I built an armada

Chapter 182 Pick up the biggest one and beat it

A chill suddenly shot from the soles of his feet to the sky. Samarkand shivered suddenly, and the fear of death almost swallowed him up.

As long as the missile hits the ship, he will be dead.

This was the first time he was so close to death.

This feeling is very unpleasant, but there is nothing you can do about it.

It obviously takes less than ten seconds, but for the sailors on the entire warship, it seems like a year.

It's so long!

But after a while, they didn't feel an explosion on the ship, not even a violent vibration.

never mind?

Or are they collectively hallucinating?

What is going on?

"Report to Captain, the missile missed our ship and flew out."

"No damage was caused to our ship."

The third officer hurriedly reported the latest situation, and all the crew members breathed a sigh of relief.

Survive the catastrophe.

Just now, each of them felt that they had walked around the gate of hell.

"Fly past my ship?"

Samarkand came to his senses and hurriedly opened the integrated combat system to check the situation. He was shocked to find that the missile suddenly lifted up only twenty meters away from them after receiving strong electromagnetic interference.

It flew almost close to the upper edge of their bridge, and then disappeared into the vast night.

He really thought he was dead just now, it was so scary.

Through the surveillance, he could almost see the missiles penetrating in at a speed visible to the naked eye, getting faster and faster, and their movements were very strange.

"Radar soldier, lock that missile for me."

"See if it crashed."

After calming down for a moment, Samarkand hurriedly gave another order.

He already had a psychological shadow about that missile.

As long as he was not sure that the missile had crashed, he would not be at ease.

Missiles and Phalanx close-in defense artillery were not able to knock them down. The missiles made by the Longxia tribe were too brutal and gave them no chance of survival at all.


The radar monitor responded hurriedly and immediately turned on the automatic tracking and search mode.

On the radar screen, the missile mark was rotating rapidly and getting further and further away from them, but it still looked like it was flying around like a headless fly.

"It, it's here again."

Suddenly, the radar monitor saw the cursor suddenly turn a corner in the far sea, suddenly change its direction, and suddenly fly towards him.

The whole person is about to explode on the spot.

"What's it doing again?"

"say clearly!"

Samarkand roared.

What's wrong with the radar monitor, being so incoherent?

"Report Captain, the anti-ship missile is back again."

"It's heading towards our ship."

The captain understood what the radar monitor said this time and hurriedly looked at the radar screen. Sure enough, the missile that flew away flew straight towards them again.

Damn it!

Is there such a saucy operation?

What about playing?

When did the missiles developed by the Longxia tribe have this function?

Do we have to hit them?

I originally thought I had escaped a disaster, but I didn't expect that the life-and-death crisis had not yet passed. This was just the beginning.

What was that missile trying to do?

My heart suddenly jumped up, and my eyes were staring at the screen with wide eyes.

Suddenly, just ten kilometers away from them, the missile suddenly made a U-turn at a very large angle and flew away again, looking for its target like a cruise missile.

Worri, what does it mean?

Don't you like their castrated frigate imported from the Eagle Tribe?

"Farke, Farke!"

"What does it want to do?"

"Damn it..."

Samarkand was so angry that he couldn't help but curse.

But before he could finish cursing, the missile flew over again, as if it turned around again outside the radar's visual range.

"Damn bastard, he's back again."

"The whole ship is ready to intercept it, we must sink it!"

Seeing him coming back and tossing back and forth, Samarkand completely exploded and gave the order directly.

He even used the ship's super maneuver to avoid the side attack of the missile, intercepted the ship in the middle, and hurriedly ordered the ship to make a U-turn.

If you can't afford to offend, can you still afford to hide?

Why bother tossing them back and forth?

The reason why the Sword of Damocles can be frightening is because it has been hanging above people's heads, and people don't know when it will suddenly fall.

At this moment, Samarkand feels unprecedented suffering.

It would have been fine if the missile had sunk them all at once. At worst, it would have been all over, but now the missile was just a torment with them.

You could say it flew far away, but then it flew back suddenly.

