I built an armada

Chapter 171 051C Stirs up the Mediterranean Sea

The wind is gentle and the sun is exceptionally bright.

The warm sunshine shines on people's bodies. It is warm, but it also makes the warships flying with flags unusually bright, attracting the attention of everyone on the dock throughout the process.

At this moment, the two battleships are the most handsome!

In order to welcome their arrival, the military port specially vacated a huge berth and cleared out all the backward warships around it, as if parking alongside them would instantly lower their appearance.

From a long distance, you can see the majestic and majestic appearance of these two battleships. They are like two giants standing on the dock.



One salute after another continued.

The three armies of the Laxi tribe are using the highest courtesy to welcome these two 051C destroyers coming from the east!

Seeing their arrival on time, Dmitri smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed to slits.

Nothing made him happier than their arrival.

There is a popular convention in the international military trade market that what can be purchased is basically monkey version of weapons and equipment. However, the two 051Cs he purchased from the Longxia tribe broke the convention. They are truly modern warships and have not been carried out. Any castration.

The Longxia tribe is really conscientious!

It is indeed the light of justice of Wuchang!

Knowing that they were in conflict with the Ertu tribe, they did not have a suitable warship in hand, which resulted in them being at a disadvantage in the conflict. The arrival of these two modern warships was the capital for their Laxi tribe to turn around!

In the past, all the warships they used were backward, and they had no advantage at all when facing the Turkish navy. As a result, many islands were taken away, causing them to lose again and again.

After learning from the experience, they obtained this advanced warship from the Longxia tribe.

The battleship slowly docked at the pier, and the thick rope was thrown down. The sailors on the shore immediately ran over and fixed it firmly on the pier's biting pile.

The sailors standing on the slope on the bridge, their pure white military uniforms blended into the battleship, as if they were the gods of war.

The trestle was quickly connected to the pier, just like a child returning home had a bridge to step onto the territory of Western Luo.

At this moment, colorful flags were flying on the pier, and the military band played high-pitched welcome music.

Captain Wu, who was in charge of the escort, strode down from the No. 1 ship and marched to the pier to the welcome music, with a joyful smile on his face.

Dmitri hurriedly rushed forward, and when the two met, he held Captain Wu's hand tightly with both hands, and they hugged each other tightly.

"Captain Wu, welcome your arrival."

"You are the most distinguished guests of the Laxi tribe. You have brought us hope and glory."

"With these two warships, our naval combat capability will rise to at least one level."

After letting go of Captain Wu, Dmitri pulled him straight to the red carpet, stood in front of the microphone, and spoke impassionedly.

"From the moment I step off the warship, these two warships belong to your Laxi tribe."

"I think they'll be happy to fit into your battle sequence."

“It sailed all the way without any glitches and they performed perfectly.”

"Mr. Dmitry, I officially hand them over to you."

After signing the handover document, Captain Wu must speak to Dmitri solemnly.

He was able to escort warships thousands of kilometers into the Mediterranean and reach the Laxi tribe. The journey was dusty, but there was no trace of fatigue on his face, but he was extremely excited.

This is the second batch of the Navy's export warships, and perhaps the last batch in a while.

Even such advanced destroyers have been exported, which means that the warships that the Longxia Tribal Navy will soon equip will be more advanced.

He knew very well that no tribe on this planet would ever put their most advanced warships up for sale.

Not even hardcore allies!

As strong as the Eagle Tribe, they have many allies, but they still maintain the lead in weapons and equipment of the three armed forces and other countries. They have never said that they will sell nuclear-powered aircraft carriers or Burke-class destroyers to their allies.

As for those nuclear submarines, they are not for sale on the shelves, exclusive weapons of war for the Eagle Tribe Navy!

"Okay, okay."

"I am very pleased to officially take delivery of these two advanced warships."

Dmitri happily signed his name on the handover document. Now he was finally at ease. The Laxi tribe finally had its own modern warship.

With the end of the signing session, the elite soldiers of the Laxi Tribe Navy who had been selected all showed joy on their faces. They were finally able to serve on such an advanced warship.

