I built an armada

Chapter 207 There is still a gap between the First Navy and the First Navy

Even now there are still people saying all kinds of sarcastic things!

They are just like the navy must not engage in construction. It is best not to launch a modern warship.

In their eyes, it is impossible for the Eagle Tribe to attack the Longxia Tribe. To put it bluntly, if one day they really attack, then surrender, since they have made so much money anyway.

There is no shortage of surrender factions in any tribe!

"Almost mean?"

"Then you should step up the construction. In terms of funds, I will give you enough funds!"

Having said this, Xue Shuai turned to look at the two military leaders of the Army and Air Force, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What do you two think?"

Military spending has been growing, but it is still very limited. After all, they had too many debts before, so they had to invest more funds in some construction.

As a result, the funds allocated to the three armed forces will naturally not be too much.

The situation of more monks and less meat has not been fundamentally changed, and competition naturally still exists.

However, the three armies of the Longxia Tribe will not be like the Eagle Tribe, where the various armies will fight fiercely for funds.

For the three armed forces of the sea, land and air force, they are all a unit, and they all eat from the same pot. There is no frenzied competition between brothers who are at odds with each other.

"Chief, I have no objection. The Navy does owe too much."

"The enemy cannot be stopped at sea. It is no longer appropriate to let the enemy in and fight again as before."

"We must stop the enemy at sea and destroy them!"

The head of the army was the first to speak. In his opinion, times have changed. There are a large number of economically developed cities in the coastal areas. Once they are destroyed, it will be a huge loss.

So now, the navy must stand up and block the enemy at sea.

"Well, you seem to understand."

"Take this plan back and study it carefully. The missile force also needs to have a trump card."

"Get me a ballistic missile capable of hitting an aircraft carrier!"

Xue Shuai nodded slightly, then took out a bulging cowhide bag from his handbag and handed it over, explaining the matter very seriously.

His report was submitted to Liu Huaming by Su Dingping, and Liu Huaming handed it in immediately after reading it.

For the Longxia tribe, all three armies must have their own killer weapons.

Especially at present, the Longxia tribe has very profound attainments in the field of missiles, so it is natural to give full play to this heritage.

The failure of the Soviet Union's attempt does not necessarily mean that the Longxia tribe cannot do it.


The army chief was startled and was stunned for several seconds. Then he came back to his senses and quickly took the bag and responded seriously.

Ballistic missiles hit aircraft carriers.

It's really a brand new topic, they have never thought about it before.

Since Xue Shuai has handed over even the relevant information to himself, doesn't it mean that he already has a research direction and an idea, but who came up with this plan is too brave, right?

"If you don't understand anything, you can communicate with Comrade Hua Ming."

"I hope to get it done as soon as possible."

"We need to create at least two versions, a land-based version and a sea-based version."

Xue Shuai then said that the army is the foundation and must not be given up. We must have the killer weapon.

To carry out asymmetric operations in the future, area denial capabilities must be developed.

While the navy is at the front, the army must also take action in the rear. If one missile is not enough, then a few more missiles must be fired to provide long-range fire support for the navy.

In modern warfare, who the hell wants to fight you alone with a single arm?

The three armies have always fought together, focusing on three-dimensional offense and defense, and comprehensive combat!

These words directly shocked the Army leaders to the point of being extremely confused, and they were even more confused.

I have absolutely no idea what this means.

Why are you still looking for cooperation with the navy? Why don't you ask Liu Huaming?

When did Liu Huaming become an expert in missiles?


Even though he had many doubts in his heart, the army chief still took the order very simply.

"What about your Air Force?"

"What do you think?"

Xue Shuai then turned to look at the Air Force and asked expressionlessly.

"We fully support it."

"Navy science and technology really needs to strengthen its research. To safeguard maritime rights and interests, our air force alone cannot do it."

"Ultimately a large number of advanced warships will be needed."

The commander of the Air Force responded quickly. The combat radius of the Air Force's fighter planes was not large, and it was far from being as far away as a warship. To fight a naval battle, it still needed to be on a warship.

If the navy cannot withstand it, the air force alone cannot withstand the enemy's repeated attacks.

What's more, as powerful as the Eagle Tribe, they not only have warships, but also many bases deployed in the surrounding areas. These alone bring huge pressure to the air force.

"very good."