He roasted them repeatedly, as if he was afraid that they would not die.

Damn it, don’t you know that this is also a kind of suffering?

The other side.

On the No. 1 ship, Ares kept monitoring the missile, and the radar continuously tracked its specific status characteristics.

"What is this missile doing?"

"Could it be that the Longxia tribe installed an intelligent system in the missile?"

"Why is it flying back and forth?"

Ares frowned and turned to ask the deputy captain.

They were already very unhappy about not hitting the Turkish frigate, but now the radar screen showed that the missile kept going back and forth, almost drawing a circle in the air.

"Captain, I admit, I didn't understand."

"This may be because the missile received strong electromagnetic interference, which activated a program pre-installed in the missile."

"We need to provide information to our superiors about this matter."

The deputy captain was also completely confused. He shook his head and said, he really didn't understand what happened to this anti-ship missile?

Generally, if the target is not hit, doesn't the missile automatically disintegrate in the air?

In other words, it ran out of fuel and crashed into the sea.

But this missile, as if its power would never run out, flew back and forth twice, and it was still flying, as if it was looking for a target.

"Captain, it, it's not looking for a target to attack on its own, right?"

This terrible thought suddenly came to mind, and the deputy captain was almost shocked by his discovery.

If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that the Longxia tribe's missile technology has evolved to a very terrifying level?

I'm afraid even the Eagle Tribe will feel a chill down their backs!

"I am not sure as well."

"Watch first."

"Based on the current trend, I can guarantee that this missile will not attack us."

Ares's eyes were opened, but his heart was greatly relieved, and he gave orders directly to the radar monitor.

Seeing the missile tossing the Ertu Tribe's frigate like this, he couldn't help but feel a little funny. Just not falling down and tossing it back and forth required a very high level of mental quality.

He was sure that after this ordeal, most of the sailors on the Ertu Tribe frigate would suffer from serious mental illness. This would be equivalent to completely scrapping them, but it would be more uncomfortable for them than sinking them.


This strange phenomenon was also monitored.

When he saw the missile flying in its second circle, Dmitri burst into laughter.

Originally, he was disappointed that the missile suffered strong electromagnetic interference and lost its target. However, he did not expect that the missile suddenly acted like this and kept spinning in the air.

It's clear that he didn't hit the target, so he won't give up.

The weapons and equipment of the Longxia tribe are not only conscience, but now they have given them a huge surprise.

He had a hunch that this missile would definitely create a legend.

Is there anything more interesting than this?

One turn consumed the ammunition of the Ertu tribe's frigate, and it still didn't hit the target.


"Keep an eye on it and see what target it hits in the end."

Dmitri stood up directly, came to the radar screen, and personally gave the order. He couldn't wait to see the legend born.


The radar monitor responded simply.

This missile also opened his eyes to the fact that there was such a magical anti-ship missile in the world. Not only did it not fall directly into the sea after being affected by strong electromagnetic interference, it also flew in the air and found its target again.

He also flew back and forth many times, severely humiliating the imported frigates of the Ertu tribe.

What a relief!

At the same time, the Turkish tribe also monitored the trajectory of the missile flying back and forth.

Emil, who was sitting in the chief position, looked ashen.

He was very happy when he saw that the missile was subject to electromagnetic interference and did not launch an attack on the warship. He also mocked the missiles produced by the Longxia tribe for being mediocre.

But now, that missile has in turn severely humiliated their Ertu tribe.

After flying back and forth continuously, he dared to say that the sailors on the Samarkand frigate must have suffered a nervous breakdown and the anti-aircraft ammunition was almost exhausted.

If the missile is finished and the Lasi tribe fires another one, their No. 1 ship will definitely be buried in the sea.

"Give Samarkand an order to evacuate the battlefield as soon as possible."

“Coming back is a victory!”

Emil couldn't care so much anymore and must do everything possible to save the warship.

Even though they knew it was a castrated version, they still spent a lot of money to buy it.

Just watching it be sunk, the Ertu tribe's navy suffered heavy losses.

It's really scary.

The consequences could be disastrous.

