I built an armada

Chapter 209 Shocked the entire military fandom

"This shows what?"

Novice Zhang Zhao pointed at the 052B guided missile destroyer frozen on the screen and introduced it eloquently.

He was overjoyed to see that the navy was equipped with a new generation of destroyers, and the tonnage was still so large. Being able to make it public would prove that more advanced destroyers were already equipped.

According to the basic rule of one generation of equipment, one generation of development, and one generation of pre-research, it shows that the Navy already has more advanced warships, and may even become a new generation of mass-produced warships.

No matter how he looked at the 052B, he felt that it was an excessive ship.

The single-arm launch system is definitely not suitable for the Longxia tribe. The chocolate hanging hair system is the goal.

"What does it mean?"

The host asked curiously.

It has to be said that he has also devoted a lot of attention to the development of the navy. Who doesn't want the Longxia tribe to be equipped with new modern warships?

"It shows that it conforms to the popular stealth design."

"It is our country's first warship with stealth capabilities, which is a symbol of modern warships."

"Look again, the vertical hair system on the warship. Although it is only one-armed, it responds very quickly and has the ability to launch quickly."

"It is our first warship with regional air defense capabilities."

"The thing that caught my eye the most was the midship section of the ship, which is equipped with sixteen anti-ship missile launching equipment, which is enough to prove that it has very powerful anti-ship capabilities."

"Taken together, it is a very powerful warship."

Zhang Zhaoxin responded with a smile. He introduced the warship in a eloquent manner, but it was all about what could be seen on the surface. These were all public appearances, and there was nothing to hide.

As the director of the War Ignorance Bureau, some issues naturally have to be blurred.

As for what everyone can see, tell them all, it's just a waste of words.

"Indeed, it is a very powerful warship. The sixteen missiles are twice as many as foreign warships of the same type."

"I saw that the warships equipped by other tribes only have a total of eight anti-ship missiles installed."

"Our 052B has also withstood the test of actual combat."

The host nodded slightly, and then replayed some maritime combat scenes of the 052B guided missile destroyer.

After intercepting the incoming anti-ship missile, 052B immediately launched a counterattack, and multiple anti-ship missiles roared out. The scene was very cruel and fierce.

The missile disappeared over the sea and was quickly invisible to the naked eye.

As for where the missile flew, no one knew, and the actual combat footage was not disclosed at all.

The vast number of military fans in front of the TV, as well as the melon-eaters, were all stunned.


They never imagined that naval equipment has developed to such an advanced level today.

And what was exposed was not the previously famous 051C, but the Longxia tribe's own new generation 052B guided missile destroyer.

Compared with 051C, it is obviously more advanced and more modern.

Invisibility is its biggest highlight in front of everyone, and it can be seen almost at a glance.

All military fans never imagined that they would see such an advanced warship one day, and it was so fast.

Although there is a gap between the 052B guided drive and Blue Star's strongest Aegis ship, it is a huge improvement compared to the Longxia Tribal Navy. It has bid farewell to the yellow water battleships of the past and moved towards the blue water navy.

They had always felt that the warships equipped by the Longxia Tribe Navy were all outdated equipment and did not have the capabilities of modern naval warfare at all.

They were so far behind that they were almost desperate.

Unexpectedly, the content in a Navy recruitment video suddenly released today was so hardcore that it directly refreshed people's perceptions.

It’s so outrageous!

It was simply a carnival day for military fans. They all had a kind of happiness that fell from the sky and hit them hard on the head, making them dizzy.

The navy is no longer synonymous with backwardness!

At this moment, the Iron Blood Forum was completely boiling.

All the comments flooded the page.

In this era, video barrages cannot be posted, otherwise the entire screen will be occupied by messages from military fans.

Even that couldn't express their excitement.

"That's awesome. I didn't expect that we are also equipped with such advanced warships."

"Compared with the 051C, this battleship is simply a sci-fi warship that transcends the era. I love it, I love it. No wonder it can be used as an admissions video."

"Sixteen anti-ship missiles, what a terrifying firepower configuration. Even if two missiles destroy one enemy ship, they can destroy eight ships at once."

