I built an armada

Chapter 235 Su Dingping was specially approved to participate in the decision-making meeting


Everyone sat down together.

Xue Shuai sat down with a normal expression, his expression did not change at all.

Only he knew how angry he was at this moment.

The Donghuang tribe became so arrogant that they all assigned the air defense identification zone to the doorstep of the Longxia tribe, which was only 120 kilometers away from the coastline.

Simply don't go overboard.

He understands better than anyone what such consequences mean.

In other words, as long as the Donghuang tribe thinks about it, their fighter jets can easily cross 120 kilometers with air-to-ground missiles with a slightly longer range and directly hit the Longxia tribe's local targets.

As the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, how could he not be annoyed or anxious?

In the huge conference hall, the lights were brightly lit and the stars were gathered, but no one said a word, it was silent, as if there was no one there.

Looking around, everyone's face was ashen.

Xue Shuai and the old man in black jacket sat in the chief position. In front of them were the chiefs from the Third Army and the Second Artillery.

In this crowd, Su Dingping, accompanied by Sun Yongguo and Zhang Zhaoxin, seemed so out of place.

Whether in terms of military rank or age, he is a very special one, standing out from the crowd.

Su Dingping was a little curious. Everyone present had a higher military rank than him. If he hadn't received a special invitation, he might not be qualified to come here at all.

While looking at everyone, he accidentally saw Sun Yongguo next to him from the corner of his eye.

I saw Sun Yongguo sitting there, looking a little uncomfortable. If you look closely, you can see sweat coming out of his forehead, which is densely packed, as if it is very hot here.

In fact, the central air conditioner here has been turned on. Even though it is already June, the temperature has already risen.

This made Su Dingping a little confused. After all, Sun Yongguo had seen big scenes, so why was he more nervous than himself when he got here?

He gently pushed Sun Yongguo and asked in a low voice: "Dean, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine."

Sun Yongguo waved his hand gently, indicating that nothing really happened to him.

Only he knew that he was surrounded by generals, at least at the level of senior colonel like Zhang Zhaoxin, and someone like Su Dingping who was only a lieutenant colonel would definitely become the object of everyone's attention.

And when he sits next to him, he will be even more closely watched.

In the past, he had never participated in such a high-level meeting. All the top brass in the army were present.

There were even a few people without military positions sitting not far from Xue Shuai.

On weekdays, he still pays attention to some news. Naturally, he knows that almost all of these people are experts with in-depth research on the military, or it is not an exaggeration to say that they are the military's think tanks.

Often when senior military officials find it difficult to make some decisions, they will discuss them with them.

However, Su Dingping knew that there were too many soft-legged shrimps in the think tank during this period. When they saw the Eagle Tribe, they were all frightened and their legs were weak. They were not as brave and tough as they were when the country was first founded.

Sun Yongguo sat there, looking quite uncomfortable.

Su Tianci shook his head slightly. He glanced around everyone and found that he really didn't find many colonel officers, who started at the level of major general.

Looking at the entire naval camp, it seems that only a few of them are captains. It can even be said that they are the most out of place among everyone here.

In addition, all the people who came here were real people with real power, and the way they stamped their feet would make them tremble in the military circles.

"Okay, let's start the meeting now."

"This time the topic mainly discusses the expansion of the Donghuang tribe's air defense identification zone, which is only 120 kilometers away from our country's coastline."

"I believe everyone knows what this means."

"What do you think about this?"

Xue Shuai looked around the crowd, glanced at Su Dingping's position, and then spoke loudly.

The city is like him, with no expression on his face, neither sad nor happy, as if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his expression.

"Xue Shuai, the Donghuang tribe is coming this time with great force and bad intentions. They must have premeditated it."

"They have also announced that they will dispatch reconnaissance and patrol aircraft to conduct reconnaissance in the relevant airspace on June 6. I am afraid that their motives are not pure."

"We have to do something."

As soon as he finished speaking, a major general from the army spoke, full of irrepressible indignation.

As soon as he stood up, someone followed him.

"It's not wrong at all. The Donghuang tribe has obviously been planning for a long time."

"According to recent intelligence and satellite photos, they have secretly deployed both Eighty-Eight Fleets to the southwest waters."

