I built an armada

Chapter 233 Several tribes in the south are planning to cause chaos

Air defense identification zone?

During this period of time, he has been concentrating on research and really has no time to pay attention to too much information from the outside world.

Sun Yongguo didn't mind this at all, but explained patiently, and Su Dingping immediately understood what was going on.

It was obvious that the Donghuang tribe was ready to break up with the Longxia tribe.

Otherwise, they would never dare to take such radical measures rashly and get themselves into trouble.

"What the heck, when they set up the air defense identification zone in the past, it was only 200 kilometers away from our coastline. We didn't admit it at the time. Due to the changes in the international situation, we didn't care about it, and we didn't care about it later."

"Actually, at that time, our main reason was that our strength did not allow it."

Sun Yongguo was very angry and helpless.

The designation of air defense identification zones all relies on the true strength of the navy and air force. Even if the strength is not good enough, it will be in vain, and it will make people laugh.

Dignity is only on the edge of the sword, and truth is only within the range of the cannon!

"Damn bastards, they actually advanced 80 kilometers this time and are only 120 kilometers away from our coastline."

"What is 120 kilometers? Our fishing boats were spotted by them before they even went far out to sea, let alone warships and fighter planes."

"And they threatened to send a reconnaissance plane to patrol on June 6."

"They all came with their faces in our faces, and their ambitions are clearly evident."

Sun Yongguo became more and more excited as he spoke and clenched his fists, "Dingping, we didn't get any foreign aid this time, so we have to rely on ourselves for everything."

Su Dingping's expression also became serious.

He naturally knew very well that the current military strength of the Longxia tribe was weak. Not to mention the help of other tribes, it was already thankful that they did not add insult to injury.

And behind this incident, the encouragement and encouragement of the Eagle Tribe was indispensable.

In the ongoing war between the Kay and Yi tribes, a ship of the Long Xia tribe deployed a mine and then blasted through their amphibious assault ship, causing them to suffer losses.

They are not good-natured people, they have been waiting for the opportunity to take revenge!

"The little devil has always been evil to us!"

"They want to use this to stimulate us and make us take the initiative to provoke a war when we are intolerable. The Donghuang tribe can fight back. If we don't fight back, the world will definitely be criticized."

Su Dingping frowned slightly, took over the conversation, and spoke slowly.

Therefore, no matter from which perspective, the war with the Donghuang tribe will start sooner or later, and this does not depend on the will of the Longxia people at all.

Forbearance only results in the enemy becoming more aggressive.

If they don't fight back, other tribes around the Dongzhou Sea will think that the Longxia tribe is weak and can be bullied, and they will become unscrupulous and attack in groups, which will be very troublesome.

"Yeah, damn, it's really fucked up."

Sun Yongguo was very angry and naturally did not care about the vulgar language. Then he changed the subject and said, "By the way, I came here because the chief notified me that a high-level meeting of the three armed forces was convened urgently."

"I was specifically asked to come here to invite you. The chief specifically asked you to participate by name."

"Hey, I was just too busy watching 055 Drive, and I forgot about it when I got excited. Look at my memory."

"Okay, Dingping, let's hurry up and prepare. We can't be late."

Hearing these words, Su Dingping was obviously stunned. He didn't expect that someone of his level could be specially invited. The chief really took special care of him.

"Dingping, let's talk about it, it's because of you that I can participate."

Soon Sun Yongguo added that in addition to being the dean, his current identity also bears the important responsibility of Su Dingping's assistant.

Share Su Dingping's administrative work.

"Then let's go."

Su Dingping smiled casually and put down the work at hand.

After leaving the integrated military factory, the two took the special plane that had been waiting here and flew directly to the capital.

There are special armed helicopters guarding the entire route with bombs, which is very tight.

Although Su Dingping only has the rank of lieutenant colonel now, Xue Shuai personally approved that his security level is directly comparable to his. Not only the navy cannot lose Su Dingping, but now the three armed forces cannot lose him!

This is not a matter of remuneration, but a matter of top talent such as strategic masters. No amount of security is too high.

Su Dingping is irreplaceable and even more unique.

If the enemy knew about it, they would probably send batch after batch of capable killers to assassinate him.

After arriving at the Northern Fleet base, the two took a bulletproof car and went straight to the garrison base.

