I built an armada

Chapter 130 052C goes into the water! Alarm Xue Shuai! Navy hero!

Zhou Qinglei stood stunned on the spot and didn't react for a while.

He already found it incredible that the 052C could compete with the King Kong-class guided missile destroyer. Su Dingping actually said that the 052C could compete with the Burke-class II guided missile destroyer!

That is the very powerful Burke-class II guide driver of the Eagle Tribe!

He never dared to think about it in his wildest dreams.

He needed time to absorb the exciting news.

Not only him, but all the other naval officers and soldiers stayed where they were.

They thought that this time they came here to carry out a confidential mission, but they did not expect that the warship they were asked to take over could actually be comparable to the Eagle Tribe Burke-class II guided drive!

Is my navy about to take off?

Everyone was in a dreamlike state.

On the contrary, Wan Long was standing there, his expression not changing much.

In the past few months, while responsible for security, he had also seen many advanced technologies, and now he had enough tolerance in his heart.

After being shocked, Zhou Qinglei asked: "Is the first 052C under my command?"

Although Su Dingping had said it just now, he still felt like he was in a dream and subconsciously asked more questions.

"Yes, Captain Zhou! Your experience is very important to me!"

After getting a positive answer from Su Dingping, Zhou Qinglei beamed with joy.

He suddenly felt that when he and Sun Yongguo suggested to Xu Dongguo to support Su Dingping's plan to dismantle 956E, it was simply the most correct thing he did in his life.

If not, it would be impossible for Su Dingping, Sun Yongguo and others to stay at the military base in the northern seas.

Even if there is an improved 052B in the future, they will not be the first to board the ship and command.

Not to mention the 052C, which is currently far ahead of the Navy and comparable to the Burke-class II guided drive.

Zhou Qinglei felt excited just thinking about operating such a powerful warship.

Seeing Zhou Qinglei's appearance, Su Dingping said with a smile.

"Captain Zhou, where are you now? There will be more advanced warships in the future! I will always keep in mind what I promised you back then!"

"Commander Su." Zhou Qinglei's eyes turned red with excitement as he said, "Please rest assured that our department will complete the mission with quality and quantity!"

As he spoke, he shouted back.

"Comrades, have you heard this! Commander Su has never let us down, what should we do?"

The deputy captain took the lead in shouting.

"Please rest assured, Commander Su, we are duty-bound to complete the mission!"

The remaining 294 naval officers and soldiers also shouted.

"Please rest assured, Commander Su..."

Looking at the high morale of the naval officers and soldiers, Su Dingping said with satisfaction.

"Captain Zhou, I will ask Dean Sun to connect with you later. You should first understand what new technologies are involved in the 052C."

"The outfitting will start on the 31st. If we can make it in time, all assembly work is expected to be completed on 8.1! By then, it will be the first water test of 052C!"

After a pause, Su Dingping said: "You only have three or four days, I hope you hurry up!"

"Commander Su, don't worry, we'll take care of it!" Zhou Qinglei said hurriedly, "This is the honor of our department!"


After the instructions, Su Dingping turned around and walked into the research institute.

Wan Long led Zhou Qinglei and others towards where Sun Yongguo was.

"Comrade Wan Long, it's incredible that you have made such a big move here!" Zhou Qinglei said with emotion as he looked at the busy navy soldiers around him.

"Harmful." Wan Long said with a smile: "I don't have much credit. I just took care of simple security work on the side. It's all the credit of Chief Master Su and Dean Sun!"

"Every time I see General Master Su, there is always an unexpected surprise, which is unimaginable."

While Zhou Qinglei was sighing, Wan Long took him to Sun Yongguo and conveyed Su Dingping's meaning.

After listening, Sun Yongguo said quickly.

"Captain Zhou, you are here at the right time!"

On the morning of July 31st, the integrated military factory dock.

All naval officers and soldiers gathered together, and 41 military industry experts including Sun Yongguo also came.

Soon, Su Dingping came in a hurry.

As soon as they saw Su Dingping, Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun walked over quickly.

"Dingping, all components have been tested many times and there are no problems!"

"Dingping, it's almost time, shall we start?"

Not far away, Zhou Qinglei and others stood there with excited faces, looking at 052C.

After a day and a half of familiarization, they already have a rough understanding of the core technologies of 052C.

As for how strong they are, they have never actually fought against a King Kong level guide, so they cannot make a detailed comparison at the moment.