The naval officers were even more happy.

They never dreamed that one day the Laxi tribe would have such advanced warships.

The light gray hull is so beautiful. There is a double-tank naval gun on the bow, which looks very powerful. Once it fires, the enemy will be hit by at least two shells at once.

A double-sided radar on the top of the huge bridge rotates slowly, just like the eyes on the battleship, always vigilantly watching all dangerous movements around it, and once an abnormality is discovered, it will strike them with thunder.

In the middle of the ship are two anti-ship missile launchers, with a total of eight missiles. The anti-ship firepower can be described as abundant!

The remaining parts are equipped with rapid-fire cannons and other rapid-fire cannons.

In addition to a few conspicuous parts, anti-aircraft missiles are installed in places where it is impossible to squint.

Compared with the battleships they served before, the combat effectiveness has been improved by more than one level!


It's really too strong!

Moreover, I heard from their superiors that the two battleships sold to them by the Longxia tribe had not undergone any castration at all. They were completely technically complete versions of the battleships, the same version they used themselves.

The Ertu tribe only deserves to bully them who are equipped with ancient gunboats, but now, they also have such modern destroyers with fierce firepower!

For the Laxi tribe, this is epoch-making!

Naval history will be discussed in two sections starting from today.


"Fuck those bitches from the Ertu tribe!"

"Damn Huskies, now we also have modern warships, you just wait to die!"

Even though there was no pre-war mobilization, these naval soldiers from Laxi tribe were filled with raging anger and full of energy.

Their morale seems to be rising!

They know very well that with advanced warships, they will be strong and confident!

"Very good. You are in very good spirits."

"I like it very much. You are all the naval elites of West Luo."

"From now on, these two advanced modern destroyers will be your vehicles. I hope you can drive them and sail the ocean!"

"Reclaim our territory!"

Seeing the high morale of the soldiers, Dmitri was very happy and said loudly.

He was also extremely shocked.

Unexpectedly, the two modern destroyers he purchased from the Longxia tribe had such great magical power, directly inspiring the fighting will of the navy soldiers!

A good weapon really gives people confidence!

"Reclaim the territory!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers echoed with overwhelming momentum and momentum!

Almost everyone yelled.

"Starting today, these two 051c destroyers have officially joined our navy's battle order."

When everyone's voices fell, Dmitri announced loudly.

He knew the combat power of these two warships very well, and there was no one in the Turkish tribal navy that could compare with them.

With these two 051C destroyers, their Laxi tribal navy can finally feel proud and proud. At least in terms of equipment, they are no longer lagging behind!

"I declare, board the ship!"

"Ares, Nikos, you two will officially take charge of these two destroyers starting today."

"I hope you will organize your troops and train as soon as possible."

"I want you to master our advanced warships as quickly as possible and with the best results!"

"Because they are our magic weapon and sharp weapon to defeat the enemy!"

Dmitri made an impassioned announcement and appointed the captains of the No. 1 and No. 2 warships on the spot. These two warships also placed his hope on regaining the territory.

He knew very well that the entire Laxi tribe people were looking forward to the return of their territory and giving the Ertu tribe a severe blow to their navy.

It would be best to beat the Ertu tribe to the point of running away, and never dare to provoke the Laxi tribe again!


Ares and Nikos both spoke in unison and responded simply.

After the flag presentation, they organized the soldiers to board the warship, officially received the warship from the Longxia Tribe Navy, and received rigorous training.

The commanding office.

Dmitri returned here by car and entered the conference hall.

Both Ilias and Hephaestus had been waiting here early. They were extremely depressed after losing the territory battle between the Western and Ertu tribes.

I feel even more ashamed!

After they boarded the ship, they discovered that the two warships from the Longxia tribe had not been reduced in any way and were completely modern.

All parameters are real and there is no fraud.

Don't be too conscientious!

So much so that they couldn't believe it was all true.

Tai Nima was relieved to do business with the Longxia tribe.

"Dmitri, you have done a very good job in the military trade this time. It is worth every penny."

