I built an armada

Chapter 236 Japanese pirates must be killed with a knife

Needless to say, as naval commander Liu Huaming is an unswerving advocate.

It's just that at this moment, his brows were furrowed, and he obviously didn't think about how to retort Dong Xijin forcefully.

After all, Dong Xijin belongs to the ranks of literati, and he is so cruel that he has no chance for military generals to refute.

The phrase "keep a low profile and bide your time" developed into a theme that directly covered everything he wanted to say.

Isn’t that what the current topic is?

When you don't have the strength, you can only bury your head in the sand like an ostrich, endure not taking action, and focus on development.

"Damn, this guy's tongue is really fierce."

"If I had known earlier, I would have brought the political commissar here."

Liu Huaming cursed secretly in his heart, feeling quite unhappy.

Xu Dongguo, Xiao Chongjun, and the hot-tempered Qian Wenbing and others were also anxious, but they couldn't think of how to refute.

They are military generals. If you ask them to command and fight, they will definitely be good at it. But if you ask them to talk nonsense, it will be really difficult for them. It is almost enough to catch a duck.

Especially Qian Wenbing, his fists were clenched and he wanted to rush over and beat up Na Deng.

The vast majority of people originally agreed to fight a war. If Dong Xijin did this, wouldn't it be over?

"Commanders, I disagree with this expert's opinion."

Suddenly at this moment, a loud voice came from the navy seat.

Everyone looked over immediately following the sound, and saw a young man wearing a navy uniform with the rank of lieutenant colonel on his shoulders, standing there with an extremely straight body.

It's like a shrub suddenly growing out of a patch of grass. It's hard not to attract attention.

Sun Yongguo, who was sitting next to him, suddenly changed color on his old face. He quickly sat up straight and adopted the most standard sitting posture. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Originally, he didn't want everyone to look at him, so he just attended the meeting silently and then left silently. How nice.

But now that Su Dingping did this, everyone remembered him.

As for Zhang Zhaoxin on the side, he was also panicking at the moment. He had appeared on many TV programs and faced thousands of viewers.

But for a senior colonel to participate in such a high-level meeting, he was not qualified enough.

It seemed that he was the senior colonel at the scene, and Su Dingping was the lieutenant colonel.

As for Sun Yongguo, he is a technical major general. On weekdays, he only needs to stay in the integrated military factory and immerse himself in research.

Damn it.

Su Dingping harmed me!

But in just a moment, he quickly adjusted his mentality and wanted to hear what Su Dingping wanted to say.

He had actually wanted to refute Dong Xijin's remarks for a long time.

But he didn't organize his words well. Besides, if he spoke, he would be a person who speaks softly, and there would be no human bird at all.

Su Dingping is different. A lieutenant colonel has a high eye-catching rate, and he is also a popular figure in front of Liu Huaming.

Almost held in the palm of the entire navy.

After looking at Su Dingping, Liu Huaming suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew Su Dingping very well and knew that this boy would never stand out in something that he was not sure about.

Seeing Su Dingping, Xue Shuai frowned calmly.

He never expected that Liu Huaming would specially approve him to come to attend the meeting, which was really interesting.

The two chiefs of the Army and the Air Force looked at Su Dingping in surprise. For a moment, they couldn't think of where they had seen him before. The Navy gave him a lieutenant colonel at such a young age?

It seems that he has some special abilities.

"Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, what do you want to say?"

"Would you like to talk about it?"

Xue Shuai focused his eyes on Su Dingping and spoke with deep meaning.

Everyone at the scene became energetic and looked over in unison.

"This Dong Xijin, Professor Dong, who told you that the Donghuang tribe only made verbal announcements and would not take substantive actions?"

Su Dingping looked at Dong Xijin and started questioning him by calling him by his name.

"That's obvious."

Dong Xijin raised his eyebrows and responded coldly.

"In other words, this is just your wishful thinking, right?"

"Are you too naive? Do you really think that the Donghuang tribe will not take action on June 6?"

Su Dingping never had a good look on such capitulationist remarks, so his voice naturally became a little colder.

When he heard that he was childish, Dong Xijin was so angry that veins jumped on his forehead, and he snorted in retort.

"Huh, I'm afraid you're just guessing, right?"

Su Dingping smiled casually and said, "Yes, I guessed it too."

"But I have evidence. Who said before that the Eastern Wilderness tribe would not send troops to sneak attack our foreign trade fleet? What will be the result?"