"I didn't expect that one day we would be able to see with our own eyes that the Longxia Tribe Navy has such an advanced warship. Wow, I'm so excited."

"Today is the time to realize something. I won't come home until I'm drunk!"

Military fans feel that today is like the Chinese New Year. There are already groups of three or five going out to the food stalls to drink.

For them, how long did it take to see the new navy equipment?

The navy has suffered from cowardice and ruthless suppression over the years. It is so painful, but now they have finally overcome it and come with a cutting-edge warship.

At this moment, the navy is like an injured steel warrior, finally getting up from the ground, and holding a sharp sword in its hand. It will continue to stand on the waters of Dongzhou and become the Great Steel Wall on the sea to block all enemies on the sea.

The sea is emotionally complex for the Long Xia tribe.

Hundreds of years of humiliation came from the sea.

But now, the people of the Longxia tribe have truly gone to the ocean again, hoping to gain a piece of the huge ocean.

In a dormitory at Yenching University.

Zhao Jianguo's face was full of excitement, but there were still tears on his cheeks that had not been wiped clean.

When the 052B came out of the sky and made a beautiful defensive counterattack, his tears couldn't stop flowing out like a dam bursting.

This is not sadness, but excitement and excitement.

It had been many years since he had experienced such extreme mood swings.

"see it?"

"Lao Ma, this is why I don't go abroad. I want to build the navy and further strengthen the navy."

"I can't just watch the navy get stronger and stronger while I stay out of it."

"In other words, we are still helping the Eagle Tribe develop an advanced army to deal with our own motherland."

Zhao Jianguo looked at Ma Jie from one side and said with great emotion, this is his heartfelt voice, and it is also the goal he will strive for in the future.

As a veteran military fan, he is very aware of the current trend of studying abroad. Many Longxia tribe members have gone to the Eagle Tribe and even entered the defense department to help the Eagle Tribe manufacture missiles or other weapons of mass destruction.

It can be said that imperialism will never die in its desire to destroy itself.

He has always been very reluctant to help the Eagle Tribe become stronger.

"Building a navy?"

"You are too naive. You don't think the warships in this promotional video really exist, do you?"

"I don't believe it anyway."

"If there is such an advanced warship, why didn't you dare to make it public before?"

Even though it was so clear, Ma Jie was still skeptical and did not feel at all that this was a public event of the Longxia Tribe Navy.

The Longxia tribe has always done a very good job in keeping secrets, and the reserved nature of the Longxia people makes the navy reluctant to disclose so much advanced equipment.

It's too advanced to be displayed, and it's deeply ingrained in my bones.

Hiding and tucking can sometimes be a deterrent.

Especially countries with ancient civilizations like the Longxia tribe know how to hide their own strength and will never use a big stick when they can show weakness.

Never resort to force unless necessary!

"If you have something good, will you show it off?"

"And it's also used to hit people."

"Now that it's been made public, it's time to prove it. Forget it, you're not a military fan, you don't understand."

"If you want to go to the Eagle Tribe to study abroad, you can go. But if you join their defense department, then I will end our relationship with you right now. We will be enemies from now on!"

After taking a deep look at Ma Jie, Zhao Jianguo basically understood the other person's intentions, and was simply unwilling to continue chatting with him in depth.

He suddenly understood what it meant to be different and not to work together!

There once was a member of the Longxia Tribe who went to the Eagle Tribe. When a war broke out on the peninsula, that ugly guy used his native language to gain trust, and finally spoke it with great pride.

In fact, such people are worse than traitors!

This type of person simply belongs to those who forget their ancestors. If you see them on the battlefield, you must shoot them decisively and kill them completely!

"Aren't you kidding?"

Ma Jie was stunned for a moment, almost subconsciously thinking that Zhao Jianguo was too funny.

"I was serious!"

"If you help the Eagle Tribe develop weapons and equipment, you are the enemy!"

Zhao Jianguo explained again, but still did not change his principles.

After expressing his attitude, Zhao Jianguo continued to watch the live video, and happened to see Zhang Zhaoxin introducing the relevant actual combat video.

