Cause and Effect Buddha Light!

Ying Zheng stepped into the threshold of great causation.

In the process of comprehending the Great Karma, the color of his whole body changed into red gold, and one after another Buddha kingdoms appeared all around him, becoming clearer and clearer, and even golden Buddha spirits appeared in it, and Brahma chanting sounded around him.? Nan no Aliye, the other side of the three poroyes, the south no Yedoye..." These Buddha spirits sang scriptures that no one could understand.?

"Not good! I realized that the great causal art is too brave and refined, and the power of cause and effect interferes with the taboo of creation, and when it is refined, my heart will be devilish, and if I can't surrender, I will turn nirvana into dust. "

A thought flashed through Ying Zheng's mind.

Ying Zheng took the operation of the power of cause and effect to the extreme, and suddenly rushed upward, and tens of millions of trillions of lotus flowers immediately appeared above his body, showing a thousand colors, spreading out, transforming the Buddha Kingdom into a pure land.?

"I understand cause and effect, all causes are karma, the line of cause and effect, although billions of time and space can not be blocked, although the ancient future, but can not be extinguished..."


On his head, a huge lotus fetus, condensed and formed, like flesh and blood, and like glass, burning a glazed pure fire in it.

This glazed pure fire, slowly burned down, so that Ying Zheng's body turned into a glazed color.??

Flesh and blood changed into glass.

This is the glazed glazed pure fire, which is the Buddha realm of the eternal life world, and some great Buddhas can only emit when they are nirvana.

Once burned, the whole body turns into blue smoke.

Ying Zheng reached the most critical juncture in his cultivation of the Great Karma Art, and actually produced a glazed pure fire from the power of cause and effect to quench the body.

The moment the great causal technique is completed, from the power of cause and effect, this flame will be born, tempering the body, and once it can cross it, it will condense the flesh and transform into the body of the glazed ancient Buddha, and the Vajra is not bad, clear and flawless.

Once it can't be crossed, it will turn into green smoke nirvana, but even if it crosses the past, the king of heart demons will come, and it is even possible to give birth to the first heart demon.

"May I be like glass in my next life, clear inside and out, and pure and immaculate when I attain Bodhi..."

A grand Buddha voice sounded in Ying Zheng's heart, it seemed that Ying Zheng could completely become a Buddha by pronouncing this sentence, but as soon as his mind moved, he spoke: "May I in this life, when I ascend to the heavens and emperors, sweep through the six and eight wastes, invincible in heaven and earth, all heavens and worlds, nine heavens and ten earths, all surrender!" "

Ying Zheng was completely wrapped in the glazed pure fire, his whole body was bathed in flames, as if he had been reborn from nirvana, and as if he was sitting quietly and comprehending, his face did not have a trace of pain, but with him as the center, countless spaces were melted.

At this moment, Ying Zheng seemed to be making a big wish, and his last words when he was dying were shocking.

The next moment, behind Ying Zheng, a pitch-black shadow suddenly appeared, this lacquer shadow was exactly the same as Ying Zheng's face, and the breath of the whole body was the same as Ying Zheng.

It seems that there is a second win, which concentrates all the evil, dark, cruel, and violent winning.?

As soon as the black shadow Yingzheng appeared, he let out a strange laugh, and then bombarded Yingzheng's body with a punch.?

This punch is almost equivalent to the entire strength of the heyday of the Yue Zheng, and one blow can cover a hundred miles.


At this moment, Ying Zheng's body changed sharply again, the color of his whole body slowly turned purple and gold, one Buddha country after another slowly transformed into one world after another, becoming clearer and clearer, and even the golden Buddha spirit that appeared in it was also transformed into the people of Daqin, gods, demons, demons, and people prayed around him.

Altars appeared in the world, and in the altar stood a tall statue, which looked like a victorious government,

Wearing a nine-dragon crown on his head, wearing a black dragon robe, holding the ancestral dragon sword on his waist, and holding a black water dragon flag in one hand, the banner is on display.

Countless people worshiped, chanted, prayed, and kowtowed around the statue on the altar, and the clouds and mist stirred in the agitation, the divine light rose, and the statue lingered, and the black water dragon flag seemed to float faintly.

Countless people kowtowed, prayed, and the sound waves vibrated between heaven and earth, chanting a name together.

First Emperor!

The heavens and realms, countless races, the people of Daqin, billions of living beings, human races, demon races, god races, demon races, ghost races, hundreds of millions of races, worshiping the first emperor's altar statue in all heavens and realms, how magnificent is this scene?

The peaceful atmosphere of the surrounding body of the victorious government has also become a solemn and solemn atmosphere, which is shocking.

Suddenly, all the statues of Yingzheng in these heavens and realms opened their eyes in unison, looked at Yingzheng's heart demon, and slapped out their palms in unison, filling the heavens and the earth, turning the void into reality.


That Yingzheng Heart Demon was beaten into billowing black smoke, but the next moment, it condensed and formed, and it could not be worn out.

"Boom... Yingzheng, I am the first emperor of the heart demon, the emperor of the heart demon, the emperor of the heart demon, surrender me, surrender me is to surrender yourself, I will lead you to the top of the heavens. "

The demons of the Zhengzheng Heart condensed, stepping on the black smoke, billowing like a tide, towering over the heavens and the earth.

"Damn the Demon!"

The people of the billions of the world roared in unison.


The demons exploded in vain, the demonic energy dissipated, and disappeared without a trace.

Big cause and effect is small!

Ying Zheng opened his eyes, stood up, his eyes were deep, and he saw a force of cause and effect, as if it were a silk thread emanating from his body.

Ying Zheng grabbed it casually, gently flicked, the line of cause and effect trembled slightly, and along the trembling line of cause and effect, Ying Zheng saw the owner of this line of cause and effect.

It was actually Wei Zhuang.

At this time, Wei Zhuang did not have the cold and arrogant appearance of the past, half lying on the threshold, with his hair scattered, his beard pulled, his eyes were full of wine, holding a bottle of wine in his hand, and from time to time he looked up to the sky to drink a large mouthful, extremely decadent. _

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