I built an armada

Chapter 137 My radical has become a conservative? Capture the Lihe!

On the sea 150 kilometers away from the Congyun, in the 052C main control room.

The two ships were too far apart, and Zhou Qinglei and others were unable to visit the scene in person. They could only gain insight into the Congyun's countermeasures through the radar display.

Abruptly, the radar monitor shouted.

"Reporting to the captain, the Congyun launched anti-aircraft missiles! A total of... 10 missiles! Please give instructions, captain."

10 pieces?

so little?

Zhou Qinglei was stunned for a moment. He was used to being at the helm of 052B. Now he was commanding the more advanced 052C. He was suddenly not used to launching 10 anti-aircraft missiles at once.

Haizi’s warships should be very strong!

Isn't he the little overlord of Dongzhou Sea?

Why can the anti-aircraft missiles on the Congyun only fire 10 at a time? This is also a little bit less.

Unknowingly, the insurmountable mountain that had been pressing in his heart in the early years was suddenly overturned.

"How far away are the missiles from them?"

"Reporting to the captain, the YJ-101A anti-ship missile is 64.8 kilometers away from the Congyun. It is expected that the first interception will occur 20.8 kilometers away from the Congyun in 68 seconds."

Listening to the radar monitor's answer, Zhou Qinglei felt a little nervous.

After Su Dingping listened, he immediately took out a pen and paper and didn't know what he was doing.

68 seconds passed quickly, and then the radar monitor said again.

"Report to captain, the enemy ship successfully intercepted two missiles! There are 22 missiles left!"

"Report to Captain, enemy ship..."

Listening to the other party's report, Zhou Qinglei had a strong thought in his heart for no reason.

Cong Yun is going to be finished this time!

The deputy captain came over and said: "Captain, they will definitely be finished this time!"

Zhou Qinglei nodded, his intuition was very strong.

"Report to captain, the enemy ship failed to intercept for the second time, and a total of 20 missiles penetrated the defense!"

"Reporting to the captain, the missile is 5 kilometers away from the enemy ship. It is expected that the missile will hit the enemy ship in 7.8 seconds! Captain, please give instructions!"

At the last moment, Zhou Qinglei couldn't help but get in front of the radar display.

Even though he was confident in his heart, when it came to this moment, he was still very nervous and looking forward to it.

It has been many years, but there has never been a time when the warships in the sea have been technically overwhelmed like this.

In the past, I was the one who was beaten and couldn't reach me, but now I can let the other person feel the powerlessness.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qinglei couldn't help but hold his breath.

The deputy captain whispered from the side: "They must be panicked and helpless now!"

Zhou Qinglei nodded subconsciously.

Because I have experienced this feeling before.

Finally, the small red dot representing the Congyun disappeared on the radar display.

Immediately afterwards, a series of small green dots representing the YJ-101A anti-ship missiles also disappeared.

Everything is settled.

The radar monitor looked at Zhou Qinglei and others and said seriously: "Captain, a total of 18 missiles broke through the enemy ship's air defense fire blockade network and successfully hit the enemy ship!"

Zhou Qinglei stared at the radar display quietly, listening to the other party's words, not knowing what he was thinking.

The entire main control room fell into a long-lost calm.

All the operators felt quite complicated in their hearts, and many of them had red eyes when they thought of the ancestors who had accidents in the early years.

As time goes by, the pain of falling behind in technology will no longer be our turn.

The vice-captain looked at Zhou Qinglei and said, "Captain, there will never be another Congyun in Hainan from now on!"

"I know."

Zhou Qinglei forced a smile on his face and glanced at all the operators.

At this moment, his heart was ups and downs, and a strong emotion in his heart was about to erupt like a volcano.

From the complicated expressions on everyone's faces, the vice-captain saw what they were thinking, and immediately added: "Please be happy, we won!"

Zhou Qinglei said immediately: "Open the ship-wide communication channel!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Holding the walkie-talkie, Zhou Qinglei said after thinking about the words in his mind.

