I built an armada

Chapter 170 New Trend in Developing Stealth Radar

He could no longer imagine what new heights holographic interactive projection would reach if Su Dingping built a 100-billion-level supercomputer.

At the very least, he felt that the current set of scientific research auxiliary technologies was not only sufficient, but also completely ahead of its time.

All the warship design data can be displayed in front of you in great detail, and can be added or subtracted. The various functions are very powerful, just like using a computer for auxiliary design.

Su Dingping directly created the image in one step and made it touchable with his hands.

Except for the lack of real texture of the object, it is no different from real objects. It is even more sci-fi. If the data is incorrect, it can be modified.

"Yes, Dingping, you are tired enough now."

"I think we should let the people from the Computer Research Institute develop the supercomputer. We can't take away their jobs, can we?"

"There is still so much work waiting for us to do in the integrated military factory."

"You are our leader, you must not collapse from exhaustion."

Sun Yongguo hurriedly tried to persuade him.

The second 052C has been built on the slipway and will be launched into the water soon. The next step is to build the 052D. Su Dingping is needed everywhere.

He has already spent his energy on building advanced warships. If he were to free up his hands to work on supercomputers, wouldn't he not even have any time to rest?

If such a genius who is a national treasure of the navy is tired, not only Xu Dongguo will cause trouble for him, but the entire navy, including Xue Shuai, will make him miserable.

He was already tasked with supervising Su Dingping to maintain a reasonable rest.

You must not fail in your duty.

"Isn't there nothing wrong with me?"

"Before the expansion is completed, I still have a lot of time. Anyway, I am idle. I might as well make full use of it and build our own supercomputer."

"Let me tell you, we have advanced modern shield ships, and we will also have aircraft carrier formations in the future."

"In conjunction with this, we should also establish an information command platform."

"This also requires supercomputer support."

Seeing both of them stopping him, Su Dingping spread his hands and explained seriously.

After several previous naval battles, he finally figured out that it was impossible to fight alone at sea with warships alone. The air and space power grids must also be linked together.

Establish an integrated combat command platform.

With the entire theater included in the platform, warships at sea can only be regarded as information nodes.

The 052D shield ship has been developed, and its maximum radar detection range is more than 400 kilometers, which is far inferior to the early warning aircraft in the sky, let alone satellites in space.

If all these systems are integrated together, it will definitely achieve twice the result with half the effort.

The amount of information processed will be staggering, and the development of supercomputers is imminent.

What's more, in future naval battles, unmanned combat systems, drones, and unmanned boats all need to be incorporated into the command system.

Without a large-throughput data link and the supercomputer it supports, it would not be possible at all.

After listening to Su Dingping's words, Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun looked at each other, both seeing the bitterness on the other's face. Both of them knew very well that they had been convinced by the other.

As a senior naval warship researcher, I naturally understand the importance of integrated command, but the computer development speed in the computing institute is too slow to keep up with its use.

Su Dingping had good reasons for wanting to develop his own supercomputer. The two of them were excited and wanted to make a decision immediately.

"Dingping, you always have a reason to convince us."

"We also know very well that we can't supervise your rest. I think it's better for you to tell the chief about this."

"Let's see if he approves of you working so hard."

With a bitter smile on his face, Sun Yongguo kicked the ball to Xu Dongguo helplessly, praying secretly in his heart, Chief Xu, Su Dingping has convinced both of us, he is too evil, we can't control him.

But thinking about Xu Dongguo's attitude towards Su Dingping, I'm afraid he won't be able to withstand it in the end.

"Dingping, I know you are impatient, but you should also take proper rest, right?"

"Combining work and rest, take advantage of this period of expansion to relax a bit? Give yourself a holiday?"

"You haven't been back to school for a long time, haven't you?"

"You don't plan to go to graduate school?"

Lu Guangjun still wanted to make an effort, but suddenly he remembered that Su Dingping had not graduated yet. The other party was still a college student who had just graduated, and he hurriedly sent out a series of inquiries.

Lu Guangjun's little heart twitched when he thought of the senior students.

As far as Su Dingping's current achievements are concerned, I'm afraid no professor in the country can teach him, right?

