I built an armada

Chapter 196 The conspiracy of the Eastern Wasteland tribe

This is to let the central tribes spend every penny wisely.

Is that too much?

He could even imagine how terrifying it would be to be surrounded by modern ships equipped with Eagle 801A anti-ship missiles.

The Perry-class frigate they purchased from the Eagle Tribe was eliminated by the other party.

I wanted to purchase more advanced warships from them, but the response I received was only two words: Not for sale!

What decisiveness!

Let them build it themselves, where will they get advanced technology?

Building a modern warship is not as simple as building a house. The advanced long-range detection radar system, anti-ship missile system, and many advanced subsystems inside are not something that can be made easily by just talking about it.

Compared with the Longxia tribe's military technology, Emil knew very well that the Ertu tribe had fallen behind, and not just a little bit.

It is simply impossible to catch up with the Longxia tribe's shipbuilding technology.

And according to the opponent's consistent behavior, the Longxia Tribe Navy must be equipped with more advanced warships, maybe even shield ships.

Recently, the intelligence department also sent over a rather mysterious piece of information. The Donghuang Tribe's loss of several warships was not due to their own exercise accidents, but was attacked by mysterious shield ships from behind.

It stands to reason that even if they are attacked, the advanced warships of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe will definitely intercept them.

Here's the weird part.

The battleships of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe cannot intercept them at all!

If that shield ship belonged to the Longxia tribe, and they exported this mysterious anti-ship missile to related tribes in the central region, the consequences would be too terrible.

When the time comes when an armed conflict at sea accidentally breaks out with a hostile tribe, these so-called modern warships in the hands of the Turkish tribe's navy are simply not enough to destroy them. I am afraid that the entire fleet will be wiped out in the end, and they don't know what happened.

The more he thought about it, the more panicked Emil became.

This move of the Longxia tribe directly hit the Ertu tribe three inches.

It's almost killing me.

"It seems that the Longxia tribe has never forgotten their Varyag."

"The unreliable Eagle Tribe."


After venting randomly, Emil waved his secretary over and signaled the other party to convene an emergency safety meeting immediately.


After the secretary took the order, he turned around and ran out.

After the news of the purchase in early March came out, not only the Ertu tribe was panicked, but the Donghuang tribe was even more furious.

For them, it is a great humiliation for the Longxia tribe to export advanced weapons and equipment.

It is simply more uncomfortable for them than feeding them shit!

At the emergency military meeting, Murakami Hayaki, who was sitting in the chief position, looked particularly gloomy, as if someone had slapped him hard several times.

Every military advancement made by the Long Xia tribe, especially in the navy, would make them extremely angry.

They knew very well that this also meant that the Longxia tribe received more military support. The navy's technological progress would be on a fast track, and the ships produced would definitely become more and more advanced.

This is a huge challenge for them.

Originally, they planned to take the opportunity to completely destroy the three major fleets of the Longxia Tribe, just like they destroyed the Beiyang Navy before, leaving the Longxia Tribe with no naval ships at all.

Once this goal is achieved, they will be the true overlords of the Dongzhou Sea, and they can run rampant in the Dongzhou Sea without restraint, and even entering the Longxia tribe's inland river will not be a problem.

If the Longxia tribe is equipped with more advanced warships, how can they realize their ambitions?

"Did you know that the Longxia Tribe Navy's arms exports have made breakthrough progress?"

"Some tribes in the central region purchased a lot of equipment from them, and they also received more military expenditures to develop new technologies."

"Baga Yalu, what do you do for food? Why don't you stop them?"

Murakami Saya became angrier as he talked, and finally started to curse. He wanted to beat up the relevant personnel of the intelligence department and the foreign affairs department.

He actually didn't know about such a big thing in advance. Instead, he got it through the newspaper after the Longxia tribe disclosed the relevant sales information.

He even suspected that there was something wrong with the intelligence system.

In other words, they simply looked down upon the Longxia Tribe, and had always arrogantly believed that this was still a backward naval tribe and did not have the strength to fight with them.

It’s scary to think about it!

For the first time, Murakami Hayaki had serious doubts about his intelligence information.