"Comrades, I have good news for you. 18 missiles hit the Congyun!"

"Well done! You collected the blood debt for our ancestors! Well done to everyone!"

After a pause, his voice suddenly rose a few decibels, and he shouted: "The era of fighting for one's life has passed. Our navy will never be bullied again!"

As soon as these words came out, cheers erupted from all corners of 052C.

The cheers of more than two hundred naval soldiers gathered together and echoed over the warship, lingering for a long time.

Su Dingping put down the pen in his hand and listened quietly to the cheers of the crowd.

He heard the excitement after the grievances were over, the joy after the blood feud of the ancestors was avenged, and many emotions.

Sun Yongguo walked to Su Dingping and whispered.

"The Northern Fleet has indeed suffered in these years. Many times, people are still immersed in the joy of reunion and health, but this sea area is very chaotic."

"Hai Ziqiang is terrifyingly strong! He's stronger than all the little ones in the south put together!"

"I know." Su Dingping nodded and said, "This is the meaning of our journey day and night."


"The road ahead is long, but we will overcome it! We will get stronger and stronger!" As he spoke, Su Dingping looked at Zhou Qinglei and others and said, "I believe in them, and I believe in us."

It took a while before the cheers dispersed.

Zhou Qinglei strode towards Su Dingping.

"Comrade Su Dingping, Comrade Sun Yongguo, and all the comrades who participated in the 052C attack, thank you."

With that said, Zhou Qinglei saluted the two of them with a military salute.

Sun Yongguo did not speak but looked at Su Dingping.

Facing Zhou Qinglei's gaze, Su Dingping said: "Captain Zhou, this is what we should do."


Changing the topic, Su Dingping said: "If you really go to a military court, I will accompany you."

As soon as these words came out, the originally heavy atmosphere was immediately dispelled.

Zhou Qinglei said quickly.

"Dingping, what are you talking about? I, Zhou Qinglei, have done an earth-shattering thing today! I have washed away the grievances and humiliations of my North Sea Fleet for many years. I am happy to go to a military court!"

"By the way, what were you busy with just now?"

Zhou Qinglei looked at the paper in front of Su Dingping. It was densely filled with calculation formulas and some theoretical data that he couldn't quite understand.

"You mean this?"

"Yes, I remember that you started getting busy after you heard the interception by the opposite warship."

Facing Zhou Qinglei's inquiry, Su Dingping explained.

"Just now, I roughly calculated the interception status of the Congyun's air defense firepower network based on the opponent's counterattack."

Zhou Qinglei was stunned.

At that time, my heart was in my throat, just waiting for the result.

Dingping actually has other things in mind?

Seemingly seeing Zhou Qinglei's confusion, Su Dingping smiled and said: "I knew from the other party's reaction that they were doomed this time."

After a pause, he looked at Sun Yongguodao again.

"Dean Sun, I have an idea. When improving the next generation of warships, we must continue to improve the automation level of the warships."

"Especially after an enemy ship counterattacks or attacks, the computer must be able to deduce the general combat level of the enemy ship in the shortest possible time. Knowing yourself and the enemy will ensure victory in any battle. This is of great significance to future naval battles!"

Su Dingping emphasized.

"Although we won't fire the first shot, we must be able to shoot second and arrive first, and kill with one hit!"

Glancing at the main console, Sun Yongguo pondered for a while and said: "If you want to improve the computer's computing power, the requirements for the chip are not low! The current applicable chip needs to be adjusted. This project is not small, and the time will not be short. We I’m afraid there aren’t enough manpower over there.”

"Does it need to be included in the optimization and adjustment project?"

Su Dingping shook his head: "It's not necessary for the time being. This is the task of attacking the next generation of warships! The current task remains unchanged."

Sun Yongguo breathed a sigh of relief.

Listening to the two people talking there, Zhou Qinglei was dumbfounded.

