I built an armada

Chapter 155 052C Sweeps! Haizi’s sky is falling!

Itou Xiuyi never thought in his wildest dreams that this hidden enemy was just terrifying, but the key was that he was so ruthless.

With three lifeboats, what room for resistance could there be?

In this case, each ship was actually rewarded with an anti-ship missile!

It’s clear that we must eradicate the root!

"It's so cruel! They are so cruel!" Itou Shuichi shouted sadly, "Even people who have no strength to restrain a chicken would do this cruelly! Is there any humanitarian spirit left? How cruel!"

He said this, but in fact he knew it in his heart.

If the identities of myself and the other party were reversed, I would definitely give the order to fire immediately!

This was done quietly, so there was no chance of anyone being left alive.

The only regret is that he is not the winner, so he can only vent his inner anger by barking incompetently in the main control room.

"Captain, these people are really not human beings!" the vice-captain shouted in pain, his eyes turning red with anxiety.

Anger is anger, but Shuichi Yido still has some sense left.

He shouted quickly to the correspondent.

"Quick, contact Yota Katsumura immediately and ask them to jump into the sea immediately! The further away from the lifeboat, the better!"

"Hi! Captain!"

Seeing the correspondent contacting him in a hurry, Yi Tang Xiuyi was very worried.

He knew in his heart that although the Yamagiri was advanced enough, his situation would not be much better than Katsumura Yo.

Being beaten passively, with no way to fight back, feeling aggrieved and helpless, you will be defeated sooner or later.

We can only pray that the opponent's anti-ship missiles are not enough for the next round of strikes!

65 kilometers away, Yota Katsumura was leaning on the lifeboat, looking at the vast sea. There was no light except the looming stars in the sky.

On the warship, he didn't worry about anything.

But at this moment, there were many survivors around the lifeboat, and some of them were still injured. He didn't know how long they could stay in the water.

The two lifeboats were so big, so naturally they couldn't accommodate all the injured.

Besides, who knows when we might encounter a shark.

Around him, many survivors were holding firearms that could still be used, and they were careful to prevent being attacked by sharks.

"About 50 minutes, very quick."

Yota Katsumura comforted himself in his heart, then changed the topic and said to the deputy captain.

"What's going on over there, Sosuke-kun? Can you hold on? The helicopter on the Yamagiri has already set off and will arrive soon. Let him hold on."

"I'll get in touch right away! The helicopter is fast, everything should be fine." After saying that, the vice captain immediately asked the correspondent to contact Katsumura Yota.

Kitahara Sosuke, who was lying on the lifeboat, had bloodshot eyes, nose, and ears everywhere.

It can be seen that if he does not receive timely treatment, he will be in danger.

After learning about the situation, the deputy captain quickly said: "Captain, the helicopter on the Yamagiri has already set off and is almost there. Hold on for a while!"

The pale-faced Kitahara Sosuke slowly opened his eyes and said weakly.

"I...I know."

"Captain, we still have great vengeance yet to be avenged! We can't die like this, we have to persevere!"

Kithara Sosuke reluctantly nodded.

As time went on, the injuries inside his body became more serious. The key was that there were no obvious injuries on the outside. I can't see the injury, and I can't even stop the bleeding!

He himself did not expect that he would be so seriously injured after being blown away by the shock wave before. He could feel as if millions of ants were gnawing at his internal organs, and his whole body was in unbearable pain.

The pain of life gradually passing by made him suffer internally.

Thinking of me, Kitahara Sosuke, who has been unruly and unruly all his life, piloting the Murasame across the waters of Toshima, but unexpectedly he encountered a waterloo here! Oh my god...

Kitahara Sosuke half-opened his eyes and looked at the faint starlight in the sky, filled with emotions.

"Captain, take a rest, the helicopter will be here in a moment!" the deputy captain comforted.

What they didn't know at this moment was that Shuichi Itou's scheduled helicopter rescue was temporarily canceled because he was worried about being ambushed.

