I built an armada

Chapter 138 The highlight of life! Where is my gun? I'm going to kill him!

On the bow of the Haishan, Zhang Ruizhu stood there, pointing in the direction of the main control room of the Lihe, and yelling curses there.


"I'm going to beat your lungs..."

In the control room of Lihe, Jishang Zhenye looked at Zhang Ruizhu spitting out sweet things. Although he couldn't quite understand what he was saying, he could feel that the other person's scolding must be unpleasant.

"Is there anyone who can understand? Come on, tell me what he is saying?"

Shinye Jigami shouted to the people behind him.

The first mate came forward and listened carefully for a long time, his face suddenly stiffened, and he hesitated for a long time without saying a complete sentence.


"Baga! I want to know what he is talking about!" Shinye Jigami grabbed the other person's collar and shouted angrily.

"Captain, he's greeting you."

"Greetings to me?"

Jishang Zhenye was stunned for a moment and glanced at Zhang Ruizhu in surprise.

That expression and movement didn't seem like a greeting.

"Yes, greetings! Greetings to your whole family." After saying that, the first mate shrank his neck.


Jishang Shinye was furious.

I'm still planning to run away, but the boat has been hit by you. I haven't said anything yet. Why don't you greet my whole family first?

It is unbearable!

"Where's the gun! Where's my gun!"

Jishang Zhenye was furious and clamored to show Zhang Ruizhu some color.

Seeing Shinji Mogami rummaging through the box and finding a gun, the first mate and others rushed to hug him.

"Baga—get out of the way! I'm going to kill him!"

"Captain, calm down! If you kill him, then the conflict between us will be inevitable! We won't be able to survive by then!"

"Yes, Captain, the other side's warship's fire control radar is still locked on us! You must not act out of anger! If you are scolded, you will be scolded. Treat it like a dog bite."

"Captain, surviving is the most important thing!"

The crowd hugged Jishang Shinye and didn't give him a chance to raise his gun.

Just kidding, now that something happened to the Congyun, their biggest support was gone. Now Haizi has left them alone and gone to look for the people behind the scenes. They can only think of ways to protect themselves.

If this shot was fired, they didn't know whether the other captain would die or not, but they knew that they would definitely have no way to survive.

They just pushed the other party to death. If they find an opportunity, the other party will definitely kill them.

Of this, they had no doubt.

The first mate comforted him one after another: "Captain, calm down!"

Under the comfort of everyone, Jishang Shinye finally calmed down.

He also knew that it was not the right time to act impulsively, so he immediately took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

Seeing this, the first mate quickly snatched the gun from Shinye Kokugami's hand and put it back in the safe.

Locking the cabinet, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Now you can rest assured.

On the other side, 052B is coming at full speed.

In the main control room, the radar monitor suddenly shouted.

"Captain, there's a situation."

"What happened?"

Jiang Shengrong's heart tightened.

Although the Congyun is gone, there are still many unstable factors on the high seas.

This time the Congyun encountered a catastrophic disaster, Haizi must be unable to calm down, and the biggest black hand is still in the northern high seas.

The power of the 052B radar is currently turned to the maximum, and it is always alert to any possible emergencies.

Hearing what the radar monitor said, Jiang Shengrong subconsciously thought that the big black hand might be going to attack him.

24 anti-ship missiles were fired in salvo, and the speed was still Mach 1.9. Can 052B stop it? He was equally unsure.

"Report to Captain, Haishan..."

"What happened to the Seamount? Tell me quickly."

"Haishan hit the Lihe!"


Didn’t the Seamount survive?

Wasn't it Zhang Ruizhu who commanded the Haishan to return home?

Everything's fine, why are you calling me a congratulatory number?

"What's going on? Are you trying to scare the other party into venting their anger?"

Jiang Shengrong speculated.

If that was the case, he felt he could understand it.

Anyone who walks around the gate of hell will have to find someone to vent his anger on.

