I built an armada

Chapter 166 Expansion plan! The second 052C is launched!

Xu Dongguo never dreamed that he would get huge surprises every time he came to the integrated military factory.

And they are all very groundbreaking big surprises.

Looking at the equipment directory in his hand, Xu Dongguo couldn't hide the joy in his eyes.

Once this batch of technology is sold, it will be enough to recoup a large amount of military spending. The external sales route that was ruined due to the secret troubles of the Eagle Tribe will not be so urgent in a short period of time.

"Dingping, you have solved a big problem for our navy!"

Xu Dongguo said with emotion.

"To be honest, the issue of military expenditure is indeed a headache."

"The external sales channel that we spent a lot of money to open up before was cut off in an instant because of a piece of news released by the Eagle Tribe! It's hard to reconcile just thinking about it..."

Xu Dongguo told the whole story.

There were almost no secrets between him and Su Dingping.

Before, he even told Su Dingping about the secret purchase of the Varyag aircraft carrier.

The reason why I didn't mention this just now was because I was worried that Su Dingping would mess up his plan due to insufficient navy military spending.

Now that he was about to have money, he was in a much better mood, so naturally he said everything at once.

"Chief, it's not a big problem." Su Dingping said firmly, "Sooner or later, we will compete with the Eagle Tribe Navy!"

Looking at Su Dingping's firm eyes, Xu Dongguo nodded heavily.

Their previous plan was to be able to compete with Hai Zi for at least twenty years. But judging from the current development speed, they will be evenly matched in three to five years at most! Catching up is no longer a distant dream!

In this way, maybe twenty years later they will be on the same level as the Eagle Tribe!

At least, in the Dongzhou Sea area, the Eagle Tribe no longer has the final say!

Thinking of this, Xu Dongguo couldn't help but feel excited.

"By the way, chief, there is one more thing." Su Dingping continued.

"What's wrong? If you have anything to say, just ask. As I said, if you can help, you will definitely help. If you can't help, you will find a way to help!"

Xu Dongguo solemnly promised.

"At present, after half a year of training, there are 4,000 ordinary naval soldiers and 500 naval technical workers. Many outstanding technical backbones have emerged from this group of people."

While talking, Su Dingping took out the list of those who had been commended and handed it to Xu Dongguo.

"This is the cornerstone of the new industrial system in the future! With them here, I plan to expand the integrated military factory at the end of next year or the beginning of the next year!"


Xu Dongguo was stunned for a moment.

He clearly remembered that when Su Dingping came up with the integrated military factory plan, he took the high-tech advanced route and occupied an area of ​​only 900 acres. Small but complete.

In fact, he also felt that the area of ​​a base with such complete facilities was indeed a bit small. It has only been half a year, have you started preparing for subsequent expansion plans?

"It's about next year." Su Dingping said: "Just waiting for this batch of technology to be sold, if private enterprises act quickly, when we prepare for expansion at the end of next year, we won't need to spend so much money to procure it from outside, and we will directly do it internally. purchase."

"As for building a separate production line, I don't think it is necessary. Times are changing and technology will continue to iterate. We have worked hard to build production lines with high-precision equipment, but we may soon be unable to keep up with what we need."

Xu Dongguo originally wanted to build a production line for high-precision equipment within the navy. Anyway, the technology was already available, and the next step was to spend money.

But after hearing what Su Dingping said, he also felt that it made sense.

It's thankless and unnecessary.

It is better to allow private enterprises to flourish freely and have competition in the market, so that more and more advanced technologies can be produced.

The core technology of these devices is equivalent to the original 956E core technology. Break the Western technology blockade first, and the rest will be much easier.

"The overall expansion area is initially set at around 4,500 acres. It will depend on the military budget at that time. If it is more, we will expand it again and establish an additional independent production line." Su Dingping added.

The subsequent expansion is mainly prepared to cope with the 055 drive after the 052D.

Moreover, after the birth of 052D, it was necessary to establish a separate production line and go into full mass production.

So the place will definitely be much bigger than before, and there will be more investment.

"If we expand, the equipment problem will basically no longer be a big problem. It's just the personnel..."

After thinking about it, Xu Dongguo said: "Dingping, you don't have to worry about this matter. I will be responsible for it."

Half an hour later, Xu Dongguo returned with a large amount of information, and more than half of the information could not be brought with him because it could not be loaded in the car!

beat'? ’ The technology of those equipments is still under research and will only be taken away when the research is successful.