They had to wait for the Yamagiri to arrive before they could receive treatment, which would take forty minutes!

Katsumura Yota's heart had not fallen for more than two minutes when suddenly news of the Yamagiri came. After learning about the situation, the correspondent's face suddenly changed, his whole body trembled violently, and then he shouted.

"Captain, the enemy is coming! The enemy is coming!"

"Enemy? Where?"

Katsumura Yota stood up suddenly and said anxiously.

The deputy captain looked around nervously, but found no enemy.

"Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

"It's a missile! Coming from the south!"

The correspondent pointed to the south and yelled.



Katsumura Yota couldn't help but tremble.

He thought the enemy had sent people to arrest him, but he didn't expect the enemy to directly launch missiles!

Send someone over, you still have a gun in your hand, you can still struggle and resist!

What to do if the missile comes?

Shoot missiles with bullets?

Go crazy!

"South? Where to the south?"

Katsumura Yota stood there, muttering to himself, standing on his feet and looking straight at the southern sky.

Finally, two spots of light suddenly appeared.

Two light spots came towards this side like a stream of light.


It’s actually a missile!

A cold air ran down the soles of his feet and rushed straight to his forehead. For just a moment, Katsumura Yota's scalp went numb, and his head suddenly exploded with buzzing.

"Captain, the missile is really coming! Run!"

The deputy captain shouted, pulling Katsumura Yota to dive.

"Quick! Contact Sosuke-kun and tell him to hide quickly!"

After speaking, Katsumura Yota jumped directly into the sea water. Faced with life and death, he no longer had the energy to scold him. Survival was the most important thing.

With a few pops of sound, everyone jumped into the sea one after another.

As soon as they surfaced, everyone rowed away with all their strength on their hands and feet.

On the lifeboat, the correspondent responsible for notifying Kithara Sosuke turned pale with fright, and his hand trembled while sending the telegram.

In a life-and-death crisis, he found that his hands were not in control.

After fiddling with it for a long time, I finally got it done, and then I didn’t care about anything and jumped straight into the sea.

There were originally hundreds of people on the sea, but now they were all swimming frantically into the distance as if they were fleeing. They all wished they had two extra hands and could row faster.

Kitahara Sosuke was still lying on the lifeboat waiting for the arrival of the helicopter. Suddenly, the correspondent shouted.

"Captain, Colonel Yota Katsumura said missiles are coming! It's from the south!"

Originally he was still weak and looked like he was going to burp at any moment, but when he heard the missile coming, his eyes suddenly opened.

At the end of the sky where he entered his eyes, a fast-moving light spot quickly attracted his attention.

"Missile! Captain, it's really a missile!" the vice-captain hurriedly shouted to the other wounded: "Get up, don't lie down, the missile is coming."

As soon as the vice-captain finished speaking, Kitahara Sosuke turned over and jumped directly into the sea as if nothing was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, he was seen using his feet together and swimming faster than the others.

Seeing this scene, the vice-captain was filled with emotion, as expected, death can best inspire people's potential.

He couldn't care less, and then he jumped into the sea.

In just twenty or thirty seconds, the missile that was just in the sky suddenly hit the lifeboat.

Accompanied by a huge explosion, sea spray surged into the sky, and the lifeboat was blown to pieces.

When everything calmed down, Kitahara Sosuke emerged from the sea.

Several pieces of the wreckage of the lifeboat were still burning with flames.

Seeing this scene, Kitahara Sosuke's head suddenly felt hot, and he almost fainted from anger.

I'm like this, I only have half my life left, why don't you let me go?

Even the only life-saving equipment exploded for me!

Amaterasu, please open your eyes and see!

At this moment, Kithara Sosuke's inner desolation reached its peak.

His arrogance and self-confidence fell apart at this moment, and even his desire to survive gradually extinguished.

I was still holding my breath until the helicopter came to rescue me, but when I was stimulated by this, my heart surged violently.


Unable to hold it back, he coughed several times.

Blood spurted out of his mouth all at once.