"Captain, I don't know." As soon as the radar monitor finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed as he stared at the radar display, and he added: "Report to the captain, the Haishan has collided with the Lihe."

Jiang Shengrong's tone was choked.

Not to scare the other party?

This is for real!

"Nonsense!" Jiang Shengrong said angrily, "Quick! Contact the Haishan!"

"Yes, Captain!"

At this moment, Zhang Ruizhu was standing on the bow of the ship. The Haishan was rising and falling with the waves on the sea, and Zhang Ruizhu's figure was rising and falling.

"Grandsons, come out! Where's the energy that blocked me just now? Come out and fight with your Grandpa Zhang! What the hell, without the Congyun, you don't even dare to show your head? Damn the devils , Bah—what the hell!”

Seeing the crowds of people in the main control room of the Lihe, but no one came out for a long time, Zhang Ruizhu felt suspicious in his heart.

Are so many people intimidated by me alone?

He didn't know that his life was hanging by a thread just now. If the other party's radar hadn't been warning him all the time, Shinye Chigami would have come out with a gun and pointed it at him.

Finally, Jishang Zhenye came out with others.

"what are you doing?"

The first mate hurriedly translated.

"Hey! The grandson is out?" Zhang Ruizhu said happily: "I am just one person, and you have such a big group here all at once? The devils are the devils, and they are as timid as quail eggs!"

After listening to the first mate's translation, Jinye Jigami was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"I'm going to kill him! Don't stop me."

"Captain, calm down! Business matters! Business matters!"

Ji Gami Shinye was so angry that he repeatedly patted his chest to calm down his mood a little.

"Zhang Ruizhu, I know you! Let me ask you, why did you hit us?"

"Hey! It's interesting. I knew you deliberately ambushed us this time! Even I know my name!" Zhang Ruizhu put his hands on his hips and looked like he was pointing the finger: "I'm going to bump into you, so what? If you don't accept it, come and fight!" "

"What the hell, you just ambushed me! What happened to me bumping into you? If you dare to come here, I'll beat you until you have teeth all over the floor!"

Ji Gami Shinye pointed at the other party, trembling with anger.

"Baga Ya Lu - don't stop me, I will fight with him!"

"Captain, calm down, calm down." The first mate pointed in the direction of the main control, indicating that the other warship's fire control radar was still locked on him.

"Coward! Bah——"

Just after he finished cursing, the third officer walked over quickly.

"Captain, stop scolding, Captain Jiang is looking for you."

"Captain Jiang?"

Zhang Ruizhu was stunned.

"You bitch, wait, I'll come out and scold you later!"

After cursing a few words, he turned and left.

Returning to the main control room, Jiang Shengrong almost waited impatiently.

"Captain Zhang, what's going on? How did you collide with the Lihe?"

"Captain Jiang, it's trying to escape! I have no other choice but to hit it."

Jiang Shengrong opened his mouth, but didn't say a word for a long time.

My fire control radar has been locking on the opponent. Where is the opponent running?

Whether he was really running away or pretending to be running away, he couldn't help but think about it.

But things have already happened, so we can only think that the other party is really going to run away.

After dealing with Jiang Shengrong, Zhang Ruizhu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wait, Captain Jiang and the others will arrive in a few hours. Let's go check out the damage to the hull and repair whatever we can. We managed to survive, but we can't sink it here."

"Yes, Captain."

After admonishing, Zhang Ruizhu walked out unsteadily.

The crew on the Lihe have already begun to repair the stern and plug the water leak.

As soon as he saw Zhang Ruizhu coming, Jishang Zhenye suddenly became vigilant.

The two were separated by a few meters, one at the bow and the other at the stern. Looking at each other, Zhang Ruizhu found that the damage to the other party's ship was more serious than his own. He was about to mock the other party's ship for its poor quality when he heard someone shouting from the side.

"Captain, the first mate and the others are back."

came back?

