I built an armada

Chapter 139 The great powers are actually myself?

Northern Fleet Command.

Xu Dongguo sat nervously in the office, waiting for the situation on the front line.

052B has already reported back the news that Donghuang Tribe has dispatched fighter jets and reconnaissance aircraft.

The opponent's movement was so loud that it was almost flying close to the sea boundary line, so the 052B's radar naturally detected it.

Such a severe situation on the high seas made him have to worry about accidents.

Although the navy is now much more powerful than before, compared with Haizi, its high-end combat power is sufficient but its size is still not enough.

The Eighty-Eighth Fleet in four formations has a total of 32 warships. Excluding a King Kong-class guided missile that has not yet been launched and the destroyed Congyun, there are still 30 warships.

These warships are all modern warships. Except for the two powerful Blue Stars, no one would tremble when they encounter them.

If it is offshore, it can still rely on the support of the army, the second artillery force and the air force, but the mission of the navy is to keep the enemy out of the country!

After several years of development, how can we recreate the scene four years ago?

"If the Northern Fleet plus the Eastern Fleet are on the sea, the chances of winning are still very slim."

Xu Dongguo was worried.

"When that time comes, it seems that nuclear submarines will also come in handy!"

Once a nuclear submarine is launched, it means there are only two choices.

At this moment, the guard ran over quickly.

"Chief, Captain Jiang sent a telegram that the Lihe has entered our waters and has been successfully handed over to the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard will be responsible for bringing it back. Captain Jiang asked if 051C is needed for escort?"


Xu Dongguo shook his head.

"The Coast Guard has already taken over the task. If we use 051C to escort us, do we really think that our sea area is a place where people from the other side can come and leave as they please?"

"Yes, Chief!" After a pause, the guard continued: "There is news from the Eastern Fleet Command that the Eastern Fleet is already on the way and is expected to meet with our fleet at the sea boundary in three hours!"

"How is the situation on the other side?" Xu Dongguo asked.

"Reporting to the leader, Captain Jiang said that the other party is still only sending out the air force to search!"

Xu Dongguo nodded.

The incident site of the Congyun was far enough away from the Donghuang tribe that it would take time for Haizi's warships to arrive.

Although there is no news yet, it is certain that Haizi's warships are definitely on their way.

"Contact the Coast Guard and ask them to bring back the people on the Lihe as soon as possible! I will contact the security department and ask them to start an interrogation immediately! As for the Lihe, there is no rush."

"Yes, Chief!"

The conversation changed and the guard continued: "Chief, this is the report of the preliminary interrogation sent by Captain Jiang to the captain of the Liga, Shinji Jigami."

Xu Dongguo raised his eyebrows. Jiang Shengrong knew the priorities of the matter and was even prepared for this.

Immediately, he took the interrogation report and looked through it.

While Xu Dongguo was watching, the guard added.

"Captain Jiang also provided a clue. According to Zhang Ruizhu, the captain of the Haishan, there was a traitor within his shipping company."

"Ji Gami Shine seems to know a little bit, but I don't know the specific identity! Chief, what's going on?"


Xu Dongguo's heart trembled. He knew that there was something fishy about this matter. It was indeed a conspiracy between traitors and enemies. He said without raising his head.

"Contact the security department and start an investigation immediately!"

After reading the interrogation report, Xu Dongguo's face suddenly darkened.

Things were not much different from what he had guessed.

It is true that Haizi caused a lot of troubles in the sea because he was humiliated by 052B last time and couldn't swallow it! The purpose of ambushing the Haishan this time was to regain face on the one hand, and on the other hand to find out the true identity of the warship dispatched by the navy at that time.

The people in Haizi are not stupid. On the one hand, they started investigating in the White Bear Tribe, and on the other hand, they kept trying to find out the bottom line of 052B.

This is why they go to war in such a big way.

"Haizi probably knows 052B's true identity now! I can't hide it after seeing 052B!"

Jishang Zhenye didn't know much, and Xu Dongguo inferred more based on relevant confessions.

Holding the report, Xu Dongguo cursed inwardly.

Damn it, Haizi, didn't it just intercept the Shanhua halfway? Is it necessary to make such a big noise? In order to earn back face, I think I trapped Cong Yun.