On "Military Intelligence One-on-One", Zhang Zhaoxin is today's keynote speaker.

"The video just played is the scene of our 052B participating in a live-fire exercise."

"Let me tell you, it was not a war at all, but a full training and live ammunition assessment, and we took advantage of the situation to conduct an exercise."

"This is a sign that every ship has matured and completed training."

"It shows that this 052B battleship has combat effectiveness and can be pulled out to fight."

"It has powerful armaments and is not easy to detect. It is a very good warship. The fact that it can appear on the Navy's recruitment video shows that it is valued."

Talking about this warship, Zhang Zhaoxin seemed to have endless things to say, and he kept talking, allowing military fans to once again see the powerful performance of this 052B.

"These scenes look like real combat."

"When we protect our maritime rights and interests, will we dispatch such an advanced warship?"

The host then asked, those scenes were too real. 052B galloped across the ocean and made very unconventional tactical turns.

In fact, this is also a specially selected topic that responds to topics that netizens are passionate about.

"This is a drill scene, a live-fire drill, which is to practice those movements in wartime, how silky and smooth they are."

"Our warships are becoming more and more advanced. Young soldiers who join our navy in the future will have the opportunity to serve on such a cutting-edge warship."

"I still hope that more like-minded young people will join our navy and further strengthen our navy."

"It can be said that the Navy is a vast stage. Here you can not only have academic freedom, but also enjoy military status and work with many experts and professors."

"Being able to sail such an advanced warship across the sea is a great toy for people with insight."

Zhang Zhaoxin smiled cheerfully and continued to introduce the useful information in the video, which can make the general public and military fans truly feel the progress of naval equipment.

Of course, as usual, he would never reveal even a word of the relevant parameters of this ship.

If you can deceive, then continue to deceive.

After finally waiting for the "Military Intelligence One-on-One" program, many military fans couldn't sit still. They couldn't keep letting Zhang Zhaoxin fool them, not to mention this was the first time they really saw the news that the Longxia tribe had released advanced warships. .

Many military fans came to the show, and they are representatives of the majority of military fans.

When it came to the interactive session with military fans, they immediately started questioning mode.

When the Navy recruitment plan was previously released, it triggered heated discussions among military fans and accumulated many questions.

In fact, these days, they have been squatting in front of the TV, but they have learned nothing.

Now that this program with the navy recruitment video has finally been broadcast on the military channel, how can we let it go?

They finally saw the new equipment they were squatting on.

"Now that the Navy has released advanced warships like the 052B, have we already equipped it with more advanced warships like the 052C or 052D?"

"Has our navy completely recovered?"

A military fan raised a very pointed question as soon as he stood up, and looked directly at Zhang Zhaoxin, as if to say that he was going to get some breaking news from you today.

Faced with such a problem, Zhang Zhaoxin remained unmoved and remained calm.

"I don't know what you are talking about at the moment. As for the 052C or 052D you are talking about, I am afraid it is a model made up by you military fans, right?"

"If our navy has such advanced warships, wouldn't the other tribes in the Dongzhou Sea be scared to death?"

"052B already represents the advanced equipment of our navy. It is to encourage more knowledgeable people to join the navy and grow with the navy."

"Of course, if you want to learn about the latest equipment as soon as possible and ride the sea with the latest equipment, then you should join immediately."

“Only when you come in can you enjoy the joy of warships sailing the ocean and fighting against the wind and waves.”

Zhang Zhaoxin's response was so watertight that all the enthusiastic military fans were dumbfounded.

How could this be?

We're here to ask about new equipment. Are you trying to trick us into joining the navy?

Even if we join the navy, we may not be able to touch those top-level equipment. Does that mean we don’t know anything about naval equipment?

Flirting, you are a big liar!

"Hey, like you, I also hope that our navy will make breakthrough progress and have more advanced warships than the 052B, but this is not realistic."

"Equipment development has its own rules. We can't encourage it. Today we have 052B, but tomorrow we will launch a more advanced one, right?"

"Advanced warships have to be developed slowly. We are very lucky to be able to see it now."

Before the military fan could sit down, Zhang Zhaoxin spoke again, making the other party stunned for a moment.

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