I built an armada

Chapter 234 The three military leaders gather to drive away the wolves

With a little more work in the future, this sea area will become their domination.

Everything is determined by strength.

The laws of the Blue Star Jungle have never changed.

After reaching the agreement, some tribes still felt guilty, especially since they had previously clashed with the Long Xia Navy and were ultimately defeated. Even now, they still feel like they have a knot in their throats and a thorn in their backs.

"We have a concern. Do you think the White Bear Tribe and the Eagle Tribe will interfere with us?"

"Definitely not, especially the Eagle Tribe. During the Keyi Tribe War, the ship exported by the Longxia Tribe bombed one of their amphibious assault ships. They have been thinking about revenge for this matter. The Eagle Tribe will definitely applaud."

"As for the White Bear Tribe, they have no intention of taking care of us. They are being restrained by Europa and cannot get away at all."

After hearing this analysis, everyone felt relieved.

As long as these two superpowers do not interfere, then they think this matter is 90% certain, and if they occupy it, they will occupy it. Anyway, they are just taking advantage of the situation.

"Then when will we announce this news to the public?"

"We think it's not the right time to suddenly announce it now, but we have to wait until the Donghuang tribe takes action before we take action. If the Longxia tribe doesn't respond at all, then we will take advantage of the situation and announce it."

"What do you think?"

Upon hearing this, the tribal representatives immediately agreed, "This is good, let's do it like this."

Although the four tribes were holding a secret online meeting, the news could not stop the fire, and the news quickly leaked out, attracting the attention of other tribes.

"Watts killed Falk. It's such a good thing, but they actually made peace in private without notifying us."

"After all, we are also a big tribe with aircraft carriers."

The Asan tribe looked very distressed and wanted to put a pole in it immediately.

"Why are we so far away from the southern sea that we can't even reach there?"

"No matter what, we have to get involved."

The kangaroo tribe held a meeting that day and expressed their attitude quite unhappily.

"What a huge loss. If I had known better, I shouldn't have let the Varyag leave."

The Ertu tribe also started shouting. If they weren't thousands of kilometers away, they would really want to come over and get a share of the pie.

"Damn it, we should also fight for a piece of profit. How could we Judas miss such a good opportunity?"

The tribe of Judah also looked sad and distraught.

Almost all tribes were moved.

On the other hand, the Laxi tribe and the Tesha tribe remained calm.

Especially when they escorted the ship back home, Longxia Navy behaved extremely professionally and fiercely.

The Eastern Wasteland tribe was wiped out and sunk four warships.

Who knows if they have any hidden strength.

Just thinking about it makes my back feel cold.

Thanks to the fact that those tribes didn't open their eyes, they are now thinking of confronting the Longxia tribe. Isn't this looking for death?

Does the Longxia tribe really think it is as simple as it seems on the surface?

They didn't know how smart those tribal decision-makers were, and they actually wanted to cause trouble with the Longxia tribe.

The civilization that has truly lasted on Blue Star for thousands of years is Long Xia, isn't it?

He is a real old monster.

The 051C alone is so powerful, let alone other warships.

He remembered very clearly that someone from the Longxia Tribe told him that what could be shown to everyone was what the Longxia Tribe was willing to make public.

And those who are truly hidden are the most powerful.

"Long Xia Sea Area, that is a place where monsters are hidden deep inside."

"What a bunch of stupid guys!"

At the same time, the Eagle Tribe and the Black Palace.

The great chief was holding a cup of coffee and taking a sip. His eyes were fixed on the pile of documents submitted from all sides.

For him, this is a heavy workload every day, with endless documents to approve and endless tasks to complete.

Fortunately, there is a beautiful secretary who flirts with her from time to time, and her charm makes him want to rejuvenate.

Otherwise, this job will be impossible.

In the corridor outside the office, a blond man wearing a high-end black suit walked over quickly.

"Dong dong."

He knocked on the door.


The blond man slowly opened the door and walked in.

This person is the chief's staff.

"Karl, what's the matter?"

The chief took a sip of coffee with great enjoyment and asked curiously.

“Great Chief, good news comes from the Eastern Wasteland tribe.

The staff couldn't wait to report.


The staff member nodded slightly and spoke hurriedly.

"Great Chief, the supreme commander of the Eastern Barren Tribe, Murakami Hayaogi, together with the senior leaders of the Eastern Barren Tribe, jointly submitted an application to us. They need to use aircraft carriers in this operation."