The Shanhua was already in our waters, and it was it that deviated from the trade regulations of both parties first.

Damn it, have you never suffered a loss? Should!

With this confession in hand, Xu Dongguo felt somewhat confident.

Seeing Xu Dongguo finish reading the confession, the guard said again: "Chief, this document is an encrypted video encoding file sent by Captain Jiang. Captain Jiang said that it plus the confession is enough to prove our innocence!"

Xu Dongguo sighed secretly.

Although he stood by the truth, he still felt helpless that the dignified navy actually had to rely on theory to compete.

The fist is still not strong enough!

It would be great if it was as hard-fisted as the Army.

By that time, our Navy must have completed the first step of the three-step strategy!


Our navy needs time!

Thinking of this, Xu Dongguo slowly took the document.

After taking a look at the seal on the document, Xu Dongguo was about to ask the other party to get special decoding equipment when he heard the dedicated phone on his desk ring.

When he saw that the call was from Liu Huaming, Xu Dongguo didn't even bother to break the seal and quickly answered the phone.


"I'm here! Comrade Chongjun and Comrade Wenbing are here!"

"It's the chief, I'll be there right away!"

With that said, Xu Dongguo said to the guard: "Prepare relevant equipment and send it to the conference room immediately!"

Watching the guards leave in a hurry, Xu Dongguo took the confession and the sealed documents and went straight to the conference room.

In the conference room, Liu Huaming, Xiao Chongjun, and Qian Wenbing were already gathered.

No matter how serious the situation was in the past two years, Qian Wenbing was the most active person at the meeting.

But this time it was different. Even Qian Wenbing's face was extremely serious.

He also had a premonition that this time he was only half a step away from war.

"Our Eastern Fleet is ready." Xiao Chongjun said seriously.

Qian Wenbing also said: "Our southern fleet is also ready! Prepare for possible chaos in the surrounding area at any time! Do you need me to mobilize warships?"

Liu Huaming shook his head.

“The south is equally important!”

After a pause, he continued.

"I have discussed it with Xue Shuai. There is no problem with the Air Force. If it is in the sea area, the Army cannot support it! In terms of long-range strikes, we still have big shortcomings! If we want to destroy it remotely... the situation has not yet been upgraded to That’s the point!”

Apparently, he was referring to nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Chongjun said: "How about shrinking the front line? The army has also developed greatly in recent years! If we are in the offshore, relying on the rapid support of the army and air force, we are confident to compete with the sea!"

Obviously, they had prepared for the worst. In this way, no matter how bad the situation is, it will still be within the tolerance range.

Just as Qian Wenbing was about to speak, he heard Xu Dongguo's voice coming from outside the door.


Xu Dongguo strode in, put down the documents in his hands, and said seriously.

"No matter what, even the last remaining warship in our navy cannot return to the offshore!"

"One step back, one step back!"

"We retreated once four years ago. This time I am willing to live and die with the Northern Fleet!"

Xiao Chongjun's eyes twitched sharply. He was just thinking about the worst case scenario, but he didn't expect Xu Dongguo to be so excited.

Liu Huaming's expression on the side was also a little stiff.

It was obvious that the incident of being forced to the doorstep of their home four years ago was like a stick in the throat of several people present, and they would never forget it in their lifetime.

Qian Wenbing quickly came out to smooth things over.

"Comrade Dongguo, don't be so excited! Isn't the situation good now? It's not about death! We are just discussing the worst case scenario and be prepared!"

Xiao Chongjun nodded repeatedly, that's what he meant.

"No matter what, our Northern Fleet will never retreat! Today the Chinese Navy lost a warship. If we are worried about this, then retreat! Tomorrow the Chinese Navy will lose someone. Should we let them come in to look for it?"

Xu Dongguo said with an angry look.

Immediately afterwards, he threw Ji Gami Shinye's confession on the table and said: "This time it was entirely caused by Haizi unilaterally!"

"Although it's a bit embarrassing to say this, this matter has nothing to do with us. Logically speaking, we can stand. At worst, we will all be destroyed! Everyone will have to start over!"

"Standing on the same starting line, our navy will never give them a chance!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little tense, Liu Huaming waved his hand and said.

"Calm down, everyone! The situation is not that bad yet! When that moment comes, we will all shoulder the responsibilities and obligations of the Navy."

