I built an armada

Chapter 208 The Navy releases recruitment video

However, what was played today was not the current hot military news as usual, but a Navy recruitment video.

"Military Intelligence One-on-One" is a very popular program, and it is a must-see program for many military fans. They always get more useful information through this program.

The majority of military fans are always paying attention to the military technology development of the Longxia tribe, especially the navy.

The navy, which has been unable to launch a single warship for decades, has naturally gained sympathy and pity from everyone, and can also understand the unfair treatment the navy has suffered in these years.

No matter what kind of warships the navy produces, as long as the tonnage increases, it will require a lot of money to support it, and the results will be very slow. One ship or two ships will not see any effect at all.

When compared with the enemy's huge fleet, it is still at a disadvantage.

It is precisely because of this huge and terrifying investment that the navy has become a repulsive service during a period of insufficient military spending.

After all, with the money used to produce a large warship, you can buy tanks for the army and equip at least one regiment. If you buy aircraft, you can buy at least a few.

Entering the 21st century, this difference has become more obvious and the gap has become even wider.

It often costs tens to tens of billions to build a warship, which can easily arm an air force brigade.

Oh my god.

They had been puzzled by the sudden navy recruitment news broadcast on the evening news, and the argument was red-faced, and even reached the point of having an offline sword debate.

I never expected that today there would be a special episode dedicated to broadcasting and explaining the recruitment situation of the Navy.

At this moment.

On the Jagged Forum, the moderator was the first to notice the unusual changes in today's "Military Intelligence One-on-One" and immediately highlighted and pinned this message.

"Everyone, there is a big revelation in the one-on-one military situation. The Navy released a recruitment video and invited Colonel Zhang Zhaoxin to give a lecture."

"Breaking news about one-on-one military intelligence. The Navy has released a new recruitment video. Go watch it."

Two consecutive articles, directly in bold font, were hung very eye-catchingly on the home page, calling on all military fans and many people to go and watch.

His operation directly made "Military Intelligence One-on-One" the most popular program in this period.

On weekdays, Colonel Zhang Zhaoxin's various remarks, such as kelp preventing submarines, winding propellers, and a series of sober and refined remarks, made him the director of the War Ignorance Bureau.

In a dormitory at Yenching University.

All four of the rare people in the dormitory were here, and no one went out to play or go to the library.

As the highest institution of higher education in the Longxia tribe, it gathers the top scorers in the college entrance examination from the entire tribe, or students with outstanding academic performance. They are the boys and girls in the eyes of their parents, and even more so in the eyes of others.

They gathered thousands of favors into one body, and all kinds of resources were tilted towards them, making them the proud sons of heaven.

After entering here, they have access to the best knowledge of the Longxia tribe and have the best professors and teachers, but they are the ones who are most profoundly affected by the trend of studying abroad.

The number of people who study abroad but never come back every year reaches a terrifying scale.

Even the Eagle Tribe has formed its own circle, with tens of thousands of people.

Zhao Jianguo was influenced by this trend and came up with the idea of ​​studying abroad. He even asked his parents to rush around, just to study abroad in the Eagle Tribe.

He didn't think about whether he would come back or not.

In this era, it has become a common phenomenon that the moon abroad is rounder than at home.

"Zhao Jianguo, have you decided not to study abroad?"

"Didn't we agree to go to the Eagle Tribe together? The two of us are in the same school?"

After learning about Zhao Jianguo's decision, Ma Jie, who was sitting on the opposite bed, looked extremely puzzled, and there was even some reproach in his words.

"Lao Ma, didn't you read the news a few days ago?"

"Then take a look at the latest issue of "Military Intelligence One-on-One", which is showing our navy's recruitment video."

"The picture is quite exciting."

"After reading it, you can make your decision."

Zhao Jianguo immediately looked away from the Iron Blood Forum, turned to look at Ma Jie and said with a smile.

He has already tuned his computer to the Yangma military channel.

A relevant admissions video was being played above, and the exciting scene made his blood boil.

It’s really a long time to see you!

In the past, there were related recruitment videos, but they were just some exercise scenes. But this time, relying on his many years of experience, he dared to say that some of the scenes in them were from real battlefields.