"Also, the people of the Eagle Tribe were advocating that the Japs would not attack Pearl Harbor. What happened? So many people were killed and injured."

"But now, you are sworn to cover for the little devil. What are your intentions?"

"Are you still from Longxia?"

Dong Xijin suddenly became anxious: "伱..."

He knew very well that if this hat was taken off, his identity would be questionable.

The consequences could be disastrous.

"What are you?"

"You just said that the Donghuang tribe has been planning for a long time. Then I want to tell you that Haizi has made full preparations for this. They just want to cause a conflict with us."

"Their desire to kill me has not died even for a single second!"

"The ambition of the Donghuang Tribe has never changed. They just want to dominate the waters of Dongzhou forever. What is the prerequisite? Completely eliminate our navy!"

The eyes looking at Dong Xijin gradually became colder, and Su Dingping's voice also increased several decibels.

"You bet the dignity of millions of soldiers, hundreds of thousands of sailors, and tens of millions of citizens, as well as the national honor and dignity, on your guess."

"Dong Xijin, let me ask you, what are your intentions?"

"If the big guys follow your advice today, stay calm and never take action."

"Then on June 6, the little devil flew a fighter plane to the door of your house. You still said that fighting would kill people, so you chose to surrender. What is the difference between you and Wang Jingwei and his like?"

"Are you going to save the country through a curve? Kneel down and surrender to the little devil?"

"How could I, Yangyang Longxia, have such a traitorous person like you?"

Dong Xijin's face turned dark with anger, he pointed his finger at Su Dingping and shouted: "Zhuzi, you, you are spitting blood, the chief..."

Before he could finish speaking, Su Dingping interrupted him again.

"Professor Dong, have you read The Theory of Six Kingdoms?"

"The talk about ceding cities to feed the violent Qin Dynasty is a high school text that the teacher asked me to recite. I'm afraid you have long forgotten it, right?"

"You, a great professor, don't understand the principles that the ancients understood and the articles that you have memorized in high school?"

"You actually adopt a tolerant attitude towards the violent little devil. What's the difference between cutting off your flesh and feeding it to tigers and wolves?"

"The little devils have already put their guns to their heads, so you are here to confuse the public and shake the morale of the army. Is it because on June 6, their military planes arrived at our doorstep, and you still want to use these words of surrender?" ?”

"Let me tell you, if we get to that point, the little devils will dare to send troops to land on our land and redraw the national borders."

"Today we are worried that the Eastern Wilderness tribe has strong military power and values ​​peace. Then tomorrow the jackals, tigers and leopards around us will swarm up and bite us."

"Come on, now tell me how to make peace? Do you want to cede territory and pray for peace?"

For such a long time, Dong Xijin managed not to fart, but his nose was crooked with anger.

Then, Su Dingping changed the subject and continued.

"The Donghuang tribe dares to designate the air defense identification zone only 120 kilometers away from the coastline. Then we can also designate it and push it to their doorsteps."

"If they send warships and fighter planes to provoke, we can shoot them down!"

"Whether it is an aircraft carrier, a warship, a reconnaissance aircraft, or a fighter plane, as long as they dare to come, our navy will dare to attack them head-on!"

Dong Xijin, who was half-dead with anger, was still struggling: "Humph, you won't die in the war, of course you dare to be high-sounding."

"All the leaders here can testify that as soon as the war starts, I will be the first to go!"

Su Dingping's chest puffed up, and he responded with great righteousness, his voice was loud and his momentum was magnificent.

"Just asking, do you dare to follow mom?"

Seeing Su Dingping's sarcastic remarks, Dong Xijin's old face twisted with anger, and said in a trembling voice: "Humph, does your navy have any chance of winning?"

"shut up!"

Su Dingping's voice suddenly rose a few decibels and he roared,

"You old thief, you have lived a long life in vain, and now you are still wagging your lips and shaking our military morale. What are your intentions? Are you trying to measure Long Xia's material resources and gain the favor of the Japanese country? "

"Now I have to wonder if you are a colonizer or spy trained by little devils?"

"Dignity is only on the edge of the sword, and truth is only within the range of the cannon!"

"Whether the navy can defeat you or not, you will only know if you fight. Before the war begins, you are deceiving the public with your monstrous words. I will shake the morale of the army. If we were in the army, I would directly order someone to chop off your head with a knife!"

"The only way to deal with Japanese pirates is to kill them with a knife!"

