Walking up to the man's skeleton, he saw a sheepskin and a letter spread out next to his hand that had turned into dry bones.

The approximate content of the letter is that the Ming Sect leader will go to the Persian General Altar to welcome back the Holy Fire Order after the great transfer of Qiankun, so that Xie Xun can temporarily take the position of the sect leader.

As for the sheepskin, it is a big move.

"Great King, is this parchment a great move?" Gai Nie asked suspiciously.

Ying Zheng nodded: "In fact, it is not such a profound martial art, but after all, it is a martial art that only the Ming Sect leader can learn, and after learning it, and then save the Ming Sect from despair, the Ming Sect is basically in control." "

Gai Nie and Shi Yao looked at each other a few times, and suddenly became dizzy, Shi Yao shook his head and said: "Great King, this parchment seems to be all Persian, I can't understand it, how to learn?" "

Ying Zheng moved the Qiankun on the parchment from beginning to end, and suddenly, the Demon Prison Xuan Fetus vibrated endlessly through the magic bell, and a golden body pattern of a Persian god appeared on the wall of the bell, this Persian god was sometimes angry, sometimes smiling, and the running route of the Qiankun Great Movement on the golden body was undoubtedly revealed.

The first layer... The second layer... The third layer... The fifth layer... The sixth layer... The eighth layer... The ninth floor...

Qiankun Great Transfer is divided into seven realms, the first layer takes seven years, the second layer doubles, so it is more and more difficult, the creator of the secret code himself only practiced to the sixth layer, and those who have learned to the seventh layer are really ancient and modern.

Moreover, the seventh layer is only a theoretical realm, with cleverness, despite his imagination, strive to change, and no one has cultivated to the seventh layer.

The previous generations of sect masters only Yang Dingtian and the fifth generation of sect masters cultivated to the fifth layer, and they were already rare masters in the world.

And the Demon Prison Xuan Fetal Sutra actually deduced the Qiankun Great Transfer to the twelfth layer, that is, the creator of the Qiankun Great Transfer was stunned when he saw that this was much optimized, and the Qiankun Great Transfer that was deduced to the twelfth layer was stunned.

Ying Zheng naturally also cultivated to the twelfth layer.

After all, Ying Zheng is a man who cultivates his Transformation Dafa and the Demon Prison Xuan Fetus Sutra, and the creator of these two exercises is the Perfect World Barren Heavenly Emperor, and the other is the Immortal Monarch of the Emperor Venerable World Immortal Realm, the grade is more than ten million times higher than that of Qiankun Great Shift, and his vision is naturally high and boundless, so this Qiankun Great Movement is not very profound in his eyes.

However, after all, it is the top practice in the comprehensive martial arts world, and Qiankun Great Shift has nine characteristics, including stimulating the maximum potential, gathering the principles of martial arts, imitating the opponent's martial arts, creating opponents' flaws, accumulating strength, sticking palm power, pulling and shifting enemy strength, converting yin and yang qi, and using strength to fight.


Just when Huan Zheng entered the stone room, Wang Zongchao and Xiao Zhonghua were in the valley, I don't know what kind of means Xiao Rong used, and in less than a day, they were like a couple with Zhang Wuxing.

Zhang Wuji is actually a pure love boy, born in the island of ice and fire to live a primitive life, after stepping into Middle-earth, he was lost as a child, Zhongxuan God palm cold poison life is in danger, and then studied medicine in butterflies, twenty-year-old he lived ninety percent of his time in a place isolated from the world.

Suddenly met a beautiful woman who is proficient in psychology such as Xiao Rong, and Xiao Rong is good at releasing his own feminine charm, and being with Zhang Wuji makes him like a spring breeze, subtly increasing his status in Zhang Wuji's heart, and in less than a day, Xiao Rong's status in Zhang Wuji's heart is almost comparable to Zhou Zhiruo's status in his heart.

"Mowgli, now all the upper and lower passes of the Bright Top are occupied by the forces of the various gate factions, we do not belong to the various gate factions, and if we want to go to the Bright Peak, we will definitely be besieged by the various gate factions as Mingjiao people, and it is difficult to go to the Bright Peak."

Xiao Rong and Zhang Wuji fought each other, they were not intimate, and they almost bit their ears when they spoke.

"Rong'er, can this passage lead directly to the top of the light?" Zhang Wuji glanced at the deep passage and wondered.

Xiao Rong nodded gently: "As far as I know, this is the forbidden place of the Ming Sect, from here you can go directly to the Bright Peak, the Lion King is likely to be at the Bright Top now, where you may be able to meet your righteous father." "

Wang Zongchao in front suddenly warned in a low voice: "Everyone be careful!" The Mingjiao forbidden land must be full of trap mechanisms. "

When Zhang Wuji heard this, he immediately stepped forward, blocked in front of Xiao Rong with his body, and said softly: "Rong'er, you try to be behind me, I will protect you." "

Xiao Rong bit her red lips lightly, and a hint of shame appeared on her beautiful face.

In her twenties, she has only talked to one boyfriend, and although she is a public relations manager, she has never had improper public relations.

People's hearts are made of flesh, and she is not a scumbag, even if a stone is covered by someone from the heart, her heart is not a stone.

Zhang Wuji was sincere with her, but she was lying to Zhang Wuji from beginning to end, which made her extremely guilty.

"Xiao Rong." Xiao Zhonghua in the back inadvertently coughed lightly, her body shook, and said coquettishly: "Wuji, you protect me like this, my heart is so warm." "

Zhang Wuji's face turned red, becoming cramped and uneasy, and he blushed and whispered, "This is what I should do." "

"This fox is very powerful." Jing Keer muttered in a low voice.

Xiao Yan's face habitually appeared licking dog-like smile: "Sister Ke'er, I think you are more powerful than her." "

"Get out!"


After walking hundreds of meters, the brows of the old people of the Huaxia team were tightly furrowed, according to their expectations, nine out of nine of the Bright Top Forbidden Land would have trap mechanisms, but so far, they had not triggered a single mechanism.

Wang Zongchao's face was solemn: "Everyone pay attention, maybe another team in the main god space has arrived in the forbidden land, and the organs in the forbidden space may have been broken by all of them, so we didn't encounter the trap of the organ." "

Saying that, Wang Zongchao's heart moved, and he already had an extra big gun with a simple style in his hand.

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