Whether it is the previous 956E or the current 052C, which scientific research result is not scary to death? Even a professor with a lot of books probably does not have that qualification, right?

"Read it, you must read it."

"It's just that the Navy currently needs me, and I can't leave it."

"I plan to wait for the mass production of 052D before returning to school to further my studies."

“It’s better to finalize the supercomputer now.”

Su Dingping was also brought back memories. Studying was indeed a very memorable moment. He had had this idea since he was in graduate school, but now the integrated military factory cannot do without him.

After the 052C comes out, the 052D will be prepared, and the 10,000-ton large drive 055 will follow.

Every model of warship is inseparable from him.

Going to graduate school now seems like a luxury.

You can only think about it after finishing this series of tasks.

At the same time, a beautiful figure emerged in his mind, with a charm that made people want to stop.

Guo Xueyun is probably already a Ph.D. student, right?

Seeing that Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun were trying to persuade him, Su Dingping shook his head gently and simply stopped worrying about this aspect and returned to the laboratory.

At present, the analysis progress of 052D has reached 80%, and the meter-wave anti-stealth radar has only analyzed 90%.

He planned to install a new anti-stealth radar code-named YLC-8B in one step, commonly known as a fly swatter.

The first flight of the F-22A fighter jet has been advanced. This is the world's first stealth fighter developed by the Eagle Tribe. Since then, Blue Star has entered the era of stealth fighters.

The emergence of this fighter plane will make the White Bear Tribe and Huanlong Xia Tribe very nervous.

At the very least, he could not let this fighter plane break into the Longxia tribe's homeland from the sea and carry out unscrupulous sabotage.

In terms of anti-stealth, the Navy must be at the forefront of all arms and shoulder the corresponding heavy responsibilities.

What's more, after a warship is built, it is not decommissioned after one or two years of use.

If this is done, even a wealthy country may not be able to withstand such trouble. Since it has to serve for thirty or forty years, it must consider the long term.

With this radar, the 052D shield ship is undoubtedly equipped with a pair of "fiery eyes" that can easily see through any stealth fighter's tricks.

You can organize air defense in advance and eliminate the enemy outside the country!

"We still need to speed up the analysis."

"Only 10 percent will be left."

Su Dingping stroked his chin with his right hand, wishing he could go into battle himself and fill up the analysis progress bar.

The last ten percent is really overwhelming.

Based on previous experience, it is estimated that it will take about five or six days, which is January 10th.

"Emergency report."

"The Eagle Tribe dispatched B2 stealth bombers and shockingly bombed our embassy in Nantie Tribe, causing the casualties of four of our personnel."

"This is unacceptable and very shameless behavior..."

Suddenly, an impassioned radio voice came into the laboratory. Su Dingping trembled when he heard it. He suddenly felt uncomfortable, and a nameless anger rushed up.

The Eagle Tribe has gone too far, launching a war to invade the Nantie Tribe, and now they are bombing the embassy belonging to the Longxia Tribe.

The embassy, ​​as the place where a country operates abroad, belongs to the territory of a country.

The Eagle Tribe invaded the Longxia Tribe in shock.

They are so hateful!

Too much!

Even though he had experienced it in his previous life, Su Dingping in this life was still extremely angry.

The Eagle Tribe is extremely hateful!


Su Dingping's clenched fist hit the table hard.

It seems that the development progress of the navy is still too slow. It is still not enough to face the powerful Eagle Tribe. If they come up from the sea, they really can't withstand it.

This night was destined to be unsettling for the Longxia tribe, and it was also a shameful event that would be recorded in history.

As a scientific researcher, Su Dingping cannot take to the streets to protest like those passionate young people, but he has his own things to do.

"The next main direction of attack will be anti-stealth."

"Relying on developing stealth fighter jets is not realistic in the short term. We still need to look at missiles and anti-stealth radars."

"Integrated military factories also need to invest in research in this area."

Su Dingping secretly made up his mind to destroy the invisibility technology that the Eagle Tribe was so proud of, leaving them nowhere to hide.

The next day.

In the conference hall of the institute.

