After Gai Nie reported to Huan Zheng, he saved Wei Zhuang with Huan Zheng's permission, and since learning that Han had been destroyed and Han Fei met Huan Zheng in Xianyang, Wei Zhuang used wine every day to relieve his worries.

Next to Wei Zhuang was Red Lotus, looking at Wei Zhuang with a distressed face, and gently wiped his face with a water-stained towel.

Wei Zhuang glanced at Red Lotus and smiled bitterly: "Red Lotus, a man like me is no longer worthy of your love, you can marry a better man." "

Hong Lian shook her head gently: "Wei Zhuang, you promised me that you would marry me, and you haven't fulfilled your promise." "

"Alive... Saved by Gai Nie, who served the Qin Kingdom, I was alive, and I lost Han's last hope..." A sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of Wei Zhuang's mouth.

Wei Zhuang, who is still young, is the most spirited time, and he wants to defeat Gai Nie in everything, but in the end, he was actually saved by Gai Nie, and he was saved without any resistance.

Huan Zheng's heart moved, slightly fiddling with the line of cause and effect, Wei Zhuang suddenly smashed the wine bottle in his hand, hugged the red lotus, and blamed himself: "I'm really not a man!" I actually want you to explain, almost failed a woman who has always been in love with me! "

The change in Wei Zhuang's attitude made Hong Lian unguarded, her body first stiffened, the towel in her hand fell to the ground, and the next moment, she wrapped her arms around Wei Zhuang, rested her chin on Wei Zhuang's shoulder, tears couldn't stop flowing, silent sobs.

Wei Zhuang scolded himself, he originally thought of finding an opportunity to leave Xianyang in a few days and wander the world, but just now, he suddenly changed his attention.

Yes, he promised to marry Red Lotus.

The red lotus has always been in love with herself, but she has left, how can she be worthy of this red lotus?

Even if you don't think about yourself, you must think about the red lotus early.

"Red Lotus, choose an auspicious day of the zodiac, I will come to the door to raise a kiss and marry you."

Wei Zhuang stretched out Red Lotus's shoulders and said firmly word by word.

He did not feel the slightest abnormality, as if all actions and thoughts came from the heart.


Red Lotus nodded heavily, and the jade hand covered her lips, only feeling that all the grievances she had received before were not important at this moment.

Ying Zheng smiled slightly, the feeling of adult beauty is not bad.

It is worthy of the great causal art, as long as anyone is known by him, or knows him, he can erect a causal line in both times, and control a person silently through the causal line.

And he can also rely on the causal line causal fist, the punch will be hit, and the middle fist will die.

This is still Xiaocheng's big causal technique.

If the Great Causal Art is complete, with a single movement, he can cross the heavens and kill anyone who is mastered by him.

Of course, erecting and compiling fruit lines can only control those who are inferior to him in cultivation and do things that are not unexpected and reasonable for them.

If the cultivation is the same as or higher than the victory, it is difficult to control them, and they can only be controlled by influencing them through great causation, or it takes more time to control them.

If Ying Zheng controls a person through great causation, anything he does or says, they will think that they are doing what they want to do, what they want to say, and they will never realize that they are controlled.

Just like Wei Zhuang, he originally wanted to stay away from the red lotus, but because he was moved by the "affection of the red lotus", he stayed with the red lotus and wanted to marry him.

Even if Huan Zheng wanted Wei Zhuang to commit suicide, he would only think that his heart was like a dead ash, and he would not be able to live, and he would commit suicide immediately.

The most terrifying thing, Wei Zhuang would only think that this was his true thoughts.

The way of cause and effect is so strange and unpredictable.

Ying Zheng grasped another causal thread at will.

Is there a causal line of solitude and defeat?

"Oh? When did Dugu Quest for Defeat accept an apprentice? "

Dugu Qiu sat on the futon, his eyes slightly closed, while a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy was practicing swords.

Ying Zheng gently waved, and Dugu suddenly opened his eyes for defeat: "Wufeng, you come over." "

Xiahou Wufeng wiped the sweat on his forehead, collected his sword and walked over.

"Wufeng, do you know what Dugu Jiujian is?" Dugu asked for defeat and said lightly.

The philosophy of his followers is that the master leads the door, and the practice depends on the individual, eclectic, and does not want the apprentice to follow his own path.

But just now, on a whim, he suddenly wanted to tell Xiahou Wufeng about Dugu Jiujian.

"Dugu Jiu Sword is Master's original sword technique, paying attention to the enemy's first opportunity, and it is the ultimate change of moves..." Xia Hou Wufeng said, saying what he knew in one breath.

Dugu nodded slightly: "Do you know what Master Wei did before practicing swords?" "

Xiahou Wufeng blinked his eyes and wondered, "The apprentice can't guess anything out of thin air." "

Dugu Qiu smiled lightly: "For the first five generations of teachers, they were all storytellers. "


Ying Zheng was stunned, the sword demon Dugu was actually a storyteller before practicing the sword? It really surprised him.

Xiahou Wufeng was stunned to look at Dugu seeking defeat, a generation of great masters of swordsman, who would have thought that he was actually a storyteller?

Dugu slowly got up after seeking defeat: "When he was sixteen years old, he replaced his father as a storyteller in the restaurant, although he could not be rich, but it was enough to maintain his life. "

"When I was eighteen years old, I came into contact with swordsmanship, and it was useless for you to know the hidden secrets, and a year later, one day, after I stepped down from the stage to practice swordsmanship, I suddenly thought, can there be a connection between swordsmanship and storytelling?"

Xiahou Wufeng frowned and said nothing: "The story... and sword art, this is clearly a matter that is not related to the wind and horses. "

Lonely Seeking Defeat glanced at Xiahou Wufeng: "In the eyes of the master, the essence of the sword technique and the story is the same, basically so the first step for a person who practices swords to contact the sword is to be familiar with the sword moves, and familiarizing the order of the sword moves is the first step in kendo." "_

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