I built an armada

Chapter 218 The Eastern Wasteland Tribe seeks military liberation

You start with a picture, and the whole process depends on editing!

This has always been a consistent operation of the Western media. Anyway, it is enough to slander and discredit a tribe and its authorities, thereby achieving their ulterior secrets.

How many tribes on Blue Star were destroyed by the Western tribes?

And when Blue Star became popular, so-called dishes and freedoms were not made up by the Western camp to deceive the world, in order to remotely cultivate colonists from other tribes and serve them.

Entering the 21st century, Blue Star is developing towards civilization, and the Western tribes dare not openly rob it, so they just use this rhetoric.

All in all, as long as they can obtain relevant benefits from other tribes, they don't care how dirty the methods are!

"We believe that normal military and trade relations cannot be criticized by other tribes."

"All the weapons we export are defensive weapons and are designed to improve the defense level of the imported tribes. The relevant tribes also do the same and do not violate any international military trade regulations."

"We hope to go further and further on the road of military trade, and we also hope that relevant tribes will not set artificial restrictions everywhere to obstruct normal military trade relations."

The spokesperson was too lazy to bother with these Western media, and then continued to elaborate.

The Longxia tribe has always spoken anonymously, which highlights the reserved nature of the Longxia people.

As soon as this news came out, the Eagle Tribe and other Western tribes were immediately furious, but they had no way to deal with the Longxia Tribe.

If we really implement the claim to the Longxia tribe, the result will most likely be a war!

The days when they rode on the heads of the Longxia tribe to show off their power and dominate were long gone.

The Kay tribe may not have weapons of mass destruction.

But the Longxia tribe really exists!

This world is so cruel. When the enemy says that you have a big killer, you must really have it, otherwise they will pounce on you like hungry wolves and tear you to pieces, even chewing your bones. !

The situation in Blue Star is turbulent and treacherous.

Even the sea area of ​​​​Dongzhou has become extremely dangerous, and the undercurrent is surging.

Eastern Wilderness Tribe, Kyoto.

A luxurious palace, covering a very large area, but also very majestic, seems to be a symbol of overwhelming power!

Yes, this is the seat of the Kumamoto Shogunate of the Eastern Wasteland Tribe.

The shogunate chief wore a black high-end suit, well-tailored, which highlighted his majestic and inviolable side. Even though he sat there and said nothing, he still released a powerful aura of self-centeredness.

Here, he is the emperor!

The highest authority of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe!

The cabinet kneeled on the seat below with a respectful look on their face.

Even though he would appear in many tribes and on the international news, high-spirited and giving guidance to the country, with a rainbow of momentum, but when facing the shogunate chief, he restrained all his unruliness and rebelliousness.

Sitting on his knees opposite him was Murakami Hayaki, who had just arrived upon invitation, as well as several top commanders of the Self-Defense Forces.

Today is destined to be a historic day for the Donghuang tribe.

They are a castrated tribe. No matter what level they are at, they must follow the leadership of the Eagle Tribe and must obey each other unconditionally.

They don't even have the right to command the Self-Defense Forces, and the right to engage in combat does not even exist.

Decades after the end of World War II, they are still seeking to untie military autonomy and regain the right to fight independently.

In their view, if they want to promote the Eastern Wilderness Tribe to become a normal country, they need to do it step by step. Otherwise, it would not be good if the steps are too big and arouse the vigilance and resentment of the Eagle Tribe.

Because of this, they sat together for an emergency secret meeting.

Everything in this conference hall has been thoroughly checked to ensure that there is no bug here, so it will naturally not attract the attention of the Eagle Tribe intelligence agency.

They have been living in peace with the Eagle Tribe over the years, and at the same time they have quietly strengthened their defenses against this tribe, because their ambitions are by no means such.

Being led by a rope like a dog all day makes them somewhat uncomfortable.

Promoting the normal nationalization of the Eastern Wasteland tribe, they have been secretly doing it for these years, hoping that one day it can be successfully completed.

Only when it becomes a normal country can they fight whoever they want.

Especially when faced with such a large territory of the Longxia tribe, they were salivating and wished they could start another war now to wipe out all the Longxia navy and other military services.