He knew that he was finished.

Like him, Yota Katsumura floated in the seawater, staring blankly at the wreckage of the two lifeboats making crackling sounds in the firelight.

"It's over, it's completely over now!"

"If the shark comes, it won't even be able to fight back."

It was originally possible to stand on the rescue boat and fight back, but now that the gun has been soaked in sea water again and again, it is unrealistic to have any effect.

"Can we survive until the Yamagiri arrives?"

The deputy captain, who had always felt that he could still survive, couldn't help but despair at this moment.

"Too cruel!"

"This kind of behavior is completely unlike the Longxia tribe! Who are they? They are killing them all!"

Yota Katsumura shouted angrily.

"No matter who they are, I have a sworn hatred against them!"

His angry roar echoed on the sea, and all the navy soldiers floating in the sea looked dull.

Despair spread in their hearts.

Katsumura Yota looked around and saw that there were about eighty people before jumping into the sea, but now there were less than sixty.

The lifeboat was bombed, and now even if you want to contact the Yamagiri, you can't.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted.

"Shark! The shark is coming!"

For a moment, everyone who was already in despair felt that a disaster was coming.

Panic spread instantly.

"Stop running around, get together quickly! We still have guns!" Katsumura Yota shouted.

But at this time, who will listen to him?

Everyone wants to hide away, as far away as possible.

At the same time, the Haizi Headquarters Combat Command.

Inoshita Wada was handling official duties slowly.

After taking a hit, Inoshita Wada looked at the time and said to himself: "It seems like we didn't catch anything today again."

"It's true on the other side, why is it so slow! It's been two days! If it continues like this, my body can hardly bear it anymore!"

In the past two days, Ishita Wada had not had a good night's sleep.

Although no one came to disturb his good sleep, he dreamed of the Yamagiri and the others successfully intercepting the ship while he was sleeping, a fierce confrontation broke out on the high seas, and then the good news came.

When I woke up, I saw nothing had happened, so I had no choice but to continue sleeping.

Unexpectedly, half way through sleep, the same dream would continue to play out.

In the past, he would have been annoyed by this endless dream.

But at this moment, the more he dreamed, the more excited he became, resulting in two big dark circles under his eyes while he was working.

"General Hotan, get some sleep. I'll notify you as soon as I have news!" the deputy said with some distress.

"I'm fine!"

Inoshita Wada waved his hand, then looked around and asked, and found that there was indeed nothing unusual.

He didn't let anyone contact him.

The radios are turned off during silent cruising, making it inconvenient to contact, and even if you want to contact me, you can't.

Frequently sending radio communications could easily expose the whereabouts of the Yamagiri and others.

Just wait, the results will be available tomorrow at the earliest, I can still hold on.

With this thought in his mind, Inoshita Wada closed his eyes unconsciously.

He just sat there, tilted his head, and fell asleep.

A similar dream resurfaced again, and you could see the corners of his mouth rising subconsciously.

He thought about it day by day and dreamed about it at night. He really wanted to hear the good news from the front line.

Suddenly, a shout echoed in his ears.

"Report to General Hotan, urgent report from the front!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down! Didn't you see that General Wada just fell asleep? Let him sleep a little longer!" Deputy Inoshita Wada rolled his eyes at him and said.


The correspondent was anxious.

"I know it's good news, don't worry, it's okay to tell General Hotan later! Besides, we have sent four warships, and the other side can't overturn the situation!"

As soon as the deputy finished speaking, he saw Inoshita Wada trembled and opened his eyes.

"What happened?"

Ishita Wada, who was still a little dazed, asked.

"Nothing, good news from the front line." the deputy said with a smile.

"Good news?" A smile appeared on Inoshita Wada's face. After so many dreams, they finally came true.

He smiled and said: "Come on..."

Before Inoshita Wada could finish speaking, the correspondent shouted: "General Wada, this is not a good news! The captain of the Yamagiri, Captain Shuichi Itou, sent a message, asking for support!"