On the way back, Xu Dongguo couldn't help but be happy when he looked at the piles of information.

These are all treasures!

Then he fell into deep thought.

The expansion will definitely require personnel.

Although he has not seen the detailed expansion plan, 4,500 acres is not a small number.

900 acres can accommodate 4,000 ordinary navy soldiers, 500 technical workers, and a 500-person security camp.

4,500 acres, the number of people is increasing several times.

After calculation, more than 20,000 people need to be invested.

This is still less.

Maybe thirty or forty thousand is possible.

Before you get the plan, anything is possible.

Given the current situation of the Navy, it would be extremely taxing to mobilize tens of thousands of people at once.

The navy is not the army, so it doesn't have such a big foundation.

"It seems that after the Chinese New Year, enrollment will be expanded next year!"

Xu Dongguo thought to himself.

In the early morning of the 6th, he had just returned to the Northern Fleet headquarters and directly contacted Liu Huaming.

"Chief, good news!"

"Has the second 052C been launched?" Liu Huaming said angrily on the other end of the phone: "Look at how anxious you all were that day. After all, it's only three months and a few days more than before. It's only about twenty days more than before."

Liu Huaming thought it was about 052C and planned to criticize a few more words.

"No, Chief."

Xu Dongguo explained.

"Dingping has solved the most difficult problem for our navy right now - military expenditures!"

"What? Military expenditures?"

Liu Huaming was stunned.

Isn't Su Dingping busy with 052C? When will he find time to resolve the military expenditure issue?

Besides, where did he go to raise military expenses in a place that was almost isolated from the outside world?

Liu Huaming's thoughts were racing in his mind, and he thought about it over and over again.

"Is such that……"

Xu Dongguo told the whole story. After listening, Liu Huaming, who was holding the phone, was completely stunned.

We here are worried about the interruption of foreign trade channels, and worry about what to do with the follow-up military expenditures. Dingping is busy at the integrated military factory, and the military expenditures issue is also solved?

Just thinking about it makes Liu Huaming feel incredible.

"Chief, when the time comes, you have to send someone to the integrated military factory to bring out all the detailed technical content. My vehicle has limited space and cannot fit so many."

Xu Dongguo explained.

"But I brought out the overall technical list."

After listening to Xu Dongguo's words, it took Liu Huaming a while to recover from the shock.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Liu Huaming said three times in succession, showing his inner excitement.

"Dingping is really the treasure of my navy!"

"I am too ashamed to be the leader, and I can't help in any way!"

Liu Huaming sighed softly.

They are working hard to open up external sales channels, don’t they just want to help?

Unexpectedly, it was Su Dingping who finally solved the recent military expenditure problem by himself.

"I will send someone to handle this matter. As for the buyer, I will also send someone to your place to discuss with you in detail."

"What should be done, what should not be done, and how to do it need to be carefully studied."

Liu Huaming said seriously.

These are the core technologies of high-precision equipment.

If they were all released at once, it would definitely cause a big sensation and also cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, we need to carefully discuss how to take action.

There is no way, the strength is not enough, so be cautious first.

"Chief, there is one more thing! Dingping plans to expand the integrated military factory by the end of next year. It will be 4,500 acres! According to the military expenditure we can provide, we can increase it appropriately!"

Xudong National Highway.

"So what I'm thinking about is that on the one hand, we may need to fight for more military spending next year! On the other hand, our navy needs to expand its enrollment, otherwise we will not have enough manpower."

"Is there still this matter?"

Liu Huaming was shocked again.

I was just happy that I would make money after selling the technology.

Looking at it now, it is estimated that next year, plus the military budget allocated above, it will all be spent again.

"Next March, we will expand enrollment! You will make the specific arrangements!"

"Yes, Chief!"

After hanging up the phone, Liu Huaming paced back and forth excitedly.

Military spending!

Military spending!

There is never enough military spending!

In the later stage, we still need to find ways to open up external sales channels!

This is not mass produced yet!

Once mass production occurs, money will flow.

Without long-term and stable additional income, we may be short of money again next year or the year after.

On the night of the 7th, people arranged by Liu Huaming secretly arrived at the integrated military factory and brought out all the technical information.

More than half a month later, Liu Huaming arranged for people responsible for contacting private enterprises to start activities in various places.

At the end of the month, a call from the Integrated Military Factory came to Xu Dongguo.

