I built an armada

Chapter 183 The smell of wine is also afraid of the deep alley

"We couldn't find any trace of it."

"There's no way we can fight it."

The vice-captain took a deep breath and bravely told a fact.

From the beginning, they had not caught any trace of the troublesome 051C guide ship, but the other party had already firmly tracked their location.

If they hadn't activated the strong electromagnetic interference in time before, they would have been buried in the belly of the fish at this moment.

That 051C guided missile destroyer was definitely not the Wu Xia Amon they said, let alone a rookie. Instead, it was a very fierce guided missile destroyer with a very high degree of modernization.

The Perry-class frigate they imported from the Eagle Tribe is no match for the 051C guided drive. They were still complacent before, thinking that the Eagle Tribe's was a good thing and synonymous with advanced weapons.

And now they were slapped hard.

Sinking an oil tanker would be more uncomfortable than slapping them in the face.

Although the warship sold to them by the Eagle Tribe was nominally a modern warship, it had undergone various castrations. On the other hand, the warship sold by the Longxia Tribe to the Laxi Tribe was not just a modern warship.

What’s more, even the weapon system is very advanced. Others have limited range, but the Longxia tribe hides the range.

Where can they go to judge this?

He was already a loser and was castrated.

This is equivalent to a peak showdown between two martial arts masters. One martial arts master is innately incompetent and ends up being held back in various ways, while the other master is in perfect condition and even hides part of his strength.

The outcome was doomed from the moment the two started fighting.

And they were the innately deficient masters, so they looked down on each other at first.

Now they are being taught a hard lesson.

If the other side launches another missile now, they may be completely sunk in the sea.

"Fuck, Fuck."

"Retreat, quickly!"

Samarkand suddenly woke up and gave orders in a hurry.

If they don't retreat, they will eat missiles.

I was already having a hard time with that anti-ship missile, but if I fire it again now, it would be really heart-wrenching.

"Send a helicopter to rescue the oil tanker!"

"What the hell!"

Just as the warship turned around, Samarkand hurriedly gave another order.

He couldn't just watch the drowned crew members on the tanker being swallowed by the sea.

Even though he saw the flames soaring into the sky and knew that the chances of the crew members surviving were slim, it would be his dereliction of duty if he didn't save them.

If you go back, you will be severely punished!

The other side.

On the 051C No. 1 ship, looking at the results displayed on the radar screen, Ares was stunned for a long time, and the whole person was in a state of confusion.

Damn it, it didn't hit the warship, it destroyed the largest oil tanker.

Are the anti-ship missiles produced by the Longxia Tribe so awesome?

Oh my god.

This is so brutal that it is unbelievable.

Suffering from strong electromagnetic interference, other people's missiles would either lose their direction and fly around, or they might even fly back to attack their own warships. Otherwise, they would fall directly into the sea. However, the Longxia tribe not only did not fall into the sea, but also fiercely challenged them. Attack with the biggest one.

This clearly tells the enemy that even if my missile is subject to electromagnetic interference, it will knock out an important target of yours.

It depends on whether you are afraid or not!

"Fuck, Fuck."

"The Longxia tribe's missiles are awesome!"

"It's too fierce, but I like it. This is the effect I want."

"Grandma is so stupid that she didn't hit the warship and sank their oil tanker. We also made a profit!"

Ares was extremely excited, and a long-suppressed emotion was released. There was nothing more exciting than this result.

Although there is a regret that the warship was not sunk, there is no regret in sinking the oil tanker.

All in all, they really made money on this trip.

That was a 100,000-ton oil tanker. Both in terms of construction cost and the fuel transported on it, its value far exceeded that of the Perry-class frigate moved by the Eagle Tribe.

Speaking of which, the tanker is the real high-value target!

In terms of value, they made a huge profit this time!

"All crew members, we completed the ambush mission brilliantly."

"It further verifies the performance of our warship. It is a very excellent modern destroyer."

"Both the operational performance and the missile performance are beyond our expectations."

"Especially anti-ship missiles, which directly brought us into the ranks of modern naval warfare, and we created a miracle in the central region!"

"Now that we have returned successfully, we are victorious!"

Ares took the internal communicator and decisively issued a return order. He took advantage and retreated, leaving absolutely no chance for the enemy to retaliate.

He knew very well that their lone force's deep penetration caught the enemy by surprise.

