I built an armada

Chapter 167 Don’t meet someone who is too stunning when you are young

After confirming that it was correct, Dmitry ordered someone to send the remaining half of the money to the navy while talking to Zhang Zhaoxin.

"Colonel Zhang, I feel safe doing business with your Longxia tribe!"

"Our reputation is outstanding! Unlike some tribes, which are all false!" Zhang Zhaoxin said, "You don't have to worry about the subsequent escort plan. The Tesha tribe is the best example."

"I know, I can rest assured that you will do things!"

Dmitri nodded with satisfaction.

After all the handover was over, Dmitri left in a hurry.

The escort he brought over stayed behind and set off with the warship after dawn.

At the same time, the Ertu tribe.

Emil paced back and forth in the office worriedly.

The arrival of four 051Cs purchased by the Tesha Tribe gave him an ominous premonition.

Finally, a third-party tribe is willing to sell modern warships. Of course, other tribes can't help but want to purchase them back.

Fortunately, the Eagle Tribe took action and contained it in time, otherwise the entire central region would have been in chaos.

But even so, he still felt very uneasy in his heart.

"Is there still nothing going on with the Longxia tribe?"

Facing his inquiry, Nazim immediately said: "Sir, no."

"It shouldn't be."

Emil frowned slightly.

"How long has the Varyag been parked? Do they really not want it anymore?"

"Didn't their merchants buy the Varyag back as a specimen? Now that we are holding it, they probably think it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's only about 30 million US dollars. There are no businessmen who are willing to buy the aircraft carrier back to show their face. Short of money.”

Nachim explained.

"I don't think so." Mustafa on the side said: "The Longxia tribe communicated with us through foreign affairs means before. It is obvious that they still care about the Varyag."

"I also think there must be something going on here." Emil said solemnly, "I don't know what they are planning. The Longxia tribe has always been patient, so we have to be careful about this!"

"In a word, the Eagle Tribe hinted at us to seize it, so no matter what they bought the Varyag for, if it cannot meet our 20 conditions, it is impossible to let it go!"

Emil continued.

Nazim and Mustafa looked at each other and nodded immediately.

They themselves find those 20 conditions harsh.

But being harsh is one thing, they had no intention of releasing the Varyag in the first place.

If the Varyag is released, the Eagle Tribe will have no way to explain.

At this time, news came.

"Sir, the latest information is that Dmitri of the Lasi tribe left secretly."

Upon hearing the news, Emily was stunned.

"What? What's going on?"

"The other party may have gone to the Longxia tribe!"

"Longxia tribe?"

Emil raised his eyebrows sharply and asked quickly: "Is the news accurate?"

"Sir, it is still under investigation." The other party said: "The Laxi tribe's information is tightly blocked, and we can't find any valuable clues."

The two sides are hostile to each other, so naturally there will be corresponding spies inside.

And Dmitri is such a public figure, not to mention his every move, every word and deed will be noticed.

So this time Dmitri left for the Longxia tribe in person, and it was difficult to hide it.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the plane in the middle had not turned around at several places, it would have been impossible to hide it at all.

"Hurry up and investigate!" Emil urged.

Seeing the other person's back hurriedly leaving, Emil was so worried that he walked back and forth on the spot, with countless thoughts flashing through his mind.

What on earth are the Laxi tribe doing?

Why did he suddenly hook up with the Longxia tribe?

There is also the Longxia tribe, what are they going to do? Do you want the Varyag anymore?

By establishing a relationship with the Laxi tribe, doesn’t this force us to continue to raise our stakes?

Something is wrong, very wrong.

There must be some unexpected situation here that I don't know about!

Emil frowned, feeling a vague premonition in his heart.

He really couldn't figure out why the Longxia tribe and the Laxi tribe suddenly had close contacts.

Something that didn't happen before.

Nazim also frowned: "The two tribes rarely contacted each other before, why did Dmitry even go there this time! This is extraordinary!"

One is one of the vice-presidents of the Blue Star Alliance, and the Varyag is still detained in its own port.

The other one has a feud with him and will have a fight every few months...

These two had some feud with him, and once they united, Emil felt a lot of pressure.

