"Cheng Kun?" Ying Zheng glanced at the monk lightly, as if looking at a mouse in a sewer pipe.

Cheng Kun was sad in the first half of his life and hateful in the second half.

The junior sister of his childhood sweetheart was taken by Yangding Tian's horizontal knife, and after that, Cheng Kun swore to be hostile to Yangding Tian.

Later, Cheng Kun fornicated with Lady Yangdingtian, and Yangdingtian died of madness, and Madame committed suicide, which made him deeply resentful. Using his apprentice Xie Xun's identity as the Ming Sect's guardian to launch a revenge plan, Xie Xun's family was destroyed, provoking him to kill people, and secretly helping, hoping to disturb the rivers and lakes through Xie Xun's bloody hands and arouse the same hatred against the Ming Sect.

Now that the world is besieging the Ming Sect, it has to be said that there are some reasons for Chengkun.


Cheng Kun even had his jaw shaken off by Gai Nie, and he couldn't say a word, so he could only nod in horror.

"Kill it."

Huan Zheng understated it as if he had stepped on an ant, swept past Cheng Kun and walked inside.


Cheng Kun instantly turned into a desperate trapped beast, and his eyes gradually turned into a desperate dead gray.

Laugh at!

Gai Nie lightly pointed through Cheng Kun's eyebrows, this conspirator who had been calculating for most of his life died silently in the Bright Top Forbidden Land, and no one would pay attention to his death.

After walking not far away, Ying Zheng found gunpowder all over the ground, and it seemed that Cheng Kun had studied the structure of the mountain.

These gunpowders were placed by him at the key places of the mountain structure in the forbidden land, and once detonated, the gunpowder exploded the key places of the mountain structure, causing a chain reaction that would cause the entire mountain to collapse, causing all the Mingjiao believers on the top of the light to die in the mountain.

It can be seen how deep Cheng Kun's hatred for Yang Dingtian is, Yang Dingtian died because of him, he hates Wu and Wu and wants to destroy the Ming Sect.

The passage in the forbidden land is like an underground labyrinth, but fortunately, the god of Ying Zheng can see it very clearly in a radius of kilometers, no matter what kind of maze, he can find the right passage.

After a blaze of incense, the passage suddenly changed, as if from a rough room into a finely decorated house, this 100-meter-long passage was paved with bluestone floor tiles on the ground, and there was a night pearl every three zhang on the wall, illuminating the passage like day.

In the outside world of the valuable night pearl here roughly counted there are fifty or sixty, these night pearls are deeply sunk into the wall, if you want to take it down, it will definitely damage the pearl, from the priceless to worthless, I think this is also the reason why Cheng Kun did not take the night pearl down.

Walking through this hundred-meter-long passage, you are greeted by a huge gate three feet high and two feet wide, and the door is faintly shining with gold and iron, which is actually an iron gate made of metal, directly blocking the passage.

With a sweep of his thoughts, he knew that this iron gate was far more than three feet high and two feet wide, and the iron gate was deeply plunged into the cave wall above and below, left and right, and all of them added up to at least seven or five feet wide.

If you want to enter the iron gate, unless you know how to open it, or burst the two-meter-thick iron door.

"This iron gate is only afraid that it exceeds 100,000 catties, even the grandmaster master cannot break it." Shi Yao observed the iron gateway.

This iron door weighs more than 100,000 catties, it is very smooth, there seems to be no gap at a glance, if it is destroyed by external forces, at least a grandmaster is needed, and the grandmaster is not able to break through in a short time.

However, how many great masters can there be in the comprehensive martial arts world?


Ying Zheng stepped forward casually, and the passages where his eyes reached trembled violently, and dust fell.

A palm was handed out lightly, as if shaking hands with someone, and the thunderous voice in the passage rumbled, and the chapter of Yingzheng was lightly printed on the iron door.


A dull sound like a morning bell and a drum sounded, and the iron gate did not move at all.

"What's the situation? Can't the kings even break it? Is there something else wonderful about this iron gate? Shi Yao and Gai Nie were stunned, and the next moment, the two froze, their eyes full of disbelief.

Ying Zheng blew lightly, and this iron gate was like a sand-filled castle on the beach, and a member turned into a pile of iron powder and fell, leaving a pile of metal powder on the ground.

Gai Nie let out a long breath, the king is indeed a great king, I am far from it.

As a martial arts celestial, he seems to have more fun to burst ten such iron gates in one go, but it is more difficult than ascending to the sky to beat this iron gate seven zhang high and five zhang wide with one palm like Ying Zheng.

Of course, he knows what the principle is, because he can also do it when he kills, a palm is printed on the person's body, and the wound is not visible on the outside, but in fact, all the internal organs have been shaken by the force of the shock.

However, how fragile people's internal organs are, the shock force required to shatter the internal organs is very light, far from being comparable to the shock force of shattering the iron gate.

Stepping into the iron gate, inside is a large prototype stone room, about 20 feet in diameter, and a starry sky map is pasted on the dome of the stone room, and at first glance, it seems that through the stone room, you can see the starry sky of Haohang.

In the center of the stone room, there were two skeletons lying in each other's arms, and the clothes on the skeletons were not yet rotten, and it could be seen that they were a man and a woman.

Shi Yao's eyes revealed a hint of envy: "Death will die together, pity how deep the relationship between these two people is." "

Ying Zheng's face was strange when he heard this, if you knew that Mrs. Yangdingtian was snatched by Yangdingtian, Mrs. Yangdingtian brought a green hat to Yangdingtian, and Yangdingtian died because he saw the green hat go crazy, I don't know if he would think so.

However, Ying Zheng has not broken the truth, and it is good that people sometimes have more illusions.

Approaching the two skeletons, he saw that the woman was holding a shining dagger in her right hand and sticking it into her chest.

Cheng Kun and Mrs. Yang had a private meeting in the secret passage and found out to Yang Dingtian, who was angry and died in a fire, and Lady Yang killed herself with a dagger. _

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