And the attack was always carried out outside the enemy's radar sight range, so the retaliatory action was successfully carried out.

After giving the return order, Ares walked onto the bridge and looked into the distance with his binoculars.

On the ocean surface, even from a distance of dozens of kilometers, you can still see the thick black smoke rising into the sky. It is so spectacular that you can fully imagine how big the flames were igniting there.

It's so happy, it's so happy.

I really should have a few drinks when I go back.

The plume of smoke soaring into the sky is the smoke of their victory, and it is also the horn of victory.

They were finally no longer oppressed by the Ertu tribe, and finally avenged their shame, allowing the Laxi tribe's navy to finally rise up!

Inside the warship, all the crew members cheered.

Everyone wanted to jump up with joy. They created a miracle, gained honors, and finally gained the upper hand in the naval conflict with the Ertu tribe.

Achieved unprecedented fruitful results!

They could finally tell the entire Blue Star that the Laxi Tribe Navy was no longer Wu Xia Amon, let alone the weak navy that allowed others to bully them.

A single anti-ship missile can sink a 100,000-ton very large oil tanker.

Next time, if there is a naval battle, they will be confident that they can sink the enemy ship!

So what if there is interference?

This missile can independently select targets to attack, and it can also pick the biggest targets!

I wonder if there are any more surprising anti-ship missiles on Blue Star than this one?

"Send a message to the shore command. We consumed one anti-ship missile and successfully sank an enemy oil tanker."

"Our ship did not suffer any damage and has returned successfully."

Ares picked up the communicator again and explained directly to the deputy captain.

"Yes, Captain."

The deputy captain happily accepted the order.

Laxi Tribe Navy Shore Command Center, the latest information has been quickly sent here.

The long-range warning radar also monitored the results created by the No. 1 ship throughout the entire process.

They kept watching the missile circling back and forth in the ocean for at least two times, and finally discovered the large oil tanker among them, and then rammed it head-on.

On the radar screen, the Turkish tribe's 100,000-ton oil tanker caught fire and exploded in an instant, and then the target echo disappeared.

"Report, report to ship No. 1."

"One anti-ship missile was consumed and a large enemy oil tanker was sunk. Now they are on their way back."

After receiving the relevant news, Ilyas immediately reported to Dmitri.

The news exploded like thunder in the command hall, and all the commanders and staff were shocked.

This is quite an unexpected surprise.

The corners of Dmitri's mouth turned up in a graceful arc involuntarily. It didn't matter that they had obtained a full version of the warship from the Longxia tribe, but now their missiles had brought such unexpected results.

This is more enjoyable than directly sinking a warship.

What about enemy interference?

This anti-ship missile is not only capable of resisting interference, but can also attack enemy ships autonomously, picking out the largest and most valuable ones for attack.

The Ertu Tribe sent two modern frigates, and they were imported from the Eagle Tribe. What about escorting them?

An anti-ship missile directly sank the escorted oil tanker.

In comparison, this is definitely a good deal.

This anti-ship missile directly made them famous. It completely swept away the gloom of the past and allowed the Laxi Tribe Navy to clear up the clouds and see the sun.

"Okay, okay."

"Leave it to your navy to carry out rewards. All meritorious personnel must be rewarded based on their merits."

"This is a victory for our Laxi tribal navy, and even more a victory for our Laxi tribe."

"This matter needs to be written about in a big way, and the media should be invited to report it."

"Let the whole world know that we have the upper hand in the conflict with the Ertu tribe, and we are no longer the one who is always bullied!"

Dmitri was very happy. He stood up and looked at the commanders and said loudly.

Finally got out of his bad breath!

From now on, if the Ertu tribe wants to attack them unscrupulously, stop dreaming!

If you want the Laxi Tribe to swallow the bitter pill of territorial occupation, you can only say that the Ertu Tribe is just thinking wildly. Now that they have two 051C destroyers, they are even more confident!

After being deployed here, Dmitri left the command center with a smile and went to the administrative agency headquarters.

He wanted to personally tell all the senior leaders of the Laxi tribe this good news.

When he returned to the office, he couldn't wait to pick up the phone and called the Longxia tribe directly to share the good news. Of course, the key point was to thank the Longxia tribe.

"Colonel Zhang, I have some good news for you."