Mustafa said irritably: "If the Longxia tribe joins forces with the Laxi tribe, it will be quite unfriendly to our Ertu tribe. Sir, we have to guard against this!"

"Indeed!" Nazim said seriously: "We must prepare early!"

Emil nodded seriously.

He knew that there had been no movement from the other party for several months, as if they didn't want the Varyag. It was definitely not that simple.

Now it seems that it is indeed the case.

He was so irritated that he couldn't think of any good countermeasures for a while.

Soon, the cabinets of the Ertu tribe held a secret meeting.

At the meeting, Emil told all the information.

The ministers were silent for a while after hearing this.

"The storm is about to come, and the storm is coming. This is very unusual!"

"It's unusual, but I really don't understand. How can the Longxia tribe and the Laxi tribe fight together? The two tribes are so far apart. Why does Dmitry need to go there in person? It must be very serious. big!"

"The most annoying thing is that the Longxia tribe and the Laxi tribe had almost no contact in the past! Ever since we raised the conditions of the Varyag, all kinds of things have come out! When will the promise from the Eagle Tribe arrive?"

Several people looked at each other, no one knew.

Who has the guts to ask Blue Star’s boss: Brother, when will you give me what you promised me?

Working for the Eagle Tribe must be beneficial! But when this benefit will be given is the question.

Emil said: "There is no news from the Eagle Tribe at the moment. Maybe they are busy dealing with the Keyi Tribe recently!"

Suddenly, he changed the topic and said.

"Is there a possibility that the Longxia Tribe is eyeing the Longxia Tribe's warships? The Tesha Tribe purchased four 051Cs before, but it made many tribes jealous! If the Eagle Tribe hadn't taken action..."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present suddenly changed.

They don't know the true combat level of 051C. But they know that 051C is a modern warship!

And their most powerful warships are only modern warships, which are decommissioned warships purchased from the Eagle Tribe. Of course, there are other costs besides money.

But these were two modern warships, and they led their navy to seize many islands in many battles, overwhelming the Laxi tribe's navy.

Let them compare, they must think that the warship they bought is more powerful! After all, it was produced by the Eagle Tribe, and the retired one was also produced by the Eagle Tribe.

But if the Laxi tribe has a few more modern warships, the good situation will be reversed.

"Probably not! Didn't the Eagle Tribe make a statement a while ago that no tribe is allowed to have any thoughts!"

"It's hard to say! The Laxi tribe has suffered so much, maybe they will take a risk!"

"Speaking of which, the Longxia Tribe is very courageous. They actually dare to rob the Eagle Tribe of their interests!"

Others said one after another.

"Let's see what happens."

Emil sighed, feeling very powerless.

Everything was originally planned to make money at both ends, but just now, everything seems to have changed and yet it seems to have stayed the same.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room suddenly became depressed, and everyone was filled with sadness.

Before waiting for the exact news, their hanging hearts could not rest.

After a while, Emil said firmly.

"I think no matter what conspiracy the Longxia tribe and Laxi tribe have! We must not compromise easily!"

"Just the slightest bit of wind scares us so much that we can't sleep at night. What does the Eagle Tribe think of our Ertu Tribe? What do other surrounding tribes think of our Ertu Tribe?"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded, recognizing his words very much.

"If the Longxia tribe wants to play tricks, let them do it! Originally, I was thinking of giving them a discount with 20 conditions, but now I can't even lose one!"

"That's right, the Varyag is in our hands, and we are backed by the Eagle Tribe. They should be the ones who are anxious, not us!"

"I still don't believe it. Even if they join forces, can they still change the world?"

Immediately, all the senior executives in the room reached a consensus.

On December 31st, at dawn, two 051Cs set off under the escort of 052B and 051C.

At the Northern Fleet Command, Xu Dongguo looked relieved after hearing the news.

The last two 051Cs have also been sent out, and now there are no foreign trade orders at all.

In the coming period, the Navy's military budget will only be spent internally and selling those technologies.

Of course, Xu Dongguo has never forgotten the Varyag incident.

But the time has not come yet.

As for whether the sea will block the road this time, Xu Dongguo is not worried.

For one thing, no tips were received.

On the other hand, Haizi suffered a loss last time and would not take action easily without a clear investigation.

Of course, just in case, 052C, which just arrived not long ago, is in training mode at all times to deal with any emergencies.