"Report, report, the missile hit the target."

"It's our tanker!"

Without waiting for the staff to take orders, the radar monitor urgently reported the latest situation.


It was like a bomb suddenly exploded in the hall. The entire hall was silent. Everyone was dumbfounded. Their necks seemed to be strangled by some mysterious force. They were so shocked that they couldn't even speak for a long time. Make some noise.

Suddenly the collective was petrified!

The missile of Qing Dynasty did not miss its target. Instead, it chose the largest of the three ships to attack, and directly sank their super-large oil tanker.

Damn, what the hell is going on?

The two escorting frigates were fine, but the escorting tanker was sunk.

Which song is this sung from?

They really didn’t understand!

Escort a lonely?

When did the Longxia Tribe's missiles become so powerful? When they were subjected to electromagnetic interference, they would choose the largest missiles to attack. This was obviously not giving up until they sunk a ship.

Is it necessary to be so fierce?

They had always looked down on the Longxia tribe's warships before, but now that missile was like a slap in the face to them, making their old faces hurt!

"Ah, our tanker was sunk, damn bastards!"

"Damn Longxia tribe, they actually sold such advanced anti-ship missiles to Laxi tribe. They went too far."

"Faq, how could they do this? The missile actually concealed its range data. It must have hit more than 60 kilometers!"

"The Longxia tribe has gone too far. They are supporting the Laxi tribe to fight against us."

Soon some people reacted, becoming angry and furious.

They know very well that they can imagine with their fingernails that this battle will definitely be known to the whole world.

The two 051C guide ships exported by the Longxia Tribe shined brightly, allowing the Laxi Tribe to gain a huge victory in counterattacking them, while the Ertu Tribe was humiliated internationally.

Domestic media will even criticize their navy.

Just thinking about the consequences, Emil couldn't help but tremble all over, it was so scary.

On the ocean, there was silence in the main control cabin of the Gazantipu-class No. 1 ship.

Everyone was dumbfounded. The tanker they had painstakingly escorted was hit by the anti-ship missile that circled around and threatened them repeatedly.

There was also a violent explosion and it sank into the sea before their eyes.

This is more uncomfortable for them than hitting them.


Samarkand's clenched fist hit the console hard, his eyes were bigger than cow's eggs, and his whole body was about to be completely swallowed up by anger.

"Farke, Farke, Farke!"

"How could they do this, how could they do this?"

"Sinked our tanker, damn bastards!"

Samarkand roared hysterically, like an angry wolf.

They had exhausted all their efforts to intercept the missile in all directions, but they did not expect to escape in the end and sink the 100,000-ton oil tanker.

There are only two 100,000-ton oil tankers in the Ertu Tribe, and their importance is self-evident.

Otherwise, there would not have been two frigates imported from the Eagle Tribe to escort at the same time, but they were still sunk by an anti-ship missile launched by the 051C guided drive imported from the Laxi Tribe.

How much does a missile cost?

How much does that 100,000-ton oil tanker cost?

What's more, it's filled with 100,000 tons of fuel!

This missile is so refined that even if you pick the biggest one and hit it, it is still the most valuable one!


The more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I felt. Suddenly Samarkand felt a sweet taste in his mouth, followed by a mouthful of old blood spurting out.

Yes, he was so angry that he vomited blood!

"Captain, Captain, what's wrong with you?"

"Military doctor, medic."

The deputy captain was really shocked and hurriedly called a military doctor for help.

It took him a while to recover.

"Give me the order to go down and fight back. I want to fight back."

"Find that damn 051C guide ship for me, I'm going to sink it!"

When he opened his eyes, Samarkand roared. He couldn't care so much anymore. He had to sink the 051C to wash away the shame on him.

Otherwise, he would not be able to meet the elders of the Ertu tribe.

This was definitely a stain on his military career.

It might as well be that the missile sank his frigate. At least he would have an honor if he died, but what he was given now was a great shame!

This is the greatest humiliation to him!

"Captain, we haven't found the Lasi Tribe's 051C guidance drive yet. It has been hiding beyond the sight of our radar."

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