I built an armada

Chapter 172 The Angry Longxia Tribe

Under the light, this photo is so clear, it looks like it was professionally taken by a spy camera.

The Ertu tribe has placed many professional spies in the Laxi tribe. They are like flies, pervasive and infiltrating into every corner.

The espionage war between the two tribes has never stopped. It is also a fierce and bloody war that is invisible to people.

Since ancient times, the two parties in the battle have always been in a very fierce state of obtaining information.

The asymmetry of information has led to the evolution of spies.

They lurk in every corner of society and provide their opponents with useful information in all aspects.

It is completely impossible for the Ertu Tribe to deal with the Eastern Wilderness Tribe. East Asia is a house of monsters. If a small country is singled out, its military strength can defeat many countries on the Blue Star.

The arrival of these two 051C destroyers directly forcibly raised the combat power of the Laxi Tribe Navy to a whole new level, even to the point of being on par with them.

They had already detected the two warships when they sailed into the Mediterranean. However, no tribal flags were hoisted on them at all, only a pirate flag.

Even though they communicated, the other party ignored them.

Finally, they sailed into the Laxi Tribe Military Port, and they suddenly realized that during the time when Dmitri disappeared, others did not go anywhere else at all, but went directly to the Longxia Tribe.

"Sir, we must step up our preparations for war next."

"I think the Laxi tribe will never swallow their anger. They spent a lot of money to buy those two destroyers and they will never use them for decoration."

"Our navy must come up with corresponding strategies."

Before Emil could speak, Nazim spoke again, with an unusually solemn expression.

He knew very well that those two 051Cs were enough to stir up the situation in the Mediterranean.

Even when the Eagle Tribe came over, they still felt a huge headache, and now all the pressure was passed on to the Ertu Tribe.

They had been instigated by the Eagle Tribe and seized the Varyag of the Longxia Tribe.

It has always been felt that the Longxia tribe must agree to various conditions that even they themselves find very harsh, but even after such a long time, the other party has not even let go of it.

Just when they thought the Longxia tribe was weak and could be bullied, they were suddenly attacked by the other party, which caught them off guard.

"What else can be done?"

"When the soldiers come, they will cover up the water and the earth. We, the Ertu tribe, are not scared."

"We are divided into two groups to deal with this matter."

"Nazim, you contact the Eagle Tribe and ask them to fulfill their promise as soon as possible. We must get benefits from them as soon as possible."

"We can't do something and not get any benefits, but also cause trouble."

Emil pondered for a long time, then he slowly raised his head, looked at Nazim not far away, and made corresponding arrangements in a deep voice.

At this point, they can only go on hard.

At the very least, the Longxia tribe did not blatantly send warships to cause trouble for them.

Therefore, they can concentrate on dealing with the Laxi tribe.

Aren't they just two 051C warships?

Don’t their Turkish tribes have advanced warships?

"Yes, sir."

"I'll do it when I get down!"

Nazim agreed quickly, looking extremely serious.

"Mustafa, take action too."

"Use all your power to get all the information about the two 051C destroyers."

“It’s all the information!

"In addition, inform the Navy that it will enter the first level of combat readiness from now on. Please cheer me up."

"When oil tankers and related ships pass through dangerous waters, warships will be dispatched to escort them."

"You must not be careless at this time!"

Emil turned his attention to Mustafa at the next moment, his expression becoming colder and full of murderous intent.

It would be a dream to let them spit out the territory they had eaten!


Mustafa responded very simply, with a particularly aloof expression.

He knew very well that as long as the current Ertu tribe did not cope well, the territories they had snatched would be recaptured by the Laxi tribe in a short time.

For them, this is absolutely unacceptable.

Therefore, they must act quickly.

To walk on two legs, you mainly rely on yourself and absolutely cannot rely on the assistance of the Eagle Tribe.

After all, the Laxi tribe is a member of the Northern Alliance, and they are still negotiating.

Once the quarrel goes too far, the Eagle Tribe will definitely favor the Laxi Tribe. Even if the Northern League will not have any prejudice, the Europa League will definitely intervene.