"Keeping the enemy out of the country is not an empty talk!"

While talking, Liu Huaming took the interrogation report and glanced at it.

After reading it, he looked angry.

"It's too much!"

Xiao Chongjun and the other two quickly took the report and read it.

After reading it, the two of them looked equally angry.

"Such bad behavior must be dealt with violently..."

As soon as the word 'condemn' came to their lips, the two of them swallowed it back.

It seems that there is no other way but to condemn.

It's unrealistic for them to take the initiative to break up with each other. They haven't accumulated enough strength yet.

Even if they wanted to, the superiors would not agree.

"There is another piece of information here! It was sent back by 052B." As he said that, Xu Dongguo shouted: "Come in!"

The security guard walked in quickly with equipment specially designed for decryption.

"Old Xu, what is this?"

Facing Xiao Chongjun's inquiry, Xu Dongguo explained the matter exactly as it was.

Soon, the guard said: "Report to the chief, the decryption is completed."

"I understand." Xu Dongguo waved his hand and signaled the guard to leave.

He then played the decrypted video.

In the video, it is the scene inside the 052B main control.

Not only that, there is also a window on the side to place the radar display interface.

The scene starts with Jiang Shengrong receiving the news and taking action, and continues to play back.

The four of them watched silently.

Time passed, and soon there was movement in the main control room. When Jiang Shengrong and others noticed the movement in the radar display, Xu Dongguo and others also subconsciously looked at the window aside.

In the window, multiple targets appeared one after another on the radar display.

Seeing a total of 24 targets appear, the four people's emotions were ups and downs.

Before, Jiang Shengrong only reported the general situation and did not report in detail. The situation is tense and the war may spread at any time. How can you still think about reporting the number of missiles to your superiors? The specific details were compiled after the war.

24 anti-ship missiles were dispatched at once. Even though they already knew the fate of the Congyun, they were still a little nervous.

After thinking carefully for a while, the four people felt that even if they replaced the 052B, it would be difficult to withstand 24 anti-ship missiles.

"The White Bear Tribe is so ruthless! 24 anti-ship missiles at once! There is no intention of leaving a way for the Congyun to survive!" Xiao Chongjun sighed.

"If we encounter the White Bear Tribe in the future, we have to be careful! They don't play by common sense!"

"Indeed!" Qian Wenbing nodded: "24 anti-ship missiles, and the number is so dense, it should be more than two warships! Or a fighter formation!"

"But then again, why are the good-looking White Bear Tribe so crazy?"

"Isn't his main force in the European waters? Why did he suddenly start to interfere in the affairs of the Dongzhou waters? It's not like their style."

"Who knows." Xu Dongguo said casually.

Immediately afterwards, the four people noticed the data displayed on the radar display on the window.

"They are all Mach 1.9 anti-ship missiles! This quantity, this speed..." Xiao Chongjun looked worried: "Our 052B can't handle it!"

Qian Wenbing also said: "It takes at least three 052Bs to resist!"

Just as the two of them were talking to each other, Xu Dongguo's expression suddenly became a little strange.

Then, he looked at Liu Huaming.

He noticed that Liu Huaming's expression was as weird as his.

The two looked at each other, and Xu Dongguo suddenly said: "Why do I feel so familiar?"

Xiao Chongjun and Qian Wenbing did not go to the scene to see it. After all, it only happened last night. In addition, the Haishan was ambushed early this morning, so they did not know the existence of 052C.

Hearing what Xu Dongguo said, Qian Wenbing was immediately surprised and said: "Old Xu, when did you fight against the White Bear Tribe? I have never heard of it in the south."

"I haven't heard of it in the Eastern Fleet either."

Seeing the two people looking at him, Xu Dongguo didn't know how to explain it for a moment.

At this time, Liu Huaming said: "Things are a bit complicated. We can't make a conclusion until the details are confirmed!"

"That's true!" Xu Dongguo nodded: "It's just that this data is a bit strange! It's unbiased, it happens to be 24 anti-ship missiles, and the speed happens to be Mach 1.9!"

"What does it mean just right?"

Xiao Chongjun and Qian Wenbing looked at each other, feeling even more confused.

"Lao Xu, I always feel that you know something that we don't!"