Take over that fertile land as your own!

For thousands of years, their ambition has never died.

During World War II, they had such a perfect opportunity, but due to various strategic mistakes, they were defeated, and even suffered two mushroom eggs!

After so many years of peace and development, they have already made a breakthrough in mushroom egg technology, and it only takes sixty days to produce mushroom eggs.

As for raw materials, they have no shortage at all, right?

The nuclear bomb stations and nuclear energy research that have been built for so many years have already stored weapons-grade nuclear materials to a very considerable order of magnitude.

"Chief, this is the relevant information we have compiled."

"The last time the Haizi suffered such serious losses, it was not a drill accident at all, but a sneak attack by the Longxia Navy, which caused our plan to fail."

"We also lost a commander for this."

It was finally his turn to speak. Murakami Hayaki immediately handed over the relevant report and then made a statement.

The loss of Haizi was a huge loss for the entire Donghuang tribe, and it caused the Kumamoto shogunate, the cabinet, and the people above and below to lose face.

Especially the Donghuang tribe's international status has been damaged, and they are even used as negative teaching materials!

Even a drill can cause a huge accident. This is unacceptable to anyone, okay?

If they hadn't retreated in time, I'm afraid the Eighty-Eight Fleet would have been completely wiped out.

"What do you need me to do next?"

"For our common goal, you can talk about it."

After the chief took the document, he looked at it carefully. When he saw the relevant content inside, his heart surged for a moment, and his hatred for the Longxia tribe increased a lot.

He didn't expect that there was such a story in Haizi's fiasco.

Obviously, Long Xia's navy has gradually grown up, and it will definitely not be able to stay, otherwise there will be endless troubles!

This time Murakami Saki did not speak, but looked towards the cabinet.

"Chief, we have a meeting together."

“We all agree that it’s time to promote the normalization of our Eastern Wilderness tribe and take a step forward.”

"At present, two conditions have matured, and the international situation is also very favorable to us."

"The Longxia Tribe sold it to the Keyi Tribe missile boat before the war. They used it to lay mines and blow up an amphibious assault ship of the Eagle Tribe. The Longxia Tribe's military equipment did gain a lot of fame, but it also gave them It's causing trouble."

"The Eagle Tribe, the Sun Never Sets, and Kangaroo and other related tribes are condemning the Longxia Tribe. We can take advantage of this opportunity."

"Of course, our navy has suffered heavy losses and has met the security conditions."

When he said this, the cabinet paused slightly, but his eyes kept staring at the chief, waiting for him to digest the news.

For the Eastern Wasteland tribe, the current international situation could not be better than this.

By becoming an independent country, they would be able to get rid of control, no longer have to be the watchdogs of the Eagle Tribe, and would be able to sit on equal terms with them.

How many careerists in the Eastern Wilderness tribe have dreamed of such a day.


"Go on."

After a moment, the chief nodded slightly and raised his hand to signal the way.

"In addition, we can also assure the Eagle Tribe that we will continue to follow them in the future."

"We can send troops overseas to help them maintain order in the Blue Star."

The cabinet continued that they had already thought of various plans before coming, and now they just needed to convince the chief to take action.

"We have been wronged for too long, and it's time for us to move toward normalcy."

"Castrated watchdog, haha, we have been guarding the house for too long. It's time for us to get some power back."

As soon as the cabinet finished speaking, the chief opened his mouth and said, equally full of ambition. He also hoped to make the Eastern Wasteland tribe a normal country in his own hands.

"Chief, we are asking you to take action."

"Talk to the Eagle Tribe in person and seek military unbinding and the right to engage in war."

"Haizi is already training over there. Once we get military relief, we can launch an attack on the Longxia tribe."

"We will take action before they have truly risen to power and completely interrupt their modernization process."

Seeing the chiefs saying such words, the cabinet was overjoyed and hurriedly expressed their intentions, full of compliments and humility.

For the Eastern Wasteland tribe, they have been waiting for this moment for too long.

"Now that you have prepared relevant plans."

"Then I will personally visit the Eagle Tribe and seek military liberation from them."