You must know that their espionage work on the Longxia tribe has never stopped. This was true during the previous war and it is also true during the current peace period.

But now, they know nothing about the military development status of the Longxia tribe's navy.

This is too terrible.

He felt an information vacuum. This was an absolutely unforgivable mistake!

"Shu Shang Tianfu, are you derelict in your duties?"

"As the head of the intelligence department, do you no longer want to do this? Why did we only learn about the relevant information through newspapers?"

"Why didn't you send anyone to sneak into the weapons industry exhibition held by the Longxia tribe in February?"

After venting his anger, Murakami Sayagi looked at the intelligence officer Tao Shugami with his fire-breathing eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

Tian Fu on the tree suddenly shrank his neck in fright, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead instantly.

He felt as if his heartbeat was about to stop. The Longxia tribe's defenses were getting tighter and tighter, and the security department had stepped up its crackdown on espionage personnel.

For this reason, they lost a lot of intelligence personnel, so they could only obtain relevant information through the Internet.

"Sir, this is a dereliction of duty on my part."

"But it's understandable. The Longxia tribe seems to have noticed something, and they have stepped up their counterintelligence activities."

"One of our spies who had been lurking for two years was caught, and everything was closed down for the next few days after that weapons industry exhibition."

"And they were so clever that they brought all the trading work to the Imperial Capital."

After taking several deep breaths in a row, Shushang Tianfu forced himself to explain that they had never relaxed their work of spying on various intelligences about the Longxia tribe.

Intelligence is inherently a process of ebb and flow.

As long as they strengthen their espionage activities, the Longxia tribe will inevitably launch a comprehensive counterattack, and more and more espionage personnel will be arrested.

It made them very distressed.

Cultivating a traitor also takes time. During a war, it is not possible to use threats of force and other methods to create dozens or millions of Imperial Army troops at once.


"That's not the reason why you didn't collect relevant information!"

"I'll give you one more chance. If you still can't find out more information about the Longxia tribe, especially about the navy, you should resign and step down."

"You are responsible for the consequences!"

Murakami Hayaki was startled for a moment, and then started to curse loudly, with an extremely cold look on his face.

He wished he could slap the man on the tree to death.

Why are you making so many excuses?

If no relevant information is collected, it is useless waste!

What use is such a waste to the Eastern Wasteland tribe?

They don't know what level the Longxia tribe's ships have developed now. Isn't this nonsense?

No matter how hidden they are, is the ability of their Eastern Wilderness tribe to collect intelligence still low?

After cultivating at least 100,000 traitors in the Longxia tribe, can't it be activated?

There are so many international students who come to the Eastern Wilderness tribe every year, and there are many exchange personnel, so we can make full use of them.

With the current level of the Longxia tribe, what kind of bullshit talents can they cultivate?

They are not all mediocre people!


Tianfu on the tree responded hurriedly.

Next, Murakami Hayaki glared at this guy fiercely, then turned to look at the other members of Haizi.

"The Longxia tribe has reached a military trade agreement with some tribes in the central region, and we can no longer change it."

"But that doesn't mean we can't do anything."

"I think there is a lot to do, especially the Haizi submarine force. Start a hunting plan for me. As long as those warships leave the gate of the Longxia tribe, I will follow them closely."

"When the time is right, sink them for me!"

"I don't want to see a warship come out of the Longxia tribe and enter other tribes!"

Murakami Hayaki clenched his right fist and slammed it on the table, and lectured with a sinister expression.

Only if the export warships of the Longxia Tribe are sunk, even if there are only one or two, it will be a huge blow to the reputation of the Longxia Tribe's military trade!

It also weakened the international status of the Longxia tribe.

If a tribe cannot guarantee the safety of its military products, who will buy its products?

The brilliant achievements created by the 051C guide driver in the central region will be overwhelmed in an instant.

Moreover, after the sinking, the media was encouraged to swarm in, completely tarnishing the image of the Longxia tribe1


Several Haizi leaders immediately took the order, and related vicious plans were launched.

At the same time, news of the military trade also spread to other tribes in the Dongzhou Sea.

In a mysterious and luxurious courtyard of the Iron Monkey Tribe.