"The 051C guided missile you sold to us created a miracle. The anti-ship missile still hit a 100,000-ton oil tanker in the Turkish tribe despite being subjected to strong electromagnetic interference."

"It's a miracle, you know?"

"Your anti-ship missiles are so powerful, they are simply the conscience of consciences!"

"It is the happiest and proudest thing in my life to conclude this warship procurement business with you."

"So happy."

As soon as the call was connected, Dmitri couldn't wait to talk about the results of the victory, and his words were filled with uncontrollable ecstasy.


"This is really good news. I am as happy as you."

"We, the Longxia Tribe, always pay attention to integrity when doing business. We will never cheat like some tribes do and deliberately castrate the performance of warships."

"We will be happy if you can win the war with our warships."

"I would also like to thank you for rectifying the name of the warships built by our Longxia tribe, proving that our warships are no worse than those of the Western tribes."

Zhang Zhaoxin on the other end of the phone was also very happy and responded with a smile.

In fact, he did not expect that the 051C guided drive exported to the Laxi tribe was not only not acclimatized, but also displayed its due combat effectiveness.

What's even more unexpected is that after being interfered with, the anti-ship missile can pick out the enemy's largest oil tanker for attack.

He dared to say that the 051C guide driver became famous in the central region.

Hasn’t the Eagle Tribe been blocking the weapons export of the Longxia Tribe, and even the Western media has spread rumors and slandered the weapons of the Longxia Tribe?

This time, he slapped the media in the face with facts, and even used actual combat to show the world that the warships produced by the Longxia tribe are no worse than those of those developed tribes!

And it is more suitable for war needs!

Thinking that this war was about to knock on the door of arms sales, Zhang Zhaoxin was very happy from the bottom of his heart.

The Laxi tribe is really interesting. The 051C guide driver has completely become famous. Even if the Eagle tribe tries to stop it, I'm afraid it won't be able to stop it.

As a naval man, he is all too aware of the huge difficulties the navy has encountered over the years.

Because I had no money, I was looked down upon by everyone, and how much I felt like a coward!

Today, a 051C guidance drive created a miracle in the Western Sea of ​​​​Shihai and sank an enemy's very large oil tanker. The blazing flames are proof of this.

I would like to ask today's Blue Star, whose anti-ship missile has created such a miracle?


Even including the Eagle Tribe, their missiles didn't do it.

On the other hand, the Longxia tribe did it!

"That's it. Your warships are so conscientious and worth every penny."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. This is the most value-for-money arms trade I've ever done. It makes our Laxi tribal navy finally feel proud and proud, and we are no longer the target of being bullied."

"It's such a pleasure."

Dmitri continued, saying that he really wanted to fly directly to the Longxia tribe and take Zhang Zhaoxin to have a few drinks to express his gratitude.

"Since you have achieved such a great victory, you should report it truthfully in your propaganda."

"This is a good practical example, and it also makes it clear to the whole world that your Laxi tribe is different from the past."

Zhang Zhaoxin knows very well that the fragrance of wine is also afraid of the depth of the alley, especially after being threatened by the Western media and the Eagle Tribe, there is an even greater need for such practical examples to publicize.

This time the Laxi tribe used the 051C guided drive to sink the 100,000-ton oil tanker of the Ertu tribe, which was a living advertisement.

As long as the Laxi tribal media reported it truthfully, he believed it would definitely cause a sensation in the entire central region.

This area is a Blue Star hot spot.

Especially those tribes that have encountered threats and experienced the same experiences as the Laxi tribe. They have always wanted modern warships that are sturdy, durable, and cheap.

Although the Tesha tribe bought it before, they did not engage in actual combat. Naturally, the tribes in this area were in a wait-and-see state, and were coerced by the Eagle tribe.

And now, this battle example is used to break the deadlock and open up a new situation for the Longxia tribe's warship sale.

"Okay, there's no problem with this."

"We just took this opportunity to completely disclose to the world that we have a modern destroyer like the 051C guided destroyer."

Dmitry then communicated with Zhang Zhaoxin for a while before hanging up the phone and immediately notified his secretary to convene an administrative meeting.

Sinking an oil tanker was a major victory for them.

Not only should the senior officials know, but also all the people of the Laxi tribe should know.

This day is destined to be recorded in the history of the Laxi tribe.

They have been suppressed and beaten for so long, and finally on this day, they ushered in the light of hope!

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