The chief frowned slightly.

"Are you going to use an aircraft carrier?"

Even though the Eastern Barren Tribe has been militarily untied, giving them certain rights of war, according to the relevant agreements signed that year, the Eastern Barren Tribe can develop aircraft carriers, but the command of the aircraft carrier is firmly in the hands of the Eagle Tribe. .

Therefore, if Haizi wants to use its aircraft carrier, it must apply to the Eagle Tribe!

After thinking about it carefully, the chief became interested.

"The Donghuang tribe suddenly re-established the air defense identification zone in the eastern sea area and expanded the scope. So, they didn't do it on a whim?"

"They want to use this to declare war on the Longxia tribe, so they need aircraft carriers to help?"

The staff immediately handed over a piece of information.

"Yes, Warchief."

"This is the action plan submitted by the Eastern Wasteland tribe. They will be ready to take action tomorrow night."

"They will dispatch the 88th Fleet and aircraft carriers to conduct patrols and reconnaissance in the eastern sea area identification zone."

"At that time, the aircraft carrier will dispatch carrier-based aircraft to support the patrol aircraft."

"And if we encounter Long Xia's navy at this time, a bloody war will begin."

After hearing the reports from his staff, the chief looked through the relevant action plans again and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

"Okay, okay, very good."

"Last time, their sneak attack was unsuccessful and they lost four warships, causing us to be embarrassed as well. I am very dissatisfied."

"I approved the use of two aircraft carriers this time."

"Notify us and let the Seventh Fleet monitor and control the whole process."

"If they don't get it right this time, we will have to re-transform the Eastern Wilderness Tribe. Useless people have no value to our Eagle Tribe."

The chief picked up the signature pen and swiped it to sign the action plan, not forgetting to give a serious explanation to his staff.

Of the three Eighty-Eight Fleets, only two and a half are left, and aircraft carrier reinforcements are indeed needed.

If the Donghuang tribe wants to completely defeat the Longxia Navy in one go, they must have the strength to completely crush the opponent. The inclusion of the aircraft carrier also takes into account the possibility that the Longxia tribe may be hiding its strength.

"Yes, Warchief!"

"I conveyed it to them immediately."

After receiving the order, the staff turned around and exited the office, and then went to make arrangements.

After receiving the relevant news from the Eagle Tribe, all the senior leaders of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe breathed a sigh of relief.

With the aircraft carrier, the sea will be able to fight more fully. They no longer have any worries, and the maneuverable space has suddenly increased a lot.

In the conference room, Murakami Saki waved his fist in frustration, hitting the human-shaped target hard every time, as if he was exercising or venting his dissatisfaction.

Recently, he has been having a lot of grudges in his heart.

Several months have passed, and the intelligence officers have not sent any information about the mysterious shield ship. They have never figured out what monsters are hidden in the eastern sea area.

If Shushang Tianfu hadn't been the best intelligence officer in the Eastern Wilderness tribe at present, he would have wanted to make him commit seppuku as an apology just like he did with Jingxia Wada.

In fact, from the very beginning, he suspected that the shield ship belonged to the White Bear Tribe. They crossed paths and attacked from behind, but everything was done very covertly, leaving no traces.

He personally took a ship to see the sea area where the accident occurred. Everything was so calm that it was impossible to tell anything.

The Pacific Fleet of the White Bear Tribe is actually not too far away from here. They often come out for activities. According to the usual behavior of the White Bear Tribe, it is extremely possible for them to do such a thing.

After venting, the assistant immediately handed over a towel.

Murakami Saki wiped his sweat and turned around to look at the people not far away.

"Gentlemen, we can already use the aircraft carrier, so our chances of winning will increase."

"At the very least, the Long Xia Navy does not have an aircraft carrier so far."

"We have an aircraft carrier stationed there. Even if the Long Xia Navy hides its strength, even if the shield ship belongs to them, I don't think they can make any big waves."

"Haizi is still the strongest force in the Dongzhou sea area, and it can suppress them and make them unable to lift their heads!"

These words swept away the gloom in everyone's minds, and everyone's face became a little more confident, as if they had achieved a devastating blow to Long Xia's navy.


Everyone said in unison, full of energy.

As soon as the aircraft carrier takes action, we will know whether it is there or not.

