I built an armada

Chapter 197 The Ertu tribe gives in

Su Dingping was still reluctant to use a brand new slipway to build the cutting-edge 052D.

After all, the skilled workers on the slipway and the sailors are all newcomers, and their skills are not yet proficient. When working, the quality of assembly cannot be guaranteed.

After allowing them to exercise on foreign trade ships, both their welding level and quality control will be significantly improved.

The 052D belongs to a new generation of cutting-edge shield ships that will gallop on the sea and support the Longxia tribe's backbone of maritime struggles for at least twenty to thirty years in the future.

In this way, not only advanced technology is needed for support, but also excellent quality.

Once a warship has quality problems, it will become a living target on the sea and suffer disaster!

Needless to say, everyone in the integrated military factory will become a national sinner, and Su Dingping, as the main person in charge, will bear the main responsibility.

He will also be nailed to the pillar of shame!

What's more, before all six 052C shield ships are built, there is still a gap period, which is the best time to build foreign trade warships and train new people.

"Dingping, it seems we also need to officially recruit new people."

"By the time slips 4 and 5 are completed, the expansion project will be almost complete."

"Now there is a situation where the factory waits for people."

"Our pace suddenly increased, and the supply of talent could not keep up."

Sun Yongguo said with concern, watching the integrated military factory expand to its current scale, the number of talents needed on the slipway is five to six times, or even more.

As for researchers and other related personnel, the total number may be tens of thousands.

Previously, 900 acres accommodated 4,000 ordinary navy soldiers, 500 technical workers, and a 500-person security camp.

The integrated military factory now covers an area of ​​4,500 acres, with numerous shipbuilding plants and large harbors. The largest dock is 600 meters long and 150 meters wide, which is enough to build a 100,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. .

Such a huge base cannot only be used to build the Longxia tribe's own ships, but must also be used to earn foreign exchange.

Su Dingping had planned it from the beginning, and the integrated military factory walked on two legs.

One leg is deeply involved in the field of national defense and military industry, building an invincible fleet for the navy, and making due contributions to tribal defense. The other leg is to move towards the international military trade market!

To formulate a personalized arms sales plan is to participate in the international arms trade market with a new attitude and get a share of the pie!

As for the Eagle Tribe and other tribes' obstruction, it was only temporary. He believed that with the upgrade of Longxia Tribe's warship technology, the strength displayed would become more and more powerful.

It is difficult for tribes oppressed by imperialism not to break through the pressure and order warships from the Longxia tribe that meet the needs of their own navy.

"Then let's recruit from somewhere."

"I believe there are still many passionate young people who are willing to devote themselves to national defense construction."

"Dean Sun, we are the Longxia tribe. We have endless human resources. If we don't use them, they will go to the Eagle tribe to help them with their defense construction."

Having said this, Su Dingping took out a document from the drawer and handed it to Sun Yongguo.

"Look at this document. It contains the number of people from our Longxia tribe who have gone to the Western tribes."

"It has reached more than 100,000."

"Every year, a large number of people go out to Qingbei alone."

When he first saw the cold numbers in this document, Su Dingping felt shuddering. There were too many talented people leaving, and they were at least master's level.

In other words, the talents flowing out from the Longxia tribe every year are enough for several integrated military factories.

However, he believed even more that those who stayed and were willing to contribute to the rise of the Longxia tribe must account for the vast majority. Naturally, he was full of confidence in recruiting more military workers.

"Oh my God, do so many people really go out every year?"

"Doesn't the higher ups care?"

After reading the document, Sun Yongguo's face was full of shock.

"That's not our concern."

"Remember one thing in the future. If there is a war with the Eagle Tribe or other tribes, as long as you hear what the other party says about us, don't be merciful."

"Kill the opponent directly!"

"Okay, let's not talk about that. I am showing you the documents to tell you that we have no shortage of talents."

A flash of coldness flashed in Su Dingping's eyes, and then he took the file, put it back in the drawer and locked it.

In fact, he knew very well that when he was in school, he witnessed many people studying abroad, and they still chose the Eagle Tribe.

These people who went out have become top talents in various industries of the Eagle Tribe, contributing their own strength to the strength of this tribe.

Obviously, they have forgotten who their ancestors are!

If they used their identities as members of the Longxia tribe to obtain medals on the battlefield, this would be something he would never tolerate.

Since you have become a dog, you must be prepared to be shot!