But it's better than 052B, that's for sure.

Thinking that he was about to become the first commander to command 052C, and if he worked hard, he might actually become the captain of 052C, Zhou Qinglei couldn't help but look forward to it.

Looking at the people in front of him, Su Dingping nodded and said seriously: "I announce that the outfitting of 052C has officially begun!"

After the words fell, Sun Yongguo and others took action one after another.

This outfitting is of great significance. Not only will these military industry experts be responsible on the front line, Su Dingping will also be stationed here and be responsible for the overall supervision and command work.

None of the navy soldiers on site had experience in outfitting, so the supervision of Su Dingping and others was crucial.

Soon, under the command of Sun Yongguo and others, various large-scale equipment were mobilized one after another, and the core components were carefully installed one by one.

For a time, the sound of the operation of large-scale hoisting, welding and other equipment on site was intertwined with the command sounds of Sun Yongguo and others, which seemed chaotic but magnificent.

This kind of scene is familiar to Zhou Qinglei and others.

Under the command of Su Dingping and others, they were responsible for the disassembly and assembly of 956E and the disassembly and assembly of 052.

If they didn't need to continue to familiarize themselves with the operating rules of the relevant equipment, they would have been unable to help themselves.

"Everyone, please hurry up and wait until the outfitting is successful tomorrow. The next step will be up to us!"

"With so many comrades here, we can't embarrass the Northern Fleet! If something goes wrong, we won't be able to get such an opportunity in the future!"

Along with the noise, Zhou Qinglei warned several senior officers behind him.

The deputy captain immediately said: "I will inform you immediately!"

Soon, the time came to August 1st.

This is a special day for the three armed forces.

That afternoon, North Sea Fleet Command, Xu Dongguo's office.

"Report to the chief, Dean Sun's phone number, will it be transferred in?"

Sun Yongguo?

When Xu Dongguo heard this name, he couldn't help being shocked.

A few days ago, Lu Guangjun of the Integrated Military Factory had just applied for 2.5 billion in military spending. He immediately contacted Liu Huaming for emergency approval.

On the same day, Sun Yongguo contacted Xu Dongguo to leave Zhou Qinglei and others at Su Dingping's request.

At that time, he confirmed one thing from the two deans: 052C had reached the final stage, and it was only a few days before it was launched into the water for actual testing.

Now when Sun Yongguo called suddenly, Xu Dongguo's first reaction was that 052C was about to go into the water.

He immediately said: "Quick! Turn in immediately!"

After the words fell, Xu Dongguo could clearly feel that his heartbeat was a little fast.

Obviously, he was a little nervous at such an important moment.

After a while, Sun Yongguo's voice rang on the phone.

"Reporting to the leader, everything is going smoothly. The outfitting of 052C is about to be completed! After some monitoring later, and after confirmation, it will be officially launched into the water for actual testing at 8 o'clock tonight!"

Hearing this, Xu Dongguo couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

052C is finally coming out!

After waiting for months, it finally arrived.

Xu Dongguo was so excited that he said "good" three times in a row.

"Comrade Yongguo, thank you for your hard work!"

"Chief, this is what we should do."

"Comrade Yongguo tells Dingping that I will definitely arrive before eight o'clock in the evening!"

Xu Dongguo said excitedly.

052C, the shield ship that Sun Yongguo claimed was even more powerful than the King Kong-class guided ship, he couldn't wait to see.

"Yes, Chief!"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dongguo immediately shouted outside: "Guard!"

"Chief!" The guard came quickly.

"Prepare a car immediately! Notify the airport and prepare a plane immediately!"

"Yes! Chief!"

As soon as the guard left, Xu Dongguo immediately picked up the phone and dialed.

After a while, the call came through.

"Chief, 052C will be launched into the water at eight o'clock tonight for actual testing!"

Liu Huaming on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned when he heard the news.

Then he said: "Okay, I know about this, I will go there tonight!"

"Comrade Dongguo, see you at the integrated military factory at eight o'clock!"

Beijing, Navy Headquarters.

Liu Huaming paced back and forth in the room excitedly.

"It was said to be August! I didn't expect to go into the water on August 1st! It's a good day!"

The 052C was launched into service. Just the fact that it can compete with the King Kong-class guided drive is enough to make the Navy the most eye-catching on this special day.

In the past, on special days like this, the navy was always the one who played the most important role, and the most eye-catching among the three armies was the army.