All the sofas used here are from many luxury brands of Blue Star. As soon as you enter, you will feel a sense of trenchiness. There are also swimming pools, private courts and the like.

This is not the residence of a big boss, but the office of General Nancy Din of the Iron Monkey Tribe.

The Iron Monkey Tribe has always practiced that the troops can do business, so that it has monopolized more than 70 to 80% of the Iron Monkey Tribe's profitable industries.

Here, the officers are the bosses, and everything they use is as luxurious as they can afford.

This has become a spectacle in the Iron Monkey Tribe, and even the top brass of the Iron Monkey Tribe cannot change this phenomenon!

"Sir, the Longxia tribe has announced relevant news. They have reached a package of military trade agreements with relevant tribes in the central region."

"Many military products including 051C were exported."

"What do we do next?"

When Zhu Wen'an came here, he brought relevant information.

"What? Are they exporting military products again?"

"Damn bastard!"

"No matter what, intercept them for me. Anyway, their exit is through our door."

"We want revenge!"

Nan Ding became angry when he thought about the last disastrous defeat. The Longxia tribe was becoming more and more aggressive, and it was very necessary for them to take action.

We can't stop the Longxia tribe's navy from becoming stronger, but we can always do some robbery, right?


Zhu Wen'an happily accepted the order and turned around to deploy.

After the Feilu tribe got the relevant news, they were also extremely shocked, but they also knew one thing. The military gap with the Longxia tribe was getting wider and wider.

It is very necessary for them to bring in external forces to support and cheer them on!

Otherwise, with just the strength of their three armies, they would not be a match for the Longxia tribe.

As a result, they also formulated relevant strategies to introduce the Eagle Tribe into the Dongzhou Sea to suppress the Longxia Tribe.

Integrated military factory.

After the third 052C shield ship was launched, the fourth one immediately went on the slipway and started intensive construction.

Thanks to the forging of the previous three ships, both the technical workers and the shipyard managers are very familiar with the work process.

So one can be built faster than the other.

But on the fourth ship, Su Dingping directly arranged for the fly swatter's long-range anti-stealth detection radar and strengthened the related command and control system.

Significantly enhances its ability to detect and strike stealth targets.

In terms of anti-submarine, a towed passive sonar detection system was added, giving the warship two sets of anti-submarine systems, active and passive sonar detection.

Su Dingping knew very well that the Longxia tribal navy not only faced the threat of surface ships, but also faced the deterrence of surrounding submarines.

For example, the Eastern Barren Tribe has developed an AIP-class submarine, known as a small nuclear submarine. Both its silent level and combat time have been greatly improved, and they use it as a trump card.

In addition, the Ohio-class nuclear submarines, Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines and many other nuclear submarines installed by the Eagle Tribe are also underwater threats that cannot be ignored.

Su Dingping felt that this strategy must be changed and the navy's anti-submarine capabilities should be strengthened.

"Relying on surface ships alone for anti-submarine warfare is really not a problem."

"I wonder if we can develop an underwater glider specifically for anti-submarine warfare?"

Sitting in his office, Su Dingping thought about it. No matter what, he must develop a brand new anti-submarine technology to completely make the enemy's submarines invisible.

After thinking about it carefully, he found that it really didn't exist.

It can only be put aside for the time being.

"Dingping, good news, good news."

"The sales plan you proposed worked. Our navy has received many orders from tribes in the central region."

"Look, it's from the military trade department."

"We're going to start manufacturing."

As soon as he picked up the tea cup and took a sip, the door was pushed open by Sun Yongguo. He quickly walked to Su Dingping's desk and sat down, saying very excitedly.

Then he put down the information on hand and pushed it in front of Su Dingping.

"This is a good thing. It just happens to be packaged and handed over to the new slipway for production."

"We can train a group of skilled workers again."

"It seems that there are many benefits to engaging in arms trade."

Su Dingping picked up the information and browsed it casually for a few times, then put it aside and responded very happily.

After hard work by the commanders and crews of the Naval Engineering Department, the integrated military factory expansion project finally made a breakthrough, and three new slipways have been built.

Relevant supporting workshops have also been built, and various production machine tools and related equipment have been installed and debugged.

In other words, those three slipways already have warship production capabilities.

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