Su Dingping, who was sitting in the chief position, glanced at the scientific researchers below. Sun Yongguo and Lu Guangjun were among them.

Everyone's face was more or less filled with anger, but they were also very helpless.

Now the Longxia tribe is not strong enough, so the Eagle tribe has the courage to bully them unscrupulously!

this is the truth!

"I know everyone is angry, and I am extremely angry just like you."

"We are military workers and cannot charge into battle with swords and guns like soldiers, but we can provide soldiers with advanced weapons and equipment."

"Given that the Eagle Tribe has made rapid progress in stealth technology, it will definitely lead the world in the development of stealth technology in the future."

"So I decided to adjust my work."

"The first major task of the radar R\u0026D department is to develop a passive detection radar system with a range of at least 500 kilometers."

"The second main task is to develop radars that actively detect stealth targets, including multi-base radars, long-wave radars, meter-wave radars, millimeter-wave radars, and passive radars."

"052D also needs to join the anti-stealth radar system!"

After Su Dingping took a deep breath, he made new work arrangements very seriously.

The reason why the modern integrated military factory was established is to conduct exploration and research and development on cutting-edge technology, and must provide advanced weapon systems for the Longxia tribal army.

Currently limited to the Navy, but definitely not limited to the Navy.

Landing naval guns will also be a trend in the future!

"I will never allow the enemy's stealth fighter jets to attack our homeland from the sea."

“The Navy must be at the forefront of the nation’s anti-stealth struggle, and our integrated military factory must set an example.”

"Comrades, time waits not for us!"

"The enemy has dropped bombs on our heads!"

Before anyone could speak, Su Dingping spoke again, his tone extremely firm.

Hearing this, Lu Guangjun and Sun Yongguo looked at each other, and they both felt the moving light shining in the other's eyes, and their blood boiled all over.

While others were protesting outside, Su Dingping had quietly taken up the banner of anti-invisibility.

His vision was still so vicious, and he could see through the core technology of the Eagle Tribe at a glance.

Once the crack is achieved, then the Eagle Tribe is running naked in front of the Longxia Tribe Navy, trying to launch an attack from the sea. Before they can take action, the missiles will knock down those stealth fighters.

I have to say, Su Dingping is still so awesome!

While they were still struggling, this young man already had a research direction and directly pointed out the scientific research path to everyone. This would save people many detours and waste of scientific research funds?

Such talents are definitely national treasures!

Fortunately, they attacked Su Dingping in advance and captured the navy.

In the next four or five days, Su Dingping didn't go anywhere. He locked himself in the laboratory alone, thinking about how to land the YLC-8B radar on the 052D.

"YLC-8B radar analysis progress is 100%."

At dawn that day, Su Dingping got up from the camp bed and his eyes fell on the attribute panel.


The key core technologies have finally been analyzed!

Grandma has legs!

Su Dingping immediately constructed it in the holographic interactive projection. This fly-swatter-like radar immediately appeared behind Virtual 052D, where the Yagi radar was originally installed.

The YLC-8B's detection range for conventional fighter-level targets is 500 kilometers, while its detection range for stealth targets exceeds 350 kilometers!

It is a decimeter wave radar that works in the UHF band.

Active phased array technology using digital arrays can achieve the advantages of wideband or even ultra-wideband, LPI waveform and frequency agility, narrow beam scanning, and low side-lobe levels.

"This radar will be used on land first?"

"It's just that the area of ​​the radar antenna needs to be larger. A larger antenna has a stronger ability to receive signals."

"Increased vertical aperture."

Su Dingping kept thinking about the landing of this anti-stealth radar.

Radars used on warships should be as small as possible, powerful, and capable of detecting far away.

Unlike land, warships have a very limited area. Sometimes, in order to be able to install them on warships, some performance has to be sacrificed.

The other side.

After several days of sailing, the two 051C ships passed through the Pharaoh Tribe Canal and successfully arrived at the dock of the Laxi Tribe Navy No. 1 Base.


A loud whistle sounded over the entire military port.

Dmitri personally came to the dock to greet the mighty warship coming from afar.

Even after several days of ups and downs, day and night, these two battleships are still so majestic and domineering!

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