I built an armada

Chapter 206 Shocked the Whole World

Whether it is the White Bear Tribe or other tribes in the central region, they all realize that the war is getting closer to the Keyi Tribe.

They must also be prepared for war to come.

Early next morning.

People are still asleep as usual, and the lights in the city are still so bright and dazzling, showing the prosperity and vitality of the city.

In the bar, fast-paced music roared, and young men and women were twisting and screaming inside.

It's like a happy scene.

Everyone is so happy and they live their lives as usual.

For them, this kind of time is the most relaxing and most comfortable.

After working so hard during the day, they finally had a moment of respite of their own, where they could sing and dance to their heart's content.

This is their daily life, enjoying their free time and not being oppressed like the Western media who spread rumors and cause trouble.

As ordinary people, they are happy.

"Woo, woo..."

Suddenly, at this moment, bursts of rapid air-raid sirens sounded over the city, completely tearing the silence of the night into pieces.

They had heard relevant reports from TV stations and radios before, and immediately knew that the Kayi tribe was suffering from an aggressive war launched by a coalition of tribes led by the Eagle Tribe.

More than ten years ago, they fought against a multi-tribal coalition led by the Eagle Tribe. They failed, but they still survived.

Even in that war, the invaders did not achieve their war goals!

But this time they are making a comeback, hoping to completely overthrow the Kayi tribal authorities and push the tribe back into dire straits.

The piercing sound of air raid sirens woke up all the sleeping people.

Each of them looked horrified, and hurriedly climbed out of bed, hugged their children, pulled their wives with them, and rushed downstairs.

Yes, they were terrified.

Fortunately, the superiors informed them of their hiding place in advance, otherwise they would have had to wait for death in their own homes.

The Kayi tribe once experienced a war, but that was more than ten years ago. Many people have even forgotten it, but there are still many people who remember it clearly.

On the dark ocean surface, on a 100,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, maintenance personnel wearing vests of various colors were busy on the deck.

Under the command of the light signal, the F14 fighter jet has been steadily parked at the initial position of the catapult, and the front wheel has been hung on the catapult slide rail.

"take off!"

As the takeoff assistant pressed the ejection button, the F14 fighter jet exploded towards the front of the deck like an arrow off the string, and its speed quickly soared from zero to more than 200 kilometers.

The engine roared, and at the end, the fighter jet soared into the sky and disappeared into the dark night soon.

The reporter on the deck happened to film this scene.

For them, the aircraft carrier and the surrounding attached ships are the strongest combat power of Blue Star, and they are also the bargaining chip for the Eagle Tribe to dominate Blue Star.

On the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, all the vertical hair system covers located on the front deck are opened.


As flames soared into the sky, a Tomahawk cruise missile burst out of the crater, spraying out blazing tail flames. If you look carefully, there are Mach rings on it, one after another, very spectacular!

After completing the turn in the air, the Tomahawk cruise missile exploded in the direction of the Kayi tribe.

This is the three-way attack by the Eagle Tribe and the coalition forces. Cruise missiles and precision-guided bombs destroy the enemy's radar stations and important air defense bases. Then follow-up fighter planes take off to conduct air strikes on strategic targets such as power plants.

For these western tribes, their lives are very valuable.

They will not sympathize and pity people from other tribes, and will bomb those tribes indiscriminately, regardless of the life and death of ordinary people.

the next day.

The armed forces of the western tribes, headed by the Eagle Tribe, launched an attack on the Keyi Tribe in shock.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a sensation throughout Blue Star!

In order to promote the perceived legitimacy and powerful armed forces of this event, the Eagle Tribe made extensive use of its own media, and even specially invited relevant reporters to conduct interviews on the aircraft carrier.

This is the usual trick of the Eagle Tribe, which is to let the whole world know that the Eagle Tribe has powerful military power.

Any tribe that challenges them or opposes them will be attacked with force!

In this era, the Eagle Tribe is still at its peak. Whether it is military strength or comprehensive national strength, it ranks first in Blue Star. It naturally has the ambition to dominate the world.

