I built an armada

Chapter 173 The emergence of anti-stealth radar

"You, what did you say?"

"Our navy already has one?"

"Installed on the new generation destroyer 052D?"

"Do you want to do a land version?"

Liu Huaming doubted whether he had heard correctly and kept asking questions.

He never imagined that Su Dingping would operate invisibility and come up with countermeasures so quickly. How long had it passed?

"Chief, that's it."

"I have conquered the ship-based version of the anti-stealth radar..."

Su Dingping repeated it seriously, but was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Okay, okay."

"Dingping, please wait a moment. I will report to Xue Shuai immediately. I will go now..."

After figuring out the matter, Liu Huaming was extremely excited and hurried to the conference hall. He had to tell Xue Shuai the good news as soon as possible.

Neither the Air Force nor the Army has acquired anti-stealth technology.

Looking at the three services, only the navy won.

The only one.

The more he thought about Liu Huaming, the more excited he became. Even though he was a wealthy man, he could not suppress the ecstasy in his heart at this moment. Su Dingping had really made him look good, and he had brought glory to the Longxia tribe.

As soon as he returned to the conference hall, he attracted everyone's attention.

At this moment, he felt like he was the star of the show!

Everyone's hearts are in suspense, and all hopes fall on the navy, but they must not let their guard down.

"Report to Xue Shuai, Dingping said that he has conquered the anti-stealth radar and is preparing to install it on the 052D destroyer that is under development."

Liu Huaming's words were like a bombshell, which directly shocked everyone present.

Whether it was the commander of the air force, the big brother of the army, or even Xue Shuai, they all showed horrified expressions. They had just held a meeting to study anti-stealth technology.

As a result, Su Dingping had already conquered.


Is this going against heaven?

What on earth is his head made of, that he can move forward all of a sudden!


"Are you sure that's what Comrade Dingping said?"

Xue Shuai was the first to come to his senses. His eyes, which were like deep pools, suddenly became extremely bright, staring at Liu Huaming.

"Xue Shuai, I just had a phone call with Dingping."

"He said that the ship-based version has been conquered and research on landing it is ongoing."

Liu Huaming took a deep breath, responded seriously, and simply repeated Su Dingping's original words at the end.

Even now, he is still excited.

The Navy has never been very popular before. It can't launch a warship in a year. It develops the navy with long-term strategic goals and builds many modern warships. As a result, it also encountered cynicism from others.

In the era of belt-tightening, the Navy has the lowest status among the three services, but it has to shoulder no less important tasks than other services every year.

Liu Huaming felt particularly sad every time he thought about these things.

He felt sad for the entire Navy!


"Quickly, pick up Comrade Dingping's call for me."

"I want to have a direct conversation with him."

"Encrypt the phone immediately and set it to top secret!"

After staring at Liu Huaming for two seconds, Xue Shuai became a little excited and hurriedly gave instructions to the secretary next to him.

He soon realized that the breakthrough in anti-stealth technology was of epoch-making significance not only for the Longxia tribe, but also for the whole world, no less than a thunder on the ground!

The secretary quickly took the call into the conference hall.

At the same time, the conference hall was cordoned off and anyone inside had to sign a confidentiality agreement.

In other words, in the next phone call between him and Su Dingping, every word must not be leaked, otherwise military law will be engaged!

The call came in soon, and Xue Shuai simply pressed the speakerphone and turned on the external voice.

"Comrade Dingping, I am Xue Yunzhi."

"I will speak to you directly now."

Xue Shuai revealed his identity as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Hello, Xue Shuai."

Su Dingping was shocked. He didn't expect that the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces would actually talk to him directly, and he quickly responded seriously.

"Comrade Dingping, you said you have conquered the anti-stealth radar technology and installed it..."

"Can you tell me what difficulties you have next?"

Xue Shuai repeated the news he heard. Now, no matter what Su Dingping needs, he will mobilize all resources to cooperate.

The danger that the Longxia tribe is currently facing is imminent!

"Xue Shuai, anti-stealth radar technology is an essential technology for the next generation of destroyers."

"What we are facing next is a real threat from the Eagle Tribe, so I think we must get this technology."

"As for the radar on land, I am also conquering it. You just need to give me a few days."