You are celebrating here, but Dingping is already planning the next generation of warships?

Is it too fast? I haven't gotten used to the change in status yet.

At this moment, Lu Guangjun and his men ran over quickly.

"Dingping, the combat data just now have been recorded." After saying that, Lu Guangjun handed over a piece of information.

Su Dingping took it and looked at it for a while, then said.

"There is no obvious difference from last night's record. Continue mapping."

"The main reason is that the combat time was too short, and only the radar system and the YJ-101A anti-ship missile system were used, so there is not much data worth mapping." Lu Guangjun explained.

"If we can encounter a fierce confrontation, it will be much easier to map various data, and it will be easier to find problems."

"No, no, no, no." Zhou Qinglei said quickly, "We have just made a good start. Everyone needs to calm down. It is not suitable for a second fierce confrontation right now! After all, the size of the bottom sea is large, and our only 052C is advanced enough. The strength of the enemy and ourselves There is still a huge disparity.”

He found that each of these military industry experts was more radical than himself.

Just do it at every turn!

Even a radical feels like a conservative.

"Speaking of this." Su Dingping said immediately: "Captain Zhou, I have to criticize you. The next time you go on a mission, if you encounter an emergency, don't shoot out all the anti-ship missiles at once."

"Twenty-four YJ-101A anti-ship missiles, not to mention their value, there are only 72 of them! They are all used up. What should I do?"

Zhou Qinglei was also free and easy and immediately admitted his mistake.

"I was so excited at the time. The main reason was that I had never looked down on my opponent like this before, and my mentality had not changed at that time. In the past, I just threw it all away, and I was afraid that it would be too late and I would not even have the chance to make a move."

Then, he added: "In previous battles, if a warship was able to destroy all anti-ship missiles and anti-aircraft missiles, it was already a great achievement."

"I see."

Nodding, Su Dingping said: "Now that the Congyun is taken care of, let's continue the silent cruise and prepare for the return journey."

"Return trip? What about today's surveying?"

"Go back and take a rest. It's the same as continuing tomorrow."

When the conversation changed, Su Dingping looked towards the vast sea in the east and said.

"Now that something happened to the Congyun, the other party will definitely react. This place is more than 400 kilometers away from the Donghuang tribe. The Haizi warships are not worried, but their air force is a big trouble."

"Four to five hundred kilometers, it will take just over 20 minutes to reach the nearby sea area."

"Searching for us near this sea area, it is true that the probability of being detected by radar while cruising silently is much smaller, and with the 052C's air strike level, it is not afraid of a few fighter jets!"

"But it is easy to escalate the war and be gradually dragged down! The time is not ripe yet, so there is no need."

Zhou Qinglei thought about it and found it very reasonable.

Before the opponent dies, he will definitely send back the specific direction of the missile attack. At that time, China's fighter jets and reconnaissance aircraft will conduct a blanket search along the relevant directions.

Although the sea area is large, it is still difficult to hide if you have an accurate location.

Within the enemy radar monitoring range, silent cruise can avoid the probability of being discovered to a certain extent. Of course, the closer the distance is, the easier it is to detect, and the farther the distance, the harder it is to detect.

And if the silent cruise is not entered, it will be discovered as soon as it enters the enemy radar detection range.

A fierce battle will inevitably come then.

With 48 anti-aircraft missiles, it has to intercept air-based anti-ship missiles and attack enemy aircraft. After all, the power of a single 052C is limited.

If this continues, this matter will no longer be hidden. Once exposed, the situation can easily get out of control.

Take advantage and run away, never be greedy for success.

"The Haishan will be left in charge of 052B. I will inform you to return immediately!"

Immediately afterwards, Su Dingping looked at Sun Yongguo and warned: "Dean Sun, although we caught the other side off guard this time and disrupted the situation, this matter cannot be hidden for long after all! After returning, the next 052C Construction must be put on the schedule as soon as possible! It must be fast!”

"Do not worry."

