I built an armada

Chapter 157 052C Guide vs. Air Guard!

Su Dingping looked at the summary of combat data handed over by Sun Yongguo, with a strong smile on his face.

Although he was not at the scene, he could see the performance of the 052C on the battlefield through this combat data summary.

Su Dingping is very satisfied with 052C.

Fortunately, the 052C this time is more advanced than the 052C in the previous life. Otherwise, it would not be easy to achieve such huge results.

"Dingping, what happened?"

Seeing Su Dingping smiling there, Sun Yongguo asked curiously.

At this moment, he still doesn't know the actions, plans and combat situations in the sea area.

"Something happened on the sea. Fortunately, everything went well."

While talking, Su Dingping handed over the document in his hand.

"Dean Sun, take a look too."

Sun Yongguo glanced at it and did not pick it up immediately. Instead, he asked: "It's not a secret, right?"

"It doesn't count."

With these words, Sun Yongguo couldn't wait to take the document.

After a few quick glances, Sun Yongguo looked shocked.

"Dingping, this...this is a summary of 052C's combat data! When did it happen?"

Regarding a similar combat data summary, he had read it when the 052C sank the Congyun last month, so he was very impressed.

"Just now! The enemy dispatched four warships, and our department dispatched one 052C! According to the records in the data, there should be another 052B!"

Su Dingping said with a smile.

"2vs4, our unit is completely victorious and all enemy ships are wiped out!"

After listening, Sun Yongguo was stunned.

052C is very strong, he knew it, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

That is Haizi's modern warship!

2vs4 actually won!

Last year, I wouldn’t have dared to think about it!

Sun Yongguo looked at the data and opened his mouth, as if he had countless words he wanted to say, but he swallowed them back as soon as they reached his lips.

No words could describe his excitement and shock at this moment.

Su Dingping said: "Dean Sun, this is why we work hard here! No matter how hard we work, it's all worth it!"

Sun Yongguo raised the document in his hand and nodded excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, Su Dingping said again: "Dean Sun, show this to Dean Lu and others, write down the data above, and calculate it through the computer. We need to have a rough judgment on Haizi's true combat power! "

"Okay! Leave this to me!"

After saying that, Sun Yongguo took the document and ran away in a hurry.

At around five o'clock in the morning, not long after Lu Guangjun fell asleep, he was awakened by Sun Yongguo's rapid knock on the door.

"Old Sun, what happened?"

After opening the door, Lu Guangjun said sleepily.

He thought there was something wrong with the forging plan, and Sun Yongguo came to him in the middle of the night.

"What a happy event!"

Immediately, Sun Yongguo handed over the document and explained it.


"See for yourself!"

After flipping through it quickly, Lu Guangjun was so happy that he almost jumped three feet high.

"Beautiful! Well done! How many years, hell, how many years have we been angry? Now we finally get over it!"

As he spoke, Lu Guangjun laughed.

But Sun Yongguo clearly saw that Lu Guangjun's eyes were red and sparkling.

"Don't be too busy having fun now, we have a mission coming down from Dingping!"

At the same time, the southern sea.

Four 051Cs, eight multi-functional supply ships and a 956E behind them are traveling slowly on the sea at a speed of 15 knots.

Ever since Jiang Shengrong contacted Ning Decai to implement Plan C one day ago, Ning Decai had secretly issued an order to slow down the voyage.

He knew in his heart that once Plan C was implemented, there would be big trouble, so he specifically asked the escort team to slow down in order to make enough time and space for the front.

If there is an escort team not far away, 052B will inevitably be restrained.

At this time, Ning Decai and others were resting in the lounge.

In the main control room, the correspondent suddenly received a message from 052B.

"Dong dong dong——"

After a while, a knock on the door woke Ning Decai from his sleep.

After opening the door, Ning De asked, "What happened?"

"Mr. Ning, Captain Jiang sent a secret message. Plan C has been completed. Everything will be carried out according to the original plan!"

Ning De was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't wait to speak.

"Plan C succeeded?"

The surprise was beyond words.

"Yes, that's what Captain Jiang said! Now Captain Jiang and the others have rushed back and are expected to return to the team in three hours!"


Ning Decai said excitedly: "Quick, notify all departments to speed up immediately and move forward at full speed!"


As soon as the correspondent left, the door to Bird Edin's room opened.

Bird Edin came out and looked at Ning Decai, whose face was filled with joy and asked.