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

It would have been a mercy not to exterminate them.

"I understand, it has been deployed anyway."

"It is estimated that many local talents will be recruited in June and July this year."

"However, we still need to formulate relevant recruitment policies to prevent the recruitment of enemy spies."

After Sun Yongguo discussed specific strategies with Su Dingping, he stood up and left, returning to his office to get busy.

Naturally, he couldn't trouble Su Dingping about the recruitment of the integrated military factory.

052D has entered the final stage of research, and Su Dingping has become the busiest person in the entire factory, spending all day either in the laboratory or in the research institute.

Military Illustrated Forging Space.

On the sea more than 100 kilometers away from the shipyard, Su Dingping was conducting actual tests on the new complete version of the 052D shield ship.

Compared with the previous 052D, the technical performance of this developed 052 shield ship has been significantly improved.

Its standard displacement reaches 6,800 tons, its full load displacement reaches 7,800 tons, its length reaches 159 meters, and its width reaches 18 meters.

A brand-new 346A four-sided array radar is installed on the tall inward-sloping bridge, with a detection range of up to 500 to 600 kilometers. It can track hundreds of targets at the same time, and has the ability to engage with dozens of air targets that pose the greatest threat. ability.

The anti-stealth radar installed at the rear can help the 052D have the ability to kill stealth targets.

In this era of destruction upon discovery, dealing with stealth targets is the level of combat power that the 052D shield ship must have. Otherwise, it will simply not be able to adapt to the needs of future high-intensity naval battles.

Su Dingping knew very well that in the future, the Donghuang Tribe, Nanbang Tribe, and Eagle Tribe would all be equipped with stealth fighters, and even aircraft carriers would have lightning stealth fighters.

These fighters posed a great threat to the warship, so Su Dingping carried out a comprehensive upgrade and transformation of the warship.

In terms of power, two QC-280 gas turbines with a single power of 36,000 horsepower and two MTU-20 V956 TB92 diesel engines are installed.

The abundant power enables the 052D shield ship to have a maximum speed of 33 knots and a endurance of 4,000 nautical miles/18 knots.

With such abundant power guaranteed, the 052D guided missile destroyer has high maneuverability and anti-strike capability.

As the tonnage increases, more missile weapons can be accommodated.

The hull can be equipped with 48 units at the front, plus a 32-unit hot and cold common vertical hair system at the rear, commonly known as chocolate cubes.

Some of them can achieve four bombs in one hole, giving them the ability to resist saturation attacks.

It can launch a series of air defense missiles including Haihongqi 9B air defense missiles, and is also equipped with 24 YJ 108 supersonic anti-ship missiles.

"This is what the shield ship of the future should look like."

"Not weaker than the Burke-class guided missile destroyer of the Eagle Tribe, which is kind of interesting."

Standing on the cover of the vertical hair system, Su Dingping showed a satisfied smile on his face. The 052D is aimed at the Burke-class destroyer. Even if the tonnage is small, it must have the ability to be tough.

For a long time, the Eagle Tribe has relied on the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers to roam the oceans unscrupulously.

The amount of equipment has reached a terrifying scale, and it is an advanced ship that many tribes on Blue Star fear, and the Longxia tribe is going to break this taboo!

The new generation of universal vertical launch system not only meets the needs of anti-aircraft missiles, but is also compatible with a series of advanced ammunition such as rocket-propelled torpedoes, decoy rockets, and depth bombs.

It is more capable of launching the Changjian 111 land-attack cruise missile, which is an important difference between it and the 052C.

The emergence of this type of ship represents that the Longxia tribe naval ships truly have the ability to attack inland areas and can attack the enemy's deep targets.

It exceeds the Eagle Tribe's Tomahawk cruise missile in both volume and weight.

The missile body is 8.3 meters long, weighs 2 tons, has a diameter of 650 mm, a cruising altitude of 30 to 50 meters, a cruising speed of Mach 0.65, a warhead weighing 500 kilograms, and an effective range of 2,500 kilometers!

It adopts cruise phase inertia plus terrain matching plus satellite-assisted navigation. The terminal guidance is optical scene matching guidance. The circular probability error of the strike terminal accuracy is less than 3 meters!

The number of bombs carried has also increased by more than two-thirds, far exceeding the combat effectiveness of the 052C.

In terms of anti-submarine, it is equipped with two 10-ton general-purpose helicopters, which can launch attacks on submarines in a wider range. It is also equipped with two sets of active and passive sonar systems.

