I built an armada

Chapter 198 The Varyag is released

Those on stage have received fierce criticism from the opposition parties and many people in society.

If things continue like this, they may be impeached by the parliament and be driven out of office en masse.

Unexpectedly, they just followed the arrangement of the Eagle Tribe and seized the Longxia Tribe's Varyag aircraft carrier. A shabby-looking ship would cause them such huge trouble.

Emil no longer dared to think any further.

To be honest, he was scared and timid!

They have not yet received relevant benefits from the Eagle Tribe. The other party promised to give them, but they did not know the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Even after two or three minutes, no one in the audience spoke. They all remained silent. If they could not raise their heads, they would definitely not.

It can be said that how arrogant they were before, how embarrassed they are now.

"Why don't you speak? Are you dumb?"

"Do I raise you all just for food?"

"Talk to me, what should we do now?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Emil became extremely angry. He clenched his fists and wanted to pull these people out and beat them up.

He feels very useless now.

Just pure incompetent rage!

"Sir, I think we have no way out."

"The Longxia tribe will definitely incite the damn Laxi tribe and other tribes to launch a comprehensive siege on us."

"The Longxia tribe exported many advanced warships to our surrounding hostile tribes."

"Our navy no longer has any advantage."

Nazim finally raised his head, looked towards Emil, took the lead in breaking the deadlock, and spoke slowly.

The current situation is the most dangerous for the Ertu tribe. If it is not handled well, the Ertu tribe will encounter a series of problems.

The Longxia tribe's sale of maritime weapons and equipment to many tribes in the central region is just the beginning.

There is no worse situation for them.

"Sir, we have blocked the Varyag and there is no use for it."

"It has become a negative asset for us. We need to get rid of it and find another opportunity to benefit from the Longxia tribe."

"Once the hostile tribes in the central region are equipped, it will not be a good thing for us."

Mustafa also spoke. Now for the Ertu tribe, letting go has become the first option. Otherwise, the situation will become more serious later.

They were able to benefit from the Eagle Tribe when they blocked the old aircraft carrier Varyag.

But now they didn't get the benefits, but got the disadvantages instead.

It’s necessary to give in and let go!

Emil was a little unhappy after hearing the words of the two successful generals, but he had no better choice.

If the Eagle Tribe was willing to help, why would they be as distressed as they are now?

Judging from all aspects of intelligence, the Eagle Tribe, the Judah Tribe, and even many Europa Tribes all intervened.

However, in the central region, ever since the Tesha Tribe made its start, and the Laxi Tribe dispatched and purchased the 051C guided-drive anti-ship missile that sank their 100,000-ton super-large oil tanker, everything was like opening a Pandora's box. It just can't be shut down anymore.

What made him most unhappy was that the weapons and equipment exported by the Longxia tribe did not undergo any castration. On the contrary, they were willing to provide customized services according to the needs of customers to meet their specific needs.

And the warships they imported from the Eagle Tribe were all scraps!

If the obsolete products were not discounted, they might have thought more carefully, but instead they were all discounted, more than a third.

It is not wrong to say that those warships are modern.

But what's the use of a discounted warship?

Totally useless.

Relying on Western tribes is really unreliable!

In fact, the customized services provided by Longxia Tribe made him extremely excited.

For less money, you can get more advanced weapon systems from the Longxia tribe, and even a three-year-old child will make the right choice.

"Do you have any other opinions?"

"To tell you the truth, the Eagle Tribe does not agree to help us upgrade warship weapons and equipment."

"Now before us, the central region is no longer suppressed by the Eagle Tribe. They have obtained more advanced weapon systems from the Longxia Tribe."

Emil hesitated for a moment and finally made a decision in his heart, but he still wanted to see other people's opinions.

The rest of the people all remained silent. They didn't want to be the one who stood out and became the target of public criticism.

"Since you have no objection, then we will release the Varyag."

"Maritime Affairs Department, please make arrangements. On the day of passing through the strait, all channels will be closed to allow the aircraft carrier to pass."

"Mustafa, go and communicate with the Longxia tribe on various matters."

Emil quickly made relevant arrangements. They must cut this negative asset as quickly as possible to ensure that they can get out of the quagmire.

But giving in like that really made him a little annoyed.

Then I thought about it, why not take the opportunity to get certain benefits from the Longxia tribe?