“What’s so interesting about the Navy admissions video?”

"You don't want to join the navy and engage in military construction, right?"

Ma Jie looked disdainful, even surprised by Zhao Jianguo's decision.

Entering the military industry is equivalent to devoting your whole life to the military industry. You will never get ahead in the future. You will do hard work with a meager salary, and you have to work hard all day long to live by your emotions.

He is a very realistic person and will not hand over all his years of hard work to a so-called military industry with no end in sight.

But if you go to the Eagle Tribe, you can get a high salary by just going to any company or scientific research institution.

In this materialistic society, having no money is very scary and makes it difficult to move forward.

He didn't want to become like that one day.

Even though he said that, he still turned around and walked behind Zhao Jianguo and started watching the relevant scenes.

At the same time, this kind of thing is happening in the vast military fan circle and in many universities.

One after another, passionate young people sat in front of the TV or computer to watch this live video of "Military Intelligence One-on-One".

On the other side, in the laboratory of Professor Wu of Harbin Institute of Technology.

After lunch, Guo Xueyun came here and started doing experiments.

Since she decided to join the integrated military factory, she has been running more diligently in the laboratory, hoping to hone her scientific research skills before working.

Suddenly, she heard a clear female voice coming from behind, calling her.

"Xueyun, I mean I can't find you, so you are here."

"Come with me quickly."

"The Navy has released an admissions video, I suggest you watch it."

Wang Xin, who was talking, walked in quickly, pulled Guo Xueyun and walked outside.

“What Navy admissions video?”

Guo Xueyun didn't react for a while, with a confused expression on his face.

"It's the enrollment information that was broadcast in the news last time. This time, the relevant video was directly released."

"Don't you want to join the navy?"

"Then this video is worth watching."

Wang Xin explained quickly, but his feet did not slow down.

The two of them soon arrived at the electronics classroom on the third floor of the scientific research building. There was a computer with Internet access. Who knew who had turned on the military channel.

The picture on the big screen was quite explosive. The missile speedboat was speeding on the sea as if it had a pair of wings. The missile launch button was pressed hard.

Missiles rushed toward the target one after another, and soon the target ship was blown up, with fire and smoke filling the air.

What a passionate naval battle scene.

Of course, anyone who knows the market knows that this is a complete picture that is spliced ​​together from different videos through editing techniques.

"Look, I was right, right?"

"This missile should be the YJ-801B anti-ship missile that became famous overseas last time, right?"

Wang Xin looked very excited, pulling Guo Xueyun and talking non-stop.

As a college student of the new era, although she is a female, she is also concerned about the international situation, especially the news about the Longxia tribe.

The Laxi tribe used the 051C imported from the Longxia tribe to launch an anti-ship missile and sank the 100,000-ton oil tanker of the Ertu tribe. She naturally knew this.

At that time, she saw how excited the boys in the school were.

If the school didn't allow it, I'm afraid they would have set off fireworks to celebrate.

"Looking at the appearance, they look very similar."

"But our own version will always be more advanced."

"This is the first time I've seen this missile boat. It has a smooth appearance and fierce firepower."

Guo Xueyun took over the conversation and said in a decent manner. Since taking Su Dingping as a role model, she has gradually begun to pay attention to the development of naval equipment, and her understanding is naturally much deeper than that of her senior sister Wang Xin.

The scene suddenly changed. Waves were rolling on the wide ocean. A new type of guided missile destroyer suddenly jumped into the camera. The bridge was low and the hull was plump compared to any previous ships. The upper part of the hull gradually tilted inward. .

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this is the latest warship equipped by the Longxia Tribe Navy, which is completely different from the old-fashioned equipment of the past.

It can even be said that a huge change has taken place, and the style of the Soviet Union period has completely disappeared.

The hull looks more like a Western tribal shape.

A long-range roof radar that is almost the same as the 956E is installed on the bridge. There is a naval gun on the bow, followed by a single-arm anti-aircraft missile launcher.

The most violent thing is that sixteen anti-ship missile launchers are installed in the middle of the ship, which means that one warship carries sixteen anti-ship missiles!

This firepower can be said to be quite fierce.

