I built an armada

Chapter 156 Qi and blood attack the heart! The air force formation has arrived! we won!

Donghuang tribe returned from the combat headquarters. Inoshita Wada was sitting in the position of the correspondent, his expression was a little dull, and he kept mumbling to himself.

The deputy and others all stood there, no one said anything.

In the room, only Inoshita Wada's faint murmur echoed around.

He guessed the situation on the communicator, but he didn't want to believe the result in his heart!

In his opinion, even if the Longxia tribe's navy fleet were to come out together, it would be impossible to annihilate all four warships.

This is absolutely impossible.

He knew the situation of the Longxia tribe's navy very well.

There are only two 956Es, a small number of 051Cs, and a mysterious warship that they have been investigating but have not found the truth - 052B!

Other missile boats were completely ignored by him.

It is not even a modern missile boat. Unless it appears next to a warship at close range, it will only get beaten!

The worst Murasame and Harusame, the radar monitoring range and missile strike range are both 75 kilometers. How many missile boats are needed to fill the gap of nearly 45 kilometers?

It cannot get closer than 30 kilometers to the warship, and even the anti-ship missiles on the missile boats cannot reach it, leaving only cannon fodder.

But just in this situation where victory was certain, the most incredible scene happened.

Four warships were killed!

It’s unimaginable, I can’t believe it!

"It shouldn't be like this!"

Jingxia Wada looked anxious, and the sadness between his brows was so thick that he could squeeze out water.

To put it ten thousand steps back, if the four warships were surrounded by the three fleets, they would definitely send out a signal for help early.

It’s impossible to wait until the final stage to ask for help!

Therefore, he boldly speculated that there would not be too many warships ambushed!

At least in terms of quantity, Itou Shuichi will not feel any pressure!

Only in this way can we be caught off guard.

"General Wada, air force support..." the correspondent whispered.

Inoshita Wada glared at the other party, the warships were gone, what the heck were they still supporting?

It’s really hard to pick up any pot!

He even wanted to drag the other person out and shoot him.

"General Wada, Itou Shuichi-kun and others..." the deputy said.

"I know."

After simply responding, Inoshita Wada sighed heavily.

"Alas. Something happened on the high seas that was beyond our expectations! The enemy is very mysterious!"

The deputy looked complicated.

Four warships were damaged like this?

"General Wada, Tatofaze? There is also Tatofaze!"

Upon hearing this, Inoshita Wada's expression suddenly brightened.

Yes, there’s also the Taito Kaze!

Maybe there is still a chance!

No matter how bad it is, you can still understand what happened.

Immediately, Inoshita Wada stood up, grabbed the correspondent, and shouted: "Contact the Tatofaze immediately. If you can't be contacted, you are the only one I want to ask!"


Immediately afterwards, Inoshita Wada said to other correspondents.

"Notify the Air Force and immediately head to the high seas for support!"


"General Wada, it takes the air force more than half an hour to set off from the southern island! In terms of time, it may be..."

Before the deputy finished speaking, Ishita Wada's cold gaze glanced over.

After a while, the correspondent responsible for contacting the Taitofeng put down the communicator and looked at the well and Tiandao.

"General Wada, the Tachifeng cannot be contacted!"

At this time, several other correspondents shouted.

"Report to General Wada, the Air Guard has received the order and will set off immediately!"

"Report to General Wada that an encrypted message has been received from the Tatofu! Please give instructions!"

Inoshita Wada was stunned.

If I can't contact you, how can I still receive messages from the other party?

"Quick, decipher!"


For a moment, everyone was anxious, waiting for the deciphering results.

Soon, the other party said again.

"Reporting to General Wada, Colonel Sakurada Yamauchi of Tatōkaze said that Murasame and Harusame were ambushed by the enemy and were damaged in the first battle! The ambushed warships from the rear immediately launched an attack on the fallen Kitahara Sosuke and Katsumura Yota, and attacked them at the same time Take the Yamagiri Horn and the Tatō Wind Horn."

"Reporting to General Wada, Yamauchi Sakura also said that if the headquarters receives this secret message, it means that they will not be able to come back."

Obviously, this is the last death message of the Tatofu.

After handing over the message, the correspondent looked at Ishita Wada quietly.

The last hope was gone, and there was a deathly silence in the room.

Without saying a word, Inoshita Wada reached out to take the message from the other party's hand and glanced at it quickly.

Suddenly, Inoshita Wada's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly tore the message in his hand into pieces, roaring like a wild beast.


Angry roars echoed over the room, making everyone tremble inside.

How should I explain this result to General Murashita Hayaki?

What can I tell you?

Inoshita Wada felt sad inside, and his face looked as pale as if he had been dead for 24 hours.

He felt his heart surge, and then he coughed a few times.


Covering his mouth, he coughed several times in succession.

At the same time as he took his hand away, he found a few bloodshot spots on his palm.

"General Hotan!" the deputy was shocked and said anxiously.