"Chief, you can't be partial." Qian Wenbing said with a grimace: "My life in the south has been so miserable. If you continue to be partial to Lao Xu, I won't be able to survive."

Liu Huaming glared at him and said angrily.

"What's the point of being partial or not!"

"Comrade Dong Guo and I only found out last night! If it hadn't happened suddenly today, we would have been informed."

Qian Wenbing looked at Xu Dongguo and asked, "Old Xu, what is it?"

"that is……"

Xu Dongguo quickly recounted what happened at the integrated military factory last night.

After listening, Qian Wenbing and Xiao Chongjun looked in amazement. They looked at the video and then at Xu Dongguo. They didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Qian Wenbing muttered in a low voice: "Could it be...we did it?"

"Probably not!" Xiao Chongjun shook his head and said: "They will not take action without orders!"

Suddenly, Xu Dongguo said something.

"Chief, remember before we left last night, Dingping said that he would take the 052C for 72 hours of non-stop operations in order to discover possible problems on the 052C in the shortest time! Try to get the 052C into service in the shortest time! "

"I remember." Liu Huaming's face suddenly became serious.

Hearing what Xu Dongguo said, he also realized that the most unlikely scenario might be true.

Qian Wenbing's face was full of astonishment.

"I am Cao, right? It would be fun if we really did it. I scolded the White Bear Tribe for a long time, wasn't it in vain?"

"Is this a scolding of the White Bear Tribe? If it's really us, we really have to be prepared for the worst this time."

"But Hai Zi doesn't know?"

"That's right. What if they reconcile the accounts?"

"No! They had a conflict on the island, so it makes sense to play dirty tricks this time! And with the temper of the White Bear Tribe, even the Eagle Tribe won't give it a good look. How can they care about the questions from the Eastern Wilderness Tribe? They might just fall out. !”

While talking, Qian Wenbing and Xiao Chongjun nodded thoughtfully.

Liu Huaming interrupted the two of them.

"The White Bear Tribe has not taken serious action in recent years. We only have a rough idea of ​​how strong their navy is."

"No one can guarantee that this matter was not done by the White Bear Tribe!"

Qian Wenbing nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes, I didn't hear anything just now. This matter is definitely done by the White Bear Tribe!"

"I second the motion!" Xiao Chongjun expressed his position quickly, but the excitement on his face was obviously unable to be concealed.

If it was really done by one of our own, whether or not the building was stabbed was secondary. This indicates that the navy has made great progress.

After a hundred actual tests, it is better to have a one-on-one battle with an enemy ship.

"Maybe I'm too worried." As soon as Xu Dongguo finished speaking, he heard the guard's voice coming from outside the door.

"Chief, Commander Su is here!"

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of the four people present jumped suddenly.

The timing of Su Dingping's arrival was so coincidental that they had to think more.

Could it really be us?

As soon as this idea emerged, I couldn't hold it back.

Liu Huaming couldn't sit still and said immediately: "Quick, take Dingping over."

"Yes, Chief!"

After a while, the security guard picked up Su Dingping.

As soon as Su Dingping walked in, he realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

He originally planned to come over and report to Xu Dongguo in person, but he didn't expect that several navy chiefs were there.

And judging from their faces, the situation seemed very bad.

"Chief, what happened?"

The four people present were collectively stunned.

Did we guess wrong? Don’t you know anything about Dingping?

"I just said we thought too much. How could it be us? Our principles have never changed." Xu Dongguo laughed dryly.

It seemed that it was really not one of their own who did it. Xiao Chongjun and Qian Wenbing's expressions did not change, and they felt a little disappointed in their hearts.

It would be better if such a powerful 052C had experienced actual combat.

"By the way, Chief Xu, I have something to report to you!"

"052C surveying and mapping, right? I told Lao Xiao and the others, and everyone knows it." Xu Dongguo said with a smile.

Xiao Chongjun said: "Yes, Dingping, I have to thank you for the surveying and mapping work! Thank you for your hard work so that 052C can serve as soon as possible."

"Dingping, did you encounter any trouble during the surveying and mapping process?" Liu Huaming also said: "It seems that the trouble is not small if you can make a trip in person. Tell me, what is it? Our navy will do its best to solve it for you. Solve it! Even if it doesn’t work, I will think about Xue Shuai’s reaction and strive for the top..."