It is obviously going further and further towards the phobia of insufficient firepower.

Soon people saw the stern part of the ship, which not only installed a hangar, but also had a 730 close-in defense gun on the top of the hangar.

The shape of the entire ship is quite beautiful, and there is nothing obtrusive. The various sensors on the bridge are not messy at all, but are very neat.

The high freeboard, flat deck, square tail ship type and low superstructure control the ship's center of gravity well and improve the ship's seaworthiness.

Adopting a fully enclosed hull design, the superstructure and shipside are integrated into one, and the side walls of the superstructure are tilted inward!

These are the hallmarks of modern naval warships.

It was obviously carefully and cleverly designed.


Is this the Navy's new guided missile destroyer?

It looks a bit ferocious, not at all as backward as it used to be, which is a bit unbelievable.

Could it be a fake made for the sake of smooth recruitment into the Navy?

As he looked more and more confused, suddenly the cover of the square anti-ship missile in the middle of the ship suddenly opened, and then flames spurted out, and a slender cylindrical missile burst out, and in the blink of an eye it shot towards the open sea.

What the hell.

It's obvious that this is a real ship.

The rolling white waves at the stern of the ship are enough to prove that the speed of this battleship is not slow at all.

After the anti-ship missile was launched, the scene did not show the target ship being blown up again. On the contrary, an anti-aircraft missile suddenly shot out from the single-arm launcher. After making a 90-degree turn in the air, Just rush towards the distant sea target.


The missile on the screen in the next second exploded the incoming missile from the far sea, igniting a huge fireball.

Oh my god.

This was obviously an anti-aircraft missile launched, intercepting a missile aimed at the 052B guided missile destroyer.

Such a passionate scene was actually played.

It is obviously to show the world that the Longxia Tribal Navy is no longer Wu Xia Amon, but has shifted from the original point air defense to regional air defense. A complete upgrade is not a matter of the same level at all.

Although the efficiency of single-arm launch is slower and far less direct and fast than the vertical launch system, it is far more advanced than the previous 051C ship.

It can be said that 052B is a new generation of warship.

If the 051C is classified as the first generation of modern warships, then this cutting-edge 052B is the true second generation.

The video of just one or two minutes ends here.

The amount of information contained in it is so great that people are still not satisfied even after reading it.

"Now we invite our resident guest, Colonel Zhang Zhaoxin."

"He is a researcher at our Naval Equipment Demonstration Research Center."

"He's also an old friend of our show."

"His arrival is welcome."

The host in a black suit started hosting the program with a smile.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhang Zhaoxin."

"It's great to see you all again."

Zhang Zhaoxin raised his right hand and waved towards the camera, greeting everyone cheerfully.

"Colonel Zhang, why do you think we are releasing the Navy recruitment video now?"

"Are we not short of personnel?"

"Or is it due to the need to prepare for actual combat?"

The host glanced at the interview sheet in front of him and asked straight to the point.

What matters is a direct cut and a violent start.

After the last Xinwen Network warm-up, the program's ratings directly exceeded the previous most popular episode, Kelp Tangled in a Submarine.

"The Navy has actually been recruiting students, but people haven't noticed."

"Actually, this isn't new."

"There is absolutely no need for you to make a fuss. In fact, I had never seen this video before coming here."

"What was revealed in the video was also equipped by us."

Zhang Zhaoxin said as before, with a bright smile on his face, without any flaws.

It's totally a case-by-case basis.

"Yes, I also saw new equipment in the video."

"I believe the one that everyone is most interested in is the 052B guided missile destroyer. Can you introduce it to us all?"

The host took advantage of the situation and picked out the most exciting scenes.

He has watched the entire video several times.

Since it was transmitted from the navy headquarters, naturally all the ships featured in the video are no longer confidential. This also shows the world that the Longxia tribe's navy is no longer synonymous with backwardness, but is progressing.

"That's a pretty good question."

"Yes, as you can see in the picture, 052B is a guided missile destroyer with very advanced equipment."

"The ship is very beautiful."

"I have said that appearance equals combat effectiveness. Have you seen how simple, smooth and beautiful the surface of this ship is? The bridge is also tilted inward."

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