Su Dingping's words directly gave Xue Shuai a reassurance and a shot in the arm. The Longxia tribe may be the first tribe in Blue Star to conquer this technology.

This means that the Longxia Tribe is no longer afraid of any threats from the Eagle Tribe.

So what if there are stealth bombers?

Even if you come, you can still defeat it!

"Comrade Dingping, you are simply the treasure of our Longxia tribe."

"You are amazing."

"The version used on land, you don't have to force yourself so much, you can conquer it in just a few days."

"We have time, don't tire yourself."

Xue Shuai heard it clearly this time. Even though the city was deep, he was particularly excited at the moment.

This huge good news directly wipes away the gloom accumulated in the past few days. It is worth being excited for the entire Longxia tribe.

After a brief greeting, Xue Shuai hurriedly hung up the phone.

He raised his head and looked at everyone, and slowly said:

"Did you all hear that?"

"In that case, let's go directly to the integrated military factory."

"Learn on the spot from Comrade Dingping, the application of anti-stealth technology!"

Xue Shuai has decided that no matter how late it is today, he must rush to the integrated military factory to listen to Su Dingping's research on anti-stealth technology and take a look at the anti-stealth radar.

In order to conduct on-site work, all problems were solved on the spot!

The army boss and the air force commander were all so shocked that their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

Damn it.

When did the Navy quietly recruit such top talents?

It's amazing that anti-stealth radar was developed so quickly.

My dear mother, the Navy is going to make a complete turnaround.

They even accidentally saw that Xue Shuai, who had always been serious and extremely serious, could actually smile, and the smile was from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing Xue Shuai leaving first, the Army eldest brother looked at Liu Huaming with amusement.

"Old Liu, you are not honest."

"When did you recruit such top talents?"

"You are the leader of the three armies."

The big brother of the Army has already started to poach talents. Such top talents should come to the Army to develop more advanced weapons and equipment for the Army.

Isn't staying in the navy overkill?

"Yes, Old Liu, where did you find this Su Dingping treasure?"

"How come you hide it so deeply?"

"Did you see Xue Shuai just now? He actually smiled. How many years has it been?"

The commander of the Air Force said with envy. He had a strong feeling that from now on, the Navy would completely turn around. In terms of military expenditure arrangements, Xue Shuai would fight for the Navy no matter what.

From a certain perspective, these three words Su Dingping are absolutely resounding and are a golden sign!

Seeing the two of them staring at him with envy, Liu Huaming felt relieved in his heart.

Is there anything more satisfying than this?

For many years, whenever he came to the military headquarters for a meeting, he always looked at the big brother of the army and the commander of the navy with envy.

"Every one of you is looking at me like this."

"No matter how you look at it, I will never let Comrade Dingping be taken away by you."

"He has been awarded the rank of captain by a member of our navy!"

Liu Huaming saw through their little trick at a glance and responded quickly and seriously.

No matter where Su Dingping is placed, he is always a top talent!

He also placed his hope on the rise of the navy, and there must be no mistakes.

Anyone who wants to dig him up must step over his body.

After many years, the navy has finally come forward. It has been able to develop a warship that can be followed at the lowest cost, and it has also been in the first echelon of the Longxia tribe in terms of technology research and development.

What pleased him the most was that Su Dingping had a very ruthless vision and a very long-term view.

If there was no prediction in advance, how could the anti-stealth radar be developed so quickly and installed on the 052D destroyer?

"Look at how precious you are, I'm not going to dig it out."

"In the future, we can learn from more scientific personnel, and we also want to equip anti-stealth weapons as soon as possible."

"You can't hide it like treasure."

The big brother of the army obviously did not intend to let Liu Huaming go. He secretly said something cunning, and then retreated to the next best option.

No matter what, such a talent must not be let go.

"That's right, we can do more academic exchanges."

"You also know the situation of our air force. Unfortunately, most of them are equipped with second-generation aircraft."

"Old Liu, you want to open up the situation."

The Air Force Commander immediately agreed. He had never seen a top talent in the military industry who could be noticed by Xue Shuai and kept in mind before today.

Someone who could be valued by Xue Shuai, what kind of ordinary person could this person named Su Dingping be?

Before today, when had you ever seen Xue Shuai so excited?

"Exchanges are possible, and cooperation in scientific research is also possible."