Sun Yongguo and others felt a strong sense of urgency in their hearts.

At the same time, in the distant sea, the Haishan was still rushing forward.

In the main control room, Captain Zhang Ruizhu and the crew were all stunned on the spot.

In front of them, the Congyun, which had small explosions from time to time, was slowly sinking into the sea.

"Ship...Captain, that warship..." The first mate swallowed hard, and the scene in front of him was so shocking that he stuttered.

"I can see it."

Zhang Ruizhu was frozen in place, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Recalling the scene just now, a series of explosions sounded around them, and the shocking scene made their minds go blank.

The smoke that entered the eyes had not cleared up, and the people were still in a state of confusion. They were forced to choose to die together. The Congyun was hit by the missile.

I have been fishing for so many years, but when have I ever seen such a battle?

The scene was so terrifying that he forgot to order a U-turn.

Unknowingly, Zhang Ruizhu's back was wet with cold sweat.

The first mate asked: "Captain, what should we do now? The other party has sunk into the sea, do we still want to move forward?"

"Let me think about it."

After taking several deep breaths, Zhang Ruizhu forced himself to calm down.

The biggest obstacle is gone, only the Li He is left behind.

A small Li Hehao is nothing to worry about.

Immediately, Zhang Ruizhu said: "Keep going!"

"Captain, it's sunk and we still have to move forward?" Suddenly, the first mate seemed to think of something and changed the topic: "We finally escaped death, let's forget about the company's mission."

"What kind of company's seduction mission? Speaking of the company, I'm going to report it to the security department after I go back this time! There's a traitor in the company! Damn it, we were lucky enough to survive this time. We won't find out who is plotting against us when we go back. , I write the character 'Zhang' upside down!"

After a pause, Zhang Ruizhu continued.

"Keep moving forward and see if there are any survivors! When the time comes..." Zhang Ruizhu laughed twice without continuing.

This bad breath will come out no matter what! Catching a survivor was a blast.

"Captain, I don't know who is responsible for throwing so many missiles and blowing them up so hard. I'm afraid there will be no survivors."

"What if? This God-given opportunity cannot be missed."

Zhang Ruizhu said fiercely.

"It's only 5 or 6 kilometers anyway, so it won't be a waste to go back and forth!"

The first mate pointed to the Lihe behind: "What about the boat behind?"

"You're here and you want to leave?" After thinking for a while, Zhang Ruizhu said, "In this case, you take people over in a life raft and find survivors, you know."

Zhang Ruizhu gave the other party a look.

The first mate understood instantly.

"As for the ship behind, I will take the Haishan to block his way! When our reinforcements arrive, the Donghuang tribesmen on that ship will be ironclad evidence of our innocence!"

"Yes, Captain, I'll do it!"

The radioman said hurriedly just as the first mate left.

"Captain, there's a wireless transmission from the Navy."

Finally got in touch?

Knowing that he could contact the navy, Zhang Ruizhu's heart dropped completely. He was now safe.

The Congyun was hit, and the electronic interference naturally lost its effect.

Soon, the two parties established a call channel.

"I am Captain Jiang."

"Captain Jiang, I am Zhang Ruizhu, the captain of Haishan!"

Jiang Shengrong asked impatiently: "What's the situation over there now?"

"Captain Jiang, our ship is safe for the time being! There is another ship behind us. Captain Jiang, please rest assured, the people on our ship will never let them leave."

"Is it safe?"

Jiang Shengrong on the other end of the communication channel was stunned for a moment, then realized and asked: "Cong Yun calls it?"

It turns out that it is Cong Yun.

Zhang Ruizhu muttered secretly in his heart and said: "Captain Jiang, the Congyun has been hit! At present..."

Looking through the porthole, Zhang Ruizhu added.

"Most of it sank! It probably only took a minute for it to sink completely."

"Have you been shot?" Jiang Shengrong's tone was much higher. After a few seconds of silence, he said: "Our ship is still less than 100 kilometers away from you. Please return immediately and leave the follow-up matters to us!"