There is no way. The army is large and its military expenditure is several times that of the navy. In addition, there is also a second artillery unit, and there will be some major progress from time to time.

If Liu Huaming said he was not envious, that would be absolutely false.

At this time last year, he was still wondering when the navy would be able to take the limelight among the three services.

Unexpectedly, the surprise came so quickly!

He thought he wouldn't be able to catch up with today! After all, when Xu Dongguo said August, he didn’t say what day August was!

Early August, mid-August, late August, it’s all August!

"Damn it, it's too early to come back!"

Liu Huaming was very upset.

I finally waited for an opportunity to shine in front of the three armies, but I ended up exiting early.

"If I had known in advance that 052C would be launched into the water today, I would have dragged the Air Force chief to stay there with me no matter what!"

With a sigh, Liu Huaming said to himself.

"That's all. At next year's meeting of the chiefs of the armed services, our navy will be the one to shine."

Immediately afterwards, he thought of Xue Yunzhi.

It was Xue Yunzhi who persuaded the superiors to obtain an additional 12 billion military budget for the Navy. He knew that Xue Yunzhi was also looking forward to 052C.

Almost without hesitation, he picked up the dedicated phone on his desk and dialed.

Soon, the call came through.

"It's me, Liu Huaming."

"Chief Liu, Shuai Xue is in a meeting."

"The Army people haven't left yet?"

"Chief Liu, I don't know either."

"Bring the phone to Xue Shuai immediately. I have important military information to report! Hurry!"

The other end of the phone hesitated for a moment and then said: "Chief Liu, please wait a moment."

At the same time, the meeting room of the Beijing Military Region.

Xue Yunzhi was listening to the work reports of a group of generals.

The Army is large and has a large amount of reports. People from the Navy and Air Force have left for a while, but the Army is still reporting alone.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Xue Shuai!"

"What's up?"

The door opened and the guard pointed to the satellite phone in his hand.

Xue Yunzhi realized something and nodded immediately.

The army chief who was reporting on his work suddenly paused and looked at Xue Yunzhi.

The guard walked in quickly, put down the satellite phone, walked out quickly, and closed the door.

Picking up the phone, Xue Yunzhi said: "It's me, Xue Yunzhi."

"Xue Shuai, 052C will go into the water tonight!"

It can be seen that when Xue Yunzhi heard this news, his brows couldn't help but twitch, and then he regained his composure.

Putting down the phone, he said to the people in front of him.

"Comrades, I have understood your work situation. The meeting will be held here and adjourned."

The army chief, who was only halfway through the report, looked confused and muttered to himself: What's going on? I was only halfway through the report, why was it suddenly finished?

Seeing several other army chiefs packing their things and preparing to leave, he had no choice but to pack his things.

Everyone present could see that Xue Yunzhi did not hang up the phone. It was obvious that the other party was waiting for them to leave.

It must be some major military secret!

Anyway, it was not an important work report. Thinking of this, several army chiefs quickly left here.

It wasn't until everyone left that Xue Yunzhi picked up the phone and said.

"Comrade Dingping, is everything done?"

"Yes, Xue Shuai! Comrade Dong Guo called me just now. At eight o'clock tonight, 052C will be launched for the first test!"

After a pause, Liu Huaming continued: "I'll set off in a moment. I'll make it before eight o'clock!"

"Okay! I get it."

Putting down the phone, Xue Yunzhi sat quietly in his seat.



Xue Yunzhi tapped the table with his right index finger.

Although he looks very calm on the surface, it can be seen from this detail that he is not calm on the inside.

More than four months ago, when Liu Huaming came to him with the integrated military factory planning document, he was deeply impressed by the 052C!

With the 052C, although it is not enough for the navy to suddenly join the ranks of the powerful navies, it at least has the confidence to compete with the Eastern Barren Tribe Sea!

It is no exaggeration to say that the emergence of 052C is of great significance not only to the navy, but also to the entire country!

This day is enough to be recorded in history, because the navy has truly gained the capital and confidence to compete with the navies of major powers!

Suddenly, Xue Yunzhi seemed to have made a decision, then stood up and walked out.

August 1st at 7:30 pm.

In the integrated military factory, outside the research institute, Su Dingping, Sun Yongguo and others were waiting quietly outside the door.

Soon, a car drove over quickly.

The car door opened and Xu Dongguo walked out quickly.

"Dingping, thank you for your hard work."

After a while, Xu Dongguo stepped forward and held Su Dingping's hand, saying excitedly.