At that point, they're in trouble.

"Give me all the action."

"The foreign affairs department also needs to make a speech. We must not let the outside world think that we are weak."

After Emil thought for a while, he made a new arrangement. For them, the entire Ertu tribe must take action to get everything in place.

Especially to prevent the Longxia tribe from coming out to cause trouble again and interfere with their actions.

Soon the foreign affairs department of the Ertu tribe held a press conference, and the spokesperson slowly walked onto the stage.

After adjusting his black suit, his big eyes glanced around at the people below, and his face gradually became serious, as if someone owed him millions.

The reporters below saw this posture and knew that the Ertu Tribe would definitely release important news today.

"Dear journalists, what we are announcing today is a protest against the Longxia tribe's sale of modern destroyers to the Laxi tribe. This is a blatant provocation to our tribe."

"We are extremely indignant and outraged by this irresponsible behavior of the Longxia tribe."

"They have to pay for this!"

Having said this, he paused briefly and glanced specifically at the Longxia tribe reporters, as if telling them clearly, I am talking about your tribe, what can you do to us.

Don't forget, we still have your Varyag aircraft carrier in our hands.

I opened this road, I planted this tree.

If you want to cross the strait, leave money to buy the way!

"My tribe will not make any concessions to its inherent territory, and any attempt to rob it will be met with a head-on attack."

"We will never show any weakness, and we will never give in."

"One or two destroyers are not going to change the status quo."

"Our navy will continue to strengthen its vigilance and attack any encroaching enemies."

The spokesman spoke impassionedly, with an extremely serious look and face, as if he was safeguarding the interests of the Ertu tribe, and did not feel that they were invaders at all.

The expressions of the reporters below, especially those from the Laxi tribe, suddenly changed. Their fists were clenched and they wanted to rush forward and beat up the spokesman of the Ertu tribe.

Shameless and extremely abominable!

The border between the two countries was originally a disputed sea area, but the Ertu tribe launched a war of aggression ruthlessly, defeating the weak Laxi tribe navy and seizing so many islands.

Now they actually say they want to protect the territory forcefully.

When it came time for reporters to ask questions, they couldn't bear it any longer.

"According to international law and relevant historical records, you have seized territory that belongs to my tribe."

"I am very angry at your remarks."

"You are the real aggressors."

As soon as he finished speaking, the spokesman called the security personnel and forcibly pulled the reporter from the Laxi tribe out.

On the other side, the Longxia tribe, the capital.

Tri-Service Headquarters.

The atmosphere in the huge conference hall was extremely solemn.

Xue Shuai was sitting in the chief position, his face was extremely gloomy, and the veins on his forehead were popping out.

All the people sitting on both sides were big guys from the three armed forces.

There is no one whose heart is not heavy. For them, it is a shame.

What a shame!

Navy Commander Liu Huaming was particularly angry. On the table in front of him were a newspaper and photos of the scene.

The Eagle Tribe bombed the Nantie Tribe embassy. Not only did they slap their old faces hard, but they also stomped on their heads with their feet and pressed their faces into the soil.

They are the leaders of the army who protect their homeland and their country, and they are powerful figures.

However, the Eagle Tribe gave them a harsh lesson, making them clearly realize that there was still a big gap between the Longxia Tribe and Blue Star's No. 1 military force.

The bomber that bombed the Nantie Tribe embassy was stealthy and had extremely strong penetration capabilities.

But so far, the Longxia tribe has been unable to come up with a way to deal with it.

It's so pitiful that it can't even be detected.

The saddest thing is that they actually don't have actual photos of the relevant bombers. If the Eagle Tribe hadn't released blurry photos, they wouldn't have known how far they were from the Eagle Tribe.

"You guys, please tell me what you think. Our panties are about to be taken off."

"The reason why the Eagle Tribe dares to do this is that we have calculated that we have no relevant countermeasures, and even in the future, we will not be able to detect enemy aircraft."

"Blue Star has entered a new round of military technological changes, and it is obvious that we have fallen far behind."

After being silent for a long time, Xue Shuai finally spoke after taking a sip of tea. He was so deep in the city that there was no emotion on his face.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, Xue Shuai has experienced countless wars, large and small.