"I'm fine!"

Inoshita Wada waved his hand: "You keep an eye here and ask the Air Force to get over quickly!"

"I'm going to report this to General Hayaki!"

After speaking, he strode out.


As soon as the deputy responded, he saw Ishita Wada, who had not taken two steps, swayed and fell straight forward.

His expression changed drastically, and he wanted to help him, but it was too late.

Just hearing a 'plop-', Ishita Wada fell heavily to the ground.

"General Wada? General Wada?"

The deputy helped the other person up and shouted for a long time, but saw no reaction from the other person.

"Quick, call the doctor! Call the doctor——"

At the same time, two burning warships were slowly sinking in the sea area where the Yamagiri and the Tatofu were located.

Around the wreckage of the two warships, some survivors could be vaguely seen struggling desperately in the water.

But compared with the combat personnel of the two warships, they were nothing in twenty!

The situation of these two warships is different from that of Murasame and Harusame. Their warships were able to carry out three effective interceptions!

In their view, with three effective interceptions of anti-aircraft missiles, coupled with the main defense and control artillery and close-in defense systems, it was not difficult to intercept the first round of 12 missiles!

Unexpectedly...the result exceeded their expectations.

So much so that they didn't even have time to prepare.

Both warships, Itou Shuichi and Yamauchi Sakura were killed in battle!

103 kilometers away, in the 052C main control room.

Cao Youren watched the five coordinates on the radar display disappear one after another, his chest heaved violently, and there was an unspeakable emotion in his heart that seemed to be gushing out.

Excited, unbelievable, sad, uplifting, joyful...

All the emotions gathered together and finally turned into a long sigh.

Times have changed!

The era of being bullied finally passed.

"Report to Captain, wipe out all enemies!" the radar monitor shouted towards Zhou Qinglei.

Zhou Qinglei nodded, with an expression that he had expected.

"Pay close attention and notify us as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Captain!"

"This is such a treasure!" Cao Youren patted the main console, unable to hide the joy on his face.

From now on, I will be the captain of this warship!

Just thinking about it, he felt like he could wake up from his dreams laughing.

"I thought I would pay a big price, but I didn't expect... I never dreamed of it!"

Then the conversation changed and he said: "What's wrong? Are you worried about survivors?"

Zhou Qinglei nodded.

"There will definitely be survivors. In this vast sea, radar can't detect anyone, right?" Cao Youren said: "Even if there are survivors, whether they can survive until reinforcements arrive is a question!"

"The blood donation is in the air, and it is easy to attract sharks! Besides, even if they survive many crises, it will take two days for support to arrive from offshore. Whether they can survive these two days is still a question."

"Yes." Zhou Qinglei said calmly: "It is too difficult to rely on warships to hunt people at night."

As for prisoners, Zhou Qinglei never thought about taking them.

With such a big thing happening this time, it would be meaningless to take a few prisoners back. Instead, it would be confirmed that the Longxia tribe was responsible for this matter.

Compared with the face gained, the crisis brought by capturing prisoners is greater!

"Okay, don't think so much!"

Cao Youren said.

"We have made great achievements in this battle!"

"The crisis is not over yet!" Zhou Qinglei said solemnly.

"What's going on? Is there an ambush?"

"No." Zhou Qinglei shook his head: "The electronic countermeasures system just detected an abnormal telegraph signal on the other side! It is probably an encrypted telegram sent back to the Haizi Headquarters. Judging from the situation of the last fight, their Air Force Guards should be coming soon. "

"As fast as half an hour, as slowly as fifty minutes."

Cao Youren asked: "There are still 48 anti-aircraft missiles in reserve?"


"That's good, we still have the strength to fight!"

After a pause, Zhou Qinglei looked at the correspondent and said: "Contact 052B Jiang Shengrong immediately and ask him to notify the rear of the supply! In addition, let them go back and leave this place to us."

After hearing this, Cao Youren felt it made sense.

The 052B is indeed very powerful, but if it faces a combat force of more than two fighter formations, it may be in big trouble.

The probability of a single warship being discovered on the high seas is doubled.

Moreover, the electronic countermeasures system on the 052C is powerful enough. Once the situation goes wrong, it can also enter silent cruise to avoid enemy counterattacks.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Qinglei suddenly thought of something and said immediately.

"Immediately send a copy of the combat data and situation to Commander Su! Hurry!"

"Yes, Captain!"

On the other side, in the 052B main control room, Jiang Shengrong and others were still on guard, ready to attack the other two warships in Haizi at any time.

They knew the approximate locations of the Yamagiri and Tatofu.

But the two parties were too far together, beyond the radar's active detection range. Therefore, even if the coordinates are known, the radar cannot lock it, let alone launch missiles.

"How far is it?" Jiang Shengrong asked.

The radar monitor quickly said: "Captain, according to the coordinates sent by Captain Zhou previously, if the enemy ship does not change its position, our ship is still 102 kilometers away from the nearest enemy ship!"