Zhang Ruizhu's eyes lit up when he thought of his previous instructions.

Soon, the first mate and others boarded the ship.

Zhang Ruizhu asked impatiently: "How's it going? Did you catch him?"

"Captain, their lives are really high! After such intensive bombing, we found two people who were still breathing."

"Then what?"

"Captain, hey hey..."

The first mate and others laughed, and Zhang Ruizhu understood instantly.

"Not bad, good job! I finally let go of my bad breath! What's wrong with Haizi? He bullied us, let's teach him a lesson!"

As he spoke, Zhang Ruizhu laughed.

"Hey, what were you doing just now?"

Jishang Zhenye shouted at Zhang Ruizhu and others on the Lihe.

He saw with his own eyes the life raft on the other side coming from the direction of the shipwreck, so he was naturally worried about the situation on the Congyun's side.

At present, the Congyun has long since sunk to the bottom, and only some wreckage is left floating on the sea.

Zhang Ruizhu shouted: "Your warship encountered a disaster just now. In the spirit of international humanitarianism, I sent the crew to rescue you."

After listening to the first mate's translation, Jinye Jigami was stunned for a moment.

We just ambushed them, and they turned around and repaid them with kindness?

They... are pretty weird.

"Thank you." Shinye Jigami said while taking a mouthful of the flavored Longxia language.

"You're welcome, you should."

Zhang Ruizhu said this, but in his heart he was desperately trying to suppress his smile.

But he found that the raised corners of his mouth were too difficult to suppress, even harder than AK.

Meanwhile, Northern Fleet Command.

Xu Dongguo was anxious and paced back and forth in the room.

"Guard? Guard?"

"Chief, please give instructions."

"Is there any news from the front line?"

"Report to the chief, not yet!"

Not yet!

Xu Dongguo took a deep breath, suppressed the tension in his heart, and said.

"Probe again, report again!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Seeing the other person's back hurriedly leaving, Xu Dongguo felt confused.


It’s been a while, but there’s still no news!

One Hai Zi has already given our navy a headache, and now there is a White Bear Tribe!

What an eventful time!

Xu Dongguo sighed secretly.

He had just reported the suspected attack by the White Bear Tribe to Liu Huaming. After learning of the seriousness of the situation, Liu Huaming knew that the Northern Fleet was no longer sustainable, and immediately made many deployments.

The Eastern Fleet is now preparing and will be heading to the front line soon.

If it weren't for the fact that the Southern Fleet was too far away and needed to guard the southern waters to prevent unexpected events, he would have wanted to bring the Southern Fleet over.

In addition, he also contacted Xue Yunzhi to explain the stakes and hoped that the Air Force would hurry up and prepare to prevent unexpected events.

No one expected that because of the Haishan incident, the two giants in the Dongzhou waters would be mixed together! Not only that, even the White Bear tribe in the north was involved.

It's just that the Eagle Tribe didn't make any moves.

Otherwise, the Dongzhou Sea Area would really be a mess.

"How could the White Bear Tribe be involved? Is it because we stole the 956E secondary purchase order at the beginning of the year? It shouldn't be, they can't be so small, right?"

Just when Xu Dongguo was trying to think about which link had gone wrong, the guard strode over.

Before anyone arrived, his shout had already been heard.

"Chief, Captain Jiang has an urgent call!"

Xu Dongguo took three steps at a time to meet him, quickly took the secret code from the opponent's hand and looked through it.

After reading it, the whole person was stunned.

The Congyun ship was destroyed and everyone was killed?

Before I could be happy, an idea popped out.

The White Bear Tribe has laid a deadly hand! This is too cruel!

It's really going to be chaos now!

Xu Dongguo looked worried.

The sinking of the Congyun was a big deal. This slap slapped Haizi hard on the face. Haizi, who was doing such an unscrupulous thing, would never swallow this breath.

At any time, this is a declaration of war!

At that time, there will inevitably be disputes in the sea.

Xu Dongguo felt heavy.