The purpose of launching the second war against the Keyi tribe is to completely eliminate this tribal authority and turn this place into a stronghold for the Eagle tribe to control the entire central region!

They had been planning for this day for a long time, and today was just a matter of putting it into practice.

Watching the air raid footage broadcast on the TV news, many people fell into contemplation and panic. They once again witnessed the power of the Eagle Tribe.

This is destined to be a high-tech war, and it is also a one-sided war.

If people had no concept of modern warfare more than ten years ago, they would have thought that the Kayi tribe's millions of troops would be able to drag the Eagle tribe into the quagmire of war, causing huge casualties to the Eagle army.

So today, no one will doubt that the final victor of the war is the Eagle Tribe!

Because from the beginning, this was a war with unequal strengths!

All of a sudden, both the internal and external networks of the tribe were boiling, just like boiling water. The Second Kayi Tribal War directly shot to the top of the hot search list.

In other words, the top few are all about this war.

"Watts, the Eagle Tribe's attack started right away. It was not expected at all."

"It seems that the Keyi tribe cannot withstand it for a few days. The Eagle tribe's military strength is too strong. The two sides are not fighting on the same order of magnitude. There is no suspense about the outcome of the war."

"The chief of the Kayi tribe still called on the whole people to fight, but can this be won by the whole people's fighting? They wouldn't have sent out ground troops from the beginning, right?"

"I have prayed for the Kayi tribe. I hope they can survive."

No matter who they are, they are not optimistic about the Kayi tribe, and have even predicted the outcome of the war, which means that the Kayi tribe authorities will be completely disarmed.

I have to say that this is a tragedy for a tribe.

So, there is no quiet time in this world, it's just that some people are carrying a heavy burden and moving forward.

If a tribe does not have a strong armed force or the means to resist invasion, no matter how developed its economy is, in the eyes of those evil wolves, it is just a fattened pig. They can rush over as long as they are hungry. Eat this fat pig till it's all gone.

Even the bones are used to make soup.

It also makes people see the cruelty of war. Modern war missiles open the way and fighter planes carry out air strikes. They will not give you any chance of close combat at all. You will be thinking about how to resist the invasion and kill the opponent all day long.

That also requires the other party to show up.

The Eagle Tribe and its allies would not send a single soldier into the Keyi Tribe once the war started. They would just use these long-range strike forces to carry out indiscriminate bombing.

Over the years, the Kayi tribe has indeed built up its military strength, but they have been sanctioned by the Eagle Tribe and the Western Tribal Camp and cannot purchase the most advanced air defense systems at all.

In addition, the Eagle Tribe Intelligence Bureau secretly trained a large number of agents and spies, and they all activated at this time like time bombs, carrying out unscrupulous destruction in the dark.

For them, they don't care about the life and death of the Keyi tribe. They only need to obtain benefits and sell their souls for money and benefits!

A rather strange scene also appeared. The Eagle Tribe and the coalition forces continued to attack the Keyi Tribe, but no tribe on Blue Star stood up to accuse or stop them.

This is the cruel reality!

No tribe would fight for other tribes and the Eagle Tribe. At most, they would just speak up.

Longxia tribe.


In a certain compound, the spacious and bright conference hall was brightly lit.

All the chiefs from the three armies were gathered here. It was truly a gathering of generals. Everyone looked solemn and no one spoke.

They are waiting quietly.

On the wall directly opposite the chief position is a large screen displaying computer desktop icons.

"stand up!"

At this time, a loud command was given, and everyone stood up, so tall and tall.

Soon Xue Shuai walked in from the door with a serious expression.

He walked straight to the chief position, sat down, and motioned for everyone to sit down.

"Everyone, please watch the video before the meeting."

"The Eagle Tribe has launched military operations against the Keyi Tribe, and the second war has begun."

"The first war woke us all up and made us realize what modern warfare is and what warfare under high-tech conditions is."

"Today, what we are going to look at is the latest progress in military technology made by the Eagle Tribe over the years."