The launch of 052C means that the navy will enter a new era.

How could he not be excited.

"Chief, it's almost time."

Su Dingping was about to take Xu Dongguo to attend the 052C launching ceremony when he heard Xu Dongguo say: "Don't worry, Chief Liu hasn't arrived yet."

Chief Liu is coming too?

Sun Yongguo and others looked at each other.

From the construction of the integrated military factory to the present, although Liu Huaming has not appeared, he has been paying attention behind the scenes. All materials, food and even military expenditures shipped in were approved by him personally.

Anyway, it was still a while before 052C was launched into the water, so no one was in a hurry.

After a while, a number of armed vehicles drove in.

Among the armed vehicles, there are two bulletproof vehicles.

Apparently, these armed vehicles were used to escort the two vehicles.

Chief Liu is here!

Everyone understood.

Xu Dongguo set out from Qingdao, and Liu Huaming set out from the capital. They took different paths.

Xu Dongguo also didn't expect that Liu Huaming's appearance would make so much noise this time.

Could it be that the situation has been unstable recently?

It doesn't make sense. I've been sitting in the Northern Fleet and haven't heard any relevant news.

Xu Dongguo was surprised.

Su Dingping and others had never seen Liu Huaming appear, so they thought such security measures were normal and didn't think much about it.

As soon as the vehicle stopped, the soldiers on the armed vehicle quickly walked down and quickly placed a guard around the vehicle.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became serious.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Huaming stepped out of the first bulletproof car.

"Dingping, hurry up."

With that said, Xu Dongguo walked forward with Su Dingping.

However, after Liu Huaming got out of the car, he just nodded towards them and walked quickly to the second bulletproof vehicle.

At this time, the door of the second bulletproof vehicle opened, and a energetic old man walked out of the vehicle.

After seeing the person clearly, Xu Dongguo was stunned for a moment.

He didn't know beforehand that Xue Yunzhi would also come.

Su Dingping, Sun Yongguo and others were all stunned. They did not expect that when 052C was launched into the water, Liu Huaming came and so did Xue Yunzhi.

It makes sense for Liu Huaming to come. After all, the other party is the top commander of the navy.

But even with Xue Yunzhi here, they couldn't figure out why.

Now they understood why the scene was so big this time. It turned out that Xue Yunzhi came in person!

"Xue Shuai!"

Xu Dongguo immediately took the lead and gave a military salute to Xue Yunzhi.

"Hello, Xue Shuai!"

Su Dingping and others saluted.

Facing such a big shot, Su Dingping, Sun Yongguo and others were still very nervous.

Xue Yunzhi nodded towards everyone, and then glanced at everyone.

Soon, his eyes fell on Su Dingping.

Among the "middle-aged and elderly people", Su Dingping stood out so much that it was hard not to notice.

Of course, being eye-catching is only one aspect. On the other hand, Liu Huaming had already reported Su Dingping's information to Xue Yunzhi more than four months ago.

Therefore, Xue Yunzhi recognized Su Dingping at a glance.

He smiled at Su Dingping, looked at Liu Huaming and said, "Is this Comrade Su Dingping?"

Su Dingping was flattered.

He had only seen such big shots on TV. Unexpectedly, the other party actually knew me.

Liu Huaming nodded: "Yes, Xue Shuai, he is the Comrade Su Dingping I mentioned to you before! He is also the chief engineer of the integrated military factory!"

Xue Yunzhi looked at Su Dingping again.

Su Dingping said nervously: "Xue Shuai, you... know about me?"

"Conquering the core technology of 956E will help our navy break the Western technology blockade. Improve the advanced 052B and shine at the navy training day. Propose the navy's three-step strategy for the future and lead the construction of an integrated military factory."

Xue Yunzhi smiled and recounted several major events led by Su Dingping.

"Young and promising."

Su Dingping was shocked.

Since Xue Yunzhi knew everything he had participated in, he could also tell it.

Everyone present could feel the importance Xue Yunzhi attached to Su Dingping.

After being praised by Xue Yunzhi in front of so many people, Su Dingping said a little embarrassedly: "Xue Shuai, it's all thanks to everyone."

Seeing that Su Dingping was so humble, Xue Yunzhi had a better impression of Su Dingping.

"Comrade Dingping, Comrade Hua Ming often talks about you to me. I happened to hear that 052C was launched today, so I took this opportunity to come and see the heroes of the navy!"

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