"Okay, Captain Jiang."

After cutting off the communication, Jiang Shengrong's inner shock lingered for a long time, "Who the hell did it? It was too cunning. 24 missiles were fired in a salvo, and there was no intention of giving the Congyun a chance to survive!"

There was another sentence he didn't say: What a damn good job!

The deputy captain came from the side: "This time the Congyun has an accident, I'm afraid there will be a storm in the sea area."

"When soldiers come to cover up the water and earth, what is there to be afraid of?" Jiang Shengrong said angrily: "It's not us who did it. We are not afraid of slanting shadows when we are upright!"

At the moment, he doesn't know that 052C did all of this. If he knew, he wouldn't be so confident in saying these things.

"What do they call this? It's called stealing chicken but losing rice, losing your wife and then losing your troops!"

"This matter is not over yet! This time we have found some reason. We will have a good fight with them at the Blue Star Alliance conference in the future!"

Listening to Jiang Shengrong's words, the deputy captain also felt that it was very reasonable.

It’s not us who did it anyway, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.

The Blue Star Alliance is not decided by the Eastern Wilderness tribe.

"Captain, where is the Lihe of the Eastern Barren Tribe?"

"It must be brought back!" Jiang Shengrong said sternly: "There may be interference from the White Bear Tribe behind this time. The Donghuang Tribe may not dare to directly fall out with the White Bear Tribe."

"With the powerful congratulations in hand, even if the Donghuang tribe wants to take it out on us, they have to think carefully."

"Understood, Captain!" said the vice-captain.

On the other side, Zhang Ruizhu ran to the main control room and shouted to the first officer: "Hurry up, the navy is coming soon."

"Okay Captain! I promise to make everyone angry!"

After instructing the first mate, Zhang Ruizhu returned to the main control room and said: "Turn around immediately and head towards the ship at full speed! If you dare to plot against us, you must make it look good!"

"Yes, Captain!"

On the Lihe ship, which was 5 kilometers away from the Haishan, Jinye Jinge and other crew members stood there as if they were mourning for their heirs.

Congyun, Hai Zi's powerful modern destroyer, just ended up in front of him.

Every missile that hit the Congyun seemed to hit his heart, shaking him so much that he almost vomited blood.

After many years, the myth of the Eighty-eighth Fleet being undefeated in the waters of Dongzhou was finally torn apart.

Witnessing the destruction of the Congyun ship and the loss of life, Jinge Shinye's strong self-confidence based on the strength of the Eighth Eighth Fleet was hit like never before.

Didn't you agree to ambush the Seamount?

How did it become like this!

How did Cong Yun get himself involved?

It shouldn't be like this!

This is completely inconsistent with the action plan discussed before.

Ji Gami Shinye thought hard and couldn't figure out why this happened.

The first mate asked with a panic look on his face: "Captain, what...what should we do?"

Something happened to the Congyun, and their biggest support was gone. Behind them, there were warships from the opposite side watching eagerly.

The radar warning sound always echoed in the main control room. Jinye Jinye knew that the warship had no intention of letting him go because of the accident on the Congyun.

The speed of the warship is faster than that of the Riki, and this is something Shinye knows very well.

Although he didn't know how far away the warship was from him, he had no hope that the Lihe could cross the more than 200 kilometers of high seas and reach his own waters before the opponent's warship caught up.

It was fine when I came here, but now I can hardly go back.

Thinking of this, Jishang Shinye couldn't help but feel agitated, and even the accident on the Congyun was forgotten by him.

"Captain." The first mate said, "There may be survivors on the Congyun. Should we go there and rescue them?"

Jishang Zhenye was in a state of confusion.

save? Of course we need to save him!

If the people in Haizi knew that he refused to save him, he would be stripped of his skin when he returned home.

But saving people is important, and how to get out of this hellish place is equally important.