"Mr. Ning, what happened?"

"Haha, it's nothing." Ning Decai tried desperately to suppress the joy in his heart, but he couldn't hide the smile on his face.

"By the way, Mr. Bird Edin, we expect to reach the high seas at noon."

After saying that, Ning De walked towards the main control room with a smile.

After hearing such shocking news, he had no intention of sleeping.

Looking at Ning Decai's back, Bird Edin was filled with surprise.

"What happened? Why is Mr. Ning smiling so happily?"

Suddenly, he thought of the leading warship that suddenly left the team a day ago and said it was going to explore the way.

"Did something really happen?"

Bird Edin stood there for a long time, thinking about what happened.

Immediately, he followed Ning Decai towards the main control room.

As soon as he arrived at the main control room, he noticed that two multi-functional supply ships left their original escort team and sailed into the night.

"The multi-functional supply ships have been dispatched. Sure enough, something happened!"

"It seems that I guessed right, this time the deposit is not that simple!"

"Eastern Wasteland tribe? Or those tribes in the south? What's the result?"

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and Bird Edin wanted to ask Ning Decai what happened, but when he thought that such a thing must involve confidentiality, he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

It was as if a cat was scratching his heart, making him uneasy.

On the other side, at the Eastern Fleet Command, Xiao Chongjun's office was filled with smoke.

Xiao Chongjun held a cigarette in his hand and smoked hard.

More than half an hour has passed since I contacted the Air Force to cooperate with the operation.

He looked at the time and thought it was almost time. The two sides must have collided.

"It's already 5:15, and I don't know what the situation is like!"

Taking a sharp puff, Xiao Chongjun shouted towards the door.


Soon, the guard opened the door and walked in.

"Chief, please give instructions."

After looking at the guard, Xiao Chongjun didn't say the words that came to his lips.

Changing the topic, he said: "I'm done smoking, help me get some more."

Looking at the smoke filling the room, I glanced at the ashtray on the desk filled with cigarette butts. Not only that, there were cigarette butts everywhere in the room.

Every cigarette butt on the ground is a place for Xiao Chongjun to stop and think.

Looking away, the guard said: "Chief, you have already smoked a lot, you can't smoke anymore."

Seeing that the cigarette in his hand had burned out, Xiao Chongjun urged: "Go and get it if I tell you to! There are so many words! Go quickly!"


"Go quickly!"

Xiao Chongjun originally planned to ask the guards to send people to inquire about the situation on the front line, but when he thought of the tense situation on the front line, he finally held back.

He didn't want his own anxiety to affect the frontline plan.

"Wait a minute, it's almost over!"

Soon, the guard ran over with a cigarette.

Xiao Chongjun immediately took another cigarette and looked at the smoke rising from the end of the cigarette, his eyes suddenly blurred.

Seeing Xiao Chongjun deep in thought, the guard quietly walked out and closed the door.

Seeing the time passing by, Xiao Chongjun continued to smoke one cigarette after another.


After coughing a few times, Xiao Chongjun waved his hand to disperse the smoke in front of him.

At this moment, the guard hurried over.

"Report to the leader, secret message from the front line!"

As soon as he heard the word "secret message", Xiao Chongjun stood up suddenly and urged: "Quickly, bring it here!"

"Yes, Chief!"

After handing over the message, the guard turned and left the room.

Holding the message in one hand and a cigarette in the other, Xiao Chongjun looked hesitant.

He didn't know what the outcome of the message would be until he opened it.

He was very nervous at the moment. He wanted to see it but didn't dare to.

After a long period of mental construction, he took a deep breath, then took a sharp breath, and slowly read the message.

One second.

Five seconds.

Thirty seconds.

There was deathly silence in the room, except for the cigarette butt in his hand that made a subtle 'whistle' sound as it burned slowly.

A full minute later, the room suddenly remembered Xiao Chongjun's excited laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Xiao Chongjun held the message in one hand and grinned almost to his ears.

"How magnificent! How magnificent!"

Without hesitation, he picked up the dedicated phone and dialed.

Almost at the same time the call was dialed, the other end was connected.

"It's me, Liu Huaming!"

"Commander Liu, great victory on the front line, our troops have wiped out all four enemy warships!"

This simple sentence exploded in Liu Huaming's mind like thunder.

Liu Huaming, who was holding the phone, fell into a brief state of confusion.