The navy had just started to improve and was making great strides towards a better future, but who knew that the situation would become chaotic at this time.

Before he could think of a solution, the latest information came through again.

"Report to the leader, Captain Jiang sent a secret message."

He received the telegram again and looked at Jiang Shengrong saying on it that the Haishan had forcibly rammed into the escaping Lihe in order to stop it.

In the past, this was a big deal.

But compared with what happened to the Congyun, this matter is not that important.

"Inform Jiang Shengrong and ask him to bring the Lihe back!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Whether the navy can extract itself from this whirlpool this time, the Lihe is indispensable.

After thinking for a while, he contacted Liu Huaming again.

After explaining all the circumstances, Liu Huaming immediately said: "The Lihe must be brought back and tell Jiang Shengrong and the others to move quickly!"

"I have contacted Xue Shuai, and the Air Force is already making preparations. Once the situation becomes serious, the Air Force will cooperate with us as soon as possible."

"The Eastern Fleet is also making preparations."

"By the way, I'll go there later!"

"Okay chief!"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dongguo felt a sense of urgency for no reason.

Immediately afterwards, he dialed the number of Fang Wenzhao, the northern head of the Coast Guard.

As soon as the call was connected, Xu Dongguo said: "Old Fang, something happened."

"What happened? Was the Seamount taken away by them? These damn bastards, what the hell..."

"The Congyun has sunk! The sea area is going to be in chaos!"

What? Congyun sank?

Fang Wenzhao was almost shocked when he heard the news.

Didn’t your navy cooperate with us to bring the Haishan back? Why did the Congyun sink? This is a big deal.

Fang Wenzhao asked cautiously: "What did you do?"

"How is that possible! The two sides have not declared war, how could we take action? Besides, although it is high seas, our bottom line will never change!"

After a pause, Xu Dongguo said: "By the way, you will be informed immediately. You are absolutely not allowed to operate on the high seas in the near future! You must also try to stay away from the sea boundary line! Do you understand?"

"Okay, okay, I understand! I'll send someone to inform you right now!"

Fang Wenzhao responded hurriedly.

The people were still immersed in their busy afternoon work and did not know that at this moment, the sea area was stormy and the three armies were quietly making preparations to prevent unexpected events.

At the same time, Donghuang Tuhai came to the headquarters.

Harada Hiroki is still waiting for news from the Air Force.

"No news yet?"

"General Hiroki, not yet!"

"Why so slow!" Harada Hiroki urged impatiently.

The correspondent explained: "General Hiroki, the distance is a bit far, and the fighter jets will not arrive so quickly."

"Okay, okay, I get it."

Just then, his phone rang.

When he picked it up and looked at it, he found it was Murakami Hayaki, and his heart suddenly thumped.

Damn it, General Hayaki knows.

Before he could think of a response strategy, and before the mastermind behind the scenes was found, Murakami Saki came to his door first.

Holding the phone, Harada Hiroki felt panicked.

Inoshita Wada's command mistake last time was nothing compared to the problems he caused this time.

After hesitating for a while, he slowly picked up the phone.

"General Hayaki!"

"Hongshu-kun, I heard that something happened to the Congyun?"

"Yes, General Hayaki!"

Murakami Saki's tone was very calm, without the slightest hint of emotion, making it difficult to detect emotion or anger: "Are you sure it's the black hand of the White Bear Tribe?"

"General Hayaki, I have sent the air force to look for it. Not long after it happened, their warships can't escape!"

"Okay! I'm waiting for your news! It's been many years, and no one dares to stroke my beard! Don't let me down!"


Waiting until the other party hung up the phone, Harada Hiroki slowly put the phone down.

Only then did he realize that his back had been wet with cold sweat for some time.

Murakami Saki's tone didn't sound angry, but he knew that if he didn't bring good news, he would be the first to be unlucky.

Time flies.

More than half an hour later, news came from the Air Force.

