I built an armada

Chapter 169 A blurry satellite photo

When she said this, she stared at Guo Xueyun closely, thinking that it would arouse her interest.

Unexpectedly, there was no emotion on the other person's face, and there was no emotion at all.

Wang Xin had the urge to buy a piece of tofu and hit the wall.

She even saw that Guo Xueyun was a little absent-minded, just like that.

"Hey, I'm really defeated by you."

"Okay, let me tell you a little tidbit."

"This secret key technical talent training plan is actually to prepare talents for the Navy's integrated military factory."

"Navy, don't you want to..."

When he said these words, Wang Xin's big eyes stared straight at Guo Xueyun, knowing that there was someone in the other person's heart somewhere in the navy.

"What do you mean by the integrated naval arsenal?"

"Why haven't you heard of it before?"

Guo Xueyun's eyes suddenly brightened a little, and she didn't know why she had a strange feeling.

Maybe if you join this integrated naval arsenal, you might be able to meet Su Dingping.

What a strange idea.

how could be?

Maybe she wanted to meet Su Dingping and followed his footsteps closely.

"I don't know the specifics, I just know that it is to reserve talents for this."

"If you are interested, you can bring it up to Professor Wu."

"Didn't Su Dingping follow Professor Zhang to the Navy? Maybe you two can still meet."

Wang Xin no longer had any interest in introducing other students to Guo Xueyun, and simply helped them come up with ideas.

Recently, she also heard that so many outstanding boys were pursuing Guo Xueyun, but she didn't like any of them. Instead, she could not forget Su Dingping.

"I will go to Professor Wu to sign up when the time comes."

"Okay, let's go play."

Guo Xueyun responded seriously, and then pulled Wang Xin to relax.

The laboratory was going to be closed on New Year's Day, and she didn't want to ruin her senior sister's fun.

"Is this how you hang out?"

"Let's go back to the dormitory to clean up after ourselves."

"Look at your slovenly appearance, I think you are a man."

Wang Xin quickly stopped her, and then took a mirror and looked at Guo Xueyun. Did she forget that she stayed in the laboratory last night?

Really defeated.

"Oops, I can't see anyone."

"Let's go back to the dormitory first."

Guo Xueyun was startled when he saw himself in the mirror. After putting the mirror aside, he took Wang Xin and rushed out of the laboratory towards the dormitory.

Eagle Tribe, Military Affairs Building.

In a spacious office, Defense Secretary Donald Henry sat on a leather sofa, frowning tightly and staring at the table.

There is a blurry satellite photo on the table, showing a piece of eastern sea.

If you look carefully, you will definitely find that a blurry picture of a warship is extremely conspicuous on the dark ocean background.

The picture was enlarged by the technical department.

They had never seen this warship before, and even in the database that they spent a lot of effort to build, they could not find a similar target warship.

For them, this is unacceptable.

"Michael, you are an intelligence officer. Don't you want to say something about this warship?"

"Does it belong to the White Bear Tribe or which tribe?"

Donald Henry looked at the intelligence officer Michael with his sharp eyes like an eagle, which was breathtaking.

So far, he still has not figured out when this warship suddenly appeared. It seems that it has been lying in wait here for a long time.

If it hadn't been for the spy satellite suddenly photographing it as it passed by, he still wouldn't know that such a warship appeared in this area of ​​​​the sea, and looking at the equipment on it, it actually had a chocolate hair system similar to that of their Burke-class destroyers.

As for whether he belonged to the Longxia tribe, he had never thought about it.

The warships of the Long Xia Tribe were so far behind that he could not detect them at all. They were so rubbish that they were not worth mentioning at all.

"I've sent someone to check."

“No feedback so far”

"But based on the appearance of the warship, I think it should belong to the White Bear Tribe."

"Only they have such technology and ambition."

"The White Bear Tribe and the Longxia Tribe have become very close recently."

Looking at Donald Henry's sharp eyes, Michael's scalp went numb for a while, but he still responded extremely cautiously.

The appearance of this warship is too strange.

Moreover, judging from the time taken by the satellite, it seems to coincide with the time when the Donghuang Tribe Sea lost three warships, so this becomes very strange.