The Donghuang tribe suddenly expanded the air defense identification zone. Such a major event naturally attracted the attention of countries around the world, and they all set their sights on the East Continent waters.

The focus was on the Longxia Tribe and the Donghuang Tribe, two tribes with strong military strength in the East Continent Sea.

Of course, in their eyes, the Eastern Wilderness Tribal Self-Defense Force is stronger!

Since four warships were sunk in the eastern sea area some time ago, all the tribes have known that the little devil will take revenge sooner or later.

Sure enough, they launched an attack on June 3!

Everything seemed so sudden, but no one would think it was unexpected.

The Longxia Tribe and the Donghuang Tribe had a blood feud in history. Now that something like this has happened again, the skies over the Dongzhou Sea are already filled with clouds of war.

The last sea attack failed and four warships were sunk by Long Xia Navy.

This time, the Eastern Wilderness tribe has obviously been planning for a long time and is coming with great force!

The tribes of Blue Star are still waiting to see the good show.

They hoped that the two tribes would clash as soon as possible, and it would be best if they could fight to a pulp.

Especially those who have conflicts of interest with the Longxia tribe in the Dongzhou sea area, they can't wait to start a fight right now.

However, what they never expected was that half a day had passed. The Longxia tribe seemed to have acquiesced and did not issue any statement of condemnation.

It's like this never happened.

If it weren't for the announcement issued by the Donghuang tribe's foreign affairs department that was still posted online and published in newspapers, these tribes would have suspected that they had made a mistake.

Seeing that the official position of the Long Xia tribe has not been expressed, many tribes who are watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously have started to get excited.

They have already seen huge benefits from the expansion of the air defense identification zone caused by the Eastern Wilderness tribe.

It is true that the Longxia tribe has a tough attitude and wants to fight the Self-Defense Forces with real swords and guns, so we will just sit back and watch the show. Anyway, we have the melon seeds and drinks ready, and we are just waiting for the show to start.

What if the Longxia tribe doesn't take action?

That's embarrassing, they also want to try to use their own strength to poach a piece of profit from the Longxia tribe.

That's right, they are a bunch of money wolves and leopards.

Blue Star is so cruel to begin with. Where does the benevolence, morality, and freedom come from? In the end, it relies on force.

This day.

The Thousand Buddha Tribe, the Feilu Tribe, the Iron Monkey Tribe, and the Nihan Tribe and other tribes surrounding the East Continent Sea quietly held a secret online meeting.

The core issue discussed was the expansion of the air defense identification zone.

In front of the video, the shameless villain Tribe spoke first.

"Everyone, what do you think about this matter? The Donghuang tribe has already taken action. It was too sudden. I am very angry that they did not inform us before they took action."

"It made us very embarrassed. I didn't even have time to prepare. I was still thinking about expanding my own interests."

"Now that they are attacking us, our power is not enough. They are too treacherous."

"Four warships were sunk in Haizi before. They themselves said it was caused by exercises. They were really humiliated. I didn't expect that they had tolerated it for so long without taking action."

"They must be ready to take action at this time. I bet they will take revenge."

"Everyone, this is our chance."

"The Dongzhou sea area does not belong to the same family. We are all neighbors. Don't you want to get a share of the pie? Can't all the benefits go to the Donghuang tribe?"

"What should we do next?"

At the end of the sentence, the representative of the Feilu Tribe became a little impatient.

He picked up the water glass and took a sip. When everyone was silent, he spoke again.

"What is your attitude? Do you want to take part? If you do it, I will also be prepared."

"Can't you all not take action? If we do it and the Longxia tribe targets us, we will be under great pressure. Everyone, please say something!"

This representative of the Non-Law tribe is self-aware and knows that with the power of the Non-Green tribe, it is impossible to compete with the Long Xia Navy, so naturally he wants to bring other tribes together.

It has always been the consistent method of the non-Law tribe to use the fox to fake the power of the tiger. They are a typical tribe that is both good and fun-loving.

Borrowing external forces has always been their habit.

The Feilu tribe does not have a powerful fleet, so naturally they lack confidence at the moment!

The Qianfo Tribe owns a light aircraft carrier and is naturally more confident than the Feilü Tribe. Moreover, they have become very close to the Eagle Tribe over the years.