"It's obvious that they want to take advantage of the situation. Even though we sank four of their warships last time, they still have two and a half fleets."

"Their strength should not be underestimated. They have been carrying out modernization construction for a long time, and they have the help of the Eagle Tribe behind them."

Having said this, he paused, glanced at everyone, picked up the mineral water and took a sip.

"Actually, I'm also worried about whether they will dispatch aircraft carriers. In that case, they will be even more unscrupulous."

"Currently, there are various indications that the Eagle Tribe will approve their use. After all, we have offended the Eagle Tribe. They are eager for the Eastern Wilderness Tribe to conflict with us."

"So that we can use this to completely eliminate the three major fleets of our navy."

As soon as these words were spoken, the generals couldn't help but frown.

They all knew that what this man stated was a fact. Whether it was the two and a half eighty-eight fleets or the aircraft carrier, they were all huge mountains in front of Long Xia's army.

If we can't get over it, then trying to get out of the first island chain will be empty talk.

Let alone heading towards the Pacific Ocean.

In fact, in the final analysis, it is because the Eight-Eight Fleet of the Donghuang tribe has such a famous name in the Dongzhou waters and has existed for too long.

So much so that people have formed a fixed mindset and feel that Longxia Navy is inferior to them.

Occasionally, they met with them and suddenly took action to catch the enemy off guard. Some commanders felt confident that they could defeat the opponent.

If they faced the entire Haizi, they would have no confidence in their hearts.

After all, there has never been such a large-scale confrontation with Haizi before, and it is really impossible to be sure.

Long Xia's navy has indeed grown up, but the leaders of the navy have not really changed their minds for a while.

A group of chiefs held a heated discussion, and gradually those who advocated a war became the majority and the voice was the highest.

But in this way, the pressure is directly placed on the Navy.

Obviously, the Donghuang tribe will also be dispatched from the sea this time, and it will eventually be implemented in fleet operations.

"Comrade Hua Ming, your navy has been making a lot of noise recently, so you are not sure about taking action?"

The chief of the Air Force spoke first, looking at Liu Huaming not far away.

"Yes, we have recently made concessions to you in terms of funding. You exported quite a few warships some time ago, and even sank four naval warships."

"I think you should be very confident."

The big brother of the Army also spoke up. They had received a lot of technology transfer from the Navy some time ago, and the Navy's recent development has been very rapid.

Seeing that everyone's attention was focused on himself, the supreme commander of the navy, Liu Huaming naturally couldn't say anything.

"That's what you two are saying. Our navy's actions are a bit big, and the strong bones are still there."

"In the past, our navy could drive small boats and carry out guerrilla warfare at sea, but now we dare to show our swords when encountering the enemy. We don't care about the bullshit air defense identification zone. As long as the little devil dares to cross the red line, we will fight back resolutely."

"It doesn't matter what their bullshit Eighth Fleet or aircraft carriers are, as long as they dare to come, we dare to fight!"

"Although our navy is not as powerful as the little devils, but so what, we still dare to show swords against them, even if we sacrifice ourselves."

Liu Huaming did not hide his attitude of fighting and responded seriously.

The momentum is overwhelming and full of confidence!

Everyone at the scene could see that Liu Huaming definitely didn’t just talk the talk, he definitely meant what he said!

But when they looked at the navy, there was a hint of worry in their eyes.

The navy is developing very fast, and they all know it.

But the development time is still too short. It is said that a century-old navy is very difficult.

Even if cheating occurs, how far can it develop?

The Eastern Barren Tribe Sea has been developing for decades, and behind it is the Eagle Tribe, the overlord of the sea, who provides technical support. Compared with this, the gap is still very obvious.

Thinking of this, the generals couldn't help but feel a lot heavier.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Army ranks first in Blue Star, but it is still beyond its reach when it comes to maritime conflicts. Even if it has the idea of ​​using ballistic missiles to hit warships, there is still a long way to go before it can develop missiles.

Compared with the army, the air force may be able to provide some support.

However, due to the time in the air and the backward model of the aircraft, it cannot be of much help.

After all, if the Air Force dispatches fighter planes, the Japs will definitely dispatch their own air force to help. The other side has the advanced F15J. All of these fighters are very new and very durable.