That night, Zhou Qinglei entered the integrated military factory with 295 naval soldiers and a group of personnel responsible for escorting materials.

In the early morning of December 1, all the technical information of the high-tech equipment was taken away, while Zhou Qinglei and others stayed.

Half a month later, at the port of the warship base in the northern seas, an excited Xu Dongguo stood in the cold wind, looking up at the vast sea.

Finally, a black dot appeared at the end of his vision.

Xu Dongguo knew that the second 052C belonging to the Northern Fleet was coming!

After waiting for so long, it’s finally here!

The sea breeze blew by, the blue waves rippled, and the biting cold wind did not dissipate Xu Dongguo's inner excitement.

Half an hour later, 052C docked, and Zhou Qinglei walked down the warship road.

"Hello, Chief."

"Thank you for your hard work, Comrade Zhou Qinglei!" After speaking, Xu Dongguo couldn't help but said: "Let's go on board and take a look!"

When the first 052C was launched on August 1, Xu Dongguo, Liu Huaming and others boarded the warship and personally visited the 052C launch test.

Four and a half months passed in a flash, and he was still very excited to see 052C again.

An hour later, Xu Dongguo stepped off the warship with satisfaction.


So satisfying!

The Northern Fleet has one 052C, one 052B, plus one 051C, and a frigate, which can all fight against the entire Hai Ziyi fleet of the 88th Fleet.

Excluding the 053H3 frigate, the Northern Fleet has all entered the modern field.

One year before and after, the gap is not small!

This time last year, 956E was still a baby!

But now? Xu Dongguo didn't like it at all.

The 052B can beat the 956E, let alone the more advanced 052C that has been tested in actual combat.

"Our navy has ushered in a good era!"

Xu Dongguo said excitedly.

Millennium, the beginning of the rise of the navy.

A few days later, the Blue Star Alliance Conference was held in the Eagle Tribe. Representatives of the Eagle Tribe proposed a proposal to take action against the Keyi Tribe. Due to the opposition of the White Bear Tribe, it was rejected by one vote.

The news reached the chief and made him very angry.

However, the camels of the White Bear Tribe are so skinny that they are bigger than horses, so it is not easy to deal with them at the moment.

Subsequently, the chief held a high-level meeting to discuss countermeasures.

After three days of intense discussion, the ‘Biochemical Laundry Powder’ plan was proposed and passed unanimously.

Just wait for the next Blue Star Alliance meeting to be held.

The deployment of the Eagle Tribe in the central region has already been mostly completed.

Three of the five aircraft carrier strike groups have been deployed, and there are two more. One is already on the way, and the last one is still being intensively dispatched.

In contrast, because the Sun Never Sets tribe is close enough, the aircraft carrier strike group they support is already in place.

There are a total of six aircraft carrier strike groups, four of which are already in place!

The entire central region was covered with clouds.

On the morning of December 30th of the new millennium, Northern Fleet Command.

Xu Dongguo was calculating the total cost of the technology sold when the phone on his desk rang.

"Chief, we're calling from Northern Shipyard."

When he heard about the Northern Shipyard, Xu Dongguo raised his eyebrows sharply.

Have the two 051Cs of the Laxi Tribe finally been produced?

"Turn in!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Soon, a familiar voice rang on the phone.

"Reporting to the leader, two 051Cs have been outfitted, please give instructions!"

That night, a special plane landed directly in Qingdao.

In the early morning of the 31st, Dmitry, Zhang Zhaoxin and others came to the port where two 051Cs were docked at the military base in the northern seas.

Knowing from the Tessa tribe that 051C could cross the vast sea, Dmitri had long been looking forward to it.

So as soon as he received the message from Zhao Quan, he rushed over in person.

Seeing the two brand-new 051Cs shining under the lights, Dmitri's heart was ups and downs.

Zhang Zhaoxin smiled and said: "Mr. Dmitry, please."

After boarding the warship, Dmitri couldn't hide the joy on his face.

Two hours later, the inspection of 051C ended.

The two 051Cs are exactly the same as the data brought back by their subordinates.

This is the complete version of 051C, not the one after technical castration!

In Dmitri's heart, it was called beauty.

With these two modern warships, we will have confidence in the subsequent battle with the Ertu tribe.

The island will never be lost again!

He had already thought about it. As soon as the two warships arrived, he would immediately send people to take action.

Then find a chance to have a fight with the Ertu tribe!

It was his idea that made 051C suddenly famous in the central region.

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