The smile on Inoshita Wada's face froze instantly.

what happened?

Isn't it good news?

Why did it turn into asking for support?

He glanced at the deputy in surprise, and saw the deputy looking at the correspondent with an embarrassed look on his face: "Baga, how can this be support?"

"General Hotan, he must have heard wrong. How could it be support! Oh... that's right."

The deputy reacted and said: "We must send a ship over to bring back the prisoners and the brand-new captured warships!"

Inosha Wada suddenly realized that it made sense!

Kitahara Sosuke had mentioned to him before that he would bring back the warships sold by the Long Xia tribe afterwards, so that no one would dare to buy warships in the future.

Seeing the two people thinking about it, the correspondent was also stunned for a moment.

Did I really decipher it wrong?

Immediately, he deciphered the wireless message sent back by the Shanwu again, and the result was still the same.

As soon as he turned around, he saw the two of them staring directly at him, obviously waiting for good news about him.

"General Wada, that..."

The correspondent opened his mouth, unable to speak.

Inoshita Wada instinctively sensed something was wrong, "Speak quickly!"

"Colonel Shuichi Itou requested the headquarters to send the air force to support immediately! They have encountered a big change!"

"Air force support?" Inoshita Wada's expression changed, and then he asked: "What big change?"

"have no idea!"

"Baga!" Inoshita Wada cursed angrily and said, "I want to speak to Itou Shuichi! Immediately!"


It only took a moment, the correspondent said immediately.

"Report to General Hotan that the communication channel has been established!"

Inoshita Wada came over, and the correspondent quickly gave up his position.

As soon as he sat down, he heard Itou Shuichi's anxious voice coming from the communicator.

"General Wada, support! Our department requests support!"

"Itou Shuichi! You, calm down! Speak slowly!"

Inoshita Wada drank.

"General Wada, we don't have time to speak slowly! Missiles, missiles are coming! We can't stop them! Murasame and Harusame are also dead!"


This news was like a bolt from the blue, and Ishita Wada could no longer sit still.

He shouted angrily: "What the hell happened!"

"General Wada, it's too late!"

Immediately afterwards, Ishita Wada heard other people's voices coming from the communicator.

[Report to Captain, three lifeboats were sunk by missiles! We have lost the whereabouts of Kitahara Sosuke and Katsumura Yota! 】

Itou Shuichi on the other end of the communicator was dumbfounded, and Inoshita Wada on the other end was equally stunned.

Before the two of them could react, the other party said again.

[Report to Captain, the second round of interception of anti-aircraft missiles failed, and a total of 8 anti-ship missiles broke through the fire interception network! Report to the captain, the anti-aircraft missile will intercept for the third time in seven seconds! 】

[Report to Captain, the missile is still 7.3 kilometers away from our ship, and the anti-aircraft main gun has been activated...]

Listening to the shouts coming from the communicator, Inoshita Wada shouted hurriedly: "Itou Shuichi! Itou Shuichi! What happened! Tell me quickly!"

"Ambush—General Hotan, we were ambushed..."

Amidst the deafening sound, Inoshita Wada vaguely heard Itou Shuichi's words.

"Who? Who ambushed you?"

"Where are the people?"

"Itou Shuichi?"

Jingxia Wada shouted several times in succession, but the noise in the communicator was too harsh.

The sound of missile launches, the sound of the main defense gun and the close-in defense system firing completely covered up Itou Shuichi's voice.

Vaguely, he heard a sentence, 'Long live the Great Eastern Wilderness Tribe...'

Immediately, accompanied by a harsh sound of electricity, there was no sound from the communicator.

"Hello? Where is the person? Itou Shuichi?"

Jingxia Wada shouted for a long time, but there was no sound at all.

"General Wada?"

The deputy shouted cautiously, but saw Ishita Wada sitting there with a dull expression, as if he was stupid, and still muttering: "Where is the person? Why is there no sound?"

In the end, he knew it, but he just couldn't accept it!

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