Liu Huaming was just halfway through speaking when he heard Su Dingping speak seriously.

"Chief Liu, we did encounter some trouble during this survey. When 052C was operating on the high seas, it happened to capture the distress signal sent by the Haishan! Later, it captured the wide-area notification radio signal of the Coast Guard."

After hearing this, the remaining half of Liu Huaming's sentence suddenly got stuck in his throat and he couldn't say it out.


Liu Huaming, who was choked by his words, coughed several times.

I don’t know if coughing is contagious, but Xu Dongguo and the other three also started coughing one after another.

The situation is developing in a direction that the four of them both hope and don't want, and they can only cough to cover up their inner embarrassment.

In the huge room, the four people coughed one after another.

Seeing the appearance of the four people, Su Dingping was stunned for a moment.

Got a cold?

Can't four people catch a cold together?

"Chief, what happened? Chief, you must take care of your health."

"It's okay! We're okay! You continue." Liu Huaming looked strange and waved his hands.

"Okay, chief." Su Dingping continued.

"Later, 052C also intercepted the radio communication content on 051C."

"Huh? 051C?"

Xu Dongguo was stunned.

Those are friendly forces!

Are friendly forces also taking action?

"Chief, the situation was urgent at that time. Captain Zhou was originally going to report the matter, but I felt that it was just in time for the 052C surveying and mapping, so I tried the electronic countermeasures system on the 052C."

Even though he had already made assumptions in his mind, Xu Dongguo still asked: "What then?"

"Then the capture was successful! It was deciphered! It took about a minute and a half!"

Xu Dongguo and others were all in confusion.

Is our navy's radio encryption technology so unreliable?

Even if it's not a high-standard dedicated encrypted channel, it won't be so fast, right?

This matter is no small matter, Xiao Chongjun immediately said: "How to decipher it?"

"Old Xiao! Business matters!" Xu Dongguo glared at him and said angrily.

Don’t you know what to say at this juncture?

Liu Huaming couldn't help but ask: "What happened next?"

"Then 052C headed towards the discovered coordinates! It didn't take long before the radar's active detection range discovered the Congyun, Haishan and Lihe!"

Hearing Su Dingping say this, the four of them felt their hearts tremble.

"Immediately afterwards, the electronic countermeasures system captured the radio transmitted from the Lihe to the Congyun! It was so far away, so I wasn't sure! I didn't expect that we would still be able to do it."

"Caught them from such a distance?" Xiao Chongjun and Qian Wenbing looked horrified.

052C is more advanced than they imagined.

The result is obvious, but Liu Huaming still hopes to hear the answer personally from Su Dingping.

Before he got the exact result, his heart couldn't let go.

"Dingping, please continue."

"The situation was too complicated at that time. The Haishan was suspected of colliding with the Congyun, and the Congyun was constantly firing warning shots!"

Su Dingping explained.

"Captain Zhou made it clear that he wanted to contact Chief Xu, but I feel that I have to shoot when the arrow is on the string. If the rescue opportunity is delayed because of this, and I watch the Haishan ship destroyed and people killed, I will blame myself!"

Taking a deep breath, Liu Huaming said: "So?"

"Yes, Chief, I ordered Captain Zhou to fire! 24 YJ-101A anti-ship missiles were launched in a salvo, striving to capture the Cong Yun in one fell swoop! The result was indeed the case!"

When these words came out of Su Dingping's mouth, the scene instantly fell into dead silence.

Several people had already guessed it just now, but when Su Dingping admitted it personally, they still felt as if they were in another world.

When will our navy's warships be able to lock onto and destroy enemy ships from more than 150 kilometers away?

This was something I couldn’t even imagine before!

Now, the dream has become reality.

Su Dingping said solemnly: "Chief, this matter is my problem! I am willing to take all responsibilities!"

Liu Huaming waved his hand and said.

"Dingping, please let me slow down!"

However, a thought suddenly appeared in Xiao Chongjun and Qian Wenbing's minds:

I, Cao, it turns out that it was not the White Bear Tribe who was responsible for the evil, but ourselves! We have already done this to Cong Yun, so it saves trouble and there is no need to condemn them.

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