I built an armada

Chapter 219 052D officially boarded the slipway

In order to save his own life, he did everything possible.

No matter what, he wanted to obtain all the top-secret information of Long Xia Navy, even if it exposed the relevant intelligence personnel.

Besides, many of those spies were from Longxia.

If you die, you will die.

This is like the death of an ant. What's there to feel bad about?

During the training of his intelligence agency, he had remotely bred many licking dogs and various breeders. All they needed to do was give them a little sweetness, and they would rush forward howling.

As long as relevant information can be obtained, what does it matter about how many dead colonists and how many licking dogs?

Anyway, there are many such breeders and dog-lickers, and even if dozens of them die, it won't matter at all.

In his eyes, Long Xia can cultivate many.

For example, their infiltration of Dragon Claw Island has reached a very terrifying level, so much so that they can easily get the top secrets of Dragon Claw Island by just picking a few.

As for the so-called celebrities on the stage, many of them were trained by them.

Within the Longxia tribe, there are more such people.

Some people are too stupid to look down on.


The subordinates followed the order and left.

Soon the colonists and lickers within the Longxia tribe took action, and of course many professional espionage personnel also took action.

Like cockroaches hiding in the dark and damp, they crawled out from the cracks in the rocks one after another, carrying professional cameras and a series of shooting equipment towards some naval ports and military bases.

"No matter what, this time I must get all the information about Longxia Navy."

"Baga, I don't believe that the Long Xia Navy can keep the confidentiality work to the point where water can't be poured into it. It's just monolithic!"

"As long as you give me enough money, I will definitely be able to find your core secrets."

Even though his subordinate had been gone for a long time, Tianfu on the tree still gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

Now he has become obsessed with getting information about Longxia Navy.

In particular, the production base mentioned in the admissions video is his focus.

No matter what method is used, as long as the information is obtained.

And he always had a very strange feeling that the Longxia tribe was very secretive about the naval production base. According to the feedback, the defense level there was not generally high.

There is a huge billboard standing at the door, which reads, "You will be caught for stealing secrets, and you will be beheaded if you catch it!"

What a scary slogan.

The cockroaches were so scared that they didn't dare to come near.

The more this happens, the more it shows that there are secrets inside that cannot be known by people like them, and it may be the biggest secret of the rise of Long Xia Navy.

How long did it take for 956E to be imported?

Less than two years, right?

052B has formed combat effectiveness!

Modern destroyers like the 051C have begun clearance sales.

Although it was still unclear whether that mysterious shield ship was the latest equipment of Long Xia Navy, he always felt that it was inseparable from Long Xia Navy.

If relevant intelligence information can be found, it would be great for Haizi to formulate relevant plans.

The other side.

At the Northern Fleet Headquarters, Xu Dongguo, in addition to being busy with his daily work and processing a large number of documents during these times, also needs to pay special attention to the activities of spies.

Especially now that the composition of espionage personnel has obviously changed. They are like cockroaches popping up from a dark corner and starting to move everywhere.

There were many incidents of intrusions by unrelated personnel at the Optical Integrated Military Factory. If they hadn't dealt with them promptly, I'm afraid these dogs would have actually broken in.

After all, these guys are still from Longxia, why are they so shameless?

There must be someone behind them!

Damn bastards, a bunch of bastards who have forgotten their origins.

Every time he saw such a report, Xu Dongguo wanted to point his finger at those bad guys and scold them. These bastards were really too much.

"Report, two suspicious persons were arrested today."

"The security department has already interrogated me. They initially argued that they were military fans, but later they admitted that they were espionage personnel."

"However, they are still peripheral personnel and have not found the backbone."

"Chief, I think this matter is not simple."

Just when Xu Dongguo frowned, the staff officer ran in and handed over a piece of information. He then began to report incessantly, his words full of displeasure.

It was obvious that such inexplicable things happening for many days in a row were no longer accidental, but premeditated, and someone was behind this.

This shows what?

The enemy can no longer sit still!

