"Later, Shang Shang Tang established the Shang Dynasty, honored the ancestor Di Xuan, and the ancestor and the heavenly god were one, such as Di Tai Yi, Di Yi, Di Zu Geng, Di Wuding Di Yi, Di Xin, in that era, Emperor became the most honorable honorific title."

"In the end, King Wu of Zhou established the Zhou Dynasty, and did not dare to call himself emperor, but only dared to call him king, so Wang became the most honorable title for the king of that era."

"And the honorific title of king has lasted for eight hundred years, and after the decline of the Zhou Dynasty, the princes have called each other king, the king of Qi, the king of Yan, the king of Chu... And Daqin now destroys the kingdoms, unifies the summers, brings order and peace to the summers, and the three emperors, the five emperors, Xia Qi, Shang Tang, and King Wu of Zhou are also far inferior to the great kings. "

"Since the emperor, emperor, king, and queen are not worthy of the honorific title of the great king, the minister suggested that he could adopt one of the titles, and the minister believed that the emperor was worthy of the honorific title of the great king."

"The minister thinks that the emperor is not bad."

"The minister believes ... Emperors can too. "

"The minister believes ... Empress..."

"The minister believes ... The Queen..."

Wait a minute!

The more he listened, the more wrong he became, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor sounded okay, but what the hell is the emperor, the empress?

Didn't anyone mention the emperor?

Sensing that Ying Zheng's face was becoming more and more displeased, the voices of the ministers gradually calmed down.

Huan Zheng looked at Lu Buwei: "What advice does Father Zhong have?" "

All the ministers looked at Lu Buwei in unison, and he came out and said: "Great King Gong Gao Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Chao Mai Xia Qi, Shang Tang, King Wen of Zhou, simple emperor, emperor, queen, king, definitely cannot match the honorific title of the great king, the minister thinks that the emperor and the emperor should be the two most honorable titles since ancient times, and they can take the names of "emperor" and "emperor" at the same time, and become the emperor, as the most honorable honorific title of Daqin." "

"Daqin was the first country to unify the world, and the Great King was the first emperor, honorific as 'First Emperor'."

An obvious smile appeared on Ying Zheng's face, and he stroked his palm and laughed: "Accurate!" "

Qunchen naturally understood that Ying Zheng was very satisfied with this honorific title.

"First Emperor!"

"First Emperor!"

"First Emperor!"

At the beginning, it was just that the courtiers of the Qilin Hall whispered, gradually, the voice became louder and louder, gradually spread out, the entire Xianyang Palace people began to follow, "First Emperor", the voice was still spreading, gradually, everyone in the entire Xianyang City was responding, shouting "First Emperor", sonic boom

Han Fei looked away from the book and headed in the direction of Xianyang Palace, a look in his eyes: "First Emperor... First, the first, the emperor, the emperor, the most honorable honorific in ancient times, the three emperors of his own merit, the five emperors of Degai? "

He took a long breath: "Worthy of the name, I, convinced!" "

Xiahou Wufeng stopped practicing his sword and was slightly excited: he actually witnessed the birth of the First Emperor Zun. "

At this moment, for the first time in his heart, he had a sense of belonging to Daqin, and he had a sense of honor.

Ying Zheng slowly closed his eyes, and wisps of invisible fluctuations descended from the undetectable space, formless and qualityless, but containing the supreme and noble aura.

What is it?

Under the shroud of this breath, Ying Zheng only felt that he had received the blessing of heaven and earth, as if everything in this realm, heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, cosmic stars and rivers, were all under his control.

Of course, Yingzheng understands that this is just an illusion.

There will be children of luck in every world, and they will be blessed by the luck of a world, of course, the children of luck are also strong and weak, or the qi of an era, or the children of luck who condense all the luck of a world.

For example, Yangshen World, Hong Xuanji and Hong Yi, the former is the son of luck of an era, and the latter is the son of luck of an era.

However, luck is not static, luck can also be fought for by yourself, this kind of thing is mysterious and mysterious, it is impossible to explain it at all, only in the space of qi luck can see substantial luck.

Outside the space of qi luck, it is difficult to see substantial qi luck.

The blessing of luck in this realm is won by himself, and he is now the son of the world in this realm, and doing things in this realm is basically invincible.


Huan Zheng's eyes lit up, stretched out his hand, and disappeared into the void, and the Tai'a sword and the He Shibi that was carved into the Great Qin Jade Seal appeared in his hand.

In vain, the group of ministers calmed down and looked at the Tai'a Sword and He Shibi in Huan Zheng's hand.

The Tai'a sword was forged by the two major sword masters of Ou Yezi and the dry general, and it is said that a meteorite fell from the sky that year, and the two masters were shocked and spent three years to cast this meteorite into the Tai'a sword.

However, the name Tai'a Jian was not given by the two masters, but when the sword was completed, the sword body was naturally engraved with the word "Tai'a".

Later, someone found the book left by Ou Yezi, which explained that the Tai'a sword was not cast by the two masters, but they broke the meteorite and found the Tai'a sword inside.

Some people believe that this sword was forged by two masters, others believe that this sword is born, and the truth may only be clear to the two masters.

This sword was originally obtained by the State of Chu, when the State of Chu was still very weak, and after the State of Jin obtained it, it sent troops to destroy Chu, in order to obtain the treasure of the State of Chu: the Tai'a Sword.

The State of Chu was defeated and retreated, seeing that the State of Chu was about to be destroyed, at the head of the city wall of the capital of the State of Chu, the King of Chu held the sword in both hands and sighed: Tai'a sword, Tai'a sword, I will sacrifice you with my own blood today! So, he drew his sword out of its sheath and pointed it at the enemy.

But I saw the majestic sword qi shooting out, and the sword qi covered the sky outside the city, and the soldiers and horses of the Jin Kingdom were in chaos, and a moment later, the banner was servant, bleeding thousands of miles, and the whole army was destroyed.

After that, the Tai'a sword became the first sword in the world.

But on the day of Ying Zheng's birth, the Tai'a sword, the national treasure of the State of Chu, fell from the sky and fell into Yingzheng's side, and someone tried to pull out the Tai'a sword, but it couldn't be pulled out anyway, even Bai Qi tried, and the Tai'a sword didn't move.

But a few years old Yingzheng was able to easily pull out the Tai'a sword. _

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