"This, you take, is the technology transferred by the Navy, the Land Shield 2000 system and the Hongqi 900 air defense missile."

"I'm very happy that you all can give your full support."

"Talk about the overall situation and be reasonable."

Xue Shuai took out another cowhide bag and passed it to the Air Force commander. The relevant technologies inside were urgently needed by the Air Force's air defense force.

First there were anti-stealth radars, and now there are advanced surface-to-air missiles and close-in defense artillery.

If these three advanced weapon systems are used together, they can form an air defense umbrella to protect the safety of the Longxia tribe.

"After you get it, organize manpower to tackle the problem as soon as possible."

"If you don't understand, you can ask the Navy for help."


Hearing these words, the Air Force chief was extremely horrified.

It is understandable that the Air Force would ask the Navy for help. Previously, the Navy prepared to use these two technologies to produce equipment in exchange for money, but even the Army has to ask the Navy for help.

Doesn't this mean that both major military services have to seek help from the navy?

When did the Navy become the place where high technology broke out among the three armed forces? How did they master so many high technologies at once?

Something is wrong.

Something is so wrong.


Despite the turmoil in his heart, the Air Force chief still accepted the order happily.

I took the opportunity to bring over the relevant information. The thick stack was really scary. If I organized people to study it, it would probably take a long time to read it all.

The international situation is very tense now, and he must organize manpower as soon as possible after returning.

The Navy has made breakthroughs in all core technologies. As long as they are given time, they can mass-produce them immediately. If they cannot do it, it will be really embarrassing.

As the chief of the Air Force, he really couldn't afford to lose this person!

"Since you two have no objections."

"Then next, I will declare a discipline."

"In the future, funding will be tilted towards the navy to fully support the navy's technical research and shipbuilding."

"The aircraft carrier is coming back soon. The Navy has made a decision to continue building it. This is another huge expense."

Having said this, Xue Shuai paused for a moment, picked up the tea cup and took a sip to moisten his throat, and then looked towards the Air Force again.

"There are two things that require your full support."

"First, carrier-based aircraft, mainly fixed-wing fighters, should be studied together with the navy to come up with relevant plans as soon as possible. We cannot wait until the aircraft carriers are rebuilt and the fighters have not yet come out."

"Second, pilot."

"To form an aircraft carrier fleet, you will naturally need qualified carrier-based aircraft pilots, and you must provide unconditional support."

"No objection?"

This was the first time that Xue Shuai revealed to everyone that the Longxia tribe was going to build an aircraft carrier, which immediately caused a sensation among everyone present.

Aircraft carriers are extremely large projects, and they concern more than just the Navy.

The Navy is not the only one who dreams of aircraft carriers.

It can be said that as long as you are a member of the Longxia tribe, you will have the dream of an aircraft carrier, regardless of the military branch.

Even in order to build an aircraft carrier, many ordinary people from the Longxia tribe made money to contribute to the army.

It can be said that owning an aircraft carrier has become an obsession for everyone in the Longxia tribe!

What's more, the Varyag aircraft carrier is already on its way home, and it can take as long as half a year, or as short as a few months.

"Chief, do we really want to continue building aircraft carriers?"

"Needless to say, whoever is needed will be selected directly, carrier-based aircraft, and I will ask the aviation department to conduct research after returning."

"We will definitely support it."

The Air Force chief couldn't suppress the ecstasy in his heart and said straightforwardly.

To help realize the century-old aircraft carrier dream, the Air Force must do its best to help. How much humiliation comes from the sea?

"Chief, what can our army do?"

"We cannot be absent from the continued construction of the aircraft carrier. We must join in it."

Not to be outdone, the army chief quickly interjected. This is a good thing for thousands of years. If you don't participate in it, what do you call it?

Xue Shuai was very happy to see such enthusiasm from the Air Force and Army.

The feasibility report on the renewal of the Varyag has been submitted by Liu Huaming, which gathered the opinions of many experts from the Navy and Su Dingping.

It would be great to be able to build the Varyag into the first aircraft carrier of the Longxia tribe. Not to mention the rapid process, the army can have an aircraft carrier in the shortest possible time.

The purpose of the first aircraft carrier will naturally not be for combat, but as a seed to cultivate a large number of talents for subsequent aircraft carrier development and improve the production supporting chain of the Longxia tribe.