"General Hiroki, the Air Force said that they have not been found so far!"

"Look! Keep looking! I don't believe they can still fly!" Harada Hiroki said angrily.

More than half an hour later, the Air Force still had no results.

It is extremely difficult to find a warship in the vast high seas.

The key is that they still don't know how much military power their opponent has deployed. It is too difficult to find it based on the standards of a fleet.

Even if you accidentally pass by 052C, and 052C has started silent cruise, it is too difficult to find it.

After working for several hours, even the several warships sent out before had entered the high seas area, but the Air Force still found no target.

"General Hiroki, still not found."

The correspondent was a little afraid to look up at the furious Harada Hiroki.

"Trash! A bunch of trash!"

Harada Hiroki shouted angrily.

"To be able to ambush the Congyun, the White Bear Tribe will definitely send out several ships or even a fleet of military force. Such a big target can't be found! It's all trash!"

"General Hiroki." The correspondent said cautiously: "Will they only send fighter jets? In that case, by the time the air force arrives, they might be home long ago."

As soon as these words came out, Harada Hiroki was shocked.

Yes, what if it’s a fighter jet?

Thinking of this, he felt annoyed. He had been busy looking for the fleet before, and his work was in vain.

After walking back and forth in the room for a while, he took a deep breath and warned: "Let the Air Force continue to search! Also, notify the Navy to conduct salvage immediately after arriving at the accident site to see if there are any valuable clues!"

"Yes! General Hiroki!"

After the instructions, Harada Hiroki walked out with a sullen face.

When he walked outside, he found that the sun was setting a little. I worked at the headquarters for several hours, but nothing came of it.

Arriving outside Murakami Hayaki's office, he was about to knock on the door when he heard a voice coming from inside: "Come in!"

Opening the door, Harada Hiroki walked in with heavy steps.

"General Hayaki, my subordinates are not doing things well, please punish them."

"did not find?"

"General Hayaki, the Air Force has been searching for several times, but can't find it. I suspect that the White Bear Tribe may not be dispatching a fleet, but a fighter formation! In this case, it is really not good..."

Before he could say the word 'find', Harada Hiroki saw a black shadow flying towards him.

He didn't dare to hide.

There was just a 'pop' sound, and the black shadow hit him hard on the forehead.

Immediately, blood flowed down the wound.

Harada Hiroki shook his body and continued to stand there despite the pain.

"I've been waiting for you for hours, and this is what you told me?"

"General Hayaki, I..."

"Where is the Lihe? He went on a mission with the Congyun. Don't tell me that the Lihe also sank."

As soon as the other party mentioned the Lihe number, Harada Hiroki realized that he had been looking for the black hand before and had forgotten the Lihe number!

He vaguely remembered that the captain of the Riga, Shinji Kamikami, said that he was targeted by the opposing warship.

Just as he was about to explain, he heard Murakami Hayato say.

"Hiroki-kun, go back and rest! I will leave this matter to Wada-kun and Tianfu-kun."

Farmer in the tree? Inoshita Wada?

Harada Hiroki was anxious.

One is in charge of the Maritime Intelligence Department, and the other is a general of the Maritime Fleet. If these two people join forces, they will definitely be able to find clues.

Inoshita Wada had been having trouble doing things before, so he thought his chance to take the lead had come! Unexpectedly, I would do even worse.

"General Hayaki, please give me some time, I..."

He still wanted to struggle, but saw Murakami Saki waved his hand to indicate that he could get out.

Harada Hiroki walked out in despair, looking at the sun gradually setting in the west, feeling desolate in his heart.

He stumbled along the way and almost fell down several times. He finally returned to the headquarters, hoping to hear some good news.

But still nothing was found.

Immediately afterwards, he asked about the situation of the Lihe.

However, the correspondent tried several times but could not contact the Lihe number.

Harada Hiroki knew that something happened to the Lihe too!

This time it was completely over.