Xue Shuai got straight to the point and his voice was extremely loud. He needed to let every military boss present know how cruel modern warfare is.

The first war in the central region completely made the Longxia Tribe realize how huge the gap was with the strongest Blue Star. From that time on, all three armies of the Longxia Tribe were accelerating scientific research and engaging in information warfare.

It completely woke up the Longxia tribe from top to bottom, making them realize how huge the gap was between them and the Eagle tribe.

However, more than ten years have passed, and although the Longxia tribe has made some progress in national defense construction, there is still a big gap between it and the strongest Blue Star.

Everyone knows very well that a large gap means falling behind, and falling behind means being beaten!

The Longxia tribe’s more than one hundred years of experience and lessons illustrate this point extremely profoundly!

Without advanced national defense, there would be no strong tribe.

Dignity is only on the edge of the sword, and truth is only within the range of the cannon!

This is the eternal truth!

If military expenditures are not used for national defense construction, why should they be used for war reparations?

"We still have a huge technological generation gap with our strong competitors."

"Everyone, take a good look."

After Xue Shuai finished speaking, he immediately instructed the staff to turn on the computer and play the war footage captured by the frontline personnel, as well as the aircraft carrier combat footage captured by Eagle Tribe reporters.

This is a complete video, far more real and cruel than what ordinary people see in the news or on TV.

Various high-tech fighter jets, B2 stealth bombers, various Aegis destroyers, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and other advanced equipment were all displayed in front of everyone.

In this war against the Kayi tribe, the air force and navy still played a vital role.

The first round of strikes were various Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from naval ships, as well as long-range precision guided munitions dropped by fighter planes. The radars and air defense positions deployed in the territory of the Kayi tribe were easily destroyed as if they were undefended.

In the battle footage transmitted back from the fighter planes, the fighter planes of the Kayi Tribe were shot down by air-to-air missiles before they even met the Eagle Tribe's fighter planes.

The half-hour video content was played quickly.

The advanced battleships one after another made Liu Huaming unable to let go for a long time. The most advanced Longxia tribe currently is the 052C built under the leadership of Su Dingping.

But even so, they still feel like they have found a treasure!

The Eagle Tribe's lowest equipment is the Aegis ship. They surround the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and build an airtight fortress to keep out all dangers.

This is the gap!

In future wars, enemies will only come from the sea, and the navy will bear the brunt of the resistance!

Without advanced warships, how can we fight against the enemy?

The current combat effectiveness of the Longxia tribe's navy is not even as strong as that of the Donghuang tribe's navy. Their equipment has developed to King Kong level, and their technology is becoming more and more advanced.

The vertical hair system has even been used on a large scale to build a longer-range strike force.

It seems that naval construction has a long way to go.

However, when everyone saw the Eagle Tribe dispatching stealth bombers, they were far less shocked than they were more than ten years ago. Instead, they felt it was very ordinary.

Anti-stealth radars have begun to be deployed in large quantities, and long-range detection has been carried out in various important areas, monitoring every move of the surrounding tribes at all times.

"Everyone, you have all seen it."

"This is modern high-tech warfare, and the gap between us is not small."

"Especially for the navy, second-generation ships are still the main force."

"Those warships have no way of fighting. Once an armed conflict breaks out, we will suffer."

Xue Shuai looked at everyone and said expressionlessly that he was also worried about the navy now. He couldn't let go until a powerful maritime fleet was built.

"Xue Shuai, our navy has launched three 052C, a new generation of shield ships."

"They all have vertical launch capabilities, but their range is shorter and they cannot hit cruise missiles."

"However, the second batch of 052Cs are equipped with more advanced anti-stealth radars, and their overall combat capabilities have been improved, but they are still a little less interesting than Arleigh Burke."

When he saw Xue Shuai's look, Liu Huaming immediately made a report and specially took out 052C for the report.

This battleship is the only one that can be used.

The construction of the navy has been stagnant for a long time due to military expenditure reasons. It has not been able to launch a warship for more than ten years, and it has to endure all kinds of cowardice.

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