"You mean the White Bear Tribe sent warships to help the Longxia Tribe safeguard maritime interests?"

"When did the White Bear Tribe become so generous?"

Chief of Staff George Walker thought for a long time, frowned and spoke.

He felt that this mysterious warship was most likely not from the White Bear Tribe, but from the Longxia Tribe. However, as soon as this idea appeared, he felt that he was looking too high on the Longxia Tribe.

But if this warship does not belong to the Longxia tribe, then which force does it belong to?

The newly appointed General Murakami Hayaki of the Eastern Barren Tribe sent a special envoy to request assistance in investigating the attack and sinking of three warships in the Eastern Sea, and to find out the mastermind behind the scenes!

Looking at the opponent's posture, it was obvious that he wanted revenge.

As allies, they have no reason not to help.

"Then can any of you tell me who owns this warship?"

"If it's not from the White Bear Tribe, could it be that it's from the Longxia Tribe?"

"Don't think it really belongs to the Longxia tribe."

"This warship has the same vertical hair system as ours. It is a shield ship!"

Donald Henry had the urge to hit someone, his voice was very low and full of anger.

The Seventh Fleet was deployed on the Donghuang Tribe to guard against the White Bear Tribe and Longxia Tribe causing trouble and threatening them.

Who can believe that the Longxia Tribe was importing warship 956E from the White Bear Tribe a year ago, and a year later it was able to produce a shield ship with hanging hair?

I'm afraid he wouldn't believe it even if a knife was put to his neck.

Do you really think that modern shield ships are so easy to build?

If that were really the case, wouldn't it mean that the entire Blue Star would be covered with shield ships, and their allies wouldn't spend huge amounts of money to buy them from them.

The words "Shieldship" made several people's heads buzz!

They knew very well that even the White Bear Tribe did not build such a shield ship, but some very clumsy battleships.

"I'll send someone to check again."

"I will call the Seventh Fleet now to investigate. They are closest to the Eastern Sea."

"They must have monitored something."

After a full minute, Michael came back to his senses and responded hurriedly.

"Then check it quickly. You must find out for me the tribe to which this shield ship belongs."

"The shield ship can only be owned by our Eagle Tribe, and other tribes must not own it. This is our bottom line!"

"No matter which tribe it belongs to, I will sink it!"

Donald Henry's face was extremely cold, and his whole body was filled with murderous intent.

He knew very well that no matter which tribe broke through the shield ship technology, it would be a huge threat to the Eagle Tribe, and it would also cause the Eagle Tribe's navy to encounter unexpected dangers when it traveled across the ocean.

The tragedy that happened to the Eastern Wilderness Tribe is extremely likely to happen to the Eagle Tribe!

They absolutely cannot accept that the Eastern Sea becomes a forbidden area for the Eagle Tribe Navy!


Michael shivered and hurriedly got up and walked out.

"Sir, the intelligence department failed in its duty this time."

"They were not aware of such important information at all. We still relied on satellites to capture it."

"Should we strengthen the monitoring of this sea area next?"

Seeing the door closed, George Walker pondered for a moment and then suggested something unpleasant.

Just thinking about it makes me very scared. The emergence of this shield ship means that the shield ship Eagle Tribe's sole role has been completely broken. This is very scary.

The reason why they are able to roam the ocean and make other tribes surrender is because of the power of the shield ships, which are ahead of other tribes in military technology.

"If the deployment continues, be sure to add spy satellites to me to ensure monitoring of the Eastern Sea."

"We must detect traces of this shield ship."

"Inform me of the Seventh Fleet on the Eastern Wilderness Tribe to exclude nuclear submarines from cruising this area. If they encounter this shield ship, they can sink it directly without asking for instructions."

Donald Henry issued the order very seriously. He could not tolerate other tribes having shield ships that threatened the Eagle Tribe.

Since this shield ship appeared in the Eastern Sea, this area will be listed as a key monitoring area.

He did not believe that this was just a shield ship, and it was most likely experimental in nature. No matter which tribe's warship it was, as long as it was sunk, it would definitely prevent that tribe from developing shield ships.


George Walker gladly accepted the order.