Without waiting for the order from Shineji Gokugami, he listened to the third officer.

"Captain, the Seamount has turned around."

"Turn around? Why did they turn around?"

An ominous premonition suddenly emerged in Jishang Zhenye's heart.

Soon, they knew the answer.

"Captain, the Seamount is coming towards us!"


Jishang Zhenye panicked, and he couldn't think about saving people at the moment.

"Quick, get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

At the same time, Donghuang Tuhai came to the headquarters.

Harada Hiroki was in trouble, and the safety of the Congyun in the sea was always tugging at his heart.

Before he was sure that the Congyun was safe, he could not let go.

"Report to General Hiroki that we have contacted the Second and Third Fleets. Three warships are performing missions in our waters and are about to go! Our ship is 295 kilometers away from the destination. It is expected..."

"It's been too long, it's been too long." Before the correspondent could finish speaking, Harada Hiroki waved his hand in dissatisfaction, "Where's the Air Force?"

"Report to General Hiroki that the Air Force has contacted us and they will leave immediately!"

After hearing the news, Harada Hiroki's expression softened slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the correspondent said again: "General Hiroki, do you want to send the anti-submarine helicopter from the warship? It will be faster."

Harada Hiroki looked thoughtful.

Anti-submarine helicopters are far behind warships in sea combat capabilities.

If the incident escalates, without the presence of warships, anti-submarine helicopters will be living targets.

If the opponent is really the White Bear Tribe, the fighter jets will have to be dispatched together in formation. Just relying on the anti-submarine helicopters will cost them lives.

Immediately, he rejected the offer.

"The situation is unclear at the moment, and sending anti-submarine helicopters there may cause mishaps."

"Yes, General Hiroki!"

All units were taking action, and Harada Hiroki's heart dropped a little.

Now he no longer expects the Congyun to bring the Haishan back, as long as the Congyun can come back safely.

Compared with the Haishan, the value of the Congyun is much greater, and there is no comparison between the two!

Just as Harada Hiroki was thinking this, he heard the correspondent shouting.

"General Hongshu, there's an emergency call from the Cong Yun!"

Is there news from Cong Yun?

Harada Hiroki couldn't sit still and said quickly: "Quick, what did they say?"

"Report to General Hongshu, Congyun said that reinforcements... reinforcements..."

The word "reinforcements" was repeated several times, and the correspondent suddenly couldn't continue.

Harada Hiroki's heart skipped a beat and he stood up suddenly: "What's wrong?"

"General Hiroki." The correspondent handed over the message.

After receiving the message, Harada Hiroki glanced at it quickly and was stunned.

There was only one thought in his mind at the moment.

It’s over! It's over now!

Holding the telegram, Harada Hiroki stumbled and fell directly to the side.

The correspondent quickly supported the other party with quick hands and eyes.

"General Hiroki, are you okay?"

Holding the console with one hand, Harada Hiroki stood up unsteadily and shook his head violently to wake himself up.



After taking several deep breaths, Harada Hiroki picked up the message again.

I don't know when, but the telegram was already wrinkled by him.

Looking at the shocking words in the telegram, he felt a chill rush straight to his forehead.

how so?

Shouldn't the unspoken rules between the two sides be tested first before they fight? Then both sides lined up their troops to stir up the atmosphere. If someone wants to make peace, just break up. If no one wants to make peace, then decide whether or not to do it based on the situation.

How can you beat him to death as soon as he comes down?

There is no such thing!

What age is this? Are we still carrying out sneak attacks like we did decades ago?

What's the point of eating a warship?

Harada Hiroki's hand holding the telegram couldn't stop shaking, and his eyes were already red.

In order to provoke a conflict between us and the other side, you, White Bear Tribe, are really ruthless!

Right now, he has put his black hand on the head of the White Bear Tribe.

After all, this incident happened suddenly, and he didn't believe that the other party would receive the news in advance! Even if it is really received, it is impossible for the Congyun to be unable to counterattack!