"If you ever think of poaching Dingping, I will break off all relations with you immediately."

"The Navy needs him for its advanced equipment!"

Liu Huaming looked at the two of them with extreme vigilance. They would never be able to exploit any loopholes.

Every time he applied for a considerable portion of scientific research funds for Su Dingping, but every time he saw a miracle, Su Dingping actually won the project without spending much money.

From 051B to 051C, and then to the 052C shield ship which is in intensive production process,

Which project has not been soaked in Su Dingping’s hard work?

Such people are the lucky stars of the navy!

Not only will he avoid detours, he will also save a large amount of scientific research funds.

If only everyone could devote themselves, youth and a lot of time like Su Dingping.

No matter where it is placed, it is an eye-catching night pearl!


"It's just three walnuts and two dates, and they're still tucked in. I'm sorry for you, Old Liu, but I'm also embarrassed."

"How long will you keep this from me?"

The big brother of the Army gritted his teeth and agreed.

You cannot poach people directly, but you can turn it into a win-win cooperation.

"I don't like hearing what you say. I've never hidden anything from you."

Liu Huaming said lightly, but he didn't feel any guilt at all. Instead, he felt extremely happy.

He felt that today was like letting out a breath of bad breath that had accumulated in his heart. The Navy finally ushered in the day when it turned around and was able to obtain more military funding.

He remembered very clearly that he learned something from Xu Dongguo.

Su Dingping said that the next generation warship is the 052D destroyer, which is a shield ship that will be mass-produced. Its combat effectiveness and detection range are far superior to any previous warships, and can even compete with the Eagle Tribe's Bo K-class destroyer arm wrestling.

Now it seems that it is far from as simple as arm wrestling, but far better than the Burke-class destroyer.

Just thinking about it makes people tremble!


Feeling more relaxed than ever before!

"I'll be the host today. After it's over, I'll treat the two big brothers to a drink."

"Let's get drunk and then rest."

Liu Huaming, who has been abstaining from alcohol for a long time, feels extremely happy today and has a very long face.


The big brother in the Army wants to beat people up.

This is Chi Guoguo showing off.

What a bastard!

Isn’t it amazing to have a top talent?

It blows like a flower.

"Drink, I'm going to fuck you today."

The Air Force Commander had already made a decision. He would find an opportunity to get close to Su Dingping no matter what, and he would start by capturing Liu Huaming.

The other side.

North of the river mouth, inside the Integrated Military Factory Research Institute.

Su Dingping is conducting the final in-depth analysis of the YLC-8B radar in the laboratory. It is currently impossible to push the 052D destroyer onto the slipway, so he will first get this anti-stealth radar.

All parts and components have been shipped from various domestic research institutes and factories.

Using the most advanced technology, the gallium nitride T/R component further enhances the electromagnetic wave intensity emitted by a single edge phased array radar, allowing it to detect longer distances.

Before boarding the ship, let's do a land test.


"It can be assembled tomorrow. Can we test it on the roof of the research institute?"

After completing the final draft of the design drawings, Su Dingping made a major decision to install the YLC-8B radar directly on the roof of the research institute.

Calculated according to the direction, this place is not very far from the Eagle Tribe military base on the peninsula. It is about three to four hundred kilometers away. It is very suitable for capturing the Eagle Tribe's stealth bombers.

The only worry is if the Eagle Tribe does not deploy stealth bombers to the peninsula military base.

In other words, not moving stealth bombers eastward.

Then the time for his test will be delayed again and again.

He really hoped that the Eagle Tribe could do more, and it would be best to deploy stealth bombers to the peninsula tomorrow afternoon.

"Dingping, you want to install this YLC-8B radar on the roof of the building?"

"Your idea is too bold, isn't it?"

"Don't we usually take them to the northwest for testing?"

"If you do this, aren't you afraid that the relevant data will be leaked?"

Regarding Su Dingping's decision, Sun Yongguo was almost shocked and asked in disbelief.


"We are more conservative. Even if we don't go to the Northwest, we can stay away from coastal areas."

"Recently, the Eagle Tribe reconnaissance aircraft have been active frequently."

Lu Guangjun on the side also joined the persuasion team. He did not want the data related to the new radar to be leaked as soon as it was turned on.

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