Isn't the reason why the Eagle Tribe's navy is so powerful because they have more than a dozen aircraft carrier fleets?

And now that they have it, the Longxia tribe will definitely give in and pretend that nothing happened.

The other side.

Longxia tribe, imperial capital, garrison headquarters.

The heavy and heavily guarded door slowly opened, and a vehicle with military license plates was driving quickly towards this side.

It didn't take long for the military vehicle to stop at the gate and quickly pass by. The sentries immediately stood up in order and paid attention.

But he also saw the scary license plate, which could only be equipped by high-level leaders.

You don't need to guess to know that the person sitting inside must be a certain military region boss.

And only those with at least the rank of general are qualified to ride in such a military vehicle.

Then, the sentry's eyes widened, and he was even more horrified.

One after the other, all are boss cars.

There are those from the Air Force Headquarters, the Army Headquarters, the Navy Headquarters, and the Second Artillery Headquarters.

There is even one from the tri-service headquarters.

It can be said that there is no low-level vehicle.

They instantly realized a serious problem. An unprecedented meeting would be held in the garrison. Something big must have happened.

Thinking of the recent news about the Donghuang Tribe's expansion of the air defense identification zone, they were even more certain that Long Xia's army would respond, most likely after today's meeting.

As a result, each of them became more serious than usual, and they didn't dare to carry anything.

The sentinel's eyes shot out with extremely sharp eyes, warily watching for any unusual movement around him.

The security department of the garrison has activated the highest level of security, and patrols armed with live ammunition have launched intensive patrols and vigilance missions in the military area.

Five steps and one post, ten steps and one sentry, the entire military region has entered a state of first-level combat readiness.

Commanders are at their posts, ready to deal with incoming enemies at any time!

After the special car drove into the garrison area, it went straight to an administrative building.

The door of the building was already filled with security sentries. When the car door opened, the foreman immediately stepped forward to salute.

"Hello, Chief, welcome to the garrison."

Not long after the car door opened, an energetic old man in military uniform walked out quickly, very neatly.

He is the supreme commander-in-chief of the three armed forces!

If Su Dingping were here, he would definitely recognize him. This person is none other than Xue Shuai, who he has met several times!

Xue Shuai's body was upright, a pair of tiger eyes shot out with sharp light, and his face was full of seriousness.

"Hello, comrades."

After saluting the sentry, he turned to look at the very high-level administrative vehicle on the side, and then quickly walked towards it.

The door of the special car opened, and an old man wearing a black jacket got out.

"Captain, please!"

Then he made an invitation gesture.

The old man in the black jacket nodded slightly, and then strode towards the building with Xue Shuai following closely.

Several guards in black suits followed immediately, their movements very swift and crisp.

They had just entered the building, and then the sentries saw a high-level special car approaching. They stopped decisively, opened the car door, and almost all of them were generals. In an instant, the place was shining with golden light.

What does it mean to gather stars?

This is!

Some are wearing green military uniforms, some are wearing blue military uniforms, some are wearing emerald green military uniforms, and some are wearing white military uniforms.

There is no one who is not a big boss.

The land, sea, air, and headquarters personnel are all here.

This made the sentries extremely busy. They had endless salutes and almost never lowered their right hands. Their hearts were filled with turmoil and shock!

But soon, they saw an excessively young man walking down, wearing navy uniform with the rank of lieutenant colonel.


"He didn't go to the wrong place, did he?"

Even though they had doubts in their hearts, they still did not stop him, because they saw that the young man was accompanied by a major general and a senior colonel. They were all vaguely led by this young man.

That's right, it seems that he accompanied him throughout the whole process.

In other words, he was specially approved to participate in this very high-level tri-service meeting.

Inside the building, there is a spacious conference hall with a high degree of confidentiality.

The generals sat down in different areas, their expressions were extremely serious, no one said a word, and the silence was so quiet that you could hear the drop of a pin.

At this time, the door opened, and Xue Shuai and an old man in a black jacket walked in slowly.

"stand up!"

The sentry shouted, and all the generals immediately stood up and stood on their seats to welcome the arrival of the two men.

Xue Shuai and the old man in the black jacket sat in the chief position.

"Is everyone here?"

"Report to Xue Shuai, everyone is here."

After receiving the reply, Xue Shuai nodded with satisfaction.

"Then everyone sit down."

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