Some rebels, not the rebels have the idea of rebellion at the beginning, perhaps they were also very loyal at the beginning, but because they have great power and strong power, they gradually rise up to be submissive, and thus rebel.

The courtiers stopped talking, and the old empress Huayang spoke:

"Great King, is the reward too heavy?"

Huan Zheng glanced at the old empress Huayang and spoke: "The oligarchs have been thinking about this matter for a long time, and there is no doubt about the use of people, and the doubters do not need to use them, since the oligarchs are assured to hand over the legion to their command, it means that the oligarchs believe in them." "

Huo Qubing will never betray the government.

And the Meng clan and the Wang clan had long proven their loyalty to Daqin, and besides, Ying Zheng was confident that he could control them.

Ying Zheng's voice was flat, but Qunchen could see Ying Zheng's firmness, and it was obvious that as he said, this time was considered for a long time, not an impulsive move.

Even the elder of the old empress dowager Huayang did not listen to the words of the victorious government, and these courtiers of them would not listen to the words of the victorious government, even if they questioned and dissuaded, and contradicted the victory, it was useless, but evil the victory.

Wei Yanzi frowned slightly, thinking that he would definitely dissuade Yu Zheng after the meeting.

He also did not have a feud with Huo Qubing, and from his point of view, it was not beneficial for the general to have a crack army that was not controlled by anyone except the victorious government.

"Chenwang Chui, King Xie confers!"

"Minister, King Xie bestows!"

Huan Zheng flipped his hand, and two Qilin Seven Force Fruits appeared in his hand: "These are two divine fruits, after taking them, they will immediately become martial arts heavenly people, Wang Yi, Mengqiao, and the widow will also give it to you." "

"As for Huo Qubing, you have already achieved martial arts heavenly beings, and this kind of divine fruit is useless to you."

Ying Zheng's words shocked the hearts of the ministers in the hall, and their eyes looked at the fruit in Ying Zheng's hands with fiery eyes.

What is Martial Arts Tenren?

That is the existence of one person town country, one person destroying the country!

The lifespan can reach hundreds.

Heavenly beings in general.

Even when martial arts were at their most prosperous, it was the existence of the pinnacle of martial arts.

Now, a fruit can actually make people become martial arts celestials?

The shock in Qunchen's heart was incomparable, and he gradually became urgent.

Wang Yi, Meng Xiao took the fruit, took it without hesitation, and as soon as the two of them burst out with majestic, vast momentum, and the aura like substance instantly enveloped the huge Qilin Hall, bringing unimaginable oppression to the group.

Huan Zheng raised his hand and flicked it gently, Wang Qiu, the terrifying momentum that could not be suppressed by Mengqiao's body immediately disappeared, and at the same time, the faces of the two became younger with the naked eye.

Because Meng Xiao had eaten the turtle rescue given by Ying Zheng, he had recovered his middle-aged appearance, and now he has become younger, with black hair like a waterfall, and a heroic appearance, which is similar to his appearance in his twenties.

And Wang Chui, white hair turned into black hair, his appearance also returned to his twenties, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, full of sharp energy.

Qunchen was in a daze: "This is Meng Xiao and Wang Qi?" "

The two felt their own strength, ecstatic, and bowed down together: "Thank you for the gift of the king!" "

Except for a few people who knew that Ying Zheng had a fruit that could make people become martial arts heavenly beings, the ministers basically heard about the existence of this fruit for the first time, and it was like a dream for a while.

"Listen to the seal!"

"The minister is here!"

Wei Yanzi looked solemn.

Because he did not have military merit, he could not be knighted, but the conferral in other aspects was stronger, and similarly, there was also a Qilin Seven Power Fruit.

"Xiao He is out!"

"The minister is here!"

He also got the Qilin Seven Power Fruit, and the two became martial arts celestials in front of everyone in the Qilin Hall.

Next, Meng Wu, Meng Tian, Wang Bian, Wang Li, Li Si, Zhao Gao, Beiyugong, Zhang Handan, Yuan Tiangang, Yingbu, Ji Bu, Xiahou Ying, Fan He, Zhou Bo, Cao Shen... All received different rewards.

The various fruit rewards with different effects dazzled the courtiers and were extremely eager to see them.

At this moment, Li Si suddenly appeared: "Since the decline of the Zhou Dynasty, the princes have risen, the land of Zhuxia has been torn apart, and it has fallen into hundreds of years of war, Qin, Chu, Han, Qi... Nations stand side by side. "

"And since the great king ascended the throne, he showed the power of the most holy king, led the Great Qin to destroy the kingdoms, ruled the world, ended the war that lasted for hundreds of years, kept the people of the world away from the fires of war, and made Daqin the first unified empire in the history of the summers.

"Therefore, the minister thought that the title of king was far from enough to describe the honor of the great king."

Huan Zheng nodded slightly: "What do the ministers think should be replaced with?" "

Li Si immediately said: "In ancient times, there were emperors, emperors of the earth, and emperors of Thailand, and the emperor of Thailand was the most expensive, so you can change the "king" to "the emperor of Thailand", and honor the king as the emperor of Thailand!" "

"The Emperor?" Ying Zheng's face was indifferent, and the ministers could not see whether Ying Zheng was satisfied with this title, and they put forward their own suggestions.

Wei Yanzi glanced at Qilin and pondered for a while: "The great king has a unicorn with him, and the unicorn has accompanied many saints since the Yellow Emperor, and he also once said that the great king is an unprecedented most holy king, it is better to honor the great king as a holy king!" "

Ying Zheng also nodded slightly: "What other suggestions do you have for ranking?" "

Xiao He said: "Since the history of Zhuxia since ancient times, to the present, there are many honorific names, and originally there were three emperors, the emperor of the earth, and the emperor of the three tribes, the most noble, and also the lord of the summers, and the emperor was the most honorable at that time. "

"And after the three emperors, there are five emperors, and the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor led the bear tribe to defeat many tribes, became the lord of the summers, and called himself the emperor, thus opening the era of the five emperors, in that era, the emperor was the most honorable title."

Later, Xia Yu established the Xia Dynasty, and the Xia Dynasty monarchs were titled with the word "Hou", such as Houqi, Houshaokang, and Houning, which was the most honorable title of the Xia Dynasty. "_

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