I personally created the Rabbit Army and watched it grow from weak to strong, with its number growing from a few thousand to millions today. However, in terms of advanced weapons and equipment, it is still far behind.

The Air Force of the Eagle Tribe has entered the stealth era, while the Air Force of the Longxia Tribe is still using second-generation aircraft.

Neither the Air Force, Army, nor Navy have relevant anti-stealth radars, and there is no way to deal with those stealth targets.

It couldn't even be discovered, let alone shot down.

Now that the Eagle Tribe has discovered the shortcomings of the Longxia Tribe, they will definitely take even more extreme actions. They will definitely take very drastic actions in the Eastern Sea.

When that time comes, the Longxia tribe is in danger!

The truth is within cannon range!

They have returned to the era when they fell behind and were beaten, and everything was so dangerous.

"The great elder is very angry, and other tribes are also very disappointed with us."

"What countermeasures should you come up with?"

"Do you have any anti-stealth methods?"

After the opening remarks, Xue Shuai asked several questions with serious eyes.

Recently, he has consulted relevant senior military experts. If he wants to shoot down the Eagle Tribe's stealth bomber, he must first discover it.

The two commanders of the army and the air force all buried their heads. They knew the situation of the troops under their command clearly and had no relevant technology and means at all.

"Xue Shuai, you know the situation in our army. We currently don't have the technology in this area."

"But we have contacted relevant research institutes and started research."

The big brother of the army spoke first, with helplessness written all over his face. Who would have thought that the Eagle Tribe would develop so fast and catch them off guard.

Besides, the radar force has always been managed by the Air Force.

"Xue Shuai, our relevant research institutes don't have such technology."

"Even if there are preliminary studies, there are no results yet."

As the air force commander spoke, he shifted his attention to Liu Huaming.

They currently have the most second-generation aircraft, and even more first-generation aircraft. The third-generation aircraft they plan to import from the White Bear Tribe are still under negotiation. It is simply impossible to deal with the Eagle Tribe's stealth fighters.

Besides, the dangers now come from the sea, so it depends on the navy brothers.

"Xue Shuai, I want to make a call and ask."

"Over there at the integrated military factory, I think, maybe..."

Liu Huaming immediately thought of Su Dingping, the great treasure of the Navy, but he also lacked confidence. The 052D was about to come out, and Su Dingping also suggested large-scale construction.

But who would have thought that this advanced warship would have anti-stealth capabilities?

"Then call and confirm."

"We have reached the most dangerous time, so we don't need mother-in-law and mother-in-law."

"If there is, let him come and report the situation in person."


Xue Shuai frowned slightly, looked at Liu Huaming and urged him.


Liu Huaming immediately accepted the order, quickly stood up and walked out.

Seeing the conversation between Xue Shuai and Liu Huaming, the commander of the air force and the head of the army looked at each other in confusion, completely confused. What was the deal between them?

Aren't they all armed with Longxia tribe?

Why is there anything they don't know?

Who is he?

I really don’t understand.

Liu Huaming walked out of the conference hall, returned to his office, picked up the dedicated phone and called the integrated military factory directly.

The situation was urgent now, and he had no time to find Su Dingping through Xu Dongguo.

Integrated military factory office.

The phone rang rapidly, and the assistant immediately ran over to answer it. Unexpectedly, it was Liu Huaming.

"The factory director is Commander Liu. He wants to speak to you directly."

"There is something urgent."

The assistant hurriedly handed the phone to Su Dingping's hand.

Su Dingping picked up the phone and responded directly: "Hello, chief, this is Su Dingping."

"Dingping, I'll keep the story short."

"Does our navy have any means to counter stealth?"

On the other end of the phone, Liu Huaming asked straightforwardly.


"I plan to install it on the new generation 052D destroyer to build a maritime anti-stealth system."

"Don't worry, chief, there is no way for stealth fighters to attack us from the sea!"

"I'm still researching it for use on land. Give me a few more days."

Su Dingping was slightly startled, but then he responded simply without any concealment.

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