His vision went dark, and he vaguely heard screams coming from his ears, but then he couldn't hear anything.

As night fell and the moon climbed onto the branches, 052C quietly returned to the integrated military factory.

Until he stepped off 052C, Zhou Qinglei's face was still filled with excitement that could not be concealed.

Even though several hours had passed, his mood was still uneasy.

Looking at the captains of the three major warships, they have done what they wanted to do but failed to do!

If they find out, a thumb (awesome) will never be able to escape.

The highest honor among men.

"Dingping, let's get busy first." Sun Yongguo said to Su Dingping as soon as he stepped off the warship.

Su Dingping knew that they were busy directing the forging work of the second 052C, so he nodded.

After Zhou Qinglei gave some instructions to his men, he followed Su Dingping to the office.

After closing the door, Zhou Qinglei said: "Dingping, I need to leave."

The rules of the integrated military factory have always been to enter but not to exit. When Liu Huaming sent people to deliver supplies, it was impossible to enter the integrated military factory directly. After passing two passes, specialized people would take over.

Even contacting the outside world must be done at a specialized location, and all calls will be monitored by specialized personnel. Once an abnormality is detected, communication will be cut off immediately!

Similarly, if you want to leave here, you cannot apply to the chief or Sun Yongguo and others. You must obtain Su Dingping's approval.

Su Dingping is the chief engineer of the integrated military factory and also the first person in charge.

Everything is to ensure the confidentiality of the integrated military factory.

"Leaving for a trip?"

Su Dingping glanced at Zhou Qinglei and suddenly understood.

"What if I don't approve?"

Facing Su Dingping's rhetorical question, Zhou Qinglei said seriously.

"Commander Su, I am Captain 052C. I bear the main responsibility for this matter. I am mentally prepared to go to the military court."

"Then who will be in charge of steering 052C?"

"Commander Su, I have assigned a deputy captain to take the helm. He has been with me for some years."

Looking at Zhou Qinglei's firm eyes, Su Dingping remained silent for a while and said.

"Okay, I approve."

After writing the approval note and stamping it, Su Dingping handed it over and said, "I will ask Comrade Wan Long to send someone to take you out."

"Dingping, thank you!"

After receiving the approval slip, Zhou Qinglei felt relieved and left quickly.

After a while, Wanlong came.

"Commander Su, we have sent people to send Captain Zhou out."

Su Dingping nodded.

After hesitating for a moment, Wan Long whispered: "Commander Su, has something happened? I think Captain Zhou's expression is not right. He has made many contributions in the Northern Fleet over the years, Commander Su... "

Once this matter is exposed later, someone will definitely be held responsible.

The responsibility for provoking a war between the two tribes would not be tolerated by the higher authorities even if the navy could tolerate it. The most important task right now is to seek stability and accumulate strength for development!

Zhou Qinglei was naturally unwilling to let Su Dingping take responsibility, so he planned to resist.

Su Dingping knew this.

It's just that many things happen unexpectedly when we are outside. We need to report to our superiors for instructions at short notice. The opportunity is fleeting.

With the current level of informatization, it is difficult to synchronize what happens on the battlefield to the command headquarters immediately.

Different environments require different considerations.

Thinking of this, Su Dingping, who originally wanted to call and report to Xu Dongguo alone, immediately stood up and said.

"Comrade Wan Long, prepare your aircraft, I'm going to the Northern Fleet headquarters!"

Wan Long was shocked. He knew that something must have happened during today's 052C surveying and mapping, otherwise it would be impossible for both of them to have such serious expressions.

It's just that he is in the integrated military factory, and he has no idea what is happening in the outside world.

"Yes! I'll get ready right now!"

The integrated military factory has a specially equipped Wuzhi, which Liu Huaming specially approved to stay here in case of emergencies.

The Wuzhi, which has only been maintained for more than three months and has never been used, is put to use today.

After a moment, Wu Zhi quickly took off with the roar of the propeller and disappeared into the night.

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