After a while, he said: "Okay! Send the detailed combat situation immediately!"

"Yes! Chief!"

After hanging up the phone, Liu Huaming hurriedly rummaged around on his desk.

Finally, he found a cigarette.



Liu Huaming lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, and then slowly protruded.


It wasn't until this moment that he finally laughed out loud.

"Our navy has come this far without knowing it! What a joy!"

Liu Huaming's hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly, which showed how excited he was.

Soon, the guard came in with the combat situation passed by Xiao Chongjun.

After taking the document and shooing away the guard, Liu Huaming pulled the desk lamp closer and let it shine on the document.

Then he flipped through the file and read it line by line.

Liu Huaming was so absorbed in watching it that he didn't even have time to take a second puff of his cigarette.

When he felt a burning sensation coming from his fingers, he suddenly shook his hand and threw away the cigarette that had burned to the butt of the cigarette.

After reading it, Liu Huaming immediately shouted outside: "Guard, prepare the car!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Immediately, Liu Huaming started rummaging around the room.

He dug out the jar of Dahongpao that he had treasured for many years.

Last time, because he was short of money to build an integrated military factory, he took this can of tea to Xue Yunzhi for help, but Xue Yunzhi didn't accept it at that time.

This time, he turned it out again, but not to ask for help.

After packing his things, he hurried out of the office, got into a special car, and headed straight to the Beijing Military Region.

Sitting in the back seat, Liu Huaming looked at the scenery outside the window and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Huh? Why haven't you noticed before that the night view of the capital is still very charming?"

The night scene tonight is obviously the same as before, but Liu Huaming thinks it looks good no matter how he looks at it today.

At this moment, at the Northern Fleet Command, Xu Dongguo also received good news from the front.

After reading it, his laughter echoed in the room and lingered for a long time.

"This is an unprecedented happy event for our navy! 2vs4, complete victory! Amazing!"

Thinking back to what Su Dingping told him at the integrated military factory, the combat power of the 052C was conservatively estimated to be able to withstand three Chinese warships without defeat.

Now, the actual results prove that Su Dingping was not exaggerating, and was even a little conservative.

After all, not a single Haihongqi-101A anti-aircraft missile on the 052C has been used at this moment, and even the YJ-101A anti-ship missile still has 21 rounds left!

With this ammunition reserve, he would not be afraid at all when encountering two warships.

I don’t say it’s a sure win, but I’m definitely not afraid.

"When I discovered this treasure Dingping and brought him to our navy, it was definitely the wisest decision I made in my life!"

Xu Dongguo was overjoyed.

Looking back, he felt gratified at his wise decision.

At first, I just planned to take a gamble, but I didn't expect that the gamble would end up with a clear sky for the Navy.

"Right now, besides having an advantage in terms of size, the Navy no longer has any advantage in terms of advancement! Our navy will usher in a new era!"

Xu Dongguo's heart was surging and he couldn't help being happy.

At this moment, on the southern high seas, 052C is still sailing alone.

"Reporting to Captain, Captain Jiang has sent word that the multi-functional supply ship has set off. It is estimated that in four hours..." the correspondent said.

"Okay, I get it."

The enemies at sea have been wiped out, but the enemies in the air have not yet appeared. Zhou Qinglei knows that the Haizi Air Force Guard will definitely appear.

"Be alert, the enemy will appear at any time!"


At the same time, in the sky above the high seas outside the Eastern Barren Tribe's waters, a combat formation of five fighter jets was pointing directly in the direction. A hundred kilometers behind them, there was a combat formation escorting the reconnaissance aircraft following closely behind them.

In the fighter cab, a group of pilots looked serious. They knew that this was not an ordinary patrol and that conflicts could break out at any time.

Time flew by, and half an hour later, the fighter jets officially entered the southern high seas.

The captain of the first combat formation, Putou Nanoha, warned in the communication channel.

"Attention all ministries, we are about to enter the combat zone. The enemy's location is unknown, so we must remain vigilant."

"According to the instructions of the military department, once the enemy is discovered, fire immediately!"


In the communication channel, the other four people responded one after another.

For a time, the five people's fighting spirit was so high that even their breathing was lowered.

However, before they could find traces of the enemy, Puteng Naha suddenly noticed that the early warning radar in the cabin went off.

After a quick glance, Puteng Naye's pupils shrank suddenly.

He knew that the fighter jet was locked by the fire control radar!

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