The chief glanced at the civil and military ministers, and after pondering for a moment, he made a decision. No matter what, he would lead the Donghuang tribe to become the overlord of the Dongzhou sea area again!

As a chief of the Kumamoto Shogunate generation, he still has his own ambitions.

Ever since their defeat, the Eastern Wasteland tribe has been suppressed. Decades have passed in a blink of an eye, and it's time for them to completely break this shackles.

Why should the Dongzhou sea area be occupied by Long Xia Navy?

He knew very well that both the Longxia tribe and the Nanbang tribe were talking about history all day long, buzzing like flies, which was annoying to death.

Rather than letting those tribes talk nonsense, it would be better to directly implement military unbinding.

Not convinced?

Then let's fight and see the real results on the battlefield!

Especially the Longxia tribe, because of their size, they know how to compete all day long.

If we can go all out and completely annihilate Long Xia's navy, if they are forced again in the future, they can directly bring the warship to the door of their home and communicate with them with powerful ships and cannons.

Where does all this nonsense come from?

After so many years, they have tolerated it, and they still don't care.

"Long live the Chief."

"Once the goal is achieved, it will be a huge progress for our Eastern Wilderness tribe and the greatest contribution to history."

"Chief, we already have a very complete plan."

"Please read."

The cabinet hurriedly took out an action plan from its handbag and handed it over.

Before coming, he had already convened a cabinet meeting and formed a corresponding action plan. He only needed the chief's approval to proceed according to the plan.

For them, this day has been a long time coming.

I originally thought it would take more words, but I didn't expect the chief to agree so readily. It was an unexpected surprise.

But that’s good too!

Since everyone has the same goal, we can work together to promote this matter.

Strive to normalize the Eastern Wilderness tribe as soon as possible.

The secret meeting here is in full swing. In the intelligence department, Shushang Tianfu is sitting in his office, watching the changes in the colorful data, and his brows will wrinkle from time to time.

After accepting the infiltration mission and thoroughly understanding the situation of Long Xia's navy, he immediately launched relevant arrangements.

He is still very confident that he can win the Longxia tribe's intelligence war.

Especially the Longxia Naval Production Base mentioned in the admissions video, this is the object of his focus.

He had a very strong hunch that this base had an ulterior secret, and guided missile destroyers like the 052B were most likely produced there.

"Baga, another one was really caught."

"Hmph, the more you take precautions like this, the more likely there is something evil inside."

"I fucking don't believe that I can't get the relevant secrets inside. This is what you forced me to do."

Looking at a report just handed over by his subordinates, Shushang Tianfu was extremely angry, but it also stimulated his fighting spirit and determined to fight to the end with Long Xia Navy and the security department.

In fact, recently, based on various relevant information, Longxia Navy has concentrated its elite scientific research forces into the production base.

Over the years, they have made great achievements in infiltrating Longxia Navy-related scientific research institutes.

Although those people provided information that was not top-secret, they did have information on the mobilization of scientific researchers. From this information, some useful information could be inferred.

As long as he finds that point, he can concentrate his firepower to break through.

"You, deploy."

"Let them all take action. I want all the information about the Longxia Naval Production Base."

"Bring this equipment with you."

After pondering for a moment, Shushang Tianfu made a decisive decision.

Satellites basically pass over the production base at least three times a day, but the signal there seems to be blocked, and the satellite can never take high-definition photos.

As a result, he would have to use more intelligence personnel to infiltrate.

Taking advantage of the Long Xia Navy's expansion of enrollment, he placed personnel in. He didn't believe that one or two people could not be sneaked in by casting a wide net.

"Do we really want to hand over such good equipment to those hamsters?"

"This is our latest generation product."

The man holding a miniature camera drone said with some pain.

That's right, the spies who were ambushing the Longxia tribe were called hamsters by them.

Because those people are like hamsters, lurking down.

"If we want to obtain all the secrets of Long Xia Navy, we still have to use the appropriate methods."

"By the way, contact the resident interviewers and ask them to step up collection of relevant intelligence."

"Go quickly."

Tian Fu on the tree looked up at his men and said firmly.

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