Once a fight breaks out, the outcome is uncertain.

If the Long Xia Navy had an aircraft carrier, the meaning would be completely different. It would be able to conduct long-term operations in the air without having to worry about returning without fuel.

And isn’t the Varyag of the Longxia tribe still on the way?

Besides, even if it is pulled back, it cannot be used directly. It needs to be modernized and modified to turn it into a giant ship capable of performing combat missions.

If you want to rely on it, you still don’t know the year of the monkey, the horse and the month.

Thinking of this, the expressions of the generals became much darker.

At this moment, they are all longing for the aircraft carrier.

The century-old aircraft carrier dream has once again become concrete and realistic.

If the Longxia tribe wants to achieve its rise, aircraft carriers must be a topic that cannot be avoided, and they are also the standard equipment of the navies of modern powers!

The Asan tribe has several aircraft carriers, so they clamor all day long to make the entire ocean their own.

"Everyone, I disagree with the navy chief's views."

At this moment, a discordant sound suddenly sounded, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

It turns out that this man is Dong Xijin from the think tank. He is in his sixties, has silver hair, and calls himself a senior military scholar.

He is a very well-known military expert in the country and has attended many major conferences.

He has also put forward many constructive opinions, and he still has some status in the academic circle, so he has naturally won the respect of many leaders.

This time I invited him to attend the meeting, and of course I wanted to listen to his opinions.

Hearing this, Xue Shuai also looked over, wanting to hear what the other party had to say.

When holding such a meeting, it is always important to listen and understand, and different opinions are allowed to exist.

Of course, the premise is that it needs to be reasonable and meet current needs.

Su Dingping also looked at him, curious about what he would say.

"I don't think fighting is the best solution."

After making his attitude clear first, Dong Xijin then began to talk eloquently.

"As the old saying goes, the first step is to attack with military force, and the second is to attack with friends."

"Chief of the Navy, I want to ask, once we have a conflict with the Navy, can we win?"

Seeing the other party running directly towards him, Liu Huaming frowned immediately, but he couldn't speak. After all, he had no confidence in winning.

"Okay, I already know what you mean."

"Obviously, our navy chiefs feel the odds are against us."

"But what I want to tell you is that this dispatch is not just from Haizi. There must be the instigation of the Eagle Tribe behind it. This is a test."

"I think we should calm down and not resort to force for the time being. Instead, we should issue protests and condemnations from the foreign affairs department, clearly express our attitude to the outside world, and not admit it!"

"In previous years, we didn't do it this way."

"This is how we can avoid conflicts and ensure that our peaceful development is not interrupted and we fall into the enemy's trap."

Having said this, Dong Xijin looked around the people and saw that none of the generals spoke. He couldn't help but feel a little proud, so he started to speak in a high-sounding way.

"What is our main task right now? Development and continuous accumulation of strength."

"Now that we have finally made some achievements in economic construction, some people are clamoring for conflicts with surrounding tribes. Isn't this cutting off our development opportunities?"

"Wars cost money, and people will die. What we have to do now is to be kind to our neighbors, send people to communicate with the Eastern Wilderness tribes, and calm down the disputes as soon as possible."

"In the final analysis, they just moved the air defense identification zone 80 kilometers forward, and they did not say that they would delimit the airspace."

"If we react violently and go to war, the other side can then use it as an excuse to start a war with us and drag us into the mud of war."

"Comrades, go to war and make plans. We should communicate with them."

Dong Xijin's eloquent tongue immediately changed the direction of the scene after a long speech.

Seeing him, they all spoke up, and several other members of the think tank also spoke up, expressing their unwillingness to start a war.

Everyone believes that the Donghuang Tribe's expansion of the air defense identification zone is just a test, and there is no substantive move. The Longxia Tribe has not suffered any major losses.

Some people even think that this loss is nothing to the Longxia tribe.

Several generals with a neutral attitude on the scene also frowned, and it was obvious that they were a little shaken.

As for the generals who had previously advocated the use of force to solve the problem, their expressions became extremely serious at this time, and everyone was very unhappy. They were military generals and were not just talking around.

Xue Shuai, who was sitting in the first place, said nothing and just glanced in Liu Huaming's direction.

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