The only ones who can do this are the White Bear Tribe, one of the two former hegemons, besides the Eagle Tribe stationed in their own home.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, Harada Hiroki knows this.

"Baga! White Bear Tribe, I, Haizi, are at odds with you!"

After roaring angrily, Harada Hiroki stared at the correspondent with a fierce look and said viciously.

"Notify the Air Force immediately and follow the clues provided by the Congyun to find them! Find them! We must find them! Understand! I want them to pay with blood!"

"Contact Lihe, I want to talk to them! I want to know what happened!"

"Yes, General Hiroki!"

Soon, the communication channel of Helihe was established.

When he learned that General Hiroki Harada was looking for him, Jinge Shine suddenly felt that he had not been abandoned. He was about to hug this thigh tightly when he heard Hiroki Harada say.

"Ji Shang Shinye, I order you to report the whole thing immediately and clearly! I missed a detail, and you are the only one asking!"


Shinye Jigami quickly told everything he had seen before.

After listening, Harada Hiroki frowned.

The other side's navy is still in the northern waters, and according to what Shinji Gigangami said, the other side doesn't hesitate to use the fire control radar to illuminate the Heliha to know the situation in the sea area. It can be seen that this matter has nothing to do with the opposite navy.

In this way, his speculation just now was further confirmed.

This was done by the White Bear Tribe.

This opponent is very strong, even Haizi must be taken seriously.

Thinking of the fighter jets and reconnaissance planes sent over, he couldn't help but said to the correspondent: "Inform the Air Force that the opponent is very strong and ask them to send more fighter jets!"

"Yes, General!"

When he heard that fighter jets were being sent over, Shinji Kogami said excitedly: "General Hiroki, thank you so much. At this time, you are still worried about our safety and sending fighter jets..."

"What did you say?"

"Ah? No? The fighter jets are not here to rescue us? The other side's warships are still..."

Before he could finish speaking, Harada Hiroki interrupted him, "We'll talk about your business later. I have nothing to do with you now!" After speaking, he cut off the communication directly.

Finding the White Bear Tribe ambushers is the top priority, and everything else must be put on the back burner.

If he couldn't even find the murderer, he wouldn't be able to explain it to Murakami Hayaki, and he would be nailed to Haizi's pillar of shame.

On the Lihe, faced with the cut off communication, Jishang Zhenye became anxious.

idiot! My life is not my life!

The situation he least wanted to see happened, and he and the Lihe were abandoned.

"Captain, have we been abandoned?" the first mate asked reluctantly.

Everyone looked at Shinye the Ultimate with nervous expressions.

Facing everyone's gaze, Jishang Zhenye sighed with a complicated expression.

No answer is the best answer.

Everyone who was already demoralized turned pale at this moment, and the shadow of abandonment completely enveloped them.

Just when everyone was at a loss, the third officer suddenly shouted in panic.

"Captain, we can't avoid it, the Haishan is coming!"

Only then did Jishang Shinye realize that there was also a reminder.

He suddenly raised his head and looked out the porthole, only to see the Seamount crashing into him from the side without any hesitation.

Turning around on a ship at sea is not as easy as on land and requires a large turn. While turning the corner, the Lihe was still sailing forward.

In this way, they had only turned more than half way when they encountered the oncoming Seamount.

Mogami Shinye, who had no time to feel uncomfortable, shouted: "Get away quickly."

"It's too late, Captain, it's about to hit."

"Get down quickly——"

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud bang and the ship's hull shook violently several times.

The bow of the Haishan hit the stern of the Lihe and was embedded in the hull of the Lihe.

After a long time, the ship finally stabilized.

Shinye Jigami stood up unsteadily and looked outside, only to see that a big hole had been hit at the stern of the ship, and the Seamount was embedded there.

His eyes moved, and before he could curse, he saw Zhang Ruizhu standing on the bow of the ship waving to him and shouting at him.

"Gouri, stop me! Come on!"

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