However, in their eyes, the Longxia Tribe Navy is still synonymous with backwardness. As long as the submarine is in motion, even in the port and far away from the ocean, they can detect it.

On the northern coast of the river mouth, inside the Integrated Military Factory Research Institute building and laboratory.

After experiencing this set of holographic interactive projections in the past two days, Sun Yongguo felt as if his mind had been completely liberated, and he could think freely and freely, and then use this set of auxiliary scientific research technologies to realize it.

Holographic interactive projection is simply a genius invention.

If the institute had such advanced auxiliary scientific research equipment before, how much manpower and material resources would be saved?

"Lao Lu, how's it going? You'll be addicted after just one use. Am I right?"

Seeing Lu Guangjun come out of the room next to the laboratory, Sun Yongguo immediately greeted him and asked very excitedly, "With this technology, we can do scientific research much faster."

Lu Guangjun's chest was still rising and falling violently.

It seems that he has not yet come out of the shock.

Before, he felt that Sun Yongguo was deceiving him. How could an integrated military factory have such science fiction technology?

Are those things that only exist in science fiction movies?

A few days ago, he went to Qingdao and did not experience the holographic interactive projection for the first time.

"Too advanced."

"It is simply a scientific research artifact, directly turning two-dimensional drawings into three-dimensional objects."

"I still can't believe what I just saw."

Lu Guangjun was trying to calm down his emotions, but he was still very shocked. Coming out of the room was like returning to reality from the science fiction world.

And that door, to him, is the door of time and space.

Originally he thought he knew Su Dingping well enough and had learned a lot from him, but now he realized that he might not have learned even a little bit about him.

He suddenly heard something that a famous person had said.

First-rate talents create tools, second-rate talents use tools, and third-rate talents rely on tools.

Obviously, Su Dingping is a top-notch talent!

Fortunately, Su Dingping was from the Longxia tribe, and he stayed unswervingly to build the tribe and build advanced warships for the navy.

He couldn't help but feel extremely happy that the Longxia tribe had such talents.

"Stop talking about you, I still feel like I'm living in the clouds these past two days."

"I really didn't expect that we would one day use such advanced scientific research technology. Fortunately, we left Dingping in the Navy so that we could experience such advanced technology."

"I dare say that this set of scientific research technology will definitely lead the world."

"Our security level here, especially at the institute, needs to be strengthened."

Sun Yongguo made a suggestion with a serious face. This set of holographic interactive projection technology must not leak any information, and outsiders must not get close to it.

He felt that if the secret was leaked, it would not only be a loss for the navy, but also a loss for the entire Longxia tribe!

"You are right, security must be strengthened here."

Lu Guangjun quickly agreed, and he knew very well that this was a top secret for both the navy and the Longxia tribe.

When Su Dingping came out of the laboratory, he happened to see the two people looking so serious. He couldn't help but be curious, thinking that something big had happened.

He did not hear the discussion between the two just now.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so serious?"

"Something happened to our base?"

Su Dingping's face was full of suspicion and he couldn't understand it at all.

"We have decided to tighten security at the institute."

"We have such advanced scientific research aids, and we must not leak secrets."

Sun Yongguo responded with a matter-of-fact expression.


Su Dingping was confused. Is this called advanced?

Do they have any misunderstandings about advanced technology?

Is it necessary to be so nervous?

No matter what, it is just an auxiliary tool, no different from a machine tool.

"I just checked again and found that the calculation speed is still too slow."

"If there is a computer with the order of hundreds of billions of times as a brain computer, holographic interactive projection can play a greater role."

"Next, I am going to pay a fee to build our own supercomputer."

Not noticing the horrified expressions on the faces of Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun, Su Dingping stated his next plan in a very calm tone.

And he discovered that as warships face more complex battlefield environments and have more mission targets to deal with, the requirements for computer technology for warships are getting higher and higher.

"Ah, isn't this advanced enough?"

"According to what you say, don't we want to build our own supercomputer with a scale of hundreds of billions?"

"Dingping, do you know what you are talking about?"

Lu Guangjun's eyes widened and he asked in disbelief.

He found that Su Dingping was going to defy the heavens.

It’s okay to create a new interactive projection, but now we have to charge towards supercomputers. This is a technological path that goes against the sky.

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