In the front section of the hangar at the rear of the ship, two sets of torpedo launchers are installed on the left and right, capable of carrying 24 torpedoes.

The Longxia Tribal Navy has always had shortcomings in anti-submarine warfare, and the emergence of the 052D guided missile destroyer must make up for the shortcomings to a certain extent and enhance its ability to detect and destroy enemy submarines.

The Donghuang tribe has very advanced submarine technology, and its submarines are very cutting-edge. Basically, new submarines with very quiet effects are launched into the water every year.

In addition to using advanced surface ships to cause trouble everywhere, they also use submarines to cause trouble, and even deliberately approach Longxia tribe ships.

"Damn Donghuang Tribe, let me see if I don't let all your turtles surface this time."

"You think you can be unscrupulous now that you have advanced submarines?"

"The 052D shield ship is your nemesis."

Stroking the rocket-propelled torpedo emerging from the pit, Su Dingping became more confident.

Previously, the Longxia Tribe Navy lacked effective detection methods for advanced submarines, but now this ship has solved quite a part of the problem.

Next, he wants to develop a professional anti-submarine patrol aircraft to be used in conjunction with the 052D shield ship.

The waters of Dongzhou are the waters of the Longxia tribe, and no submarine can escape!

Having suffered losses in this regard before, Su Dingping felt that the new generation of ships must make enemy submarines invisible.

The most core subsystem on the warship is undoubtedly the radar. The 346A version of the Sea Star active phased array radar installed is an upgrade from the original 346. Whether it is sensitivity, anti-interference, or long-range detection, They are completely different, and its advanced nature can be said to be completely different.

T/R components are made of gallium nitride raw materials, which have low power consumption and the ability to detect farther.

In other words, under the same power, the 346A radar can detect farther and perform better.

Through the "S+C" band, it provides guidance services for missiles with a high degree of automation.

When entering the combat state, it can search the entire airspace, automatically switch to the tracking state after discovering the target, and independently identify friend or foe!

The new generation of YJ-108 anti-ship missile has a range of 540 kilometers, and the warhead has reached more than 300 kilograms.

The cruising speed reaches Mach 0.8 and can reach Mach 3 during the supersonic flight stage.

The ultra-high speed and sea-skimming flight can effectively prevent the interception of anti-aircraft missiles, giving it a strong penetration capability, making it difficult for the enemy to prevent it.

A 24-unit Haihongqi-101 air defense missile system is installed above the hangar, which can effectively intercept supersonic targets flying at ultra-low altitudes within a range of 10 kilometers.

The front section of the bridge is also equipped with a Type 1130 close-in defense gun with a maximum rate of fire of 10,000 rounds/minute, which can form a dense barrage around the ship to intercept incoming supersonic targets.

This is the last and first set of barriers for 052D.

Of course, when a ship travels, it will carry several sets of individual air defense systems if necessary.

While Su Dingping was doing research in the forging space of the Military Industrial Illustration, the Ertu tribe in the central region.

In the conference hall of the administrative building, Emil sat in the chief position, and Nazim, Mustafa and others were also sitting in it.

It is an indisputable fact that the Longxia tribe exports a large number of advanced warships to their enemy tribes.

Among them, the Laxi tribe imported another 051C guided missile destroyer, which means they suddenly have three ships of the same level in their hands.

According to the latest intelligence, the guided drive performance of the third 051C has been upgraded compared with the previous two ships.

Equipped with more advanced anti-ship missiles, they have stronger anti-interference capabilities and can hit farther. For them, this is a fatal threat.

In addition to the Laxi tribe, there are also the Keyi tribe, the Xuli tribe, etc., all of which purchased modern ships from the Longxia tribe.

"You all tell me, what should we do now?"

"Obviously the Longxia tribe is doing this because they are targeting us. We have detained their Varyag."

"Should we let it go now, or not?"

Emil tried his best to suppress his anger and asked everyone in a deep voice.

He knew very well that the Longxia tribe would definitely have a backup plan next.

As long as those warships are in place, I am afraid that the other side will jump to the Ertu tribe and the surrounding tribes will start to attack them, and once they reach that point, they will become the target of public criticism.

Now facing the Laxi tribe equipped with 051C guided drives, their navy is already very stretched. Under the huge pressure, many sailors choose to retire early rather than risk their lives on the battlefield.

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