"Yan Guo, it's gone?"

Prince Yan Dan's brain exploded, his brain was blank in an instant, and his soul stumbled back, if it weren't for the six-fingered black man supporting him, I'm afraid he would sit on the ground with his ass.

Although he had long known that this day would come sooner or later, when this day really came, Prince Yan Dan still couldn't accept it for a while.

"Beginning... Emperor...... Your Majesty..."

Prince Yan Dan seemed a little embarrassed and asked, "I don't know about King Yan..."

"King Yan surrendered, but your fourth brother was unwilling and fled to establish himself as king, but it was just an ant in front of the wheel." Ying Zheng said indifferently.

Ying Zheng glanced at everyone and said leisurely: "From today onwards, you can go..."

Only then did he find out that Ghost Guzi, Xun Cheng, and Chu Nangong had already achieved martial arts heavenly beings.

"You're not going to kill me?" Prince Yan blurted out.

Huan Zheng glanced at him and sneered, as if he had heard a big joke: "Why kill you?" After you go out, you will know that you, the so-called Prince Yan, will not have any appeal even in Yandi. "

Huan Zheng's words turned sharp, slightly harsh: "Of course, you people who are deeply involved with Yan, Qi, Chu, and Wei, honestly it's okay, if there is any change, think about what the end will be." "

"The six-fingered black man of the Mo family, the hero of the peasant family."

Ying Zheng named names.

Both of them sank slightly in their hearts, thinking that it would be of no benefit to them to call them by Ying Zheng.

"Are you interested in joining Daqin?"

Ying Zheng asked with interest.

The two looked at each other, not knowing how to answer for a while.

Say not to join, it seems a little unlikely, if it is about disciples, the peasant family is definitely the most common family of hundreds of families, and the disciples of the Mo family are not too much, in the era when the summers were divided, there were still two soils to stand on, and now that the summers are unified, Daqin will definitely not let these two develop wantonly.

But if you join, it seems a little unwilling.

Not long ago, the peasant family and the Mo family were considered enemies, but now they have joined in the U-turn?

Huan Zheng said: "The Mo family and the public losers seem to have always been enemies, stretching for hundreds of years. "

The six-fingered black man said in a deep voice: "This is a well-known thing, I don't know what His Majesty the First Emperor means by mentioning this?" "

"The public loser is now serving Daqin, and the public loser is now the Guannei Marquis of Daqin, the nineteenth level of the 20th-class military merit title system of Daqin, and the public loser is the deputy director of the Daqin Shenji Division, with a high position, and the Divine Mechanic Division is independent of Daqin, and only obeys the orders of one person."

Huan Zheng looked at the six-fingered black man: "If you serve Daqin and join the Shenji Division, you can also be the deputy director of the Shenji Division, and if the Mo family contributes to Daqin, the due reward, including knighthood, should be a lot." "

The world is all for profit, and the world is bustling for profit.

In the view of Ying Zheng, things under the sky. The vast majority of people can be driven by profit.

What are the benefits that Daqin can give?






What Yan Guo can give, Daqin can give, and more, what Yan Guo can't give, Daqin can also give, can make you satisfied.

Moreover, the six-fingered black man includes the entire Mo family, and the Yan Kingdom is only a cooperative relationship, although some of them may have a deeper relationship with the Yan Kingdom, but it does not affect that the Mo family is not a diehard loyalist of the Yan Kingdom.

Ying Zheng believes that interests can impress them.

In the Qin period, after the Great Qin ruled the world, why did the Mo family rebel against the Great Qin?

A small part of it was because Prince Yan Dan became the giant son of the Mo family, and the bigger reason was that Daqin did not give enough benefits to the Mo family, but regarded the Mo family as a thief, shouting to kill and fight, and they naturally had to resist.

The Yan princelings only pushed the Mo family's dissatisfaction along the water.

Originally, the disciples of the Mo family were all unscrupulous in all countries, and when Daqin was unified, suddenly the unscrupulous feeling was gone, and they were bound by the law, and their interests were greatly damaged.

Nothing benefits were gained, but the interests were damaged, the ass decided the head, how can the Mo family still be satisfied with Daqin?

In addition, the Mo family is not an ordinary person, their own strength is good, and they also have the skill of organ art, so they naturally want to unite the strength of dissatisfaction with Daqin to make trouble and rain.

And now, Daqin dominates the world, the world has no soil for the Mo family to base itself on development, and the government is strong enough to make anyone despair, promising to give them benefits, giving them a step, and giving them enough face.

Maybe...... Seem...... OK...... Promise?

A huge part of the Mo family's top management thinks like this.






Daqin can give, why not go?

Pay more attention to them than Yan Guo.

The Yan Kingdom gave them land and money, but the titles, official positions, and status were not with them.

The twentieth-rank military merit title system of the Qin State is very classic, and the high-level of the Mo family also knows that more than the sixteenth-rank high-ranking masters are definitely high-level figures of the Great Qin.

Their enemies, the public revenge, are already the nineteenth-rank Guan Nei Marquis, and they are independent of the imperial court and are not controlled by anyone, and the deputy director of the Divine Machinery Division who only obeys the orders of one person is obviously the absolute henchman of Ying Zheng and the absolute high-level of Daqin.

That person is naturally Yingzheng, and the director of the Divine Machinery Division must be Yingzheng.

Their enemies and enemies have all mixed up to this point, and everyone in the Mo family also has a mentality of not admitting defeat in their hearts.

Public losers can do it, why can't we Mojia?

"Six-fingered black man, how?" Ying Zheng asked.

The six-fingered black man glanced back at everyone in the Mo family, and nodded slowly: "Then I will thank His Majesty the First Emperor for the Mo family." "

Ying Zheng pretended to be displeased: "Still 'me'? "

The six-fingered black man suddenly realized, and bowed long: "Minister! For the Mo family, thank His Majesty the First Emperor for love! "

Huan Zheng laughed: "Good! Very good! Six-fingered black man, you are now the deputy director of the Divine Machinery Division! The grudge between the Mo family and the public is known to everyone, but this kind of grudge cannot be brought to the divine machine division, it can compete benignly, but it cannot be viciously suppressed! "_

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