Su Dingping's momentum suddenly went full blast, and he ran directly towards Dong Xijin. His aura of justice frightened the other party so much that he did not dare to say a word.

After the words fell, the whole place was silent for a moment, and everyone looked at Su Dingping with horrified expressions.

A young lieutenant colonel's sharp remarks directly knocked the senior military intelligence professor speechless. This was the first time in so many years.

Both Sun Yongguo and Zhang Zhaoxin were shocked.

Especially Zhang Zhaoxin, who was dubbed by the people as the director of the War Negligence Bureau, felt as if his heart was turning upside down.

Su Dingping was even crazier than him, and his words were sharper.

This courage is boundless.

Don’t you know what the occasion is here?

You used foul language again, and you went on the line again.

You don't take the big guys seriously.

If there is a big boss behind Dong Xijin, wouldn't you offend that big boss to death?

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhaoxin cautiously looked at everyone.

He found that the chief of the army, the air force, and several headquarters chiefs did not say a word, but frowned slightly, and his heart suddenly rose.

My dear mother.

Is this a prelude to the coming storm?

The silence was a bit scary.

At this moment, Liu Huaming and other navy chiefs were also worried.


If you have different ideas, could you please let us know in private in advance?

Now, we don't know how to help you.

It seems that in the end we still need to see what Xue Shuai wants.

As a result, Liu Huaming and others looked at Xue Shuai one after another.

"Well, Xue Shuai, Dingping is still young and ignorant. I will teach him when I go back..."

Liu Huaming took a deep breath and said bravely.

However, a faint smile suddenly appeared on Xue Shuai's face, and he said randomly and meaningfully,

"Comrade Hua Ming, let's forget about the blame. Who has never been young and not crazy when he was young, and still calls him a young man?"

"Don't you think what he said makes sense?"

Liu Huaming was stunned at first, and then he quickly realized that Su Dingping's words just now touched Xue Shuai's heart.

Xue Shuai said these words not to himself alone, but to everyone.

Then Xue Shuai is no longer going to hold back, he is going to start a war with the little devil!

Several other leaders immediately followed suit.

The atmosphere suddenly became relaxed.

"I think what Dingping said makes sense."

"The navy should have this kind of momentum. It will draw its sword when encountering an enemy. Even if blood is splashed three feet, there is no shame."

Liu Huaming responded quickly.

"what about you?"

Xue Shuai nodded and then looked at the others.

"What Dingping said makes sense."

Others expressed a near-unanimous opinion.

"That's good."

Xue Shuai was very satisfied with the result, and then looked at Su Dingping again, "Comrade, what do you think the navy's chances of winning in this battle are?"

Everyone looked at Su Dingping, and Dong Xijin looked like he was watching a good show.

Su Dingping naturally knew that what Xue Shuai was asking was a result of the fact that the Donghuang tribe was currently dispatching aircraft carriers and the entire Eighth-Eighth Fleet.

"Report to the leader, there is at least a 40% chance of winning!"

After Su Dingping thought for a moment, he spoke loudly.

"Four percent?"


These two words were like a bomb, exploding directly on the spot.

It's unbelievable.

The navy actually has such a high chance of winning?

Liu Huaming's little heart started beating wildly. He really didn't understand what was the basis for Su Dingping's conclusion?

You're not bragging, right?

Or is it that the new warship that has been rumored recently is about to be launched?

Even after a while, no one at the scene spoke, but just stared at Su Dingping like a monster.

They even thought that there was something wrong with Su Dingping's brain.

Even though the navy has achieved rapid development and achieved remarkable results in recent times, it may not have enough foundation. Doesn't this guy know that the opposite side is Japanese pirates?

It was a modern navy that had been developed for decades and supported by the technology of the Eagle Tribe.

After all, Su Dingping is still too young.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

You don't even think about the consequences.

Gradually, some of the confidence boosted by Su Dingping's bold words weakened little by little.

Dong Xijin and others were about to laugh loudly.

It’s still 40%, which is really shameless!

He was given the rank of lieutenant colonel at such a young age. How short of a manpower is there in the Navy?

The Eastern Barren Tribe has a fleet of eighty-eight and two aircraft carriers at sea. With such a powerful fleet, our navy has a 10% chance of winning, okay?

Forty percent, that’s a joke.

Before they could speak, the leader spoke with ill intentions.

"Comrade Hua Ming, your navy really has all kinds of talents."

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