"102 kilometers? In a few more minutes, the radar's active detection range will be covered!" Jiang Shengrong said with a serious expression: "Notify, the whole ship is ready to fight!"

"Yes, Captain!"

As soon as the order to prepare for war was issued, he heard the radar monitor suddenly shout.

"Report to captain, missile found..."

Jiang Shengrong was shocked.

Are the enemy's warships more advanced than our own 052B?

Before he could figure it out, he heard the other party continue.

"There are three missiles in total, the target... Huh? Captain, something is wrong."

Jiang Shengrong came forward with a puzzled look on his face, and just glanced at the radar display, his expression changed slightly.

Aren't those three lifeboats?

Zhou Qinglei didn't even let them go?

This discovery shocked Jiang Shengrong.

The Mach 1.9 missile, he already knew when the war started that it was Zhou Qinglei's anti-ship missile.

Before he could figure out the reason, he heard the radar monitor say again.

"Report to captain, there are missiles passing by the radar monitoring track 95 kilometers away from our ship... Number, 2, 6, 15... 24 in total! Speed, Mach 1.9! Flying from the southeast to the northwest..."

I am Cao!

Zhou Qinglei unilaterally attacked two other warships?


Too courageous!

Jiang Shengrong was shocked.

Zhou Qinglei is going to bloom everywhere.

"Report Captain, the radar has lost the missile target!"

There was still a distance of seven kilometers before the radar could scan it, and Jiang Shengrong was secretly anxious.

Time passed in a hurry, and soon, the correspondent suddenly said.

"Report to Captain, Captain Zhou sent a secret message, informing us that we can return to the sea, and contact the supply ship by the way."


Jiang Shengrong was stunned for a moment.

The battle is over?

I just saw the missile passing by on the radar display. How long has it been since the other two warships disappeared?

This is too fast!

When did modern naval warfare become so easy? Just now I, 052B, ran on the verge of life and death!

Jiang Shengrong was in a daze.

How powerful are their warships?

Why do I have no sense of participation at all?

"Captain, us?" the vice-captain asked.

"The fight is over, what are we going to do? Get ready to go back! 051C is still waiting for our escort!"

Jiang Shengrong said angrily.

As soon as the topic changed, he said immediately.

"Contact 051C Ning Decai immediately. Plan C has been implemented and our ship will return immediately!"

"Also, notify the supply ship and come over immediately!"

"Yes, Captain!"

After giving the order, Jiang Shengrong looked at the dark sea in a daze.

He thought he would die here today, but he didn't expect that not only would there be no casualties, but he would also get huge credit!

It's easy to go back to that group and get first-class merit.

Suddenly, the correspondent shouted again.

"Reporting to the captain, Colonel Lu Shengmin, commander of the air force combat formation group, sent a secret message asking about the situation of our department! They are about to arrive on the battlefield!"

air force?

Jiang Shengrong reacted immediately.

This was sent by the chief to support him.

Now it seems that it is no longer useful.

"Contact Colonel Lu Shengmin immediately. The battle is over. Our unit has not been damaged. Let them return!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Over the high seas, three combat formations of fighter jets were roaring over.

In the cockpit of the leader's Xiong-30 fighter jet, Lu Shengmin said to the communicator with a serious expression after sending the message.

"Attention all units, we have entered the high seas and are about to arrive on the battlefield. Be ready for battle at any time!"

"Roger that! Captain!"

"Roger that! Captain!"

Taking a deep breath, Lu Shengmin anxiously waited for Jiang Shengrong's call back.

Fighting against Haizi's modern warships, he still faced great pressure.

Damage is inevitable.

As soon as he finished mentally building up, the news about Jiang Shengrong came through.

After listening, Lu Shengmin was stunned.


The battle is over?

Loss if not?

I am Cao! Is this the end?

He was a little unbelievable and quickly contacted 052B personally.

When Jiang Shengrong personally said that all enemy ships would be wiped out, Lu Shengmin's whole body went numb.

When Lu Shengmin informed the other two combat formations of the news through the communication channel, all the pilots were stunned.

It doesn't matter if you come here in vain, at most it won't start a fight.

But the key is that this battle started, and the navy actually won!

Just thinking about it, everyone found it unbelievable, like a fantasy.

"Oh my god, when did the navy become so powerful?"

"The chief didn't say anything!"

At the same time, the integrated military factory.

Su Dingping was forging 052D in the Military Illustrated Forging Space. Suddenly, a knock on the door woke him up.

"Dingping, Captain Zhou sent a secret message."

Upon hearing this, Su Dingping quickly stood up and opened the door.

Sun Yongguo stood at the door, holding an unopened document in his hand, and said anxiously: "Dingping, did something happen?"

Su Dingping didn't say anything. He immediately took the document, tore open the seal, pulled out the message and started reading.

After a while, a smile appeared on Su Dingping's face.

"Comrade Zhou Qinglei really did not disappoint me!"

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