"I never expected that no castration was performed on the warships purchased from the Longxia tribe."

"I won't watch those bastards from the Ertu tribe being killed this time!"

Ilyas glanced at Dmitri and said very happily, and the depression in his chest was swept away.

Even though he has not yet started fighting with the Ertu tribe, he believes that these two 051Cs will definitely bring not only an increase in the strength of the armed forces to the Laxi tribe, but also the hope of victory!

"I boarded the ship for inspection, and even our domestic military experts said that the two warships are very advanced."

"None of the Ertu tribes have such advanced warships."

"It seems that our anger for revenge can be ignited, and we can make a good plan on how to make good use of these two advanced warships."

After Hephaestus took a sip of coffee, he focused his eyes on Demetrius and said extremely seriously.

Soon the three of them reached an agreement and took a special car to the naval headquarters.

From this moment on, the Laxi tribe officially started its counterattack against the Ertu tribe!

After all, paper cannot contain fire.

As the two 051C large destroyers were anchored at the Laxi Tribe Military Port, the Ertu Tribe intelligence personnel all over the Laxi Tribe immediately obtained the relevant information and quickly reached out to the Ertu Tribe.

A heavily guarded office area is the highest military and political authority of the Ertu tribe.

In a spacious and bright office, Emil was pacing back and forth in the office with a very gloomy expression. Every step was so heavy, as if his feet were tied with sandbags weighing dozens of kilograms.

What he least expected to happen happened.

And the situation was more serious than he imagined.

Two 051C modern large destroyers successfully sailed into the Laxi Tribe Military Port and became an important part of the Laxi Tribe Navy. From then on, the Laxi Tribe Navy replaced shotguns with cannons and became a powerful force in the Mediterranean region.

When he first received the relevant news, he was completely stunned, as if he had been given a wake-up call.

I originally thought that the Longxia Tribe would not have any tricks and that the Eagle Tribe would fulfill its promise, but I never expected that the Longxia Tribe would directly throw Wang Zha over.

From then on, the naval strength of the Laxi tribe directly surpassed that of the Ertu tribe.

Looking at the entire Ertu tribe, the warships in service in the navy, even if there are two or three modern destroyers, are simply not as comprehensive as the 051C in combat effectiveness.

Damn the Longxia tribe, this is obviously something they can't get along with.


The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Suddenly, blood surged. Emil couldn't hold it in any longer. His mouth suddenly opened and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

"Doctor, doctor..."

The guards on the side were frightened and shouted loudly.

The doctor rushed in quickly and began to perform various examinations on Emil. It took a while for him to recover.

"Quickly, send me to the living room quickly."

Emil's first words when he opened his eyes were to urge everyone.

Time waits for no one, and he must tell other people the terrible news.

For the Ertu tribe, this is bad news!

Finally, at his insistence, the medical staff sent him to the living room.

Nazim and Mustafa had already been waiting here early. They also received the relevant news and ran over to Emil to discuss countermeasures as soon as possible.

They did not wait for the benefits of the Eagle Tribe, but they waited for two 051C large destroyers from the Longxia Tribe.

This was like a punch to their hearts.

If they don't cope well, the Ertu tribe will encounter a huge crisis.

The islands that were seized before will be taken back by the Laxi tribe, and they will be embarrassed internationally.

"Sir, what should we do now?"

"Two destroyers from the Longxia tribe have docked at the Laxi tribe's military port."

"Obviously, this is for us."

Nazim frowned and asked worriedly.

The most tragic thing is that, looking at the entire Ertu Tribal Navy warships, the combined tonnage of the ten ships is not as heavy as these two 051C destroyers.

"We have reached the most dangerous moment."

"According to the information from the informants, the two destroyers have not undergone any castration."

"In other words, the warships sold by the Longxia tribe to the damn Laxi tribe are the most technologically advanced warships."

Mustafa took out a photo of a warship taken by intelligence personnel at the Lacxi Tribe Military Port and placed it on the table. The warship used by the Longxia Tribe to deal with the Eastern Wilderness Tribe has now arrived in the Mediterranean.

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