If a busy channel like the Strait is closed, a lot of losses will be incurred in one day, and it is impossible for them to do voluntary work.

"Nazim, are we showing weakness by letting him go like this?"

"By the way, the Longxia tribe has a long-range rocket launcher, right?"

Emil was unwilling to give up, and then he came up with an idea. He wanted to obtain the maximum benefit for the Ertu tribe, and even submitted a certificate of honor to the Western tribe to show their loyalty to the Ertu tribe.

"Sir, the Longxia tribe's long-range rocket launcher technology is indeed top-notch on Blue Star."

"If we introduce them, we can double our army's combat power."

"The performance of this long-range rocket launcher is very good. The diameter of the projectile is 406 millimeters, the maximum range is 360 kilometers, and the killing radius is more than 450 meters. The weight of the warhead is 150 kilograms."

"Once we introduce it, it gives the Army a long-range lethality weapon."

Nazim quickly read out the relevant data about the Guardian-1B long-range rocket launcher system produced by the Longxia tribe from a document, looked at it and told it directly.

This is the suggestion he made to Emil last time. When he was on the Kavalag aircraft carrier, he could put forward the conditions for the introduction of relevant weapons and equipment to the Longxia tribe.

No matter what, as long as they can get benefits, they will continue to loot from the Longxia tribe.

"Then it's settled, Mustafa."

"You also heard that we have to make relevant requests to the Longxia tribe."

"We are willing to let them go, but they also need to provide us with certain compensation, and we can fully cooperate with them to cross the strait."

Emil was very satisfied with his decision, turned to look at Mustafa, and said seriously.


Mustafa gladly accepted the order.

It was impossible for the Ertu tribe to unilaterally announce the release of the Varyag aircraft carrier, but instead sent Mustafa to personally go to the Longxia tribe embassy.

After meeting with the ambassador, Mustafa put forward the relevant requirements.

Relevant news soon spread to the Longxia tribe.

Beijing, Navy Headquarters Building.

In a spacious and elegant office, an old man in navy uniform was sitting at his desk reviewing relevant documents.

The integrated military factory expansion project is in full swing, and related personnel recruitment has also begun in full swing.

It seemed that everything was going very smoothly.

"Relieve anger!"

"After going abroad and working for an enemy country, you are an enemy. If you encounter such a person, you must kill him!"

"Just listen and relieve your anger!"

After reviewing the report submitted by Sun Yongguo, Liu Huaming felt an indescribable sense of pleasure when looking at the contents.

He knew very well that the Longxia Tribe had launched a wave of studying abroad since the early 1990s, and the Eagle Tribe was the first to bear the brunt. Many Longxia Tribe talents were contributing to the growth of the Eagle Tribe.

Relatively speaking, this is just a small group of people.

The real talent pool is within the tribe as Su Ding commented.

Most people in the Longxia tribe still have their native accent unchanged. They love this land deeply and are willing to contribute their own strength to the strength of the tribe.

"Chief, the ambassador has sent news."

At this time, the secretary hurried into the office and reported the truth.

"what news?"

Liu Huaming asked expressionlessly.

"The Turkish tribe is willing to release the Varyag aircraft carrier, and they are also willing to close the strait on the day of shipment to help us pass through the strait safely."

"But they also put forward relevant conditions, requiring us to unconditionally transfer core technologies related to the Guardian-1B long-range rocket launcher."

After listening to the secretary's detailed report, Liu Huaming fell into deep thought.

I have to say that he was actually very angry, and the Ertu tribe went too far.

Previously, they listened to the Eagle Tribe and detained the Varyag aircraft carrier for no reason and prohibited it from passing through the strait. For this reason, they also put forward a series of extremely harsh conditions.

And now, they can't stand the pressure anymore, so they give in?

Even if they give in, they actually want to reach out to them for weapons and equipment.

"Promise them."

"Isn't it just a guard-code 1B?"

"Tell them to start specific consignment negotiations as soon as possible."

After pondering for a long time, Liu Huaming decisively agreed. The Varyag aircraft carrier was too important to the Longxia tribe, and it could be handed over to Su Dingping for modification and upgrade.

He believed that it wouldn't be long before the Longxia tribe would successfully enter the aircraft carrier club and become one of the few aircraft carrier players in Blue Star.