If they hadn't deployed relevant security forces around the integrated military factory in advance to isolate it from the outside world, they might have leaked the secret.

It is related to the rise of Longxia Navy, and even more related to the future of Longxia Navy.

There is no room for error.

"It's definitely not simple. It seems that some tribes can no longer sit still."

"They are intensifying their penetration into our core areas."

"You should explain this matter clearly to Wanlong and the others."

"Strengthen security, don't be careless, and enforce battlefield discipline when suspicious characters are found."

"Since they have become colonizers, they must bear the corresponding consequences."

Xu Dongguo took the relevant information and looked at it carefully, then raised his head and decisively issued the order.

At this critical moment, there must be no mercy!

"Yes, Chief, I'll do it right away."

The staff officer took the order and left, leaving Xu Dongguo alone in the office.

He was no longer in the mood to review documents, but fell into deep thought. He always felt that a certain tribe was behind this.

Either the Eagle Tribe or the Eastern Wasteland Tribe.

These two tribes have always been on the same page, and they are obsessed with the Longxia tribe. Every day they want to destroy the Longxia tribe, so that they can swarm over and gnaw the flesh and blood of the Longxia tribe.

And he could vaguely feel that the enemy's espionage activities had become more frequent and rampant after Long Xia Navy released the recruitment video.

It seems that the video specially added in the next 15 seconds has played a relevant role, and the enemy can no longer bear it.

They have always been very wary of the surrounding tribes, especially those tribes that are deeply hostile to the Longxia tribe, and they dare not take it lightly.

After thinking for a moment, he reached for the red phone and quickly pressed a call to make a call.

"Chief, the rats have been dispatched."

"Their spying on our intelligence has become more frequent."

"It seems that they are planning some ulterior plan."

"What do we do next?"

Xu Dongguo originally wanted to say something, but in the end he turned to asking directly.

It's really hard to say some things on the phone. If someone is monitoring you, it will be troublesome.

Nowadays, spies and intelligence spying are all-pervasive. Who knows if there are any traitors inside?

"Come to the capital and let's have a good talk."

Liu Huaming on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment and then said directly.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dongguo took a special plane and flew directly towards the capital.

Catching spies and those cockroaches is not just a matter of the troops, but requires the cooperation of the tribal security department to form a joint force to show its power.

In the integrated military factory.

As time passes quietly, the core technology research of 052D has also entered a critical moment.

The people who were so busy that they could not touch the ground today came to the shipyard workshop under the leadership of Su Dingping.

There are already many skilled technicians gathered here, as well as many factory bosses.

A blue background board was erected there, with the words "Warmly Celebrate 052D" as the first steel plate began to be cut with several large square characters.

Yes, today is the historic moment when the first 052D guided missile destroyer officially cuts the steel plate. Everyone unanimously requested a cutting ceremony.

The previous 052C also held such a ceremony, but it was far less grand.

In any case, the 052D guided missile destroyer is a type of warship mass-produced by the Longxia Navy, and it is destined to assume the important task of the main fleet of the Longxia Navy in the future.

Once the three major fleets of the navy are equipped in batches, the Longxia Navy's combat effectiveness and the appearance of the ships will soar by several levels.

The mass production of this type of ship has supported Long Xia Navy's ambition to move into the deep blue!

Its status is untouchable.

It is a very meaningful time, and a ceremony must be held to celebrate it properly.

One or two 052Ds may not be able to do much, but when the number reaches thirty or forty, the meaning is completely different.

"Dingping, would you like to go on stage and say a few words?"

Sun Yongguo extended the invitation with great enthusiasm. He knew very well that Su Dingping's coming to power was of great significance.

And looking at the entire integrated military factory, only Su Ding can greatly inspire everyone's fighting spirit and encourage everyone to work hard.

Here, Su Dingping is like a first-line superstar outside, enjoying everyone's love and heartfelt admiration!

"Then let's say a few words."

Su Dingping knew that he couldn't escape from this matter, so he simply walked directly to the stage without any excuses.

