Bailixi, during the reign of Daqin, assisted Qin Mugong, advocated civilization and indoctrination, implemented the policy of "giving heavy to the people", and cultivated national affairs internally, sought hegemony externally, opened up thousands of miles of land, and dominated Xirong, which was the beginning of the rise of Daqin, making Daqin one of the five hegemons of Spring and Autumn.

Shang Martingale, the implementation of the Shang Martingale Reform Law, the reform of the Qin state's household registration, military meritorious titles, land system, administrative divisions, taxation, weights and measures............ and many other measures, opened the accumulation of the remnants of the sixth emperor of Daqin.

When Zhang Yi was the prime minister of Daqin, Daqin was hostile to the countries outside the Guanxi and fought against Daqin with a combination of verticals, while Zhang Yi lobbied the princely states to break the alliance and vertical.

At the time of his illness, he greatly expanded the territory of Daqin.

Fan Yu, when he was the face of Daqin, proposed a long-distance friendship and close attack.

These sages and ministers have all made great contributions to the current glory of Daqin.

"Honor the sages!"

The courtiers drank it all.

"This fourth cup of wine, the widow should honor the ministers, Huo Qubing, Wang Yi, Meng Xiao, Wei Yanzi, Lu Buwei, Xiao He, Li Si, Zhao Gao, Beiyugong, Zhang Handan, Yuan Tiangang..."

Huan Zheng proposed more than twenty names one by one, such as Xiao He, Li Si and others thought that Huan Zheng would not propose their names, but they did not expect that Huan Zheng still remembered them, and suddenly his eyes became red, and a feeling of dying for his confidant hit his heart.

"With your assistance and hard work, Daqin was able to destroy the six countries and unify the world, honoring you!"

"Honor yourself!"

Huan Zheng poured himself the last glass of wine and took a deep breath: "This last glass of wine, the widow will pay tribute to the former enemies of King Han, King Zhao, King Wei, King of Qi, King Yan, and King Chu, the oligarchs have stepped on their corpses to the present, and the widows will also honor the future enemies, they will eventually fall at the feet of the widow, let the widow go higher!" "

"Respect the enemies!"

Soon, hundreds of chamberlains came in to take away the wine glasses, and as soon as Huan Zheng sat down, the lieutenant of the lord came out to Huo Qubing, Meng Xiao, Wang Chui, and others to ask for merit and ask for a reward from Huo Zheng.

Of course, this is just a process, about all aspects of the reward, everyone in the Lord Lieutenant's Mansion has been ready for a long time, and then he has asked the government to be instructed, and everything is ready.

"The three great generals who destroy the Six Kingdoms are the great reward!"

Huan Zheng glanced at the three and announced lightly: "Huo Qubing, led the army to destroy Zhao Guolianpo's 300,000-strong army, defeated the allied forces of various countries outside Handan City, and led the army alone to destroy Qi. Daqin swept away the great enemy, opened up the territory, helped Daqin complete the great cause of unifying the world, and became the Marquis of Che, the Marquis of Champions! "

"Huo Qubing, you champion Hou is famous."

Huo Zheng looked at Huo Qubing with a smile.

Qunchen was not surprised that Huo Qubing was not surprised by Huo Qubing, after all, Huo Qubing's merit deserved this reward.

Huo Qu's heart was tough, and he was also a little excited at this time, and hurriedly bowed down: "Minister Huo Qu disease, King Xie bestowed, in this life, he will definitely live up to the high expectations of the king and become the marquis of the whole army!" "

"Don't worry, there is."

Huan Zheng smiled: "Reward the fields and thousands of tilts, the house is thousands of tilts, and the wolf smoke essence ride is still under your command, which can be expanded from 10,000 to 50,000." "

This time, Qunchen was a little surprised, and the marquis was expected, but it was unexpected to let Huo Qubing expand the Wolf Smoke Essence Ride to fifty thousand.

You know, the Wolf Smoke Essence Horse was originally the strongest cavalry in Daqin, and Huo Qubing turned the grassland upside down by relying only on the Wolf Smoke Essence Rider, and finally calmed the grassland.

Such a cavalry, not only did not restrict it, but continued to let Huo Qubing continue to command, and let him expand his personnel, which could not be described as unfavorable.

Huo Qubing was even more surprised: "Thank you King!" "

Huan Zheng nodded slightly: "Meng Xiao, lead the army to destroy Korea, the Yan Kingdom, defeat the allied forces of various countries outside Handan City, sweep away the great enemy for Daqin, open up the territory, help Daqin complete the great cause of unifying the world, and seal the Marquis of Che, as the Marquis of Wufeng!" "

"Admire the fields and thousands of tilts, the houses are thousands of tilts, and the golden fire cavalry spreads to fifty thousand, and they are still the leader of the Meng clan."

"Wang Yi, lead the army to destroy the State of Chu, destroy the 350,000 army of Li Mu of the State of Zhao, defeat the allied forces of various countries outside Handan City, sweep away the great enemy for Daqin, open up the territory, help Daqin complete the great cause of unifying the world, and make him the Marquis of Wucheng!"

"Thousands of heavenly fields, thousands of houses and courtyards, a hundred battles armor-piercing soldiers spread to 50,000, still under the leadership of the Wang clan"

Marquis! Marquis! Marquis!

Three marquis in one day.

Hou Ye of Daqin changed from one to four.

Rao was expected by Qunchen, and his heart was not calm at the moment.

As long as it is a general of Great Qin, there is no one who does not want to be marquised.

The twentieth-rank military meritorious title system, the twentieth-rank Marquis of Che, is the yearning of all generals, but Daqin's reward for Marquis Che is too strict, so that since the Shang Martingale Law so far, only four people have been knighted, and there is only one Hou Ye who is still alive in Daqin.

Most importantly, Ying Zheng obviously still trusted these three people very much, these three were not the nominal Hou Ye, but Hou Ye who still commanded 50,000 elite soldiers even in non-wartime.

Before the Wolf Smoke Essence Horse, the Golden Fire Cavalry and the Hundred Battles Armor Piercing Corps were the two most elite legions in Daqin, which was well known, and now, Ying Zheng actually handed over the three most elite legions to Huo Qubing, the Meng clan, and the Wang clan, such a gift surprised the courtiers.

You know, although the previous golden fire cavalry and the armor-piercing soldiers of a hundred battles were labeled as the Meng clan and the Wang clan, in fact, they still needed the tiger talisman of victory to mobilize these two legions, and now the reward of the victorious government means that they no longer need the tiger talisman of the victorious government to mobilize the legion.

Even the old empress Huayang frowned slightly, feeling that Ying Zheng trusted them too much, and loyalty needed to be shackled. _

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