The other side.

Integrated military factory.

Relevant news naturally reached here. Su Dingping simply gave everyone an afternoon off and organized everyone to watch relevant news videos, as well as relevant internal videos.

For these military workers, this war under high-tech conditions in the central region was also an event of extremely profound significance.

It is big enough to change the life choices of many people, and it is also related to the future direction of the integrated military factory.

We can see some clues about how future naval battles will be fought.

After spending more than half an hour, I finally finished reading it.

Everyone has a complex state of mind that is difficult to calm down.

No one spoke.

They could see clearly that the gap between the Navy and Blue Star's top power was really too big.

The Eagle Tribe is using advanced weapons and equipment, but they haven't even developed them yet.

Fortunately, there is Su Dingping.

Otherwise, they still think 051C is advanced.

I don’t know that it will take the year of the monkey and the month of the horse to come up with 052C.

And now, 052D is conducting collective research on key problems!

"Have you finished reading it all?"

"This is what naval battles will look like in the future. Our opponents are so powerful."

"Aircraft carriers, carrier-based attack aircraft, carrier-based early warning aircraft, search and rescue helicopters and other support aircraft. There are also many warships, almost all of which are Aegis ships."

"There are also attack nuclear submarines under the water."

"These are equipment that our navy lacks and urgently needed weapons."

"I still say the same thing, we must have what the Eagle Tribe has, and we must be more advanced than them, because we have the advantage of being a latecomer and we have our own wisdom."

"Of course, I want to have what the Eagle Tribe doesn't have."

"For example, they currently do not have supersonic anti-ship missiles, so we must equip them."

Su Dingping said categorically that the purpose of organizing everyone to watch is to let everyone understand that the burden on everyone's shoulders is very heavy.

It is so serious that no one will be able to stop for a long time in the future, and must always tighten the string of scientific research.

The Longxia Tribe Navy has too many debts.

The most advanced battleship, no.

Super silent submarine, no.

There are no advanced aircraft carriers either.

It can be said that the lack of equipment is so much that it almost makes people despair.

Since its establishment, the integrated military factory has assumed the important task of developing advanced weapons and equipment for the navy and the three armed forces, so no one can back down in the slightest.

Very cruel, but very realistic!

He must make everyone realize reality.

There is no way, the world is so cruel, and the enemy is so cruel.

If you don’t want to be a slave to the country’s subjugation, you must immerse yourself in forging swords for the country!

Just like having nuclear weapons but not using them, and not having nuclear weapons are two completely different things.

With nuclear weapons, the enemy would not dare to act rashly and would act in fear of using nuclear weapons against them. But without nuclear weapons, would the enemy still have any scruples?

If the navy does not have an advanced fleet, will the enemy still be concerned?

"There is no way, being behind is such a cruel reality."

"Therefore, what I want to tell you is that we will spend our whole life doing the work of three generations and work hard to build advanced warships."

"What our military workers have to do is to provide advanced weapons for the navy and the army, and prevent soldiers from fighting with outdated weapons and using their flesh and blood as bullets."

Before anyone could speak, Su Dingping said again, unwavering!

He wants to inspire everyone to work towards a goal.

Because the enemy really does not have much time left for the Longxia tribe. If the integrated military factory cannot produce a large number of advanced equipment, I am afraid there will be nothing that can resist the enemy's attack.

The war in the central region once again proved that the enemy is cruel and ruthless!

The sonorous and powerful words stirred up everyone's hearts, making everyone's blood boil, and their fighting spirit was instantly filled, just like a shot of chicken blood.

Although there are ideological and political studies in the integrated military factory on weekdays, it is far from as direct as this brutal war.

One cannot keep working hard all the time, but one must also look up at the sky from time to time.

Looking at the sky is a process of encouraging yourself, and it is also a process of reaffirming your goals, so that you will not lose yourself and always maintain your original intention.

This is especially true for integrated military factories.

More and more people will gather here, and it is necessary to take classes from time to time to boost morale and guide everyone towards the goal continuously, thus forming a joint force.

Time flies so fast, March is over in a blink of an eye.

In early April, the new issue of "Military Intelligence One-on-One" on Yangma's Farming and Military Channel was officially broadcast.

After the host finished his opening remarks, the TV program played hot military videos as usual.

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