After glancing at the people below, a relieved smile appeared on his face. What he saw, everyone stared at the stage with intense eyes, focusing on him.

If the eyes of everyone below were laser lights, then hundreds of lights would be focused on him, directly making him the most handsome boy.

"Comrades and friends, everyone has worked hard."

"Since you joined the integrated military factory, you have become the busiest people. You live a completely closed life. You can't even go back to your home."

"But you have made your due contributions to our great navy and our great motherland. You are great and selfless."

"Therefore, I have decided to improve your salary again, build affordable housing for you, and raise your salary level."

"I know that even if you contribute to the tribe, you can't rely on love alone to generate electricity."

At this point, Su Dingping stopped and saw the surprised expressions on everyone's faces. It was obvious that no one expected such a great thing to happen to them.

In Su Dingping's eyes, these military workers are the most lovable people just like the soldiers.

They provide soldiers with powerful weapons and provide them with logistical support.

Without advanced weapons and equipment, soldiers would not be able to win the battle on the front line and frighten the enemy.

It is precisely because of this that Su Dingping decided to change his previous approach of using impassioned words to cheer everyone up and encourage everyone to use love to generate electricity, and directly came up with practical words.

Increase everyone's salary and benefits so that everyone on site can be proud of being a member of the integrated military factory.

Only in this way can talents be retained and ensure the continuous high-speed operation of the integrated military factory.

"Okay, after talking about the salary increase, let's talk about this new warship."

"It is a new generation of batch-built warships. It will become the backbone of our navy. Its footprints will be all over the world and it will become the most beautiful boy in Blue Star."

"Think about it, think about it. The warships we built ourselves sail in all the oceans of the Blue Star, and also go out for a wave in the core waters of the Western camp. Isn't it a very proud thing?"

"And today, we personally cut its first steel plate."

"This is a historic moment, and we will leave a mark in the history of the Long Xia Navy."

Su Dingping then continued to talk non-stop: Real benefits must be given, and chicken blood injections must also be carried out. Both hands must be strong, otherwise how can we make them work hard?

For Longxia Navy, this is destined to be an extraordinary day.

Su Dingping remembers clearly that it would take several years before the 052D was launched in the previous life, because some core technologies had not achieved breakthroughs, especially internal combustion engine technology.

But in his rebirth, he brought this day forward.

Based on the current progress, it is estimated that 052D will be available in a short time.

Completely modular manufacturing, multiple cabin sections are constructed together.

This construction method greatly speeds up the construction progress.

Sun Yongguo, Lu Guangjun and others below had heard it many times before, but today they still sounded excited.

This guy is getting more and more mature.

Give me candy and give me spiritual support.

Suddenly, they discovered that Su Dingping had grown up completely, like a very experienced business manager, and his methods of motivating people had been mastered.

The key is that he is still in his twenties, a bit too young.

In just a little time, they fully believed that Su Dingping could become a first-class business manager and a master-level scientist.

Such people are very scary.

It is really the greatest blessing for the Navy to have such a super talent!

This time the navy really picked up a super treasure.

The sea of ​​stars!

Suddenly, several people thought of the development goals Su Dingping had set before, and couldn't help but glance at each other, reading different information from each other's eyes.

Follow Su Dingping and walk the dark road!

Such people are the blessing of the entire Longxia tribe.

After completing the verbal work, Su Dingping personally operated the machine tool to cut the steel plate under the recommendation of everyone.

Zila Zila.

As sparks flew, a thick non-magnetic steel plate was cut open.

Completing this step means that the 052D has begun to be built on the slipway.

This is just a ritual.

In fact, the segmentation has already begun to be advanced step by step according to the design drawings, and everything is progressing in an orderly manner. As for the main engine, it has been built in the relevant supporting factories and is waiting to be installed.

Seeing the machine cutting, Su Dingping was very satisfied.

Compared with other shipbuilding bases, the integrated military factory has a level of automation that is more than five times higher.

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