including the 'Yagi Antenna Array' air and long-range early warning radar have been produced! We are just waiting for the final test."

Sun Yongguo said quickly: "The hull has passed all five rounds of high-intensity pressure tests! The 1130 close-in anti-gun extreme test has also passed..."

After reporting all the situations, Sun Yongguo couldn't hide his excitement.

052C is just one step away from complete completion.

Su Dingping said.

"Dean, the next step is to focus on testing all core components again! I will give everyone two days, and all components must pass the test perfectly! If there are any flaws, return them to the factory for debugging immediately!"

"Two days later, on the 31st, the outfitting will officially begin! I will personally direct it then!"

"Okay! I'll make arrangements right away!" After saying that, Sun Yongguo left in a hurry.

As soon as Sun Yongguo left, Lu Guangjun came.

"Dingping, the matter of military expenditures..."

The cost of conquering several key technologies such as the Type 346 phased array radar was somewhat excessive, and military expenditures suddenly bottomed out.

Unable to do so, Su Dingping asked Lu Guangjun to contact the chief and allocated another billion.

This was still under his leadership, and through continuous trial and error in the military industrial illustration forging space, it still cost more than 4 billion in research and development and forging expenses.

If not, it would be more than doubled! It’s even less likely that there will be results so quickly.

"I know." Su Dingping said: "Apply for another 2.5 billion to prepare for the next 052C."

The cost of the first 052C was hundreds of millions more than Su Dingping’s previous estimate of 2 billion.

But now that we have the experience of the first ship, the cost of the second ship should be slowly controlled.

Su Dingping is still confident about this.

"Okay, I'll take care of it!"

Watching Lu Guangjun leave, Su Dingping continued to devote himself to work.

He has already begun preparations for the relevant core technologies of 052D.

According to his inference, 052D will be launched by the end of the year at the latest! The first 052D is expected to be launched after the year.

Compared with the previous life, this speed is already very fast.

It wasn't until midnight that Wan Long ran in quickly.

"Commander Su, the soldiers at the post came to report. Colonel Zhou Qinglei came with the approval document from the chief."

Upon hearing the news, Su Dingping immediately said: "They are here? How many people are here?"

"A total of 296 people!"

"They're all here!" Su Dingping changed the subject and said, "Let them come here quickly."


Outside the post, Zhou Qinglei and his people were still waiting anxiously.

After the transport truck took everyone to the designated location, they hurried the rest of the way.

It took several hours before we finally arrived at our destination.

"Captain, where is this?"

Zhou Qinglei looked back at him and said, "Pay attention to discipline!"


Two sentry soldiers with live ammunition stopped in front of them. Zhou Qinglei was not in a hurry and waited quietly.

Soon, the sentry soldier who contacted Wanlong came back.

"Let go!"

Zhou Qinglei nodded towards the other party, and then led the people to walk quickly inside.

The further he walked inward, the more shocked Zhou Qinglei became.

Although he passed by only a few guard booths, he could feel that there were many soldiers secretly staring at them.

The security here is stricter than the military base in the northern sea where he is located.

Where is this? The security level is so high!

Zhou Qinglei was speechless in his heart.

It took him half an hour and passed many checkpoints before he finally saw the integrated military factory.

"Captain, this..."

They have never seen such modern military fortifications.

The scene in front of them shocked them.

Wan Long ran over quickly and said: "Captain Zhou, Commander Su is already waiting for you."

Chief Master Su?

Zhou Qinglei's eyes lit up instantly.

Could it be that Dingping has been here all this time?

Good guy! I said why there is no news at all.

The senior officers onboard 052B all know who Commander Su is, and they were present at the last commendation and awarding ceremony.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but feel excited.

There has been no news about Su Dingping for more than three months, and now we finally see him here.

Not long after everyone walked inside, they saw Su Dingping's figure appearing at the entrance of the institute.

"Ding... Chief Master Su." Realizing that the situation was not right, Zhou Qinglei quickly changed his words.

"Captain Zhou, we are all our own people, there is no need to be so open to outsiders."

Su Dingping said with a smile: "Captain Zhou, there is something important that I need your help at the moment."

"Commander Su, just give me your orders."

"052C is about to be outfitted! Once the outfit is completed, you will be in charge of commanding 052C!"

Su Dingping explained.

Every naval soldier in the integrated military factory has his or her own mission, so operating the warships will be completed by Zhou Qinglei and others.

After all, they are all experienced naval officers and soldiers, and they can get started quickly.

"Wait, 052C?"

Zhou Qinglei froze on the spot, his pupils widened, his face full of disbelief.

"No...isn't it 052B?"

"052B? Who said it was 052B?" Su Dingping blinked and said with some confusion: "Didn't I tell you before that 052B is outdated."

052B obsolete?

Zhou Qinglei was dumbfounded.

The 052B that he had longed for day and night turned out to be just an outdated product for Su Dingping.

"052C is the next generation of 052B?"

"Yes! 052C, the first shield ship of our navy! At least it is the target of the King Kong-class guided missiles of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe Navy! In fact, in my heart, it is the target of the Burke-class II missiles of the Eagle Tribe Navy. Destroyer!"

Burke-class II guided missile destroyer?

Zhou Qinglei was stunned for a moment, his head buzzing.

Don't you even look down on the King Kong level guide now?

Happy New Year to everyone

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