"The millennium is about to pass."

Standing at the window and looking at the rising sun, Xu Dongguo sighed.

Looking back at the year 2000, when the Navy went from being in embarrassment to now making consecutive military exploits, Xu Dongguo is still a little confused.

In 1999, he never dared to think like this.

At that time, the arrival of the 956E was enough to make him so excited that he couldn't sleep at night.

"In the new year and the new atmosphere, I hope our navy can continue to make steady progress! Let's set new highs."

As he spoke, a happy smile appeared on Xu Dongguo's face.

He was naturally happy to be able to witness the rise of the navy in person.

On the other side, Professor Wu’s experimental group from Harbin Institute of Technology.

Guo Xueyun is busy doing experiments in the laboratory.

Today, she is already a very outstanding third-year graduate student. Among all third-year graduate students in the entire major, he ranks among the best.

She is good-looking, knowledgeable and elegant. She is two years younger than her third-year graduate students in the same year. She has many suitors, but she is still single.

Suddenly, she heard someone calling her from behind.

"Xueyun, how do you celebrate New Year's Day? Are you going back this year?"

From the sound of her voice, she knew it was senior sister Wang Xin.

"Sister Xin, didn't you go out to play with Senior Brother Zhao?" Guo Xueyun turned around and asked.

"It's different now that I'm studying for a Ph.D. There are so many things to do, I can't keep busy." Wang Xin said helplessly, "This year's New Year's Day, we both spent time in Harbin."

"I won't go back either."

Guo Xueyun smiled and said.

Wang Xin said: "By the way, I have good news for you."

good news?

Could it be...

A figure suddenly appeared in Guo Xueyun's mind.

On New Year's Day last year, I went back to Qingdao and met Su Dingping by chance. Later, she went back several times during holidays, but she never encountered him.

As a result, we met in school a year later.

"Will you still go to school after graduation?"


Thinking of the last conversation with Su Dingping many months ago, Guo Xueyun's heart was filled with excitement.

After all, it has been eight months, and there is no news at all.

Is he coming back?

As soon as this idea came to mind, Wang Xin continued: "I asked Professor Wu, you are on this year's direct blog list. In the future, we can be together again."

"But that's right, with your performance and talent, there is no problem at all in directing your blog!"

"You are better now than I was at this time last year!" Wang Xin looked at Guo Xueyun and said.

As she was talking, she noticed that Guo Xueyun was a little absent-minded.

After being slightly stunned, she immediately reacted.

"Sister didn't say anything just now."

"It's okay, Sister Wang." Guo Xueyun forced a smile on her face.

After hesitating for a moment, Wang Xin asked: "It's been so long and there's still no news?"

Guo Xueyun shook his head.

"He should have his own thing."

"It's true! I shouldn't have matched you up in the first place. Look, now that you are here alone, he hasn't heard from him for more than half a year! How can this be possible?"

"He has his own affairs." Guo Xueyun still said that.

"You! Alas -"

Wang Xin said angrily, then changed the subject and added.

"Sister, I actually know a few good people..."

Before Wang Xin could finish speaking, Guo Xueyun said solemnly: "Sister Wang, I am focused on my studies now."

"You're 23 too."

Guo Xueyun said casually: "Yes, I will get my first degree next year. Maybe next month, I will go to your experimental group to adapt in advance."

"You come from such a good family and you work so hard...why bother."

Guo Xueyun smiled lightly and did not explain.

Seeing that Guo Xueyun was indifferent, Wang Xin didn't say any more.

"Let's celebrate the festival together tomorrow." After saying that, Wang Xin left.

Accompanied by the moonlight, watching Wang Xin's figure disappearing into the white snow, Guo Xueyun seemed to have seen him walking with Su Dingping on a snowy night for the first time.

Those shocking words were still before my eyes.

[Every generation has its own long march, every generation has its own mission... every spark of building Longxia! 】

Su Dingping's determined expression seemed to be covered with a bright halo under the moonlight.

Guo Xueyun, who closed his eyes, sighed softly as he recalled the original scene.

When I was young, I met someone so amazing that I can't get rid of that figure in my mind.

"I have to keep working hard! Sooner or later I will catch up with him."

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