Yes, it was Su Dingping who gave him the confidence!

Besides, the Longxia tribe has no shortage of advanced rocket launcher technology.

More advanced rocket launchers with longer range and higher accuracy are being studied, and the Army already has relevant good news.

So what if it was exported to the Ertu tribe?


The secretary took the order and left.

Immediately, Liu Huaming called the commanders of the three fleets, and even called Xue Shuai.

Soon a high-level meeting within the navy was held, and the only topic discussed was how to safely transport the scrapped aircraft carrier Varyag back to the Longxia tribe from the Western Sea.

Returning from the Western Sea of ​​​​Shihai, we have to go around the Cape of Good Hope. There are many people on the way, and we have to prevent the enemy from causing sabotage.

Of course, this is not something the Navy can handle independently.

Therefore, relevant persons in charge of the transportation department and shipping experts were invited to the meeting.

"The Ertu tribe has agreed to release our Varyag."

"This is good news for us. The century-old aircraft carrier dream can finally take a solid step."

"Next, we will discuss the consignment."

"Our navy can provide full escort to prevent the enemy from causing sabotage, but if it is transported over such a long distance."

Having said this, Liu Huaming was silent for a while, with a hint of bitterness on his face.

"It's a shame to say that we had no relevant experience when we came here."

"Secondly, there are no large tugs available."

"In terms of consignment, please also ask relevant comrades in the transportation department to pay more attention."

From the beginning, Liu Huaming made it clear that the navy's development in the past few years was too lagging behind, and there was no large-tonnage tugboat that could be used, let alone such a giant ocean-going ship.

For them, this is an extremely difficult task.

As for escort, the navy can dispatch shield ships, and the Northern Fleet will organize relevant warships to go to dangerous places and escort them all the way back.

“Easy to say, it’s all about doing things for the tribe, and we are willing to contribute.

The person in charge of the transportation department was also very forthcoming and expressed his position directly.

Thinking that the Longxia tribe had its own aircraft carrier, he, the head of the administrative department, was happy from the bottom of his heart. Naturally, he had the money and strength to contribute.

After some discussions, relevant consignment plans were quickly formulated. The transportation department dispatched dozens of tugboats and large freighters to the Black Sea to carry out consignment activities.

As for the Army, in order to be able to welcome back the Varyag, they readily agreed to transfer the Guardian-1B long-range rocket launcher system.

Even though the Longxia tribe acted very quickly and dispatched a strong shipping team, the journey was long, unpredictable events occurred along the way, and the tugboat was slow.

Naturally, it is impossible to consign the Varyag back in ten days and a half. It is expected to take at least half a year before it can arrive.

On the other side, inside the Integrated Military Factory Research Institute.

Su Dingping once again entered the military industrial illustration forging space to do the final debugging work on the 052D guided missile destroyer.

Mainly concentrated on the single-barreled 130MM naval gun at the bow of the ship.

This is the most powerful weaponry of a warship. In addition to bombarding the ship, it can also provide fire support to the landing troops.

The importance of naval guns is self-evident, and this is something Su Dingping attaches special importance to.

This is a newly developed H/PJ-38 single-barreled naval gun with a maximum rate of fire of 40 rounds/minute.

It can launch a variety of ammunition such as grenades, explosive bombs, artillery-launched missiles, rocket gliding guided artillery shells, etc., and has a maximum range of 29.5 kilometers when launching ordinary artillery shells.

When launching rocket gliding guided artillery shells, its maximum range can reach 120 kilometers. Its comprehensive firepower is equivalent to an artillery battalion of the army. It is the most excellent large-caliber naval gun in the world.

It can be said that its firepower far exceeds the 100MM naval gun equipped on the 052C shield ship!

It is an important symbol that clearly distinguishes 052D from 052C, in order to give 052D a more powerful firepower strike capability.

After mass production, the number has increased, and I am afraid that the Eagle Tribe Navy will be worried about how to deal with it when it sees it.

The new generation of "Star" combat command system has a high-throughput encrypted data link system, has the ability to communicate with the three armed forces, and can also efficiently exchange data with airborne early warning aircraft.

In war, 052D is not just a surface ship, but an information node.

It can be linked with numerous weapons and equipment to build an integrated combat system, and can also allow missiles on warships to hit farther and more accurately.

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