They either held military exercises or purchased weapons and equipment, and even members of the royal family were sent to the Eagle Tribe for forging.

"You have a good idea, how about we do it too?"

"We are allies. If we join forces, the naval power will not be much weaker than Haizi. When the time comes, we can share some benefits. This kind of thing is equivalent to not doing it in vain."

As soon as the Thousand Buddha Tribe opened its mouth, the other tribes immediately became active.

"Why should we watch as the Donghuang tribe eats meat? I think we also need to take a sip of soup, and our Nihard tribe will definitely participate."

"We also have interests in the southern seas. I think we can use this gap period to do it and expand the scope. Even if the Longxia tribe knows about it, they have no time to take care of it. Our Iron Monkey tribe will follow."

"The non-law tribe must participate, and we must also share the benefits."

All the participating tribes couldn't wait to participate. They had long been jealous of the southern sea area and related interests, and were just waiting for such an opportunity to arrive.

Now that the opportunity has come, they will definitely join forces to cause trouble.

Faced with such a fat piece of meat from the Longxia tribe, why not take this opportunity to take a bite?

Joining forces naturally increases the chance of winning. The representatives present at the meeting are so positive that everyone is good and can gain huge benefits.

But when it comes to carving up the interests, they will conflict again and become at war with each other.

The sea area related to the Longxia Tribe is indeed very huge, and the resources on the seabed are even more abundant. Both the Iron Monkey Tribe and the Feilu Tribe have secretly exploited it and earned a lot of US dollars.

After tasting the sweetness, they naturally want to expand their interests.

Now that the Eastern Wasteland tribes are really starting to take action, they will naturally not be willing to lag behind, but will fight hard.

As the saying goes, if you give it a try, your bicycle will become a motorcycle.

If the Donghuang tribe does it in the eastern sea, then they can do it in the southern sea. There is nothing wrong with it!

If both sides attack at the same time, no matter how strong the Longxia tribe is, they may not be able to keep an eye on each other.

From their point of view, they can still gain huge benefits.

However, when it came to the specific division of interests, these tribes began to argue again and almost stopped fighting.

They are not willing to lose their huge interests.

"No, we don't agree with this plan."

"We also occupy a large area of ​​​​the southern sea and occupy several islands."

"Why do we get the smallest one?"

"Your Qianfo tribe is not bordered by the southern sea. We don't need such a large territory. Give us some. Our tribe needs to make money from this."

The Feilu Tribe jumped up immediately and was extremely annoyed. He didn't want to get too many benefits.

In their opinion, the territory they have already occupied in the southern sea belongs to them, and what they want to divide now is the remaining part. Naturally, they want a bigger one.

"We are leaving it to you. Do you have an aircraft carrier? Do you have the ability to manage it?"

"The division of interests has always been based on strength. Do you have that strength?"

The representative of the Qianfo tribe spread his hands and responded straightforwardly, with a very tough attitude.

This is based on Chi Guoguo's strength. Everything is so straightforward. Without strength, there is no room for bargaining.

Seeing that the representatives of the Qianfo Tribe all took out the aircraft carrier to speak out, the other tribal representatives were immediately speechless.

They all know that competing for interests is impossible without aircraft carriers.

Although the Feilu tribe has a fleet, it is not strong enough. It would be impossible for them to fight against the Longxia tribe alone.

"I see, we don't need to keep arguing here."

"Why don't we unite, organize a fleet, share the benefits together, and manage it together."

“We can all do economic activity within this stretch of water.”

"What do you think?"

After pondering for a moment, the non-law tribe representative raised his head and said seriously.

Everyone immediately fell into deep thought and soon had the answer. They felt that this proposal was very good.

By forming a joint fleet to advance and retreat together, there is no need for a separate tribe to face the military threat of the Longxia tribe, let alone the worry of being defeated by them individually.

Very quickly, several tribes reached an agreement to completely carve up the southern sea area as a sea area jointly developed by several tribes, and dispatched warships to jointly maintain order and management.

Seeing that such a large area of ​​​​sea had been demarcated, several tribal representatives showed a satisfied smile.

As long as the Donghuang tribe takes action, they can take advantage of the situation and use this place as a new area for resource development. By then, they will not rely on their strength to obtain greater benefits.

Just thinking about it makes them very happy.

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